Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

This cop will claim 'Self Defense.' They always play that card. But gee let's see, an unarmed teenaged girl vs. a hulking roided-up adult male officer armed with a taser, pepper spray, baton, and pistol. Yeah, she was a real threat to the moron. Uh huh. He should be arrested and booked for assault. She has a strong case.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
You don't like how physical cops get when you get arrested.
It's kind of a 'Stockholm Syndrome' effect for most Americans in regards to authority, and especially police. They've been conditioned to take their abuse from authority and learn to embrace it. Most Americans now sympathize with and vehemently defend those abusing them. It's the old 'If you can't beat em, join em' scenario.
Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.

First you'd need probable cause of a CRIME. He made a lawful arrest on a resisting suspect. No crime. Sorry.
Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
You don't like how physical cops get when you get arrested.

Yes, we know you Authority-Worshippers get all boned up at the thought of a Gestapo thug beating up a young unarmed teenage girl. We get it. Y'all are messed up. :cuckoo:
With an entire school full of disrespectful kids I'd like to see you do that job. They'd chew you up and spit you out.

They're just st churdren? So was Mike Tyson when he was robbing people. He's OK now but it took a rape conviction and evanders ear and heavy meds to do it.

Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.

She's lucky she's not in jail for assaulting him.

Oh wait, that's it, isn't it? You got combative with the cops and they put a boot up your ass, didn't you? You're lucky you didn't get shot like:

Just curious. How many times have you been sent to prison?
Are you now in a halfway house? Awaiting trial? Got any outstanding warrants?
Law abiding people never have anything to fear from LE. Plain and simple.

That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.
Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.

First you'd need probable cause of a CRIME. He made a lawful arrest on a resisting suspect. No crime. Sorry.

He brutally assaulted an unarmed teenaged girl. She should be allowed to press charges. He should be arrested and booked. It can be sorted out in court later. Losing his job isn't enough.
Yeah, she was a rel 'threat' to the roided-up moron. And if you can't do the job, GTFO. Stop whining and go find something else to do for a living.
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.

She's lucky she's not in jail for assaulting him.

Oh wait, that's it, isn't it? You got combative with the cops and they put a boot up your ass, didn't you? You're lucky you didn't get shot like:

So.... a 16-year-old girl instinctively flailing laterally at a 300 pound muscle freak while being choked is "assault", while the freak picking that girl up by the desk and flipping her backward --- then literally throwing her against a wall -- is not.

Here's your new avatar --

Fucking dishonest hack.
What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
What for?

Wait, I asked you the same thing two days ago and you ran away.

See ya again Monday.

I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

That's what I call turning tail and running away.
Ha ha! We now know what the story isn't. It isn't a poor, disturbed girl who just lost her parents. No, that was a lie you Leftards pushed for hundreds of pages on 3 different threads. Mother and grandmother are alive and well. http://www.newsweek.com/south-carolina-student-flipped-police-officer-foster-care-388119

Stop lying, Leftists!

I posted no such thing. I've said nothing about her mother OR grandmother, nor do I know that info. I'm not even aware of "three different threads" nor have I been in that many.

So Fuck You, Liar.

You're part of the lying machine that is the American Left. It started with the lie told by the New York Daily News and then spread by you minions in return. You don't like being associated with lying leftists, stop being one.

Go fuck yourself, lying hack.

You got something on me -- quote it.

In the absence of that you're a fucking LIAR.

Do I make myself clear?
You could have gotten her up with your words?

Possibly. And if we stopped militarizing our police, they could too. Their training is to resort to violence immediately. We have to reverse this militarization.
Somehow I've never been on the wrong end of a "militarized" police force. In fact I've never even been arrested. It's amazing how obeying the law does that for a person. Too bad you went the other route and now like a teenage punk, you blame the cops for your criminal behavior.

Well, i hope your cop hero feels good about himself. He got to brutally assault a young girl and not be charged. And that's thanks to dumb Authority-Worshippers like you. This girl should have been allowed to press charges against him. He should have been arrested & booked, just like any average Citizen would be.

She's lucky she's not in jail for assaulting him.

