Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
Trust me, if it works out for the cop, I'll be very happy to hear it. That stupid thug student deserves to get her ass dragged across the floor several more times. IMO.

What for?

Wait, I asked you the same thing two days ago and you ran away.

See ya again Monday.

I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

So you have no basis at all -- you're just pulling it out of your ass, handing out expulsions and assaults on the basis of pure ignorance -- the absence of any info at all, save that she has a cell phone and she's black.

That's what I call turning tail and running away.

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
It seems the media is sympathetic to your cop hate and accommodates it with touching stories about how the girl just lost her mother, something you Leftists repeated over and over again to garner sympathy for the thug. It turns out it's a lie and I should have seen it that way from the beginning. You Leftists don't know how NOT to lie.

Our Police have been Militarized. And that's the problem. They're not using their brains. They're resorting to violence too often. This situation for example, could have been handled in numerous different ways. But the cop chose the roided-up goon solution.

It's all in their training. They're not soldiers kicking down doors in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're domestic police. Their job is to serve and protect. If they wanna kick down doors and shoot people, let em join the military and ship em off to fight ISIS. We expect more from our police. And it's time to start holding them accountable.

Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but Ben Carson's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.
Our Police have been Militarized. And that's the problem. They're not using their brains. They're resorting to violence too often. This situation for example, could have been handled in numerous different ways. But the cop chose the roided-up goon solution.

It's all in their training. They're not soldiers kicking down doors in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're domestic police. Their job is to serve and protect. If they wanna kick down doors and shoot people, let em join the military and ship em off to fight ISIS. We expect more from our police. And it's time to start holding them accountable.

Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.

Bet you would. You'd love to see your police gods murder more innocent Citizens. Man, you Authority-Worshippers really are pretty demented. :cuckoo:

I admit I find it very amusing when cop haters fight the cops and get ventilated:

And yes, I would like to see this happen to you too.
Teachers need to anonymously videotape and post the way black kids act in school. It's really ridiculous and embarrassing
Our Police have been Militarized. And that's the problem. They're not using their brains. They're resorting to violence too often. This situation for example, could have been handled in numerous different ways. But the cop chose the roided-up goon solution.

It's all in their training. They're not soldiers kicking down doors in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're domestic police. Their job is to serve and protect. If they wanna kick down doors and shoot people, let em join the military and ship em off to fight ISIS. We expect more from our police. And it's time to start holding them accountable.

Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.

Bet you would. You'd love to see your police gods murder more innocent Citizens. Man, you Authority-Worshippers really are pretty demented. :cuckoo:

I admit I find it very amusing when cop haters fight the cops and get ventilated:

And yes, I would like to see this happen to you too.

You would. You're a Nazi moron. ;)
What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
What for?

Wait, I asked you the same thing two days ago and you ran away.

See ya again Monday.

I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

So you have no basis at all -- you're just pulling it out of your ass, handing out expulsions and assaults on the basis of pure ignorance -- the absence of any info at all, save that she has a cell phone and she's black.

That's what I call turning tail and running away.

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?
Our Police have been Militarized. And that's the problem. They're not using their brains. They're resorting to violence too often. This situation for example, could have been handled in numerous different ways. But the cop chose the roided-up goon solution.

It's all in their training. They're not soldiers kicking down doors in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're domestic police. Their job is to serve and protect. If they wanna kick down doors and shoot people, let em join the military and ship em off to fight ISIS. We expect more from our police. And it's time to start holding them accountable.

Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but Ben Carson's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.
I was the only Native American in an almost all white school. The kids were mostly polite and apart from normal shenanigans, they were not out of control. I got shit from some of them and I had to learn quickly how to fight, but I never experienced discrimination by the adults and they even stepped in to protect me. I'm glad I went to the school I did and I'm making sure my kids go to a good school too.
No, and it's irrelevant.
I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

So you have no basis at all -- you're just pulling it out of your ass, handing out expulsions and assaults on the basis of pure ignorance -- the absence of any info at all, save that she has a cell phone and she's black.

That's what I call turning tail and running away.

