Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Cops aren't stupid, and in fact most of them have at least a BA. I can't think any would be so dumb that they don't figure out that what happened to this cop could happen to them too. They'll either refuse the post, or they'll take it but never actually do anything. They aren't dummies.
Having a college degree and being a cop with it doesn't vindicate smarts or wisdom. Setting that aside, a school cop is an old man job suited to nice people with a community service mindset and the willingness to work for that sort of pay. Only from shit government workers will you hear that it is stupid to take a position where you're expected to do your job professionally.

Really? You think that Constable Grandpa is the man they choose to deal with gang, drug, and violence invested public high schools?

There were two grampas at a school I went to. At this particular school they had all these problems, but the police were not expected to intimidate students. I assume you don't think that's what's needed in schools. Narcs would come to school and deal with drugs. The school called the police when there was violence. By no means were school cops and truancy cops classroom security.

Sounds like you went to a nice school. You're not that bright, I can see that, but I'm sure you're at least intelligent to know there are high schools in this country that make Eastside High look like a theme park. In fact, you can gage how violent a school is by how much "color" it has.

BTW, I went to a nice school here in Idaho. I was one of about 10 students who wasn't white. It was calm, orderly, and the kids relatively well behaved. We didn't have a police officer on campus.
I went to nice schools. The one I mentioned was a public school that was not nice, white or in a nice theme park area. Appealing to your intelligence and life experience: can you see how school cops are the desk jobber/older cops on the sheriff's squad vs the sheriff's special forces unit? Come to think of it, I know another silver-haired school cop.

At my first highschool, the neighborhood posed a threat to the schools and the students. Like in most 'bad' schools. They'd make a big presence when school let out, for example. They had cops on foot and horses after some violence hurt a kid elsewhere in Los Angeles.

The Idaho perspective on this seems hypothetical to me. There are places that are actually dealing with worse than cellphone kid, and they manage better than fired guy most of the time..
So by your own admission, neither you nor I can draw upon our own experience to compare to what happens in this school. Old, enfeebled people are unable to handle these youth on the cusp of adulthood who are committing very adult crimes. Eastside High is the better comparison, and if you need a real comparison, try to imagine Constable Gramps trying to patrol this famed school in the movie "Lean On Me". And since we don't have a Joe Clarke for every negro dense high school in the country, we need a strong police presence with police empowered to do what they're trained to do.

Teachers asked for cops in the school to feel safer. They are going to return to the days when they were in fear now.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.
Refusing to obey the orders of a police officer is a crime.

Stop lying, Leftists!
The police chief, who knows more about policy and procedure, as well as the definition of "excessive force", than anyone on this thread, has enforced the protocol which has been taught to all of his officers, by firing this cop. In spite of Buc's bogus claim that the county will be sued, the firing has taken place and the officer has been properly removed from public service,

On another note, I see a pattern in this discussion. There are plenty of people who believe that the use of force is appropriate with a child. Using force on a child to bend his will might as well be called what it really is; a course in bullying. If an adult has to resort to force against a child, that adult does not know how to be a parent, or even an authority figure. I never raised my hand to my child in her entire life, and she turned out to be a father's dream come true. On the other hand, I have a distant family member (not a blood relative, thank god) who regularly beat his girl with a leather belt. She is now a prostitute.

Chiefs and sheriffs also know how much money and damage a riot costs. And these days....cops under a bus is cheaper. Much cheaper. Most wrongfully fired cops will settle for 200-300K or so. Which is about the cost of overtime pay for a couple weeks of protests and riots.

BTW....www.thestate.com.....the "childs" lawyer now says Sheriff "didn't do enough"....says it was "too little too late". Ummm.....he was fired 48 hours after the incident. I suppose the agitators now want INSTANT FIRING of any cop they get mad at. See folks....the more inches we give.....in 5 years, anything other than immediate termination will result in riots. In 10 years....anything other than a cop being immediately fired AND arrested will result in riots. This shit is Alinsky methods. Textbook.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.
I have 4 kids too and we're teaching them to respect authority and follow the law. Yes, kids are very well behaved when they don't have cop hater parents like you.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.
Refusing to obey the orders of a police officer is a crime.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Your want me to believe that you raised four kids and they NEVER misbehaved? LMAO You probably sent them to their room to watch tv, play video games and chat on their cell phones or internet. He turned her over with her in the chair, dragged her and threw her across the room. Ni99er hater. Simple as that.
I have 4 kids too and we're teaching them to respect authority and follow the law. Yes, kids are very well behaved when they don't have cop hater parents like you.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.

