Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Good ole Police. Always there to help ya out. This is what happens when you hand dumb roided-up goons guns & badges. Too many cops are completely incapable of using their brains. They almost immediately resort to violence. It's their Militarized training. We need to radically change how we train our police.

A pussy hypocrite like you will be the first to dial 911 and scream for the cops to come when you're in danger. And when they do show up, because they always will, being better men and women than you, you'll keep a lid on how you think they're nothing but "dumb roided-up goons with guns and badges".
Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.
Listen you fuck wit! The settlement is still being negotiated. It will be months before the LEO has any money in his account.
I know it's difficult for LIB children to understand reality. You want 'everything NOW!. Just like you demanded from your enabling 'mommy'.
"Do I have to WAIT until three before my show comes on!?"
Pathetic little baby-boy.
Your 'type demanded officer Wilson be charged with "murder" without an investigation.
Your type wanted to string Zimmerman up before he had due process.
Does it ever end with your stupidity? The Baltimore cops are going to walk.
This cop is going to settle for a 3/4 of a million dollar settlement against the county.
The elected politician sheriff is going to take early retirement.
And once again you are going to look like the asshole loser LIB you are.
Dudes more likely to go to prison than get a settlement. :laugh:
well again, we will see what the approved practice is for removing an unruly student from a desk. I can't wait to see that.
You already saw it. You just pretended it wouldnt work due to your physical weakness.
I agree, what the cop did is the only way. And, I'd pin a medal on the dude.
LEO: "Everyone leave this room immediately. Anyone who refuses is going to be arrested and charged with felony obstruction. You want that charge on your record?".
When the room was cleared I would have told the negro **** "I'm counting to five. If you don't get out of your desk in five seconds and put your hands behind your back I'm going to light your negro ass up with this Taser. One.....Two......."

You should go apply. I hear there's an opening.
I crap bigger than you. I've dealt with hundreds of cowards just like you in my time.
BIG fucking mouths! BIG threats! Big attitude!..........until it's just you and me pal..
Then it was always: "Whatever you say officer. I'm so sorry I punched my girlfriend. Can you just one time give me a break? Please please if my wife ever finds out.............
Fucking loser cowards the lot of you.
Then when your neighbor steals you fucking garbage can you call the cops at three in the morning because you aren't man enough to take care of your own business.
Happens with you cocksuckers thousands of times a day.
You're pathetic.

^ I wonder why he supports the officer?
Oh yeah, it's because he's psycho too.
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.
He obviously didnt know procedure. He got canned for not following procedure.
Really? Which procedure?
The one he got canned for not following.
Which is?
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.

Hahaha!!! Idiot. See....THAT IS the key to the settlement. It's private. Usually a stipulation of a gag order. The agency never has to publicly say they settled. Cop can't publicly disclose it. NAACP never knows about it.

You never hear about it.

Sorry, Buc. That won't fly. Any time a government agency at the county level spends your tax money, that information is available to the public, by law. In short, you are lying, or seriously misinformed.
You're the one that's misinformed pal.
County budgets have built in 'discretionary expenditures' to cover settling lawsuits.
Think carefully now: If there wasn't a place where county money could go to settle lawsuits and ALL expenditures were publically available for anyone to see then why oh why would people who settle a lawsuit need to sign a nondisclosure form????????????? Think about it for Christ's sake!!!!!!
What are you like fourteen?
She was under arrest. It's standard in many cases for police to advise a suspect of their rights after they're in cuffs so as to avoid a scuffle. This negro thug was determined that there would be a fight no matter what, a fact you Leftists completely absolve her of, and she got hurt. I hope it was painful.
This cop has nothing to worry about in terms of criminal prosecution. He acted within the technical boundaries of Procedure. But the type and the level of force he exercised under the circumstances are categorical bad judgment and an embarrassment to the agency he works for.

In simple terms the man is a loose cannon who very well could be using steroids. The Chief who fired him is, and very well should be, concerned with this fellow's future capability. He clearly is dangerous.

Whether or not he could successfully sue his employer for firing him will depend entirely on a civil jury's assessment of what they see in the video.
Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.
Listen you fuck wit! The settlement is still being negotiated. It will be months before the LEO has any money in his account.
I know it's difficult for LIB children to understand reality. You want 'everything NOW!. Just like you demanded from your enabling 'mommy'.
"Do I have to WAIT until three before my show comes on!?"
Pathetic little baby-boy.
Your 'type demanded officer Wilson be charged with "murder" without an investigation.
Your type wanted to string Zimmerman up before he had due process.
Does it ever end with your stupidity? The Baltimore cops are going to walk.
This cop is going to settle for a 3/4 of a million dollar settlement against the county.
The elected politician sheriff is going to take early retirement.
And once again you are going to look like the asshole loser LIB you are.
Dudes more likely to go to prison than get a settlement. :laugh:
well again, we will see what the approved practice is for removing an unruly student from a desk. I can't wait to see that.
You already saw it. You just pretended it wouldnt work due to your physical weakness.
I agree, what the cop did is the only way. And, I'd pin a medal on the dude.
Thats why you would have gotten fired like he did. And you wouldnt be able to afford to buy a medal since you would be unemployed.
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.
He obviously didnt know procedure. He got canned for not following procedure.
Really? Which procedure?
The one he got canned for not following.
Which is?
The one he got canned for not following.
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
He's a bad guy because of his actions, caught on video. He's there to protect the kids, not throw them across the floor.