Oh wait, that's it, isn't it? You got combative with the cops and they put a boot up your ass, didn't you? You're lucky you didn't get shot like:

So.... a 16-year-old girl instinctively flailing laterally at a 300 pound muscle freak while being choked is "assault", while the freak picking that girl up by the desk and flipping her backward --- then literally throwing her against a wall -- is not.

Here's your new avatar --

Fucking dishonest hack.

She was hitting, not flailing. Even Sheriff Lott in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) commented on her crime. It was very clear to everyone except a lunatic fringe cop hater nutcase like you that she was punching the officer.
That's what you've been told anyway. We should all fear this Police State. It's effecting all of us.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. They had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.
No, and it's irrelevant.
I didn't run away, I ignored you. But call it what you need to to make yourself feel better, idiot.

You sure as hell did. You expressed a wish that the student get expelled. I asked what for (crickets). I asked what you knew about her, pointed out that we don't even know her name nor have we even seen her face (more crickets). I pointed out we don't know what her story is and asked if you do -- you said "no and it's irrelevant".

That's what I call turning tail and running away.
Ha ha! We now know what the story isn't. It isn't a poor, disturbed girl who just lost her parents. No, that was a lie you Leftards pushed for hundreds of pages on 3 different threads. Mother and grandmother are alive and well. http://www.newsweek.com/south-carolina-student-flipped-police-officer-foster-care-388119

Stop lying, Leftists!

I posted no such thing. I've said nothing about her mother OR grandmother, nor do I know that info. I'm not even aware of "three different threads" nor have I been in that many.

So Fuck You, Liar.

You're part of the lying machine that is the American Left. It started with the lie told by the New York Daily News and then spread by you minions in return. You don't like being associated with lying leftists, stop being one.

Go fuck yourself, lying hack.

You got something on me -- quote it.

In the absence of that you're a fucking LIAR.

Do I make myself clear?

Tell us more about how she "lost her mother" you lying Leftist hack.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. They had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

That's right faggot. NOW get down on your knees and do as you're told or else hahaha!!!
She has a good case. She'll sue and win. She was brutally attacked. But the mongoloid cop will only lose his job. He won't be prosecuted. And that's how it usually works. The System is rigged.
It's only affecting those who break the law.
Millions and millions of law abiding peaceful decent people never have any problems with LEO's. Do you have any outstanding warrants?

Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.
Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. They had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

That's right faggot. NOW get down on your knees and do as you're told or else hahaha!!!

Ha, you sound like the perfect Nazi. Nuff said.
Yes we know, the police can't do anything wrong. They're just here to help. We've heard it all before. The reality is, this cop brutally assaulted this young girl. He's the criminal. He should have been arrested and booked, just like any average Citizen would be.
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
She has a good case. She'll sue and win. She was brutally attacked. But the mongoloid cop will only lose his job. He won't be prosecuted. And that's how it usually works. The System is rigged.

That's right. We have it all rigged. It's all for us and all against you. Sucks doesn't it? But for us....it's awesome and it's never changing. Life is better for us and sucks for you haha!!!
He sure did manhandle her. You want respect from these kids. Let her get away with it look out.

I want to see this school a year from now.

Yup, he sure showed that innocent unarmed teenage girl a thing or two. What a hero. The dumbass should have been charged and booked.
It must be guite a sight for your family to watch you spend your time in and out of prison. They must be really proud of you.
Go ahead and 'hate' the cops. One day if we're lucky you'll have a 'hate-on' with a cop and end of feeding the maggots.

You'd love that huh? Another innocent Citizen murdered by your beloved Gestapo thugs. You Authority-Worshippers are some real sickos. You make it easier to understand how the Nazis were able to so easily seize power in Germany. It had millions of Bootlickers like you supporting their crimes.

You should stop complaining and go tell the cops how you feel. I mean right now! Go out and find a cop out in the streets and approach him. Use wild, animated gestures and raise your voice too so they can't misunderstand your message. You should do this now.

Yes, you would get your boner over another innocent Citizen being brutally murdered by your beloved Gestapo. Seriously, y'all are a bunch of loony Nazi Bootlickers. Shame on ya.
I can't wait to see the body cam footage of you getting shot by police. You'll be a star. I'll even start a thread.

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