No one is defending the bad behavior (texting) but it is not a crime and she should not have been treated as a criminal and slammed around like a dog. You do not know this girl and have no right to call her a low life bitch..Reflex on who you are. His racist ass was fired and should be charged with criminally assaulting this child.If this girl had been white her mother would have been called to the school.

She refused to leave the classroom.

Society has fired the law enforcement officer that removed her from the classroom.

That is society as a whole "defending" her.

SHe has won, the teacher, the cop, the other students, and society as a whole has lost.

Her skin color is relevant as it is the reason she is "privileged" to be above the law.
She has not won. She will account for her bad behavior but not with hanging.
No she won't. She has not been charged with her most serious crime, assaulting a police officer and she will go on thinking she was vindicated especially by her asshole lawyer making a victim out of her and she will keep engaging the police until she gets herself shot.

That's why the wise Proverb says, "He who spares the rod hates his son". (13:24) This poor girl is full of "caring" adults who hate her because not teaching a child discipline is the most hateful thing you can do to them.
Because neither bosses or cops every lie or are wrong. And would never throw a subordinate under the bus to make their life easier. In your world.

Got it.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
He didn't screw up. Even his boss couldn't specify what he did wrong. Hence the upcoming lawsuit.
Having a college degree and being a cop with it doesn't vindicate smarts or wisdom. Setting that aside, a school cop is an old man job suited to nice people with a community service mindset and the willingness to work for that sort of pay. Only from shit government workers will you hear that it is stupid to take a position where you're expected to do your job professionally.

Really? You think that Constable Grandpa is the man they choose to deal with gang, drug, and violence invested public high schools?

There were two grampas at a school I went to. At this particular school they had all these problems, but the police were not expected to intimidate students. I assume you don't think that's what's needed in schools. Narcs would come to school and deal with drugs. The school called the police when there was violence. By no means were school cops and truancy cops classroom security.

Sounds like you went to a nice school. You're not that bright, I can see that, but I'm sure you're at least intelligent to know there are high schools in this country that make Eastside High look like a theme park. In fact, you can gage how violent a school is by how much "color" it has.

BTW, I went to a nice school here in Idaho. I was one of about 10 students who wasn't white. It was calm, orderly, and the kids relatively well behaved. We didn't have a police officer on campus.
I went to nice schools. The one I mentioned was a public school that was not nice, white or in a nice theme park area. Appealing to your intelligence and life experience: can you see how school cops are the desk jobber/older cops on the sheriff's squad vs the sheriff's special forces unit? Come to think of it, I know another silver-haired school cop.

At my first highschool, the neighborhood posed a threat to the schools and the students. Like in most 'bad' schools. They'd make a big presence when school let out, for example. They had cops on foot and horses after some violence hurt a kid elsewhere in Los Angeles.

The Idaho perspective on this seems hypothetical to me. There are places that are actually dealing with worse than cellphone kid, and they manage better than fired guy most of the time..
So by your own admission, neither you nor I can draw upon our own experience to compare to what happens in this school. Old, enfeebled people are unable to handle these youth on the cusp of adulthood who are committing very adult crimes. Eastside High is the better comparison, and if you need a real comparison, try to imagine Constable Gramps trying to patrol this famed school in the movie "Lean On Me". And since we don't have a Joe Clarke for every negro dense high school in the country, we need a strong police presence with police empowered to do what they're trained to do.

Teachers asked for cops in the school to feel safer. They are going to return to the days when they were in fear now.

Exactly right.

The SRO program in most schools was a response to Columbine and school shootings. Student discipline was never part of the original plan. However...like anything...slowly teachers and staff used the cops for discipline. Give an inch, mission creep, however we say it.

