Out of 35 countries, the US is ranked 34th as the worst for child poverty

Map: How 35 countries compare on child poverty (the U.S. is ranked 34th)

1 out of 5 children in the US are in poverty.

The poor U.S. showing in this data may reflect growing income inequality. According to one metric of inequality, a statistical measurement called the gini coefficient, the U.S. economy is one of the most unequal in the developed world. This would explain why the United States, on child poverty, is ranked between Bulgaria and Romania, though Americans are on average six times richer than Bulgarians and Romanians.

Face it, America kind of sucks.

The primary cause of child poverty is single motherhood.

America's numbers on that is driven primarily by the fucked up black community.

Which we CANNOT address because of Political Correctness.

THis is on you lefties.

Anytime your concern for the welfare of children grows enough that you are willing to join Trump and I, in our fight against Political Correctness, you will be welcome.

Until then you can continue to actively work to keep American children in poverty.

If her Mother spent as much time and effort supporting her little girl as she did lettering that sign......
Especially in Right to Work States where there should be, no homelessness.
The US has the richest poor in the entire world; and, we have a general welfare clause. Any questions.
The US has the richest poor in the entire world; and, we have a general welfare clause. Any questions.

One of our biggest problems is that we have a huge population of uninvited hispanics (illegals)
Many come here with kids, and they make more babies when they get here, whether they have jobs or not. Being low skilled, they usually work for low wages which are not enough to support a family. To add to the problem further, we import third worlders here on the refugee program. Again, low wage people who have big families they can't support. At what point do we say enough is enough?

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