Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

He quit, wrong pick, move on, Yates seems too be our loss , looks like she was working for us not a political party.

He quit is "fake news", the latest is that Trump asked for his resignation. Trumps latest celebrity apprentice has been told "You're fired". It's what he does, except the white house is the ultimate reality show.
Except of course on this one.

I see the difference between belief and skepticism escapes you.
But you called news stories that had multiple credible sources "Fake News" or "imaginary" i believe were your words. That seems to be the norm now when something comes out that is against Trump.

Of course, because the bulk of those stories have been fake news or imaginary.
Perhaps, there is a lot of crap coming from both sides. but this one was not.

Until certain conditions arose, there was no reason to believe that it was true.

That will hold with any and all media reports for the foreseeable future. They have destroyed what little credibility may have remained with them after eight years of supporting the Obama administration.
That's fine, you can keep making an ass of yourself then. Fine by me, good for a chuckle
I see the difference between belief and skepticism escapes you.
But you called news stories that had multiple credible sources "Fake News" or "imaginary" i believe were your words. That seems to be the norm now when something comes out that is against Trump.

Of course, because the bulk of those stories have been fake news or imaginary.
Perhaps, there is a lot of crap coming from both sides. but this one was not.

Until certain conditions arose, there was no reason to believe that it was true.

That will hold with any and all media reports for the foreseeable future. They have destroyed what little credibility may have remained with them after eight years of supporting the Obama administration.

There was reason from "day one". What didn't exist was the GOP wanting anything other than for it to be fake news, or alternate facts.

Flynn was flawed and toxic from the beginning. He was one to watch for sure.
His reported calls to the Russian ambassador should have piqued everyone's interest. From there, it was obvious there was something to it.
Except of course on this one.

I see the difference between belief and skepticism escapes you.
But you called news stories that had multiple credible sources "Fake News" or "imaginary" i believe were your words. That seems to be the norm now when something comes out that is against Trump.

Of course, because the bulk of those stories have been fake news or imaginary.
Perhaps, there is a lot of crap coming from both sides. but this one was not.

Until certain conditions arose, there was no reason to believe that it was true.

That will hold with any and all media reports for the foreseeable future. They have destroyed what little credibility may have remained with them after eight years of supporting the Obama administration.

There is a real danger in dismissing everything out of hand.
Is there fake news and disinformation? Sure, but it's no more than 10% of what's in the msm. Excluding Fox of course.

The key to knowing the difference is who is saying it and how much are they covering it. There are plenty of credible and reliable news sources.
Flynn was flawed and toxic from the beginning. He was one to watch for sure.
His reported calls to the Russian ambassador should have piqued everyone's interest. From there, it was obvious there was something to it.

Flynn was just the tip of the iceberg. They have Trump campaign folks from Manniford on down in direct contact with Russian intelligence.
There is a real danger in dismissing everything out of hand.
Is there fake news and disinformation? Sure, but it's no more than 10% of what's in the msm. Excluding Fox of course.

The key to knowing the difference is who is saying it and how much are they covering it. There are plenty of credible and reliable news sources.

Pay no attention to the man behind the [ IRON ] curtain
How does one "inadvertently brief" someone with "incomplete information" on something so important - without just lying? Personally, I don't trust Trump or Pence anymore than I trust Flynn.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.
When was Pence on TV lying for Flynn? Jan 15th...when was President Trump told about Flynn lying by the Attorney General? The same day or day after.

When was the president sworn in? January 20th...so he knew before he was sworn in as President....

When did we find out? Feb 10th.

Why did the president LEAVE THE LIE out there? Did he tell Pence on January 15th or did Pence find out on Feb 10th just like the rest of us?

Why would the President have Flynn sworn in as National Security advisor, if Pence and him knew already he lied to Pence?

So so so many unanswered questions...
It's not over yet. Even republicans in congress want answers.

