Out-Sourcing American Jobs

I provided the laws that specifically show that business does NOT have the right to keep unions from trying to organize with their employees. .

all agree you idiot!!!!
I am NOT an idiot.
I am NOT an idiot.

They can try to unionize, true. But, the law does not require a business to be unionized. If it were a law that all businesses must be unionized, then we have hundreds of thousands of businesses breaking the law.
If the employees successfully move through the process and the bargaining unit that is formed has a majority vote in favor, management is required to do business with the union.

From that point on, the business has only one recourse. They can delay the contract negotiation to the point that the bargaining unit does not have a majority vote or, they can negotiate, or they can face a labor walkout.

Have a nice night.
How do you force a job to return to this country?
Severely penalizing the out-sourcing of that job.
The only thing that will do is move the entire company out of the country.
Maybe so. But, at least they wont get a free pass like they're doing now. And, some may move out, no doubt, but I also doubt all of them will. At least someone will be standing up for American workers.
They have a saying for this.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

liberal without IQ for substance
I am NOT a LIBERAL. And, my IQ is probably higher than yours. Is personal attacks all you have ???
I am NOT a LIBERAL. And, my IQ is probably higher than yours. Is personal attacks all you have ???

no dear I have this and you have lacked the IQ to respond despite being asked 8 times:

3rd time:
1) Americans buy chinese goods at Walmart
2) the Chinese then have the US Dollars
3) they must decide what to do with the US dollars
4) if there is a deficit the govt issues Treasuries to borrow money to cover the deficit
5) The Chinese then can buy the Treasuries
6) or, they could buy our products and thus encourage jobs here, not in China.
7) if there are no deficits their only option is to burn the dollars or buy out products.
Should businesses be penalized for out-sourcing jobs to foreign countries?

too stupid!! Business moves because liberal govt forces them to with unions and taxes and deficits. Eliminate those and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in. No one forces a business to operate with union employees. Businesses make that choice themselves. And, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations since there were businesses. And, what deficits are you referring to?
Perhaps you should read before replying.

Go look up the Wagner Act, wihich is he National Labor Relations act of 1935. Then go look up the Taft-Hartley Ac of 1947 and finally, the Landrum Griffin Act of 1959.

When you have completed that reading, you should then have a good idea of where to go next to look at labor law with regard to unions.
Those are NOT laws that require a business to unionize. If what you're saying is true, then every business in this country would be unionized as required by law. Why do we have so many businesses that are NOT unionized if there are laws that require it? Can you answer that? So, you're saying that any business in this country that is not unionized is breaking the law? Pleeeeeease !!!
Again, go read the laws.

eta: BTW...stating law is not avocation of Unions.
I have read the laws. There are no laws that require a business to unionize, period. Can you show me just one law that says that all businesses in the United States MUST be unionized?
From that point on, the business has only one recourse. They can delay the contract negotiation to the point that the bargaining unit does not have a majority vote or, they can negotiate, or they can face a labor walkout.

Have a nice night.

all agree you idiot!!
Of course the Out-Sourcing American Jobs should be punished by adjusting the taxes of such company that they pay the difference of what they saved overseas into the IRS. It's perfectly legal. We can begin with Halliburton.
too stupid!! Business moves because liberal govt forces them to with unions and taxes and deficits. Eliminate those and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in. No one forces a business to operate with union employees. Businesses make that choice themselves. And, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations since there were businesses. And, what deficits are you referring to?
Perhaps you should read before replying.

Go look up the Wagner Act, wihich is he National Labor Relations act of 1935. Then go look up the Taft-Hartley Ac of 1947 and finally, the Landrum Griffin Act of 1959.

When you have completed that reading, you should then have a good idea of where to go next to look at labor law with regard to unions.

dear, we don't take reading assignments from liberals. IF you cant make your point why bother to be here?
too stupid!! Business moves because liberal govt forces them to with unions and taxes and deficits. Eliminate those and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in. No one forces a business to operate with union employees. Businesses make that choice themselves. And, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations since there were businesses. And, what deficits are you referring to?
Perhaps you should read before replying.

Go look up the Wagner Act, wihich is he National Labor Relations act of 1935. Then go look up the Taft-Hartley Ac of 1947 and finally, the Landrum Griffin Act of 1959.

When you have completed that reading, you should then have a good idea of where to go next to look at labor law with regard to unions.
Those are NOT laws that require a business to unionize. If what you're saying is true, then every business in this country would be unionized as required by law. Why do we have so many businesses that are NOT unionized if there are laws that require it? Can you answer that? So, you're saying that any business in this country that is not unionized is breaking the law? Pleeeeeease !!!
too stupid!! Business moves because liberal govt forces them to with unions and taxes and deficits. Eliminate those and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in. No one forces a business to operate with union employees. Businesses make that choice themselves. And, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations since there were businesses. And, what deficits are you referring to?
Perhaps you should read before replying.

