Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

I'd ignore him if I were you. He's a known forum troll.
I poke holes in you retards and you have no defense so you blubber on each others' shoulders. The asshole didn't know what he was talking about. Lies and smears are all the left has.

You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.
It's easy to tell with you. When you post, you lie. I challenged the asshole to post my lies. Same for you.
I just chaulk it up to stupidity. Its not a lie if you believe it.
No, that would be General Patreus.... the guy Trumplethinskin is considering replacing Flynn with.
Yeah cause handling The info like she did would get any repub jail time

Patreus is a Republican. What he did was much worse than Clinton. He knowingly gave classified information to someone not cleared for it. He served no jail time and may be awarded a high level job in Agent Orange's admin.

Hypocrisy much?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Any honest person would understand that has not been confirmed by anyone and would not assert otherwise.
I poke holes in you retards and you have no defense so you blubber on each others' shoulders. The asshole didn't know what he was talking about. Lies and smears are all the left has.

You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.
It's easy to tell with you. When you post, you lie. I challenged the asshole to post my lies. Same for you.
I just chaulk it up to stupidity. Its not a lie if you believe it.
Why don't you and Lewdung go find a room?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Provide evidence it was. You wishing it does not make it so. It was a private server, not an unsecured one...like Trumplethinskin is still using.

Trump’s Still Using His Old Android Phone. That’s Very, Very Risky

No, it doesn't.
yes,,,,,yes it does...,,,,,,
Anyone see a trend here? Everyone is a liar to Iceweasel. :lmao: That should tell you something...
I'd ignore him if I were you. He's a known forum troll.
I poke holes in you retards and you have no defense so you blubber on each others' shoulders. The asshole didn't know what he was talking about. Lies and smears are all the left has.

You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.

He no doubt thinks he's funny.
He believes that he "pokes holes" in arguments but never seems to know any details about the topics he posts in.
The only thing he's accomplished is being a fool.
He's gone and it was a good decision whoever made it.

I know the left will try to gloat about this but the difference is that Democrats promote liars and cheats and corruption while the GOP gets rid of them.
Oh THAT'S the difference?


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No, that would be General Patreus.... the guy Trumplethinskin is considering replacing Flynn with.
Yeah cause handling The info like she did would get any repub jail time

Patreus is a Republican. What he did was much worse than Clinton. He knowingly gave classified information to someone not cleared for it. He served no jail time and may be awarded a high level job in Agent Orange's admin.

Hypocrisy much?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Yeah cause handling The info like she did would get any repub jail time

Patreus is a Republican. What he did was much worse than Clinton. He knowingly gave classified information to someone not cleared for it. He served no jail time and may be awarded a high level job in Agent Orange's admin.

Hypocrisy much?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness

Hillary is gone. Let's talk about a president who is looking at classified information at a dinner party and who probably told Flynn to bring up sanctions to the Russian ambassador. But Flynn is a liar, so he will never admit is, even under oath. Wait! So is the president, so we are screwed...
Who cares if he told em to bring up sanctions....everyone knew by his campaign speeches they were going away.......you have a nothing issue
Ya wanna talk national security lets have a go at this....
Former Sen. Kirk: Trump Should ‘Declassify’ Entire Iran Deal
“The best thing the Trump administration can do is declassify the entire agreement and publish it so the Congress and the American people can look at it and see the negotiating record and understand all of the terms as they were put forward before the parties,” Kirk said during a United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) and the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) Capitol Hill briefing on Thursday about the future of Iran policy.
No, that would be General Patreus.... the guy Trumplethinskin is considering replacing Flynn with.
Yeah cause handling The info like she did would get any repub jail time

Patreus is a Republican. What he did was much worse than Clinton. He knowingly gave classified information to someone not cleared for it. He served no jail time and may be awarded a high level job in Agent Orange's admin.

Hypocrisy much?

What part is BS? Clinton did not knowingly give classified information to anyone without a security clearance. Patreus did. Patties did not go to jail. Clinton did nothing akin to what Patreus did. Or Scooter Libby...who also did not serve any jail time.

Hillary Clinton didn’t go where David Petraeus and Scooter Libby did
Any honest person knows her traffic was being g read by foreign govts due to her lawlessness
Oh only "an honest person" would see it your way.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Last edited:
You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.
It's easy to tell with you. When you post, you lie. I challenged the asshole to post my lies. Same for you.
I just chaulk it up to stupidity. Its not a lie if you believe it.
Why don't you and Lewdung go find a room?
You know what's funny? I'm sort of on board with Trump now and still and nothing that has happened so far would cause me to say we need to impeach him. And I'm open to voting for him in 4 years if he does a good job. But when you Republicans are such dishonest fucks it is very hard to be a Republican. I'm trying but you make it very hard to be on your team because you guys are such fucking liars.
I'd ignore him if I were you. He's a known forum troll.
I poke holes in you retards and you have no defense so you blubber on each others' shoulders. The asshole didn't know what he was talking about. Lies and smears are all the left has.

You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.

He no doubt thinks he's funny.
He believes that he "pokes holes" in arguments but never seems to know any details about the topics he posts in.
The only thing he's accomplished is being a fool.
At least be honest right? Say, "yea, I know the Republicans most likely told the Russians if they helped them win the election they would lift sanctions on them." That's most likely the truth and it would be refreshing to see Republicans be intellectually honest for a change.

We all know they did it. In fact with these recent firings it's becoming even more obvious. Are Republicans shitting themselves with what's going to come out next? Now they know how Hillary felt with her leaked emails. Nothing damning but it's all embarrassing.
Came online for the first time in a while.

Just wanted to see all of the mental gymnastics by Baggers on Trumps complete mismanagement.

As storm is coming; Comrades!
I poke holes in you retards and you have no defense so you blubber on each others' shoulders. The asshole didn't know what he was talking about. Lies and smears are all the left has.

You lie more than anyone else I know on this forum, so much so that you can't even keep your lies straight. You're a pathetic, jealous, senile man. If you weren't such an asshole I'd feel sorry for you. :itsok:
Post a lie from me, loser.
It's hard to tell if you are lying or just plain stupid.

He no doubt thinks he's funny.
He believes that he "pokes holes" in arguments but never seems to know any details about the topics he posts in.
The only thing he's accomplished is being a fool.
At least be honest right? Say, "yea, I know the Republicans most likely told the Russians if they helped them win the election they would lift sanctions on them." That's most likely the truth and it would be refreshing to see Republicans be intellectually honest for a change.

We all know they did it. In fact with these recent firings it's becoming even more obvious. Are Republicans shitting themselves with what's going to come out next? Now they know how Hillary felt with her leaked emails. Nothing damning but it's all embarrassing.

I would settle for them to just be honest about Flynn. The first 95% of this thread is them dismissing it as "fake news". Many seem to still cling to that narrative even after the fake news has come true.

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