That you can't stomach seeing a law being enforced and would rather side with the criminals than have your delicate sensibilities offended, is society failing to maintain civilization.

Do you know why cops carry clubs and guns?
There was no law being enforced, dumbass. She wasn't under arrest.

By refusing to leave she became a trespasser.

NOt under arrest? Yes, I realize that. So what?

How do you resist arrest if you're not under arrest?

She was under arrest. It's standard in many cases for police to advise a suspect of their rights after they're in cuffs so as to avoid a scuffle. This negro thug was determined that there would be a fight no matter what, a fact you Leftists completely absolve her of, and she got hurt. I hope it was painful.

I never said she wasn't, that was your retarded brother.
^ I wonder why he supports the officer?
Oh yeah, it's because he's psycho too.
To the dumbfuck:

Are the teachers, administrators, student witnesses, and fellow cops who widely support Officer Fields also "psycho"?

Or is it more likely that you're a punk, cop hating little whiny bitch who will call the cops when you need them because you're a hypocrite?

Which is more likely?
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.
Listen you fuck wit! The settlement is still being negotiated. It will be months before the LEO has any money in his account.
I know it's difficult for LIB children to understand reality. You want 'everything NOW!. Just like you demanded from your enabling 'mommy'.
"Do I have to WAIT until three before my show comes on!?"
Pathetic little baby-boy.
Your 'type demanded officer Wilson be charged with "murder" without an investigation.
Your type wanted to string Zimmerman up before he had due process.
Does it ever end with your stupidity? The Baltimore cops are going to walk.
This cop is going to settle for a 3/4 of a million dollar settlement against the county.
The elected politician sheriff is going to take early retirement.
And once again you are going to look like the asshole loser LIB you are.
Dudes more likely to go to prison than get a settlement. :laugh:
well again, we will see what the approved practice is for removing an unruly student from a desk. I can't wait to see that.
You already saw it. You just pretended it wouldnt work due to your physical weakness.
I agree, what the cop did is the only way. And, I'd pin a medal on the dude.
Thats why you would have gotten fired like he did. And you wouldnt be able to afford to buy a medal since you would be unemployed.
i'd just go to the obama free kitty and get all the medals I want.
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.
then why was the cop called in?
Dudes more likely to go to prison than get a settlement. :laugh:
well again, we will see what the approved practice is for removing an unruly student from a desk. I can't wait to see that.
You already saw it. You just pretended it wouldnt work due to your physical weakness.
I agree, what the cop did is the only way. And, I'd pin a medal on the dude.
Thats why you would have gotten fired like he did. And you wouldnt be able to afford to buy a medal since you would be unemployed.
i'd just go to the obama free kitty and get all the medals I want.
When did Obama set up a free kitty for medals? I was unaware you were already on welfare.
would it have been better to cuff the individual first?

It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.

Oh, really? Then it must be a known technique for which you can even provide a Youtube video.

I'll go get some more coffee while you post it.
Last edited:
It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.
then why was the cop called in?
Because the teacher was dumb and had poor leadership skills.
It never ceases to amaze me how many armchair quarterbacks think they know police procedure better than the police.

I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.

Oh, really? Then it must be a known technique for which you can even provide a Youtube video.

I'll got get some more coffee while you post it.
I already posted it. Go back a few pages.
These are the total expenditures of Arapahoe County, Colorado. this information is available for every county in the USA.

ATS Expenditures FInancial Expenditures
Interesting. Knowwhere in the budget is there a category for lawsuit settlements.
I guess that means the country has never settled a lawsuit. Truly an amazing accomplishment. Truly amazing.
OR what you put up wasn't the full budget. Just cherry picked.
I know right?

Lott: “When he threw her across the room, that’s when I made my decision.”

Read more here: Sheriff fires Richland deputy after altercation with Spring Valley student

NASRO tells CNN police should stay out of school discipline

“If there were an assault involved or a weapon involved, or the student were threatening the teacher, that would prompt law enforcement involvement, or should. If it was an incident where the student is just refusing to comply with the teacher, or not wanting to participate, that’s a school discipline incident and not necessarily a place for law enforcement.” That’s one of the statements NASRO executive director Mo Canady made today during CNN’s “Legal View” with Ashleigh Banfield. CNN invited Mo to participate in its coverage of the videotaped arrest of a Columbia, South Carolina high school student by a school resource officer. Mo also pointed out that the State of South Carolina does not allow NASRO to provide its nationally recognized school resource officer training anywhere in the state.
so he was ok with tossing her out of the desk eh?

Libs will offer up that super duper desk extraction technique any day now.

Prisons....police and military...meanwhile have spent centuries trying to find a non violent way to move 1 uncooperative person from 1 room to another 1 without...well...violence.

The police and military prisons....are still trying to figure that magic technique out.
Thats weird because intelligent teachers in schools country wide have figured it out.
then why was the cop called in?
Because the teacher was dumb and had poor leadership skills.
so you have no like at all for authority figures. ok, now I know what you really are. hahahhahahahhaahahha

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