Obama fired Flynn for insubordination. Colin Powell, a former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State called him a fruitcake because of his support for conspiracy theories and leaking fake news. Apparently, Trump thought this made him a good candidate for the job. "Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend."
Now Paul manafort was communicating with Russia before the elections.

The intelligence agency should have told us before the election

Although I doubt it would have mattered
Now Paul manafort was communicating with Russia before the elections.

The intelligence agency should have told us before the election

Although I doubt it would have mattered

That information was classified. Releasing it would have compromised "sources and methods" of how they attained the information. Do you remember when somebody leaked that the government had Osama BinLadens sattelite phone number?

After this latest round of white house leaks, it's been reported that white house staffers have started using a new ap that deletes messages as soon as they're read.
Prsidnt Trump might have told Flynn his thoughts on th sanctions and what he would do once prsident, and maybe, a big MAYBE, Flynn passed this on to the Russian ambassador, without Trump knowing??

But really??? Gut says Trump was in on it....

Lying to pence had to be ok'd by Trump too....

YOU KNOW, even if Flynn was not told by trump to have this conversation with Russia, Flynn certainly TOLD the president he had the conversation afterwards, AND THAT MEANS when the president heard Pence LIE on national tv about what Flynn discussed with the Russians, the president let the LIE stay out there and did not tell Pence BACK THEN that it was a LIE....

No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.
When was Pence on TV lying for Flynn? Jan 15th...when was President Trump told about Flynn lying by the Attorney General? The same day or day after.

When was the president sworn in? January 20th...so he knew before he was sworn in as President....

When did we find out? Feb 10th.

Why did the president LEAVE THE LIE out there? Did he tell Pence on January 15th or did Pence find out on Feb 10th just like the rest of us?

Why would the President have Flynn sworn in as National Security advisor, if Pence and him knew already he lied to Pence?

So so so many unanswered questions...
It's not over yet. Even republicans in congress want answers.

Obama fired Flynn for insubordination. Colin Powell, a former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State called him a fruitcake because of his support for conspiracy theories and leaking fake news. Apparently, Trump thought this made him a good candidate for the job. "Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend."
Now Paul manafort was communicating with Russia before the elections.

The intelligence agency should have told us before the election

Although I doubt it would have mattered

We don't know how deep this is going to go, but right now I wouldn't trust the FBI, much less James Comey farther than I could throw his 7 foot tall frame.

Clearly they did do an investigation during the campaign season--but apparently not nearly deep enough. If Comey was willing to go to the links he did to help Trump win, he may have also hidden a lot of information they were collecting on the ties between Russia and Trump.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

John McCain handed over the Trump Dossier file right into the hands of James Comey, probably a huge mistake) versus taking it to the CIA or another investigative source.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

And we have had Russian spy's infiltrate the FBI and other intelligence agencies before. They can be bought off.
Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia

And you'll note that all this new information is coming out of the DOJ, and not the FBI.
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Sure are a lot of ties to Russia from the Executive branch all of the sudden.

Apparently from what I am hearing, once it was known that Russia was doing these hackings, Obama issued an order to tap their phone lines. So they actually have audio conversations going on between those within the Trump campaign, and the Russian ambassador and other high level Russian officials. Maybe that's why Kelly Ann Conway is looking very tired and nervous right now.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Mike Pence was thrown under the bus, as he had no knowledge of this, Flynn lied to him. Trump lied to him. Pence got on T.V. over the weekend and stated that contacts with the Russians were just rumors--then all of this came out. Trump has continually lied about this. Obviously he knew all along that it was Russia that was doing these hackings. So he's trying to hide something.

For you Trump supporters and voters, this is going to be at least a thousand times worse than Watergate.

You really f....ked up when you made the Comrade the poster boy of the Republican party.



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No I don't believe that. There was nothing for Flynn to talk about with the Russian Ambassador--unless he had confided with the Comrade FIRST. Nor do I believe that Trump didn't authorize Flynn to talk with the Russians first.