Slowly but surely....PDs shuffled their less capable officers to the schools. Those who can't hack it on the street often to to the schools. Slower smaller weaker cops. Kinder gentler. But then....school staffs started grumbling about not feeling like those cops could handle a dangerous threat.

So....a few A type cops were filtered in. No nonsense types.

The types that of a shit head like Klebold or Lanza walk in with a rifle to murder kids...the cop rushes towards and drops the motherfucker.

But NOW....they want a cop who runs head on at a man with a rifle without hesitation .....but will hug it out and be Andy Griffith the rest of the time. Well humans are humans...and those two personalities don't usually come in the same person.

So the answer is....arm some teacher and take cops out of schools.
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

So if you want to be a common thug rather than a good cop...go for it...but don't whine when good cops and citizens (those people you work FOR) hold you accountable for your actions.

An even better lesson is, if you don't want police protection, stop calling them, stop posting them at schools, and stop demanding they do the teachers' job because when you call in the police, they're going to act like police. BTW, Sheriff Lott is not a cop, he's a politician trying to keep the city from being burned down by hordes of rioting feral chimpanzees by throwing one of his deputies under the bus. Get a clue, you of all people should know better.
Did you here or see the officer giving a standard warning informing the girl that she was going to be arrested and face charges that would cause incarceration? Is there some reason why a person about to be arrested and removed for trespassing is given a specific protocol but the teenage girl in school doesn't have the right to the same protocol? If the cop would have followed the procedure the way he was trained to do and being paid to do he would not have been fired. He should be arrested for assault.

You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
He didn't screw up. Even his boss couldn't specify what he did wrong. Hence the upcoming lawsuit.

Yeah....I'm still waiting to hear what removal techniques he should have used. 99% of these idiots have never been in a real fight against a fully resisting human. They don't realize how ugly it is and how often techniques fail. The Steven Segal shit where he used the Red Tiger Pinky Fingernail Lock to escort a terrorist is fiction. Libs think those techniques are reliable and work most times. They dont. Fights are sloppy and uglym
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

So if you want to be a common thug rather than a good cop...go for it...but don't whine when good cops and citizens (those people you work FOR) hold you accountable for your actions.

An even better lesson is, if you don't want police protection, stop calling them, stop posting them at schools, and stop demanding they do the teachers' job because when you call in the police, they're going to act like police. BTW, Sheriff Lott is not a cop, he's a politician trying to keep the city from being burned down by hordes of rioting feral chimpanzees by throwing one of his deputies under the bus. Get a clue, you of all people should know better.

And he's a Democrat. No wonder he instantly caved when Jesse Jackson showed up. He's one of the few Democrat sheriffs in SC and his county....no surprise....is the most violent one in SC.
You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
He didn't screw up. Even his boss couldn't specify what he did wrong. Hence the upcoming lawsuit.

Yeah....I'm still waiting to hear what removal techniques he should have used. 99% of these idiots have never been in a real fight against a fully resisting human. They don't realize how ugly it is and how often techniques fail. The Steven Segal shit where he used the Red Tiger Pinky Fingernail Lock to escort a terrorist is fiction. Libs think those techniques are reliable and work most times. They dont. Fights are sloppy and uglym
same with me. I'd like the details of the extraction practices that are available for cops in schools.
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.
He didn't screw up. Even his boss couldn't specify what he did wrong. Hence the upcoming lawsuit.

Yeah....I'm still waiting to hear what removal techniques he should have used. 99% of these idiots have never been in a real fight against a fully resisting human. They don't realize how ugly it is and how often techniques fail. The Steven Segal shit where he used the Red Tiger Pinky Fingernail Lock to escort a terrorist is fiction. Libs think those techniques are reliable and work most times. They dont. Fights are sloppy and uglym
same with me. I'd like the details of the extraction practices that are available for cops in schools.
BELOW...video of how to do it.
The standard escort position. Simply take the arm by the wrist and elbow...lead them away. This simple touch along is enough for 99% of people to comply. There was NOTHING to indicate to the cop that she would be any different. If it fails....use the armbar takedown.

