Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.
I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.

Hahaha!!! Idiot. See....THAT IS the key to the settlement. It's private. Usually a stipulation of a gag order. The agency never has to publicly say they settled. Cop can't publicly disclose it. NAACP never knows about it.

You never hear about it.
No I'm not. Obviously the officer was wrong.
If you choose not to believe that , fine. But don't project your fantasy onto me.

Logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
UmHm, that's what happened.

HIs job was to remove her. He did, the only possible way, by force.

And his employers have fired him for doing so.

Society violated the trust because it could not handle seeing the force necessary to maintain civilization in our schools.
So concerning our social contract, there's no trust possessed by the government, nazi. This is why the constitution is one-sided and government workers who violate it are shitboxed. Commissar of government takeover, you: 'Society violated the trust'. Ridiculous.

Except he didn't violate it.

He did his job. A job that needs done, if we are to have a civilized society.

That our society considers him the bad guy is a sign of our social decay.
Violation. Fired for carrying out the largest disruption in civility in school district history and blowing the credibility of his brethren in the law.Shitboxed.
It was the negro **** that was the cause of the school disruption. She is facing a number of felony charges and WILL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You can bet the police union lawyers will be watching every move a Pros. makes.
The LEO "brethren" 100% are supporting the LEO involved.
When was the last time you wore your "Hands Up Don't Shoot" T shirt in public asshole? HAAAAAA HAAAAAA! Fucking pygama-boy loser!
I wish she was facing charges for her most serious crimes, but so far those charges have not been filed. A far worse fate awaits her as she feels vindicated and empowered to wrestle with cops in the future. Now all we can hope for is that the hot, copper jacketed lead goes right through her heart and lungs so she doesn't suffer much after getting her stupid ass shot.
LEO: "Everyone leave this room immediately. Anyone who refuses is going to be arrested and charged with felony obstruction. You want that charge on your record?".
When the room was cleared I would have told the negro **** "I'm counting to five. If you don't get out of your desk in five seconds and put your hands behind your back I'm going to light your negro ass up with this Taser. One.....Two......."

You should go apply. I hear there's an opening.
I crap bigger than you. I've dealt with hundreds of cowards just like you in my time.
BIG fucking mouths! BIG threats! Big attitude!..........until it's just you and me pal..
Then it was always: "Whatever you say officer. I'm so sorry I punched my girlfriend. Can you just one time give me a break? Please please if my wife ever finds out.............
Fucking loser cowards the lot of you.
Then when your neighbor steals you fucking garbage can you call the cops at three in the morning because you aren't man enough to take care of your own business.
Happens with you cocksuckers thousands of times a day.
You're pathetic.
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.

Hahaha!!! Idiot. See....THAT IS the key to the settlement. It's private. Usually a stipulation of a gag order. The agency never has to publicly say they settled. Cop can't publicly disclose it. NAACP never knows about it.

You never hear about it.

Sorry, Buc. That won't fly. Any time a government agency at the county level spends your tax money, that information is available to the public, by law. In short, you are lying, or seriously misinformed.
Except he didn't violate it.

He did his job. A job that needs done, if we are to have a civilized society.

That our society considers him the bad guy is a sign of our social decay.
He's a bad guy because of his actions, caught on video. He's there to protect the kids, not throw them across the floor.

That you can't stomach seeing a law being enforced and would rather side with the criminals than have your delicate sensibilities offended, is society failing to maintain civilization.

Do you know why cops carry clubs and guns?
There was no law being enforced, dumbass. She wasn't under arrest.

By refusing to leave she became a trespasser.

NOt under arrest? Yes, I realize that. So what?

How do you resist arrest if you're not under arrest?

She was under arrest. It's standard in many cases for police to advise a suspect of their rights after they're in cuffs so as to avoid a scuffle. This negro thug was determined that there would be a fight no matter what, a fact you Leftists completely absolve her of, and she got hurt. I hope it was painful.
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.

Hahaha!!! Idiot. See....THAT IS the key to the settlement. It's private. Usually a stipulation of a gag order. The agency never has to publicly say they settled. Cop can't publicly disclose it. NAACP never knows about it.

You never hear about it.

Sorry, Buc. That won't fly. Any time a government agency at the county level spends your tax money, that information is available to the public, by law. In short, you are lying, or seriously misinformed.

Not true.
I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.

From some teachers of other students.

