Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Wtf are you talking about? lol
Isn't this thread about a guy who was here illegally? A guy who was also caught driving while drunk?
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.
So that makes everything good?
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.
His criminal activity wasn't. That started when he entered the US illegally.
The DUI was just another crime he was caught committing while he was here.

Do these people need to kill someone before they meet your approval for deportation?
Entering the USA without a visum is probably not a crime.
The historic DUI is a closed case. In the USA there is a principle of Double Jeopardy protection.

It's not a crime but you still broke the law. When you break laws in this country, you are subject to the punishment of breaking those laws. The punishment (in this case) is deportation.
Wtf are you talking about? lol
Isn't this thread about a guy who was here illegally? A guy who was also caught driving while drunk?
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.

So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.
Wtf are you talking about? lol
Isn't this thread about a guy who was here illegally? A guy who was also caught driving while drunk?
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.

So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Past crimes can be used to establish a pattern of criminal behavior.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
He wasn't deported because we had a president who didn't give a shit about Americans. Now that we have one who does care, he's being sent back.

Is that hard for you to understand?
His wife and four American children see it differently than you do.
14th Amendment...which is fucked up...allows this crimminal to have his children be American.
The man was not a criminal.

The man was not a criminal.


Mr. Avelica was targeted for arrest because relevant databases indicate he has multiple prior criminal convictions, including a DUI in 2009, as well an outstanding order of removal dating back to 2014. After conducting surveillance to confirm his identity, the officers arrested Mr. Avelica during a vehicle stop in the 3200 block of Pasadena Avenue, approximately a half mile from the charter school described in the related social media post.
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.

Just because the case is closed doesn't mean all is forgiven.

You get a DUI in this country, you may lose your drivers license for a number of months. If it's one of several, you may lose your license for years or even forever. More than likely, you will have to pay huge insurance premiums being on High Risk.

As a professional driver, I would not only lose my license for a period of time, but I would also lose my career for life.

Quit acting like this clown is being treated unfairly.
Over 1/3 of all illegals are committing tax fraud which costs the American people over $5 billion a year, should all those illegals be forever barred from becoming US citizens? Should they be deported? This demonstrates a lawless behavior, I don't think they are the immigrants we want in our country.

This illegal that was arrested, has a DUI on his record. Do you know how many American citizens die each year due to drunk ass illegals crashing into them?
I feel the illegal alien was being responsible for getting the hell out of corrupt Mexico, just as I would feel about somebody getting himself out of South Chicago. If this Mexican had no other problems than a DUI 20 years ago, I wish in his place we could give his identity to somebody sitting in a U.S. jail who speaks Spanish. If the prisoner is willing to play along, keep his mouth shut and trade his jail cell for a free trip to Mexico I'd figure that's a win-win at least for us.
I feel the illegal alien was being responsible for getting the hell out of corrupt Mexico,
Lol..umm, all he did was leave a corrupt country he legally belongs,
and illegally entered a different corrupt country he doesn't!

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

First degrees should be "mustered first".
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.
So that makes everything good?
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.
His criminal activity wasn't. That started when he entered the US illegally.
The DUI was just another crime he was caught committing while he was here.

Do these people need to kill someone before they meet your approval for deportation?
Entering the USA without a visum is probably not a crime.
The historic DUI is a closed case. In the USA there is a principle of Double Jeopardy protection.

So by you reasoning I can choose to ignore the law and you'd have no problem with it, maybe even cheer me on?
The historic misdemeanors are closed cases. In the USA, no one can be charged twice for the same misdemeanor.
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.
So that makes everything good?
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.
His criminal activity wasn't. That started when he entered the US illegally.
The DUI was just another crime he was caught committing while he was here.

Do these people need to kill someone before they meet your approval for deportation?
Entering the USA without a visum is probably not a crime.
The historic DUI is a closed case. In the USA there is a principle of Double Jeopardy protection.
You're an idiot, Eloy. I'm not surprised you're an obama supporter.
I wish I were not an idiot. I want to be more like you.
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.

So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.

Now i'm confused. That poster said he only had a DUI offense. But then he also referred to old 'cases.' That would be plural. So how many 'cases' are we talking about?
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.

So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.
A free ride always cost somebody something…
I do not know; I have never taken a free ride.
So that makes everything good?
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.
His criminal activity wasn't. That started when he entered the US illegally.
The DUI was just another crime he was caught committing while he was here.