A General knows the pecking order of making decisions like this, and he would know not to communicate or contact the Russian ambassador without the Comrade's blessing.
I think he lost his job because he lied to Pence, maybe even His Highness. I doubt Trump would put up with that. Anyway good riddance.
When was Pence on TV lying for Flynn? Jan 15th...when was President Trump told about Flynn lying by the Attorney General? The same day or day after.

When was the president sworn in? January 20th...so he knew before he was sworn in as President....

When did we find out? Feb 10th.

Why did the president LEAVE THE LIE out there? Did he tell Pence on January 15th or did Pence find out on Feb 10th just like the rest of us?

Why would the President have Flynn sworn in as National Security advisor, if Pence and him knew already he lied to Pence?

So so so many unanswered questions...
It's not over yet. Even republicans in congress want answers.

Obama fired Flynn for insubordination. Colin Powell, a former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State called him a fruitcake because of his support for conspiracy theories and leaking fake news. Apparently, Trump thought this made him a good candidate for the job. "Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend."
Now Paul manafort was communicating with Russia before the elections.

The intelligence agency should have told us before the election

Although I doubt it would have mattered

We don't know how deep this is going to go, but right now I wouldn't trust the FBI, much less James Comey farther than I could throw his 7 foot tall frame.

Clearly they did do an investigation during the campaign season--but apparently not nearly deep enough. If Comey was willing to go to the links he did to help Trump win, he may have also hidden a lot of information they were collecting on the ties between Russia and Trump.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

John McCain handed over the Trump Dossier file right into the hands of James Comey, probably a huge mistake) versus taking it to the CIA or another investigative source.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

And we have had Russian spy's infiltrate the FBI and other intelligence agencies before. They can be bought off.
Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia

And you'll note that all this new information is coming out of the DOJ, and not the FBI.

I heard trump pissed off the intelligence community and they are going to be all over his ass. He better be like Obama was and very careful not to get caught up in a scandal. Benghazi was nothing. Lets hope the only thing that happens on Twitler's watch is one lousy Benghazi.
But you called news stories that had multiple credible sources "Fake News" or "imaginary" i believe were your words. That seems to be the norm now when something comes out that is against Trump.

Of course, because the bulk of those stories have been fake news or imaginary.
Perhaps, there is a lot of crap coming from both sides. but this one was not.

Until certain conditions arose, there was no reason to believe that it was true.

That will hold with any and all media reports for the foreseeable future. They have destroyed what little credibility may have remained with them after eight years of supporting the Obama administration.

There was reason from "day one". What didn't exist was the GOP wanting anything other than for it to be fake news, or alternate facts.

Flynn was flawed and toxic from the beginning. He was one to watch for sure.
His reported calls to the Russian ambassador should have piqued everyone's interest. From there, it was obvious there was something to it.
The Adams Family Lurched

Preventing a war with Russia is what Flynn accomplished, just as the Logan whom the act is named after prevented a war with France that was being provoked by the royalist Adams Administration.
Of course, because the bulk of those stories have been fake news or imaginary.
Perhaps, there is a lot of crap coming from both sides. but this one was not.

Until certain conditions arose, there was no reason to believe that it was true.

That will hold with any and all media reports for the foreseeable future. They have destroyed what little credibility may have remained with them after eight years of supporting the Obama administration.

There was reason from "day one". What didn't exist was the GOP wanting anything other than for it to be fake news, or alternate facts.

Flynn was flawed and toxic from the beginning. He was one to watch for sure.
His reported calls to the Russian ambassador should have piqued everyone's interest. From there, it was obvious there was something to it.
The Adams Family Lurched

Preventing a war with Russia is what Flynn accomplished, just as the Logan whom the act is named after prevented a war with France that was being provoked by the royalist Adams Administration.
wow, thats wonderful, the man should get a medal. Why would he lie about such an amazing feat? Why would Trump fire him instead of praise him for saving us from war?

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