Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.

Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.

Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.
What goods.........be specific

Which brings up the question. Why did Flynn have to personally assure the Russian ambassador of Trumps intentions? Trumps position didn't need a clandestine deal to back it up. Unless like with 90% of the things Trump has publically said or promised, ended up fact checked as being false. Putin didn't trust Trumps words, and wanted somebody more reliable like General Flynn to tell him that.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.

Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.
What goods.........be specific

More and more of the Russian Dossier will be verified as the weeks go forward. The noose is tightening around the Comrade's neck.

Which brings up the question. Why did Flynn have to personally assure the Russian ambassador of Trumps intentions? Trumps position didn't need a clandestine deal to back it up. Unless like with 90% of the things Trump has publically said or promised, ended up fact checked as being false. Putin didn't trust Trumps words, and wanted somebody more reliable like General Flynn to tell him that.
Now wait a minute I thought Trump was knee deep in this committing treason ummm ummm......guys cant keep your story straight
Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.

Eight investigations of Benghazi, and so far a coverup of Russian infiltration of the White House.
Funny I havent heard any complaints about Trumps meetings with foreign leaders before the inaug

Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.

Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.
What goods.........be specific

More and more of the Russian Dossier will be verified as the weeks go forward. The noose is tightening around the Comrade's neck.
Hookers in a hotel.....treasonous I tell ya.....
Depends what Trump said to those foreign leaders. His meeting with the Mexican president had reports of what was discussed publically released, so if there were any illegal deals made, they were in the light of day.

As I later answered: Had Trump tweeted that he intended to drop the sanctions as soon as he got into office, he would have sent the same message to Putin, but done so legally. The logan act doesn't put a cap on 1st amendment rights. It makes private contact with foreign governments illegal.

Of course, Putin has the goods on the Comrade. It will eventually come out in the investigations, IF the hypocrites called Republicans allow it to go forward.
What goods.........be specific

More and more of the Russian Dossier will be verified as the weeks go forward. The noose is tightening around the Comrade's neck.
Hookers in a hotel.....treasonous I tell ya.....

Oh, it goes much deeper than that. Just wait...
How much longer for General Flynn

Four years at least.
Really? Orr are you a liar like Flynn?

Republicans are going to be in denial over this one.
They'll say no biggy because Obama lied when he said you could keep your doctor.

This won't bother Republicans at all.

This is just one of what will be many scandals
Obama saying keep your doctor is not a lie, its a broken promise. When you run a campaign and outline ideas for a law it is understood that not everything you want to get done actually gets done. He had half the congress trying to destroy the bill altogether so it isn't a surprise that they didn't get a stellar result. They missed the mark in many areas. But just because he wanted it to work a certain way and fell short, doesn't make him a liar about it.

Now Flynn on the other hand, outright lied about having a conversation with Russia about sanctions. That is the definition of lying. Very different

I love how after Bush lied us into Iraq, Republicans 16 years later claim Hillary and Obama are the biggest liars because they played politics with a travisty before an election. Rather than say it was terrorism they maybe hid the bad news till after the election. Like that hasn't ever happened before.

And just over 30 days in Trumps admin is already littered with scandals. We are going to see time and time again the GOP get caught doing wrong or lying and each time Republican voters will fall back on BENGHAZI and if that doesn't work just deem it fake news and change the subject.

And the truth is I won't hold Trump to the same standards they held Obama too. I don't need to see 4% growth Trump. I just need you to keep Obama's economy going solidly strong like it has for the last 5 years.

But Trump did promise higher blue collar wages. Lets see that actually happen.
The Logan Act hasn't been used because no one ever took it seriously. It wasn't taken seriously at the time it was passed.

There was an outrage over Logan's behavior. And as often follows somebody screaming "there ought to be a law." there was. And it continues on the books to this day. You also can't hitch a mule outside the governors mansion in California.

But you can hitch a moonbeam.
wow, it is unusual....

Who really writes a resignation letter, praising themselves?

And very weird on all the praising of the boss that just said, basically, You're Fired?

And the comment/praise on foreign affairs was weird?

How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.
When was Pence on TV lying for Flynn? Jan 15th...when was President Trump told about Flynn lying by the Attorney General? The same day or day after.

When was the president sworn in? January 20th...so he knew before he was sworn in as President....

When did we find out? Feb 10th.

