Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.

By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.

So if I just steal a car, I shouldn't be punished... it's not a REAL bad crime like murder. Cool... I love the neighbors camaro.
So if I just steal a car, I shouldn't be punished... it's not a REAL bad crime like murder. Cool... I love the neighbors camaro.
Exactly!!... I need some groceries and am short on cash...
I'll just take what I need, I mean, I'm hungry, come on...

So, are you in my neck of the woods...
I could take more groceries if I had a ride home
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.

Now i'm confused. That poster said he only had a DUI offense. But then he also referred to old 'cases.' That would be plural. So how many 'cases' are we talking about?
Three old misdemeanors which were dealt with by judges: a DUI, driving without proper papers and buying a car without proper documents, I believe. Not felonies and no one was hurt and for the past twenty years no trouble with the law.

I don't know, doesn't look good for him. I still believe there's more to the story. For them to issue a Deportation Order, they must have seen more. But regardless, if you are an Illegal, i would advise not committing additional crimes. That would only be begging for prison or Deportation.
There is nothing "ugly" about removing people that don't belong here. These are not "ordinary law biding citizens" these are people who illegally came to this country or illegally overstayed their Visa.

I don't know of any law or part of our immigration system that says if you sneak in, stay out of trouble for a few decades, all is well with us. If there is such a law, please post it with a link. Until that time, if you are not supposed to be here, you can and will get kicked out no matter how much trouble you do or don't cause.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

Police enforce our laws, so yes, good people do back them up all the time unless they broke a law themselves.

The agents broke no law here. They are doing what they should have been doing the last 8 years. We are proud of them.
The man's American family is not proud of the Immigration officers who were dressed like policemen.
As far as an historical DUI conviction, that case is closed.

Just because the case is closed doesn't mean all is forgiven.

You get a DUI in this country, you may lose your drivers license for a number of months. If it's one of several, you may lose your license for years or even forever. More than likely, you will have to pay huge insurance premiums being on High Risk.

As a professional driver, I would not only lose my license for a period of time, but I would also lose my career for life.

Quit acting like this clown is being treated unfairly.
You get a DUI in this country, you may lose your drivers license for a number of months. If it's one of several, you may lose your license for years or even forever. More than likely, you will have to pay huge insurance premiums being on High Risk.
Thanks Ray...^this right here brings into question...

I've read about the DUI charges but, nothing accompanying
those charges in articles, related to driving without a license,
or driving without insurance.

If he had a license, how so...
For him to legally obtain a license,
he would have had to do so through fraudulent means.

If he would have killed someone drunk behind the wheel
these nuts who defend him being illegally here
and poo poo an old DUI, would still find a way to justify it!

I wonder what would happen to an American living in Mexico illegally driving around drunk?

Obviously this guy does have a disregard for our laws.

But oh! His daughter was crying, so that gives him a "get out of jail free" card. Forget our laws, we need to make this child stop crying!
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

Police enforce our laws, so yes, good people do back them up all the time unless they broke a law themselves.

The agents broke no law here. They are doing what they should have been doing the last 8 years. We are proud of them.
The man's American family is not proud of the Immigration officers who were dressed like policemen.

Good, then they can go with him. Too bad, so sad, bye-bye.
I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.
Try selling that to the dept that took him into custody, dumbass. lol

You really are an idiot. It's obvious you have no f'ing clue about what's actually happening.
We cannot all be brainy.
We don't need you to remind us of that.
I realize you speak for everyone else on USMessageBoard. I wish I were as popular.
That might be because I have some common sense. It might also be because I value American lives.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.
You forgot to mention being here illegally.
I addressed the fact that he is undocumented but he did not hurt anyone. No harm was done. I have also mentioned a few times in this thread that he was brought before a judge for a DUI twenty years ago. Why was he not deported then? He was allowed to stay and in the meantime he has been rearing four children, two now grown.
He wasn't deported because we had a president who didn't give a shit about Americans. Now that we have one who does care, he's being sent back.

Is that hard for you to understand?
His wife and four American children see it differently than you do.

Fuck his wife. Let that spanish speakin bitch go home with him where they belong
The DUI and a car not properly registered two decades before is far from murder, armed robbery or rape.

Correct. That's why he's being deported and not being sent to prison.
But President Trump assured the American people he want to go after only hardened criminals. He spoke of real bad hombres. I think the President might be a polyglot.

And I disagree with Trump on that one. I think they should all be removed.
I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.

Now i'm confused. That poster said he only had a DUI offense. But then he also referred to old 'cases.' That would be plural. So how many 'cases' are we talking about?
Three old misdemeanors which were dealt with by judges: a DUI, driving without proper papers and buying a car without proper documents, I believe. Not felonies and no one was hurt and for the past twenty years no trouble with the law.

I don't know, doesn't look good for him. I still believe there's more to the story. For them to issue a Deportation Order, they must have seen more. But regardless, if you are an Illegal, i would advise not committing additional crimes. That would only be begging for prison or Deportation.
In American law, there is no such thing as "an illegal" person only an illegal act.
So does he have a DUI conviction?
The historic DUI case is closed.

