Our Radical Socialist Marxist Communist President

Our Radical Socialist Marxist Communist President

Please tell me - without spin, diversion, denial, name-calling or personal insults - why Obama has more in common with SOCIALIST French President Francois Hollande than with German Chancellor Angela Merkel :

Japan ready to help in euro crisis at G8 talks

The G8 talks at the US presidential retreat of Camp David look set to pit President Barack Obama and newly elected President Francois Hollande, both advocates of pro-growth policies, against German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has championed austerity measures.


Nice try. When did you stop beating your wife?

Your inference that such an association makes Obama a Socialist is a subtle effort to raise the RED SCARE.

Jobs, jobs, jobs can be created by the government by offering contracts to private sector business and industry. Issuing RFP's for private sector concerns to work towards solutions to domestic maladies (drug addiction, teen pregnancy, chronic unemployment, AIDS and other chronic health issues, rebuilding and repairing roads, birdges and our infrastructure, etc. etc.).

Cutting taxes, cutting government (and that means more people on the unemployment lines), i.e. the austerity plan, makes sense only to people who respond to demagoguery and don't think critically.
Obama supporters have taken on his characteristics.
No.....we've always been there.....much unlike you whiney-little-bitch/paranoid Teabaggers.​

May 19, 2012

"In the short term, both China and the US may see this episode as a sign of a maturity in their relationship, as the case of one man did not escalate into a bigger crisis.

But in the long term, it highlights profound differences between a superpower and a rising power on how they view the world."


Early indications are that I'm not going to get a clear and direct answer to my clear and direct question.

I remain hopeful, though!


For some reason I couldn't get an answer to this question on another thread, so I thought I would start a new thread on it. Maybe that will help.

Another poster who absolutely, positively will remain nameless (it was JoeB131) provided some examples of significant actions Obama has taken that used to be considered conservative but that are now used as examples of how Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. Seemed like a reasonable point.

So here's the question: Including the following list of actions, could someone please illustrate why they feel Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist?

  • Continued Bush's Iraq War
  • Continued Bush's Afghanistan War
  • Continued Bush's TARP policies
  • Continued Bush's Auto Bailouts
  • Adopted Romney's Health Plan
  • Kept public option out of Obamacare
  • Wants a top marginal income tax rate of 39.6%

Please explain how you look at the various actions Obama has taken while in office, including the above, that have led you to conclude that he is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. For example, you may think that a top marginal tax rate of 39.6% is the standard communist figure.

And I'm confident you can do this without spin, diversion, denial, name-calling or personal insults.



Obama supporters have taken on his characteristics.

Obama, it is being discovered by all, is not the man we see on the TV. He is not the man we're constantly being told by journalists. The nice guy. The Christian.

One thing that is being discovered is that he lies about just about anything and everything. Because of that his supporters have to constantly rationalize bad acts and embellish his accomplishments. He says one thing then does another. The best tool to use in an indictment of his policies is his own words. He's constantly contradicting himself, yet he calls Romney a flip-flopper.

The problem with Obama, as we're discovering, is that we really don't know anything about him. We don't know what he's made up about his past. We do know that he constantly takes credit for things he's didn't do. He makes up fake girlfriends and it's rationalized away as being a composite.

Oh.....that explains it.

It is a major effort by the media just to keep propping him up. If they wanted to, they could destroy him overnight......but anyone who dares is liable to have their divorce records investigated. Fear of crossing the guy permeates the government and the private sector. Obama is capable of doing just about anything to assure his reelection.

He claims he's such a great wartime president, but he's kept a hiring freeze in place his entire time as president. I've never seen this happen before, and I've been in the service of this nation during Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and now Obama. The Department of Defense at first went about their jobs but kept asking for guidance on changes. Now we've gotten used to the lack of leadership and we're just trying to make it through the next day.

Cut-backs on active-duty personnel has already begun. The Administrations tried to float the idea that the war was over, but yesterday I was told by the post commander that it is far from over. We buried two of our soldiers this week and most of your units aren't even deployed, yet the cuts in personnel is in full force.

