Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

You and your leftist media allies think these BS sob stories are going to sway my or anyone's opinion in the least? I'd fucking deport her ass also, given that the only reason she is considered a "citizen" is a complete mis-reading of the 14th amendment.

"Ripping families apart", you fucking people are a pathetic joke. Go take that shit to some other country, so fucking fed up with this BS.

You know what asshole, how about this, you want all these central/south americas swarming in because you think they will vote democrat?

Fine, legalize ALL 35 MM+ illegals - but include with that amnesty a provision they will never be allowed to vote, and only taxes collected from democrats can be used to pay their benefits. We'll fucking see how fast you dung on the left embraces this mass illegal invasion force.
undocumented = illegal
illegal = criminal

spin all you want, those in our country illegally should be sent home, and the 14th amendment (which was passed to cover the children of freed slaves) should be repealed.
Sociopaths generally cheer over families being torn apart, indeed.

The sociopaths are the mentally ill left who coddle lawbreakers no matter what they do, including sneaking into another country to steal jobs from its native citizen population. The kids are welcome to leave the US and go with the father; except they don't want to give up their ill-gotten, stolen life here in the gringo-US.

Funny how these south/central americans hate the US and americans, yet can't get here fast enough to live in a country with the rule of law - something that barely exists in their socialist "paradises" of their countries of origin. Boo fucking hoo, I say the only outrage in this story is that the father wasn't deported YEARS ago.
Events like this are designed to create fear.

Absolutely correct, and I pray it scares the fuck out of the 35 MM + illegals so they leave, and take their "families" with them.

The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

Wrong chimp, ICE can identify themselves as the police.
So who is tearing them apart besides the father?

If you go out to rob a bank, get arrested, go to prison, do you blame the bank for tearing apart your family?

Its so fucking hilarious how stupid this makes the democrats/left look; perhaps I shoudl rob a bank and when the cops come to arrest me, I'll tell them "you can't since I have kids," such a great defense - never thought of that one. Can it get me out of speeding tickets also?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Outrage Grows

An illegal alien with a DUI is driving his daughter to school?

This is outrageous!!!

ripping families apart

The family is free to join him in Mexico.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

'Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter'

Why do snowflakes always try to make it sound like those in this country are NOT criminals?

'Un-Documented' = ILLEGAL.

When people make the conscious decision to cross our border illegally they KNOW they are choosing to BREAK US LAW, making them CRIMINALS in this country.

Taking a page from 'Liberal 101', you seek to 'tug the heart strings', play on emotion so that people may see this illegal as the 'victim'.

Perhaps the authorities could have waited for a better time to arrest him, but police don't usually wait for a 'better time' to arrest people when they see people who are breaking the law.
It's about time!

I would have cheered had I been there

Sociopaths generally cheer over families being torn apart, indeed.

No, you idiot, sociopaths cheer when people get away with committing crimes.

Such as the ICE scumbags impersonating police officers? You do know that's a crime, right?

Such as the ICE scumbags impersonating police officers?

A police force is a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder.[1] Their powers include the legitimized use of force. The term is most commonly associated with police services of a sovereign state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that state within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility. Police forces are often defined as being separate from military or other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors; however, gendarmerie are military units charged with civil policing.

Police - Wikipedia

You do know that's a crime, right?

You do know you're a moron, right?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?

Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

Dear Eloy Don't disagree with anything at all you are saying.
I AM saying we need to change the whole system.
And set up tracks to reward and teach people to stay within the process
in order to qualify for citizenship, where violations get people disqualified or rights revoked.

I believe in EARNED amnesty where the penalties people owe are proportional to their viollations,
which are fair but ACT AS A DETERRENT not as encouraging people to break laws if shortcuts are easier.
That needs to STOP.
But not only for immigrants, for natural born citizens too and stop rewarding criminal and welfare by paying those costs to make this easy.
I'ts not fair to working citizens who follow laws and have to watch taxes wasted on crime while being
charged more for education and health care that could be covered with those resources if they weren't waste with no plans to pay it back!!!!

I don't mind microlending and giving taxpayers free choice and perhaps interest or other tax breaks and incentives
for VOLUNTARILY investing donating or lending money. There are cost effective charities and even very profitable
university campuses that run programs on this basis for development and manage to teach and train people to become independent.

So that's the model I'd like to see used to convert
* prisons
* sweatshops
* public housing
into viable programs where people follow rules when they enroll
and work and study to earn their educations and status through a system of credits
just like school.


We need to build campus programs for migrant workers and families to register in order to be properly sponsored and trained. If we develop military prisons and teaching hospitals across the border, this will create safe zones for legal work and services so nobody has to break the law to access opportunity. Since there are an est 20-30 million nationals from Mexico and/or elsewhere living or working in the US without legal status, we would need 4-5 cities the size of Houston for these populations to call home.

I propose we work out a land development deal with Mexico and invest restitution from organized crime and trafficking into building 4-5 campus cities similar to UT across the border
from CA to TX, and reward the immigrants and workers with ownership and legal status for registering and working to build sustainable communities where they can have legal residency as citizens or dual citizens. If we reward law abiding productive work, while penalizing those who break laws by requiring equitable restitution, we can build a collaborative solution with Mexico.
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Let's see, nobody on the left seemed concerned when Obama authorized the execution, by drone strike, of an American citizen in front of his son. Oh yeah, his son didn't get a chance to sob, he was also torn to bits as was a friend. Illegals who commit crimes or have been convicted of committing crimes in the U.S. will be deported. Get used to it.
Let's see, nobody on the left seemed concerned when Obama authorized the execution, by drone strike, of an American citizen in front of his son. Oh yeah, his son didn't get a chance to sob, he was also torn to bits as was a friend. Illegals who commit crimes or have been convicted of committing crimes in the U.S. will be deported. Get used to it.
You are changing the subject. Not an uncommon thing on USMessageBoard, it must be admitted.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Hitler's law of the land permitted murder, mayhem, torture, mass killings, so since it is the law of the land, then, yes, it is God's law. Your reasoning, OK, is monstrously wrong.

Actually it's your monstrously senile analogy that's wrong.
Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Hitler's law of the land permitted murder, mayhem, torture, mass killings, so since it is the law of the land, then, yes, it is God's law. Your reasoning, OK, is monstrously wrong.

Actually it's your monstrously senile analogy that's wrong.
It's very right, and you just have trouble comprehending anything other than you are hungry (eat) or it is dark (sleep).

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Hitler's law of the land permitted murder, mayhem, torture, mass killings, so since it is the law of the land, then, yes, it is God's law. Your reasoning, OK, is monstrously wrong.

Actually it's your monstrously senile analogy that's wrong.
It's very right, and you just have trouble comprehending anything other than you are hungry (eat) or it is dark (sleep).

No, there's no comparison between our immigration laws and the Nazis, only the truly mentally ill would even attempt to draw a parallel.
In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Hitler's law of the land permitted murder, mayhem, torture, mass killings, so since it is the law of the land, then, yes, it is God's law. Your reasoning, OK, is monstrously wrong.

Actually it's your monstrously senile analogy that's wrong.
It's very right, and you just have trouble comprehending anything other than you are hungry (eat) or it is dark (sleep).

No, there's no comparison between our immigration laws and the Nazis, only the truly mentally ill would even attempt to draw a parallel.
Nah... He's just trying to switch hills, because he's getting killed on this one.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?

Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

You think we really care about your POV ?

Get real.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.
Who told them? Local clowns that pick and choose which laws they enforce ? Who cares what they think?

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