Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown

If Trump wants to do favors for Russia as president, that is his right as the president. He makes US foreign policy. If as a candidate for office he enters into a quid pro quo agreement with Russia for their help getting elected, it would be a violation of the Logan Act. However for Trump to make such a deal with a foreign power, particularly Russia, it would be considered by congress an impeachable offense.
Not this congress
I wouldn't be too sure of that. People are going to get pretty tired of listing Trump claiming, how wonderful his administration is, what a tremendous job he is doing, and how all his problems are the fault of the lying dishonest media.

Apparently he's in full campaign mode now. At some point he's going to have to act like the president and not a pitch man for a carnival.
I have to believe it's going to be all about wages. If wages go up he will keep his job. Something like 90℅ of republicans approve of the job he's doing.

Obama had to be perfect to avoid scandals. Trumps going to have scandal and problems with every cabinet pick but it's going to come down to who we nominate vs an encumbents president who no doubt will rig thenext election.

The corporate take over of America is complete
I believe the chance of an attack on the nation with the problems Trump is having with his intelligence people is pretty high right now. Flynn is fired, his latest pick for National Security Advisory bows out, coupled with a clear loss of confidence in Trump by the intelligence community is a bad sign. This of course is coming at a terrible time as Putin puts a spy ship 30 miles off our coast, moves more military resources to their European border and puts Russian nuclear weapons on high alert.

Having an egomaniac real estate developer who loves a good fight in charge without the full support and advice of the intelligence community is not comforting.
Can't wait to see what happens next.

Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
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Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
You do know that Flynn & Trump said the Clinton folks must be guilty by getting immunity, don't you?
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
Is anybody saying that he shouldn't get immunity?
Flynn didn't get any takers for his offer to testify with full immunity. Can't blame him for that after what happened to Scooter Libby, but Flynn did say on Meet the Press last fall that if you would only testify with immunity, you were probably guilty. I wonder if he had no takers because he didn't have much to say.
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
Totally agree with you this is the typical Reich wing hypocrisy bullshit that happens all the time.

It wasn't Hillary Clinton that got immunity or even asked for it. It was the Senior IT staffer that worked at the State Department -who set up Clinton's server. And that's because he had probably set up other servers and it was never an issue until now. If anyone should have known it was the wrong thing to do it would have been Senior IT staffer working at the State Department.

Flynn lied to the FBI which is a FELONY. The Russian phone lines were being wiretapped and whomever was calling them was also wiretapped. Flynn got busted. He swore under oath that he had not discussed the recently imposed sanctions on the Russians the day after Obama threw them all out, and clearly he did. To add insult to injury we find out later that he is a well paid lobbyist for TURKEY--getting paid over 500K for his services, and he did in fact attend security briefings.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Mike Flynn attended intelligence briefings while a lobbyist for Turkey

They're not going to give Flynn immunity they already know everything on Flynn anyway. Right now--from what I heard on CBS tonight this investigation isn't even close to being over--we have got the CIA in Russia right now collecting information.

They are looking for collusion within the Trump circle and it looks like they have already found it. FBI Director Comey stated something that hit home base while he was testifying last week. "It's as if they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They've been caught.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com



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Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
His crime is not being a Democrat supporting the opposition government.
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
You do know that Flynn & Trump said the Clinton folks must be guilty by getting immunity, don't you?

What other reason is there to call for immunity?
Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?

Don't you see the irony. Flynn spent 2916 saying that immunity means guilt. Trump said the same thing. So why are they doing a 180?
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
Is anybody saying that he shouldn't get immunity?
The post I was responding to said he wouldn't get immunity and suggested he shouldn't get it.

"Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity."
The post I was responding to said he wouldn't get immunity and suggested he shouldn't get it.

"Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity."

Before Trump reversed positions, both Flynn and Trump were against giving people immunity. That immunity was only for guilty people. So much for republicans having steady principles.
Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?

Don't you see the irony. Flynn spent 2916 saying that immunity means guilt. Trump said the same thing. So why are they doing a 180?
Everybody is guilty of something. The Democrats have gambled all their credibility on trying to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax and have already committed felonies to unmask Flynn's identity on an NSA intercept so what else will they try to do to destroy him. We already know the Justice Department found nothing incriminating in the NSA intercept or he would already have been charged, yet some of the highest officials in the Obama administration were willing to commit felonies to use this intercept for political purposes, and we have an FBI Director who appears more interested in covering up his own role in these crimes than in doing his job. Until all the Obama moles still in government have been rooted out and prosecuted for their crimes no lawyer worth hiring would tell his client to agree to be questioned by these unscrupulous Democratic politicians without first getting immunity.