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
Who said kill them? Me or Ben carson?
The System's rigged. Most cops get away with their crimes. And they always have. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans have been completely clueless as to the extent of their arrogant bullying.

And we've only scratched the surface. Police corruption and violence is the norm. It's time to start arresting and prosecuting more aggressively. A message has to be sent.
Curious that only those who have a history of breaking the law have a negative attitude of LEO's.
But not so curiuos at all, that all of those who have a history of sycophantic authority-hugging have a positive attitude toward LEO's.

It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?
It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but he's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.

So, kill em? That's your solution? God, you Authority-Worshippers are so damn lost. No wonder so many cops think they can get away with anything. You deranged kooks have led to them to believe that.
Who said kill them? Me or Ben carson?

You Authority-Worshippers sure sound like you fully support just killing em. You're a scary bunch fo sho.
You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

So you have no basis at all -- you're just pulling it out of your ass, handing out expulsions and assaults on the basis of pure ignorance -- the absence of any info at all, save that she has a cell phone and she's black.

That's what I call turning tail and running away.

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
You are the reason LEO's must resort to violence pal.
No one else has a problem with LEO's.
Curious that only those who have a history of breaking the law have a negative attitude of LEO's.
But not so curiuos at all, that all of those who have a history of sycophantic authority-hugging have a positive attitude toward LEO's.

It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

So you have no basis at all -- you're just pulling it out of your ass, handing out expulsions and assaults on the basis of pure ignorance -- the absence of any info at all, save that she has a cell phone and she's black.

That's what I call turning tail and running away.

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.
Go start a cop hater thread on it, then. I'm sure it will be popular.

It's got absolutely jack squat to do with "hate". See if you can find a way to grow up and not melt down into childish emotion.

It's got to do with the rights of the public -- versus a self-styled paramilitary force that sees the public it's supposed to be serving, as an enemy to be vanquished obliterated. That mentality is completely fucked up and it needs fixing. Yesterday.
At least this is forcing us to have the conversation. I agree I don't like our police force militarized. I've seen it up close. I bet that cop was doing it just like they would in Iraq or Afghanistan.

But also do what the officer says. Or the teacher and administrator who tried to reason with words before the cop was called. Words weren't working.

I liked RoboCop. There was a reason that was in Detroit. That's where RoboCop is needed.

If they sent a punk cop in those kids would eat his lunch. Ever go to an all black school? I have.
I would love to see RoboCop in an all black school.
I went to an all black school. Only 3 of us whites. You know the worst week of my life was the week they showed roots in our class.

I'm a liberal but Ben Carson's right about blacks not taking school seriously and they are very disrespectful.
I was the only Native American in an almost all white school. The kids were mostly polite and apart from normal shenanigans, they were not out of control. I got shit from some of them and I had to learn quickly how to fight, but I never experienced discrimination by the adults and they even stepped in to protect me. I'm glad I went to the school I did and I'm making sure my kids go to a good school too.
I moved to an all white school eventually and learned as a Greek I wasn't white either. Close enough though. We had Jews Chaldeans and Lebanese kids but they blended in too.

We had 3 blacks in our school. Ironic. The two brothers were nice the one kid was ghetto criminal. He hung out with the burnouts. Perfect example of a bad black. But I'm sure his mom wanted better for him but where daddy at? This is what our problem is. Bad parenting. Or no parenting.
This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
You are the reason LEO's must resort to violence pal.
No one else has a problem with LEO's.

Yes, it's all the Citizens' fault our Police have become violent militarized Gestapo thugs. Yup, sure thing. :cuckoo:
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
You are the reason LEO's must resort to violence pal.
No one else has a problem with LEO's.

Yes, it's all the Citizens' fault our Police have become violent militarized Gestapo thugs. Yup, sure thing. :cuckoo:
No. Just yours. People like me don't have a problem with the police, just felon punk thugs like you.
But not so curiuos at all, that all of those who have a history of sycophantic authority-hugging have a positive attitude toward LEO's.

It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.
Curious that only those who have a history of breaking the law have a negative attitude of LEO's.
But not so curiuos at all, that all of those who have a history of sycophantic authority-hugging have a positive attitude toward LEO's.

It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

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