But she was determined. She pulled away...threw a punch...curled her legs to the desk. Resisted.

He's trained in this: (btw...also trained to move them AWAY from bystanders to handcuff....which he did)

So....he tried the escort position. Failed. He tried the takedown...modified for a person sitting down in which you grab the jaw and turn the head (typically for removal from a car, but works in a desk the same way) and it failed and she threw a punch.

Notice his arm around her jaw? AS HE WAS TAUGHT...the mandibular angle pressure point:

He tried 2 techniques he was taught, which both failed nearly instantly because she resisted and struggled....which ANYONE who has been in a fight knows...it never goes as planned and gets ugly quick.

Then...fight is on.

It's called PPCT. Taught to most cops. Founded by Bruce Sittle, hand to hand expert and instructor to cops and military.

So libs....there it is. Cop did everything as the book teaches it. NAACP got angry. And a Democrat sheriff caved in...because he didn't want the NAACP riots.

This cop was 100% doing it properly....except he skipped the bus dodging class. His flaw was he won the fight too convincingly.
You're nitpicking.

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on NOT using cell phones in class?

is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the class room when told to by the teacher?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules on standing up when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didn't follow the rules of leaving the room when told to by the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl didnt't follow the rules to NOT punch the police officer?

Is there some reason this girl doesn't have to follow the rules?
The reason for all your questions is that the girl is an immature and confused kid suffering from great grief and she was probably screaming out for attention. This is not odd behavior for a teenage. One would hope that a police officer would know the necessity of handling an individual like a teenage girl with caution and according to the procedure he has been train in. The question is, why didn't the adult act like an adult. You are asking why the kid acted like a kid. I gave you an answer. Now it is you turn to answer why the cop didn't act like an adult.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

The cop did act like an adult. An adult human.

YOur belief system that adult cops will engage in physical combat without any display of anger or emotion is foolishness on your part.

What you want is some type of robot. And you would still handicap it to make sure that it could not achieve it's mission.

No, the reason for my questions is that the only questions you libs are asking is focused on what the law enforcement officer did with ZERO concern about the asshole who refused to give up her cell phone or to just leave the stupid room.

Because the actions of the officer IS the story, the only story. The girl's behavior needed to be addressed and discipline applied. We all get that. That's not the story. The story is how the adult chose to do it. Obviously he screwed up given the resulting actions taken by his employer and the district.
Your inability to grasp that after pages and pages of discussion is your shortcoming not that of other posters.

The girl choose that the only way for her to be removed was by force.

The resulting actions of his employer and the district shows that our society is too weak and decadent to maintain civilization in the classroom.

You libs claim you want better schools, and that education is so important, but your actions speak otherwise.

Except the girl is not the subject of the investigation. Cops abusing children is certainly in no way bettering our schools.
- LINK: Social media reaction to Florin High principal being thrown to floor by students

THIS is why there are police officers at schools now:

"Florin High Principal Thrown to floor by Students During student Brawl"

No respect, no discipline...and no fear of reprisal. Growing up we never even thought of striking a teacher - wasn't even an option. The roles have been reversed now. Teachers refuse to enforce discipline as they should, will not touch a child for fear of being attacked and/or sued.

There were officers patrolling the schools at least as far back as the early 70s, when I was in school...but you are correct, the teacher's hands are tied these days.

Considering that the environment of our schools are more like prisons these days...metal detectors, searches, bulls on patrol, etc...
For all the alleged cops, wannabe cops and cop groupies here who keep peddling the wacky notion that all "real" cops think and act alike...not to mention the even wackier notion that cops can use all the force they want when some citizen refuses to blindly obey and submit:

"Police officers make mistakes too. They're human and they need to be held accountable, and that's what we've done with Deputy Ben Fields"
-- Sheriff Leon Lott

It wasn't about blind obedience and submitting. It was about the girl first having disobeyed policy, then disobeying a legitimate request to go to the discipline office then continuing to refuse. When you know the rule and someone asked you to follow the rule, it isn't blindly obeying or submitting, it's doing what you're told, when you're told, by a person having the authority to tell you to do it. If you don't like being told what to do in that situation, too bad.