Keep in mind that once he does get immunity he cannot claim his fifth amendment rights to refuse to answer, so it is telling that Republicans want him to get immunity so that the whole truth can come out but the Democrats are hoping he doesn't get it so when he refuses to answer certain questions they can use this to continue to try to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax.
The post I was responding to said he wouldn't get immunity and suggested he shouldn't get it.

"Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity."

Before Trump reversed positions, both Flynn and Trump were against giving people immunity. That immunity was only for guilty people. So much for republicans having steady principles.
The Republicans have steady principles on one issue, they want all the facts on Obama's Russia hoax to come out, and they are supporting immunity for Flynn so he can't claim his fifth amendment rights and all the facts he may know of can come out. The Democrats, on the other hand, would prefer to have Flynn take the fifth so that they can try to use this to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax without any facts to support it.
Everybody is guilty of something. The Democrats have gambled all their credibility on trying to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax and have already committed felonies to unmask Flynn's identity on an NSA intercept so what else will they try to do to destroy him. .

FIrst, unmasking is not a felony. It is not a violation of USC, and is only a violation of the rules Holder put in place, so it's an administrative or regulatory violation.

We already know the Justice Department found nothing incriminating in the NSA intercept or he would already have been charged, yet some of the highest officials in the Obama administration were willing to commit felonies to use this intercept for political purposes, and we have an FBI Director who appears more interested in covering up his own role in these crimes than in doing his job. .

That's why Trump fired the US Attorneys, to prevent Flynn from being charged.

Until all the Obama moles still in government have been rooted out and prosecuted for their crimes no lawyer worth hiring would tell his client to agree to be questioned by these unscrupulous Democratic politicians without first getting immunity.

Maybe you missed the memo. Republicans are in charge. All the committee chairmen are republicans. The majority of committee members are republicans. The democrats can't blow their noses without the republicans giving the o.k.
The Republicans have steady principles on one issue, they want all the facts on Obama's Russia hoax to come out, and they are supporting immunity for Flynn so he can't claim his fifth amendment rights and all the facts he may know of can come out. The Democrats, on the other hand, would prefer to have Flynn take the fifth so that they can try to use this to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax without any facts to support it.

The democrats aren't in charge of congress, the committees or the DOJ. They're not even in the loop when it comes to the invormation Nunes got to see a week before anybody else.
Two more highly qualified candidates turning down working for Trump.

Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity for?
All of Clinton's top aides demanded immunity before agreeing to talk to the FBI and Obama's Justice Department was glad to give it to them, so why shouldn't Flynn be given immunity before testifying?
Is anybody saying that he shouldn't get immunity?
The post I was responding to said he wouldn't get immunity and suggested he shouldn't get it.

"Start the countdown to Flynn testifying. The FBI won't give him immunity. and congress is afraid to give Flynn immunity."
I think the poster you were responding to was implying that Flynn was guilty of crimes and thats why the FBI and Congress don't want to grant him immunity.
The Republicans have steady principles on one issue, they want all the facts on Obama's Russia hoax to come out, and they are supporting immunity for Flynn so he can't claim his fifth amendment rights and all the facts he may know of can come out.

I can't recall.
I don't remember.
I have no specific recollection

Flynn already 'forgot' talking to the Russian ambassador, when he was questioned about it by Pence. Immunity gets Flynn off the hook. It can't force him to 'remember' what he claims he can't remember. Trump in a civil case, where you have o 5th amendment rights, claimed he couldn't remember 140 times.
I think the poster you were responding to was implying that Flynn was guilty of crimes and thats why the FBI and Congress don't want to grant him immunity.

I think Flynn and Trump were implying that.

Michael Flynn in 2016: Immunity 'means you probably committed a crime

Trump in 2016: 'If You're Not Guilty of a Crime, What Do You Need immunity
Everybody is guilty of something. The Democrats have gambled all their credibility on trying to perpetuate Obama's Russia hoax and have already committed felonies to unmask Flynn's identity on an NSA intercept so what else will they try to do to destroy him. .

FIrst, unmasking is not a felony. It is not a violation of USC, and is only a violation of the rules Holder put in place, so it's an administrative or regulatory violation.

We already know the Justice Department found nothing incriminating in the NSA intercept or he would already have been charged, yet some of the highest officials in the Obama administration were willing to commit felonies to use this intercept for political purposes, and we have an FBI Director who appears more interested in covering up his own role in these crimes than in doing his job. .

That's why Trump fired the US Attorneys, to prevent Flynn from being charged.

Until all the Obama moles still in government have been rooted out and prosecuted for their crimes no lawyer worth hiring would tell his client to agree to be questioned by these unscrupulous Democratic politicians without first getting immunity.

Maybe you missed the memo. Republicans are in charge. All the committee chairmen are republicans. The majority of committee members are republicans. The democrats can't blow their noses without the republicans giving the o.k.
That's why Trump fired the US Attorneys, to prevent Flynn from being charged.


Got a link for that?

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