The post looks in disrepair. Cut-backs have forced us to resort to using push-mowers to cut the grass on this expansive post. Up until last year the place looked normal, but now everywhere you look the grass is 3 feet high. Roads are falling into disrepair full of pock-holes and cracks. All of the Bush money and Stimulus is gone. Now hard choices have to be made. Choices that we usually don't have to make. The mission goes on. Units are about to be redeployed yet we really don't have the money to do it anymore.

We don't get a paper copy of our pay from the government anymore. In an effort to cut costs the Administrations has cut off all mail deliveries of Leave And Earning Statements, for retired, and DoD employees. This happened with little or no notice. So it looks like if you want to know what you were paid, or how much leave you have you have to access their archaic internet system and print a copy for your records.

I see nothing that says Obama is a rightwinger. I figure we'll see what he really has in mind if he get's reelected. Then he won't give a flying-fuck what we think about it. We'll spend the next four years trying to find a way to get rid of him.

He's certainly not a right-winger. I sure as hell still can't put my finger on him. But why does the Right call him a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist?

Would you agree, then, that calling him a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist is absurd?


I don't know what he is other than a liar.

However, the folks he hires seem to be radicals. They're the ones doing the damage. He's too busy having a good time giving out CMOs, hosting sports teams at the White House, and flying around the world making treaties with other countries we seem to always get the short end of the stick on.

Early indications are that I'm not going to get a clear and direct answer to my clear and direct question.

I remain hopeful, though!


Well, what can you expect from supporters that are unable to be clear and direct.
Socialism is an epic fail all over the planet.

The failure of Socialism has people rioting in the streets of Europe. Meanwhile over in the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, a Communist government abandoned its failed Central planning, state owned ideology in favor of Free markets and private property. And in record time they went from having to import 1 million tons of rice annually to being the second largest exporter of rice on the planet and building a prosperous nation and middle class...no riots in the streets either

Communist dictatorships usually don't put up with them. How far are you willing to go with your "Vietnam Model"? Eyeing those FEMA camps, if Romney wins this November, eh? :eek:
Obama supporters have taken on his characteristics.

Obama, it is being discovered by all, is not the man we see on the TV. He is not the man we're constantly being told by journalists. The nice guy. The Christian.

One thing that is being discovered is that he lies about just about anything and everything. Because of that his supporters have to constantly rationalize bad acts and embellish his accomplishments. He says one thing then does another. The best tool to use in an indictment of his policies is his own words. He's constantly contradicting himself, yet he calls Romney a flip-flopper.

The problem with Obama, as we're discovering, is that we really don't know anything about him. We don't know what he's made up about his past. We do know that he constantly takes credit for things he's didn't do. He makes up fake girlfriends and it's rationalized away as being a composite.

Oh.....that explains it.

It is a major effort by the media just to keep propping him up. If they wanted to, they could destroy him overnight......but anyone who dares is liable to have their divorce records investigated. Fear of crossing the guy permeates the government and the private sector. Obama is capable of doing just about anything to assure his reelection.

He claims he's such a great wartime president, but he's kept a hiring freeze in place his entire time as president. I've never seen this happen before, and I've been in the service of this nation during Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and now Obama. The Department of Defense at first went about their jobs but kept asking for guidance on changes. Now we've gotten used to the lack of leadership and we're just trying to make it through the next day.

Cut-backs on active-duty personnel has already begun. The Administrations tried to float the idea that the war was over, but yesterday I was told by the post commander that it is far from over. We buried two of our soldiers this week and most of your units aren't even deployed, yet the cuts in personnel is in full force.

The post looks in disrepair. Cut-backs have forced us to resort to using push-mowers to cut the grass on this expansive post. Up until last year the place looked normal, but now everywhere you look the grass is 3 feet high. Roads are falling into disrepair full of pock-holes and cracks. All of the Bush money and Stimulus is gone. Now hard choices have to be made. Choices that we usually don't have to make. The mission goes on. Units are about to be redeployed yet we really don't have the money to do it anymore.