In general, bullshit. Using your logic we would still be a British colony.

In this specific case, nobody is trying to justify the actions...or inaction of the girl. The problem is that none of the alleged adult authorities involved had the brains god gave a half-wit to deal with the situation without resorting to EXCESSIVE" violence. If you ain't got the brains to outwit a teenybopper, you ain't got the brains to be a cop or a teacher...though I might have to give the administrators a pass, since thinking outside the box isn't one of their core competencies.

Says the person that uses the word "Ain't"

Now you've exposed yourself as a moron. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. Indeed, this is what Merriam Webster has to say about it:

Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis <the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore — Richard Schickel><I am telling you—there ain't going to be any blackmail — R. M. Nixon>. It is used especially in journalistic prose as part of a consistently informal style <the creative process ain't easy — Mike Royko>. This informal ain't is commonly distinguished from habitual ain't by its frequent occurrence in fixed constructions and phrases<well—class it ain't — Cleveland Amory><for money? say it ain't so, Jimmy! — Andy Rooney><you ain't seen nothing yet><that ain't hay><two out of three ain't bad><if it ain't broke, don't fix it>. In fiction ain't is used for purposes of characterization; in familiar correspondence it tends to be the mark of a warm personal friendship. It is also used for metrical reasons in popular songs<Ain't She Sweet><It Ain't Necessarily So>. Our evidence shows British use to be much the same as American.

The bolding is mine. Yes, my moron friend, this hick just trapped you into exposing yourself as one of those faux conservatives who, when caught without logical rebuttal, resorts to silly word and grammar police games...a favorite tactic of liberal elitists. Good job, dipshit!

You're right. It was my senior year in high school when "ain't" was added to the dictionary. Unfortunately it also is part of a mountain of evidence that discredits the dictionary as a standard of correct English because it incorporates ignorant vernacular instead of holding the bar high for correct English grammar true to its Latin and Greek roots. "Homophobia" is also in the dictionary even though it cannot possibly mean "fear of homosexuals" based on its Greek roots. I now laugh at everyone who posts a dictionary definition for anything. The dictionary is no longer a credible source for correct English.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

I hope he's not dumb enough to take it. He should get a lawyer and sue for much more.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
Sheriff Lott is an elected official AKA politician.
The LEO did NOT "work for" Lott. The LEO worked for the Richland County.
But nice try lying about it.

That's right. Sheriff Lott is NOT a cop, he's a politician. He admits his findings are at odds with other witnesses, teachers, and administrators who support Fields. He admits not factoring in that the thug was beating on him, and while he says Fields violated department procedure, he refused to define what procedure he violated. He's a pussy throwing one of his own deputies under the bus to prevent the city from being burned down by rioting apes.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

I hope he's not dumb enough to take it. He should get a lawyer and sue for much more.

He already has one. Quoted in today's paper in Columbia.

PPCT techniques which I linked above are what he tried to use and, as in most fights, they failed and it turned into a basic grappling match. His problem was winning too quickly. Had he fallen and let her get some good punches in and then kinda rolled over onto her...he may have been ok.

The new art for cops fighting a minority....dont win so good. Win...but put on a good comeback show...let them get some shots in and make it look like they are winning before you win.
Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
Sheriff Lott is an elected official AKA politician.
The LEO did NOT "work for" Lott. The LEO worked for the Richland County.
But nice try lying about it.

That's right. Sheriff Lott is NOT a cop, he's a politician. He admits his findings are at odds with other witnesses, teachers, and administrators who support Fields. He admits not factoring in that the thug was beating on him, and while he says Fields violated department procedure, he refused to define what procedure he violated. He's a pussy throwing one of his own deputies under the bus to prevent the city from being burned down by rioting apes.

My guess is as a Democrat Sheriff in SCs most violent county....his department policy manual likely includes "Deputies shall take NO action which results in angering the NAACP or other minority activists groups."

Deputy violated that procedure.

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