Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

We have the whole story.

Then why the kidnapping lie?
I saw the man being kidnapped in the video made by his distraught American daughter.
How do you "kidnap" a crimminal.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?
Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.
There is an existing deportation order. He won't get to see a judge.

He's like Whitey Bulger who lived an exemplary life in Santa Monica.
Can there be a deportation order without the signature of a judge?
Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

I'm not as sure as you are. There is a lot of 'Fake News' out there. This particular report clearly was intended to illicit a knee-jerk negative response towards Immigration Officials. There could be more to the story though. For instance, he could be wanted for other past crimes. I'm willing to be patient. I'll wait for more info.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

We have the whole story.

Then why the kidnapping lie?
I saw the man being kidnapped in the video made by his distraught American daughter.
How do you "kidnap" a crimminal.
The father is not a criminal no more than you are for your speeding tickets.
A decent judge would discount your moralizing.

Your post is just plain STUPID. You actually don't know what this person has done. HE IS A LAWBREAKER, and he is getting a better deal than some do.
That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

We have the whole story.

Then why the kidnapping lie?
I saw the man being kidnapped in the video made by his distraught American daughter.
How do you "kidnap" a crimminal.
The father is not a criminal no more than you are for your speeding tickets.
His crime is not a misdemeanor but felonious. How do we know he is not a terrorist?
There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
He wasn't deported because we had a president who didn't give a shit about Americans. Now that we have one who does care, he's being sent back.

Is that hard for you to understand?
There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

I'm not as sure as you are. There is a lot of 'Fake News' out there. This particular report clearly was intended to illicit a knee-jerk negative response towards Immigration Officials. There could be more to the story though. For instance, he could be wanted for other past crimes. I'm willing to be patient. I'll wait for more info.
There was no other information. I am going only on the report you read.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
He wasn't deported because we had a president who didn't give a shit about Americans. Now that we have one who does care, he's being sent back.

Is that hard for you to understand?
His wife and four American children see it differently than you do.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

We have the whole story.

Then why the kidnapping lie?
I saw the man being kidnapped in the video made by his distraught American daughter.
How do you "kidnap" a crimminal.
The father is not a criminal no more than you are for your speeding tickets.
His crime is not a misdemeanor but felonious. How do we know he is not a terrorist?
I give up.
There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
Also; are you suggesting we wait until he kills someone while driving drunk before we deport him?
We have the whole story.

Then why the kidnapping lie?
I saw the man being kidnapped in the video made by his distraught American daughter.
How do you "kidnap" a crimminal.
The father is not a criminal no more than you are for your speeding tickets.
His crime is not a misdemeanor but felonious. How do we know he is not a terrorist?
I give up.
Smart move.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
Also; are you suggesting we wait until he kills someone while driving drunk before we deport him?
Should people caught speeding be given a life sentence for the people they might kill in the future? Hardly.
There was no other information. I am going only on the report you read.

And because of that you decided that entering this country illegally is NOT a crime? Or is that just an indoctrinated liberal response? Or do you think that deporting this criminal and his child seeing the LAW being enforced is a bad thing or do you think the action of enforcing the LAW is somehow a racist thing or WHAT is the point you are tossing up but not posting.

What does that have to do with the crime he was arrested for?
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

I'm not as sure as you are. There is a lot of 'Fake News' out there. This particular report clearly was intended to illicit a knee-jerk negative response towards Immigration Officials. There could be more to the story though. For instance, he could be wanted for other past crimes. I'm willing to be patient. I'll wait for more info.
There was no other information. I am going only on the report you read.

Again, a whole lotta inaccurate 'Fake News' out there. There could be more to this story. They may have been tracking him due to other past crimes.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
He wasn't deported because we had a president who didn't give a shit about Americans. Now that we have one who does care, he's being sent back.

Is that hard for you to understand?
His wife and four American children see it differently than you do.
14th Amendment...which is fucked up...allows this crimminal to have his children be American.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
Also; are you suggesting we wait until he kills someone while driving drunk before we deport him?
Should people caught speeding be given a life sentence for the people they might kill in the future? Hardly.
Wtf are you talking about? lol
Isn't this thread about a guy who was here illegally? A guy who was also caught driving while drunk?
There was no other information. I am going only on the report you read.

And because of that you decided that entering this country illegally is NOT a crime? Or is that just an indoctrinated liberal response? Or do you think that deporting this criminal and his child seeing the LAW being enforced is a bad thing or do you think the action of enforcing the LAW is somehow a racist thing or WHAT is the point you are tossing up but not posting.

What does that have to do with the crime he was arrested for?
My argument is clear.
I am not a lawyer so I cannot express an opinion about entering a country without a visum is part of American criminal law. I doubt it.

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