I'm sorry, but an Illegal Alien committing other crimes, isn't a good scenario for the host country. Why would that country want them to stay? I mean, they're already breaking the law being here. But then they go out and commit other crimes? Sorry, but the host country has every right to boot them. In fact, i fully expect my Government to do that.
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.
Try selling that to the dept that took him into custody, dumbass. lol

You really are an idiot. It's obvious you have no f'ing clue about what's actually happening.
We cannot all be brainy.

You sure prove that with every post
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.
You illiterate fuck. Yes you Shyte4brains. Read your own link you dumb mother fucker. It clearly states that Los Angeles "asked" them not to do that. Nothing. Absolutely nothing prohibits them from wearing the attire in question. "Have been told not to do that"... Lol! News flash faggot. LA doesn't "tell" the Feds shit.
This first lessons free. If I have to continue educating you I'll need your social security number so I can claim you on my taxes.

He likes illegals so much I guess his social security number was stolen from someone simply because he is an illegal also!
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.
Try selling that to the dept that took him into custody, dumbass. lol

You really are an idiot. It's obvious you have no f'ing clue about what's actually happening.
We cannot all be brainy.
We don't need you to remind us of that.
I realize you speak for everyone else on USMessageBoard. I wish I were as popular.
That might be because I have some common sense. It might also be because I value American lives.
The Mexican man's American family would see things differently from you. It seems mean-spirited and destroying a family.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.
You illiterate fuck. Yes you Shyte4brains. Read your own link you dumb mother fucker. It clearly states that Los Angeles "asked" them not to do that. Nothing. Absolutely nothing prohibits them from wearing the attire in question. "Have been told not to do that"... Lol! News flash faggot. LA doesn't "tell" the Feds shit.
This first lessons free. If I have to continue educating you I'll need your social security number so I can claim you on my taxes.

And they'll be "asked" again and again until they stop -- you fucking imbecile.

Los Angeles Officials To ICE: Stop Identifying Yourselves As Police

Since when do the feds work for the city of Los Angeles?
The crimes you refer to were old misdemeanors and closed cases. They cannot even be used again according to the principle of double jeopardy.
Not having travel papers is not a crime.

Yes, it is.

Now i'm confused. That poster said he only had a DUI offense. But then he also referred to old 'cases.' That would be plural. So how many 'cases' are we talking about?
Three old misdemeanors which were dealt with by judges: a DUI, driving without proper papers and buying a car without proper documents, I believe. Not felonies and no one was hurt and for the past twenty years no trouble with the law.

I don't know, doesn't look good for him. I still believe there's more to the story. For them to issue a Deportation Order, they must have seen more. But regardless, if you are an Illegal, i would advise not committing additional crimes. That would only be begging for prison or Deportation.
In American law, there is no such thing as "an illegal" person only an illegal act.

A foreign national being here without authorization is an illegal act and warrants deportation, END OF STORY.
Your inability or refusal to empathize with the child and her father is why you see no ugliness in this event.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person. A DUI conviction being used to portray him as a criminal is unreasonable when there are murderers, armed robbers, and rapists on the loose.

Judges do take into consideration a previous record before passing judgement. It would be cruel to do otherwise. This is not a law but it is common jurisprudence. Judges do not look at people in an absolutist way but take into consideration mitigating circumstances, for example if an offender has been staying on the right side of the law for decades and has been responsible with a life in the United States, married and raising a family. Treating a good father-of-four the same as a career criminal is unjust.
Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing
The father has done no harm and has a clean record for two decades. A judge will sentence accordingly.
By all accounts, the father was an ordinary law-abiding person

Except the DUI... And the stolen car... And coming here illegally ( and probably using a stolen ID and SS number)...And ignoring his initial deportation order.
I'll miss him when he goes back to Mexico. He sounded like a swell guy.

That's why i wait till the whole story comes out. The report was designed to illicit a knee-jerk response against Immigration Officials. More 'Fake News.' He may have been wanted for other crimes. If not, i'm a fair-minded person. Something reasonable could be worked out.
We have the whole story. There are cruel and heartless people who back-up the police every time, contrary to your belief.

Police enforce our laws, so yes, good people do back them up all the time unless they broke a law themselves.

The agents broke no law here. They are doing what they should have been doing the last 8 years. We are proud of them.
The man's American family is not proud of the Immigration officers who were dressed like policemen.

If what you say is true, and he only has a couple minor past offenses, something could be worked out. So let's wait a little longer on this one. It may still work out for all parties involved. If it does, i hope this same media outlet that reported this, comes back and updates the story. Because that doesn't happen enough. If he does get to stay, i hope those folks give Immigration Officials some credit.
Try selling that to the dept that took him into custody, dumbass. lol

You really are an idiot. It's obvious you have no f'ing clue about what's actually happening.
We cannot all be brainy.
We don't need you to remind us of that.
I realize you speak for everyone else on USMessageBoard. I wish I were as popular.
That might be because I have some common sense. It might also be because I value American lives.
The Mexican man's American family would see things differently from you. It seems mean-spirited and destroying a family.

His family is free to remain in tact in Mexico, his children have dual citizenship.

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