We don't get a paper copy of our pay from the government anymore. In an effort to cut costs the Administrations has cut off all mail deliveries of Leave And Earning Statements, for retired, and DoD employees. This happened with little or no notice. So it looks like if you want to know what you were paid, or how much leave you have you have to access their archaic internet system and print a copy for your records.

I see nothing that says Obama is a rightwinger. I figure we'll see what he really has in mind if he get's reelected. Then he won't give a flying-fuck what we think about it. We'll spend the next four years trying to find a way to get rid of him.

He's certainly not a right-winger. I sure as hell still can't put my finger on him. But why does the Right call him a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist?

Would you agree, then, that calling him a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist is absurd?


I don't know what he is other than a liar.

However, the folks he hires seem to be radicals. They're the ones doing the damage.
Gee.....so many details.

Socialism is an epic fail all over the planet.

The failure of Socialism has people rioting in the streets of Europe. Meanwhile over in the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, a Communist government abandoned its failed Central planning, state owned ideology in favor of Free markets and private property. And in record time they went from having to import 1 million tons of rice annually to being the second largest exporter of rice on the planet and building a prosperous nation and middle class...no riots in the streets either

Communist dictatorships usually don't put up with them. How far are you willing to go with your "Vietnam Model"? Eyeing those FEMA camps, if Romney wins this November, eh? :eek:

The only difference between Communism and Socialism is the way they gain power and maintain power.

I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!

Socialism is an epic fail all over the planet.

The failure of Socialism has people rioting in the streets of Europe. Meanwhile over in the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, a Communist government abandoned its failed Central planning, state owned ideology in favor of Free markets and private property. And in record time they went from having to import 1 million tons of rice annually to being the second largest exporter of rice on the planet and building a prosperous nation and middle class...no riots in the streets either

Communist dictatorships usually don't put up with them. How far are you willing to go with your "Vietnam Model"? Eyeing those FEMA camps, if Romney wins this November, eh? :eek:

The only difference between Communism and Socialism is the way they gain power and maintain power.

Gee.....so many details.


I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Because it's the only way they can put a label on him. Obama is a product of a communist, Islamic, Marxist, upbringing and a product of your elitist education system. They're churning these confused idiots out like Islam is churning out radicals in their Madrases.

I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Because it's the only way they can put a label on him. Obama is a product of a communist, Islamic, Marxist, upbringing and a product of your elitist education system. They're churning these confused idiots out like Islam is churning out radicals in their Madrases.

Well, first of all, I'm a strong supporter of the privatization option for schools, so you might be thinking of someone else.

And second, the environment in which he grew up is one thing, his actions are another. The list of HIS ACTIONS in the original post is the point, and they are clearly not the actions of a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist President. I care about what a person DOES, not where he came from.

I think the Right is full of shit on this. Intellectually dishonest. Lying.


I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Because it's the only way they can put a label on him. Obama is a product of a communist, Islamic, Marxist, upbringing and a product of your elitist education system. They're churning these confused idiots out like Islam is churning out radicals in their Madrases.

Well, first of all, I'm a strong supporter of the privatization option for schools, so you might be thinking of someone else.

And second, the environment in which he grew up is one thing, his actions are another. The list of HIS ACTIONS in the original post is the point, and they are clearly not the actions of a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist President. I care about what a person DOES, not where he came from.

I think the Right is full of shit on this. Intellectually dishonest. Lying.


Regardless of what you support I'm trying to answer your question.

Obama is fucked up. He does some things to appear not to be what he is. His only motivation right now is to get another 4 years. Once he's reelected he may drop the facade.

My nephew is a product of a home like Obama's. The difference being that Obama was taught that Capitalism is evil most of his life. My nephew's father ditched him when he was 2 years old and he meets half-brothers and half-sisters all over Florida. It really sucks to know that your Daddy is a bigamist. His Mamma wasn't much better. Very cold.

I can imagine how screwed up Obama's childhood was. He talks about Mitt Romney like he was a terrible person in his childhood. Well, at least Romney sort of straightened out.
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Obama is fucked up. He does some things to appear not to be what he is. His only motivation right now is to get another 4 years. Once he's reelected he may drop the facade.