Video Shows Cop Rip Female Student Out of Desk in South Carolina Classroom | VICE News

  • Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    Why not just drag the desk into the hallway? That's what I've done in the past for students disrupting a class then refusing to leave.

    Apparently I didn't get the proper training of "smash their head into the ground".
  • Joe Manzella Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    I know, right? I was a substitute teacher while in grad school. Not gonna lie, I definitely thought about this once... or twice. But there are WAAAYYYY better ways at besting a mouthy middle schooler.

    I once pulled the push-the-desk-not-the-kid into the hallway move too. Made sure to make putter-putter sounds like a tug boat while scooting him along. Ended up finishing the whole lesson that day, and then caught the troublemaker up over his next 5 lunches. Nothing worse than eating with teachers and doing times tables.

    Probably should've been fired for that, but it was an $8/hr job so... yeah.
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.

Do me a favor, Buc. either post a link of a deputy collecting a monetary award for wrongful termination, or stop posting this obvious misinformation.

Hahaha!!! Idiot. See....THAT IS the key to the settlement. It's private. Usually a stipulation of a gag order. The agency never has to publicly say they settled. Cop can't publicly disclose it. NAACP never knows about it.

You never hear about it.

Sorry, Buc. That won't fly. Any time a government agency at the county level spends your tax money, that information is available to the public, by law. In short, you are lying, or seriously misinformed.

Not true.

I'm done with you Bucs. Any idiot knows that public expenditures is public information. Nobody who pays taxes would tolerate hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax money just disappearing.

By, by, now........
No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
He didn't screw up. Even his boss couldn't specify what he did wrong. Hence the upcoming lawsuit.

Yeah....I'm still waiting to hear what removal techniques he should have used. 99% of these idiots have never been in a real fight against a fully resisting human. They don't realize how ugly it is and how often techniques fail. The Steven Segal shit where he used the Red Tiger Pinky Fingernail Lock to escort a terrorist is fiction. Libs think those techniques are reliable and work most times. They dont. Fights are sloppy and uglym
same with me. I'd like the details of the extraction practices that are available for cops in schools.
BELOW...video of how to do it.
The standard escort position. Simply take the arm by the wrist and elbow...lead them away. This simple touch along is enough for 99% of people to comply. There was NOTHING to indicate to the cop that she would be any different. If it fails....use the armbar takedown.

But she was determined. She pulled away...threw a punch...curled her legs to the desk. Resisted.

He's trained in this: (btw...also trained to move them AWAY from bystanders to handcuff....which he did)

So....he tried the escort position. Failed. He tried the takedown...modified for a person sitting down in which you grab the jaw and turn the head (typically for removal from a car, but works in a desk the same way) and it failed and she threw a punch.

Notice his arm around her jaw? AS HE WAS TAUGHT...the mandibular angle pressure point:

He tried 2 techniques he was taught, which both failed nearly instantly because she resisted and struggled....which ANYONE who has been in a fight knows...it never goes as planned and gets ugly quick.

Then...fight is on.

It's called PPCT. Taught to most cops. Founded by Bruce Sittle, hand to hand expert and instructor to cops and military.

So libs....there it is. Cop did everything as the book teaches it. NAACP got angry. And a Democrat sheriff caved in...because he didn't want the NAACP riots.

This cop was 100% doing it properly....except he skipped the bus dodging class. His flaw was he won the fight too convincingly.

That you can't stomach seeing a law being enforced and would rather side with the criminals than have your delicate sensibilities offended, is society failing to maintain civilization.

Do you know why cops carry clubs and guns?
There was no law being enforced, dumbass. She wasn't under arrest.

By refusing to leave she became a trespasser.

NOt under arrest? Yes, I realize that. So what?
Dumbass thinks the cop was enforcing the law, and he was not.

Trespassing is a crime. Removing her was enforcing the law.
There was never trespassing alleged, you union pundit. And that's not law enforcement, either.
She was trespassing the moment she was asked to leave and didn't. That's how trespassing works. If you're on my property and I ask you to leave and you refuse, you've already committed a crime for which I can arrest you. The same applies to schools which, even though they are public, they are not "public property" and if you don't have permission to be there, you're trespassing.
There was no law being enforced, dumbass. She wasn't under arrest.

By refusing to leave she became a trespasser.

NOt under arrest? Yes, I realize that. So what?
Dumbass thinks the cop was enforcing the law, and he was not.