Go look up the Wagner Act, wihich is he National Labor Relations act of 1935. Then go look up the Taft-Hartley Ac of 1947 and finally, the Landrum Griffin Act of 1959.

When you have completed that reading, you should then have a good idea of where to go next to look at labor law with regard to unions.

dear, we don't take reading assignments from liberals. IF you cant make your point why bother to be here?
I have made my point very well. There are NO laws that require businesses to unionize, period. If what you're saying is true, then we have hundreds of thousands of businesses operating illegally. The majority of businesses in this country are NOT unionized. It is NOT a law that businesses be unionized. And, you can't show me a law that says otherwise. There are no laws that require every single business in this country to be unionized.
You haven't made your point. Business is required to allow employees to organize. Comprehending the english language is critical for discussions with adults.

When I say allow, I do not mean to say that they are permitted to just suddenly become a union. There is a process that must be followed, and that process is outlined in the three laws I listed. Businesses are forbidden by these laws from interfering with this process. They can fight back during the process, but they absolutely cannot interfere with it. Employees are ALLOWED to speak with unions and among themselves (off company time and property) to discuss organizing.

Now, when you wish to have a discussion, let someone know. Stating your OPINION and declaring (as you did in another thread) you are not going to change your mind is not a conversation nor is it a debate. Why not just state an opinion in the "letters to the editor" page of your paper and save the rest of us you narrow-minded viewpoint.

Get back to Me when you are ready to learn something.

Have a nice night.
OK. Now, show me where it's required that all businesses operating in the United States MUST be unionized. Can you do that? Unionization is NOT a requirement in order to open and operate a business in the United States. Show me just one single law that says otherwise. Thank you.
I provided the laws that specifically show that business does NOT have the right to keep unions from trying to organize with their employees. .

all agree you idiot!!!!
I am NOT an idiot.

then why do you go to great lengths to point out that with which everyone agrees??

I suggest you ask questions rather than make ignorant assertions. Nobody can fault you for asking questions.
Very funny. Silly also. And, childish.
I provided the laws that specifically show that business does NOT have the right to keep unions from trying to organize with their employees. .

all agree you idiot!!!!
I am NOT an idiot.
I am NOT an idiot.

They can try to unionize, true. But, the law does not require a business to be unionized. If it were a law that all businesses must be unionized, then we have hundreds of thousands of businesses breaking the law.
If the employees successfully move through the process and the bargaining unit that is formed has a majority vote in favor, management is required to do business with the union.

From that point on, the business has only one recourse. They can delay the contract negotiation to the point that the bargaining unit does not have a majority vote or, they can negotiate, or they can face a labor walkout.

Have a nice night.
Yes, you're correct. But, only if the business decides to unionize. They have an option to close the doors and relocate. Look at the businesses that closed their doors here and open up in Mexico. Unionization is NOT a requirement. A business can choose to shut down and relocate. If a business allows a union in, it is because they do not want to close the doors and relocate, as many have already. Unionization is NOT a requirement by law. The businesses that are non-union in this country are not operating against the law.
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Far better to offshore entire companies than just jobs. Americans will have no choice to buy their goods as imports 'cause whatever they are they will NOT be being manufactured in The U.S.

Far better to offshore entire companies than just jobs. Americans will have no choice to buy their goods as imports 'cause whatever they are they will NOT be being manufactured in The U.S.
We're import dependent now. We produce very little of what we use and consume. The "Made In U.S.A." label is hard to find, especially on retail store shelves. It would be better to severely penalize companies that off-shore out-source jobs.
I am NOT a LIBERAL. And, my IQ is probably higher than yours. Is personal attacks all you have ???
Yes, that is all he has.

EdBaiamonte is the epitome of irony in that the stupidest person on this forum spends the most time questioning the IQ of others. He's nothing but a lonely old bitter miserable failure who has nothing better to do than spam this forum with nonsensical political ideology driven bilge, and has proven to be a compulsive liar.

So yeah, that is all he has.
We produce very little of what we use and consume.
How much of what we consume do what produce?

Reason I ask is despite decrease in manufacturing employment over past few decades the United States is still a massive production powerhouse. GE, Ford, Proctor & Gamble, Intel, Pfizer, Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson, Caterpillar, United Technologies, Kraft Foods, Merck, Coke, DuPont, Cisco, Abbot, Tyson, 3M etc. on and on we make a ton of shit and a lot of it is consumed right here in the United States.

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