Indeed! To the naive observer, one might think the time to pursue one's real agenda is when 1) he has a 70% approval rating, 2) he takes office and has his Hundred Days in the midst of a national crisis, and 3) supermajorities of his party hold both houses of Congress.

But an astute observer like yourself wouldn't fall into that trap. No, the key is to bet everything on winning a narrow re-election thanks to middling approval ratings and hoping that your best-case scenario--a 1 or 2 seat majority for your party in one chamber of Congress, if a certain independent from Maine opts to caucus with your party--plays out. Then conditions are ripe for unleashing your secret agenda on the country. That's the real time to strike!

Damn that Obama is devious.
Obama is fucked up. He does some things to appear not to be what he is. His only motivation right now is to get another 4 years. Once he's reelected he may drop the facade.

Indeed! To the naive observer, one might think the time to pursue one's real agenda is when 1) he has a 70% approval rating, 2) he takes office and has his Hundred Days in the midst of a national crisis, and 3) supermajorities of his party hold both houses of Congress.

But an astute observer like yourself wouldn't fall into that trap. No, the key is to bet everything on winning a narrow re-election thanks to middling approval ratings and hoping that your best-case scenario--a 1 or 2 seat majority for your party in one chamber of Congress, if a certain independent from Maine opts to caucus with your party--plays out. Then conditions are ripe for unleashing your secret agenda on the country. That's the real time to strike!

Damn that Obama is devious.

Your sarcasm merely is an attempt to cover up the obvious.

So unless you have something worthwhile to offer maybe you can go back to your usual statistical approach that forgets the fact that none of it can be proved. None of it actually pans out the way the Administration claims.

Why don't you go back to talking about the wondrous benefits we'll receive. Like the $30 pay-roll tax-cut Obama used to marginalize the GOP, paint them as heartless bastards, and yet ended up just being a gimmick that gives us a few bucks but really ends up lowering our Social Security benefits come time to collect.

Obama is good at giving us something that is meaningless in an attempt to look like a passionate guy. Somebody here said that; "A guy is usually really nice to someone he wants to fuck!!"
Your sarcasm merely is an attempt to cover up the obvious.

Sarcasm? I'm just validating your beliefs! I know how you guys love that.

Obama's first term has all been a cover. He hid behind a moderate policy agenda because he was waiting for his approval ratings to drop, the national mood to sour, and his Congressional majorities to dissolve. Well, we're there now. This is exactly why we have to fear the "real" Obama showing up in a second term to implement his secret agenda.

Be afraid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMqI705AZE]Obama Unveils Secret Agenda - YouTube[/ame]
Your sarcasm merely is an attempt to cover up the obvious.

Sarcasm? I'm just validating your beliefs! I know how you guys love that.

Obama's first term has all been a cover. He hid behind a moderate policy agenda because he was waiting for his approval ratings to drop, the national mood to sour, and his Congressional majorities to dissolve. Well, we're there now. This is exactly why we have to fear the "real" Obama showing up in a second term to implement his secret agenda.

Be afraid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMqI705AZE]Obama Unveils Secret Agenda - YouTube[/ame]

Actually, you're half right. However Obama has been busy doing his thing and the media has been providing cover by not doing their jobs, not keeping him honest. They've lost credibility and their ratings suffer because of it. Once he's reelected they won't have to cover for his ass every time one of his schemes is exposed. They simply won't report on it hoping it will just go away.

Obama has been doing what he wants. We just haven't found out yet what exactly it is.
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Your sarcasm merely is an attempt to cover up the obvious.

Sarcasm? I'm just validating your beliefs! I know how you guys love that.

Obama's first term has all been a cover. He hid behind a moderate policy agenda because he was waiting for his approval ratings to drop, the national mood to sour, and his Congressional majorities to dissolve. Well, we're there now. This is exactly why we have to fear the "real" Obama showing up in a second term to implement his secret agenda.

Be afraid.​

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgvBdlD7xUk]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6hCoj9Kg6E]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]​

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