Do these people need to kill someone before they meet your approval for deportation?
Entering the USA without a visum is probably not a crime.
The historic DUI is a closed case. In the USA there is a principle of Double Jeopardy protection.

So by you reasoning I can choose to ignore the law and you'd have no problem with it, maybe even cheer me on?
The historic misdemeanors are closed cases. In the USA, no one can be charged twice for the same misdemeanor.
You're an idiot.
The DUI was dealt with decades ago to the satisfaction of a court.

So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.
Try selling that to the dept that took him into custody, dumbass. lol

You really are an idiot. It's obvious you have no f'ing clue about what's actually happening.
We cannot all be brainy.
Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

Police enforce our laws, so yes, good people do back them up all the time unless they broke a law themselves.

The agents broke no law here. They are doing what they should have been doing the last 8 years. We are proud of them.
They are not the LAPD, dipshit.

How does your foot and hat taste, idiot asshole?

City Leaders Demand That ICE Stop Identifying Themselves As 'Police'

"ICE stresses that the practice is not illegal. In a statement, the agency states that, "As a standard practice, special agents and officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) may initially identify themselves as 'police' during an encounter because it is the universally recognized term for law enforcement and our personnel routinely interact with individuals from around the world." The statement adds that agents wear uniforms and jackets that display "ICE" on it, which "indicate the specific law enforcement agency being represented."

And? Does that say that ICE is LAPD -- you clown? They are NOT the LAPD, conservative fuckboy.

Read the letter yourself, idiot. Or would you prefer that I transcribe it on a big piece of cardboard in crayon for you?

Letter to S Curda (2 23 17) (2)

February 23, 2017
Susan M. Curda
District Director
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
300 N. Los Angeles Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Ms. Curda:

According to a Los Angeles Times report, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents operating in Los Angeles have identified themselves as police officers in the course of immigration investigations and enforcement. The purpose of this letter is to urge in the strongest possible terms that ICE immediately cease this practice in our city.

For forty years, the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles City Attorney's office have worked to gain the trust, respect and cooperation of all our city's residents. This hard-won confidence makes all of Los Angeles safer, encouraging witnesses and victims of crime to come forward irrespective of their immigration status. Indeed, the LAPD manual states that participation by undocumented residents in police activities serves to "increase the Department's ability to protect and serve the entire community." The same holds true for interactions between undocumented residents and the City Attorney's prosecutors.

As a reSult, when ICE agents targeting immigrants identify themselves only as "police" officers, they
undermine decades of this work, eroding public safety in our city. In Los Angeles, the term "police" is
synonymous with the Los Angeles Police Department, so for ICE agents to represent themselves as police misleads the public into believing they are interacting with LAPD. This is especially corrosive given that to advance public safety, LAPD does not initiate police action with the objective of determining a persons immigration status.

In sum, decades of experience by LAPD and City Attorney prosecutors demonstrate the city we serve will be less safe if any member of our large and diverse immigrant population is driven underground, dissuaded from providing valuable information and cooperation because they fear contact with our own police force.

Especially in these turbulent and uncertain times, we urge that ICE agents Operating in Los Angeles immediately stop representing they are police officers.

Thank you.


Eric Garcetti Mike Feuer Herb J. Wesscm
Mayor City Attorney President, Los Angeles City Council

According to a Los Angeles Times report, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents operating in Los Angeles have identified themselves as police officers in the course of immigration investigations and enforcement.

They are police officers.

As a reSult, when ICE agents targeting immigrants identify themselves only as "police" officers, they
undermine decades of this work, eroding public safety in our city. In Los Angeles, the term "police" is
synonymous with the Los Angeles Police Department, so for ICE agents to represent themselves as police misleads the public into believing they are interacting with LAPD.


They are NOT police officers, idiot.

How many people does it take to show you you're wrong before you admit it? Hilarious.
I feel the illegal alien was being responsible for getting the hell out of corrupt Mexico, just as I would feel about somebody getting himself out of South Chicago. If this Mexican had no other problems than a DUI 20 years ago, I wish in his place we could give his identity to somebody sitting in a U.S. jail who speaks Spanish. If the prisoner is willing to play along, keep his mouth shut and trade his jail cell for a free trip to Mexico I'd figure that's a win-win at least for us.

If this Mexican had no other problems than a DUI 20 years ago,

It was 2009.
So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.

Now i'm confused. That poster said he only had a DUI offense. But then he also referred to old 'cases.' That would be plural. So how many 'cases' are we talking about?

He's had several minor violations along with ignoring two previous deportation orders.

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