Trespassing is a crime. Removing her was enforcing the law.
There was never trespassing alleged, you union pundit. And that's not law enforcement, either.
She was trespassing the moment she was asked to leave and didn't. That's how trespassing works. If you're on my property and I ask you to leave and you refuse, you've already committed a crime for which I can arrest you. The same applies to schools which, even though they are public, they are not "public property" and if you don't have permission to be there, you're trespassing.
When did the class become the teachers property?
This is already on her.

You libs just choose to take her side and deny it.

There is no reason to think that you would react differently if instead of one cop doing this there was 4.

You're a liar, but we already know this.
Bullshit. The first thing that I would have done if I were in this cops shoes would have been to drag her and desk out into the hallway so the class could resume. You wanted a alternate solution and you got one. Dont blame me for you being too much of an idiot to use common sense.
Trespassing is a crime. Removing her was enforcing the law.
She wasnt trespassing idiot. She was a student and required to be there.

She had been told to leave by the teacher and refused. That is why the cop was called, to remove her.

By refusing to leave she was thus trespassing.
No stupid. Thats not trespassing. The teacher doesnt own the school. If you can show me where the student was suspended or expelled prior to the incident you would make more sense.
sure it was, she was no longer welcomed in the room, that alone transitions to trespassing. Maybe you should read up on what that word means.

This is what trespass means. Now please post where the teacher owned the school.

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.

To the idiot:

The teacher is an agent of the city schools, just like a security guard or even a bouncer is an agent of the establishment's owner and has the right to enforce the owner's rules. Once the teacher told the student to leave and she refused, she was committing a crime.
I crap bigger than you. I've dealt with hundreds of cowards just like you in my time.

BIG fucking mouths! BIG threats! Big attitude!..........until it's just you and me pal..
Then it was always: "Whatever you say officer. I'm so sorry I punched my girlfriend. Can you just one time give me a break? Please please if my wife ever finds out.............

Fucking loser cowards the lot of you.

Then when your neighbor steals you fucking garbage can you call the cops at three in the morning because you aren't man enough to take care of your own business.

Happens with you cocksuckers thousands of times a day.

You're pathetic.
The above raving is evidence of a disturbed mind. If the police department you work for has a psychiatrist who read what you've said here you would be off duty and on Lithium or Thorazine.

There clearly is something seriously wrong with you.
There is plenty you can do about. Be a better leader. Drag the desk out of the room. If thats too hard find another job.
ever try to do that with someone in a desk? Try it, wait to when you get to the door and door frame/ threshold. See the person in the desk can merely extend their body parts and stop the desk from moving. So again, your extraction tool fails. so try again.
The only option the cop had was to leave the room and let the student remain in it to disrupt the class.
Actually I have as a 7th grader. Using physics there is nothing the person in the desk can do about.
wrong, sorry friend, you're just wrong. See I've seen it.
No. I'm not wrong. If at the age of 12 I can drag another student (around the same weight as I am) out of the class then the fully grown feral chimp could have done the same to the 16 year old girl.
ever put your feet on the floor to keep yourself from moving when being pulled? oh my gawd, the lack of intelligence is unbelievable by you and your friends. She also has hands which can grab doors, and then she could spread her arms and keep herself in the room at the door frame. you are truly uninformed. And it doesn't matter the weight friend.
He doesn't get this no matter how many times it's explained.

Bullshit. The first thing that I would have done if I were in this cops shoes would have been to drag her and desk out into the hallway so the class could resume. You wanted a alternate solution and you got one. Dont blame me for you being too much of an idiot to use common sense.
She wasnt trespassing idiot. She was a student and required to be there.

She had been told to leave by the teacher and refused. That is why the cop was called, to remove her.

By refusing to leave she was thus trespassing.
No stupid. Thats not trespassing. The teacher doesnt own the school. If you can show me where the student was suspended or expelled prior to the incident you would make more sense.
sure it was, she was no longer welcomed in the room, that alone transitions to trespassing. Maybe you should read up on what that word means.

This is what trespass means. Now please post where the teacher owned the school.

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.

To the idiot:

The teacher is an agent of the city schools, just like a security guard or even a bouncer is an agent of the establishment's owner and has the right to enforce the owner's rules. Once the teacher told the student to leave and she refused, she was committing a crime.
To the moron.

Refusing to leave a class is not a crime of trespass. If it was then the student would have been charged with that. The teacher is not an administrator and does not have the power to kick a student out of school in order to cause a charge of trespassing.

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