Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree
How much longer for General Flynn

Four years at least.
Really? Orr are you a liar like Flynn?

Republicans are going to be in denial over this one.
They'll say no biggy because Obama lied when he said you could keep your doctor.

This won't bother Republicans at all.

This is just one of what will be many scandals
Obama saying keep your doctor is not a lie, its a broken promise. When you run a campaign and outline ideas for a law it is understood that not everything you want to get done actually gets done. He had half the congress trying to destroy the bill altogether so it isn't a surprise that they didn't get a stellar result. They missed the mark in many areas. But just because he wanted it to work a certain way and fell short, doesn't make him a liar about it.

Now Flynn on the other hand, outright lied about having a conversation with Russia about sanctions. That is the definition of lying. Very different
Now Flynn on the other hand, outright lied about having a conversation with Russia about sanctions. That is the definition of lying. Very different

Much worse. When asked if he had a conversation with the Russian ambassador, Flynn originally denied making the phone call. When the NSA confirmed the call, Flynn changed his story to he talked to the Ambassador, but didn't talk about sanctions. Again enter the NSA that had a transcript of the conversations between Flynn and the Ambassador. Even after that, Kellyann Conway express full confidence in Michael Flynn as national security advisor. But by the next news cycle, Flynn was out.

I take no credit for that, even if that's the name of the thread.
Patreus is a Republican. What he did was much worse than Clinton. He knowingly gave classified information to someone not cleared for it. He served no jail time and may be awarded a high level job in Agent Orange's admin.

Hypocrisy much?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Who cares if he told em to bring up sanctions....everyone knew by his campaign speeches they were going away.......you have a nothing issue

If the Comrade told lying Flynn or even knew lying Flynn brought up the sanctions, even before he took office, he needs to be impeached. He is the King of Liars, directing a WH full of liars. He needs to stop pretending to be a president and admit that Steve Bannon is calling all the shots, including writing Executive orders that get slammed.

IS THE AUDIT FINISHED YET or was that just another Comrade lie?
You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.

He no doubt thinks he's funny.
He believes that he "pokes holes" in arguments but never seems to know any details about the topics he posts in.
The only thing he's accomplished is being a fool.
At least be honest right? Say, "yea, I know the Republicans most likely told the Russians if they helped them win the election they would lift sanctions on them." That's most likely the truth and it would be refreshing to see Republicans be intellectually honest for a change.

We all know they did it. In fact with these recent firings it's becoming even more obvious. Are Republicans shitting themselves with what's going to come out next? Now they know how Hillary felt with her leaked emails. Nothing damning but it's all embarrassing.

I would settle for them to just be honest about Flynn. The first 95% of this thread is them dismissing it as "fake news". Many seem to still cling to that narrative even after the fake news has come true.

The RW nut jobs should "FAKE NEWS!" as soon as someone criticizes the Comrade or anyone in his "so called" administration. Fake News worked well for them and their Russian partners during the campaign.

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Who cares if he told em to bring up sanctions....everyone knew by his campaign speeches they were going away.......you have a nothing issue

If the Comrade told lying Flynn or even knew lying Flynn brought up the sanctions, even before he took office, he needs to be impeached. He is the King of Liars, directing a WH full of liars. He needs to stop pretending to be a president and admit that Steve Bannon is calling all the shots, including writing Executive orders that get slammed.

IS THE AUDIT FINISHED YET or was that just another Comrade lie?
Why...everyone knew he would probably drop them......
What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Who cares if he told em to bring up sanctions....everyone knew by his campaign speeches they were going away.......you have a nothing issue

If the Comrade told lying Flynn or even knew lying Flynn brought up the sanctions, even before he took office, he needs to be impeached. He is the King of Liars, directing a WH full of liars. He needs to stop pretending to be a president and admit that Steve Bannon is calling all the shots, including writing Executive orders that get slammed.

IS THE AUDIT FINISHED YET or was that just another Comrade lie?
Why...everyone knew he would probably drop them......

Is isn't a matter of whether he will try to drop them. We know Putin has him by the short hairs and he will try. If he told Flynn to tell the Russian Ambassador that he was going to drop the sanctions when he takes office, the American people need to know it. If the Comrade made that promise, he broke the law...Quid Pro Quo is illegal.
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Who cares if he told em to bring up sanctions....everyone knew by his campaign speeches they were going away.......you have a nothing issue

If the Comrade told lying Flynn or even knew lying Flynn brought up the sanctions, even before he took office, he needs to be impeached. He is the King of Liars, directing a WH full of liars. He needs to stop pretending to be a president and admit that Steve Bannon is calling all the shots, including writing Executive orders that get slammed.

IS THE AUDIT FINISHED YET or was that just another Comrade lie?
Why...everyone knew he would probably drop them......

Is isn't a matter of whether he will try to drop them. We know Putin has him by the short hairs and he will try. If he told Flynn to tell the Russian Ambassador that he was going to drop the sanctions when he takes office, the American people need to know it. If the Comrade made that promise, he broke the law...Quid Pro Quo is illegal.
What quid pro quo......govt said russians ha dno influence on the election....Putin did nothing but laugh....Pretty sure it was clear they were coming down.......defeated Presidents need their power restricted so they cant muck up the next Admin with their pity party conspiracy theories
What quid pro quo......govt said russians ha dno influence on the election....Putin did nothing but laugh....Pretty sure it was clear they were coming down.......defeated Presidents need their power restricted so they cant muck up the next Admin with their pity party conspiracy theories

Logan act prevents people who aren't in power, from acting as if they were. There can only be one president at a time, and Obama was in charge of foreign policy until noon on January 20th 2017.
What quid pro quo......govt said russians ha dno influence on the election....Putin did nothing but laugh....Pretty sure it was clear they were coming down.......defeated Presidents need their power restricted so they cant muck up the next Admin with their pity party conspiracy theories

Logan act prevents people who aren't in power, from acting as if they were. There can only be one president at a time, and Obama was in charge of foreign policy until noon on January 20th 2017.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug
Breitbart is already reporting that a secret list of replacements for Preibus is floating around the White House... Wow what a cluster fuck they have. Bannon is trying to put in his own team. How the fuck did the CEO and editor if an alt-right online newspaper get control of our country?!?!?
Is isn't a matter of whether he will try to drop them. We know Putin has him by the short hairs and he will try. If he told Flynn to tell the Russian Ambassador that he was going to drop the sanctions when he takes office, the American people need to know it. If the Comrade made that promise, he broke the law...Quid Pro Quo is illegal.

Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.
Trump Says He Might End Obama's Sanctions Against Russia

President elect.......ooooops
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