Why did the president LEAVE THE LIE out there? Did he tell Pence on January 15th or did Pence find out on Feb 10th just like the rest of us?

Why would the President have Flynn sworn in as National Security advisor, if Pence and him knew already he lied to Pence?

So so so many unanswered questions...
It's not over yet. Even republicans in congress want answers.

Obama fired Flynn for insubordination. Colin Powell, a former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State called him a fruitcake because of his support for conspiracy theories and leaking fake news. Apparently, Trump thought this made him a good candidate for the job. "Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend."

Which brings up the question. Why did Flynn have to personally assure the Russian ambassador of Trumps intentions? Trumps position didn't need a clandestine deal to back it up. Unless like with 90% of the things Trump has publically said or promised, ended up fact checked as being false. Putin didn't trust Trumps words, and wanted somebody more reliable like General Flynn to tell him that.
I think the more basic question is what was Trump doing sticking his nose into US foreign policy before he was president.
"U.S. intelligence services routinely intercept and monitor conversations with Russian diplomats, officials have said. While the transcripts of the conversations don’t show Mr. Flynn made any sort of promise to lift the sanctions once Mr. Trump took office, they show Flynn making more general comments about relations between the two countries improving under Mr. Trump, people familiar with them said."

Trump, Bannon Said To Weigh Firing Mike Flynn Over Russian Phone Calls Scandal | Zero Hedge

If this is all there is, Trump will stand by Flynn and Progs will continue to hold their breath; if there's anything more -- Flynn's toast

Wrong again, Barney...
Show us different, Jake

Which brings up the question. Why did Flynn have to personally assure the Russian ambassador of Trumps intentions? Trumps position didn't need a clandestine deal to back it up. Unless like with 90% of the things Trump has publically said or promised, ended up fact checked as being false. Putin didn't trust Trumps words, and wanted somebody more reliable like General Flynn to tell him that.
I think the more basic question is what was Trump doing sticking his nose into US foreign policy before he was president.

Again-Putin has never stuck his neck out this far, so there was obviously some kind of reward he was promised for doing it.
It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree

See #10. Apparently, that happened.

As to "fake news", you people have set yourselves up for the constant skepticism.
It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree

See #10. Apparently, that happened.

As to "fake news", you people have set yourselves up for the constant skepticism.

You are unable to tell the difference between real and fake?
It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree

See #10. Apparently, that happened.

As to "fake news", you people have set yourselves up for the constant skepticism.

You are unable to tell the difference between real and fake?

Actually I am quite adept at doing just that, having been schooled in a time when logic and common sense were considered virtues, not impediments.
"U.S. intelligence services routinely intercept and monitor conversations with Russian diplomats, officials have said. While the transcripts of the conversations don’t show Mr. Flynn made any sort of promise to lift the sanctions once Mr. Trump took office, they show Flynn making more general comments about relations between the two countries improving under Mr. Trump, people familiar with them said."

Trump, Bannon Said To Weigh Firing Mike Flynn Over Russian Phone Calls Scandal | Zero Hedge

If this is all there is, Trump will stand by Flynn and Progs will continue to hold their breath; if there's anything more -- Flynn's toast

Wrong again, Barney...
Show us different, Jake

Flynn is gone and is now the FIRST scapegoat for the Comrade. There will be more and I am not Jake, but I appreciate the compliment.
It's how long before it will be admitted that the anonymous "current and former officials" who have accused him are mere figments of media imagination.
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree

See #10. Apparently, that happened.

As to "fake news", you people have set yourselves up for the constant skepticism.

You are unable to tell the difference between real and fake?

Russian Fake News invaded and controlled the campaign season and they are beginning to do it in Europe, The Republican are okay with that...
This "Fake News" stuff is out of control. It's actually causing national security advisors to resign. Something must be done!

The NSA doesn't put out "fake news" They put out real transcripts that once the senioir whitehouse people saw what Flynn said, greased the door for his hasty exit.
I was being sarcasm, Billy seems to think its the fault of imaginary news... but to your point yes I agree

See #10. Apparently, that happened.

As to "fake news", you people have set yourselves up for the constant skepticism.

You are unable to tell the difference between real and fake?

Actually I am quite adept at doing just that, having been schooled in a time when logic and common sense were considered virtues, not impediments.

Except of course on this one.

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