Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

Are they outraged at the illegal-alien father, for putting his daughter in the position of losing her father through no fault of her own?

If not, why not? It is his fault, and no one else's.

He knew what he was getting into when he entered the country illegally. Why did he deliberately bring a child into the situation, and subject her to this?
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Hey, you lefties remember this?

Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.
You illiterate fuck. Yes you Shyte4brains. Read your own link you dumb mother fucker. It clearly states that Los Angeles "asked" them not to do that. Nothing. Absolutely nothing prohibits them from wearing the attire in question. "Have been told not to do that"... Lol! News flash faggot. LA doesn't "tell" the Feds shit.
This first lessons free. If I have to continue educating you I'll need your social security number so I can claim you on my taxes.

And they'll be "asked" again and again until they stop -- you fucking imbecile.

Los Angeles Officials To ICE: Stop Identifying Yourselves As Police

And that's all they can do: ask. Doesn't mean they have to comply. Ask until you're blue in the face.

What are they going to do if Trump gets good and pissed off that they are not complying with the feds and he floods them with ICE agents?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Do you turds cry when an armed robber or tax evader is arrested in front of his children?
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.
It's called enforcing the law. Sociopaths call it being victimized for no good reason.

It's not God's law, is it?

Actually the bible say abide by the laws of the land. So yeah, I guess it is Gods law.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Shocker, you support crime, your affection for the Clinton's makes more sense...
This illegal broke additional laws, DUI putting American citizens at risk of death by illegal and it sounds like he lied on his registration. He's a law breaker, a willful law breaker. There's 1,000 quality immigrants we should allow to move here before we let this loser stay.

Don't forget the 10s of thousands of times he went to work without a work permit.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.
It's called enforcing the law. Sociopaths call it being victimized for no good reason.

It's not God's law, is it?
Immigration laws are not statutory laws, and there is a lot of confusion on this. I don't understand any of this stuff, I am told that its a federal issue, and at other times it's a civil law...I don't care any more. A lot of us have had to deal with this issue for far too long and we don't care how many hairs are split. The penalty for illegal immigration is deportment, and that is the be all and end all here. End of story.

Actually if you read the law, it can also include up to 6 months in jail and $250 fine for the first offense. Also it is statutory law.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?

Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101

I didn't say or imply ANY of that keepitreal

I am saying to avoid escalating the confrontations by having a procedure set up in advance, where all residents agree to follow the laws and process.

I am saying to obey the laws and teach/train all community members to comply.

Sorry this wasn't clear. it is possible to be compassionate for both the citizens and govt/law enforcement AND uphold and enforce laws to deter and correct any breaches. It's not like one has to compromise the other.

Good govt is like good parenting.
You don't wait until you catch the kids breaking rules to suddenly ditch all kinds of scary punishment to deter them. The proper way is to teach, mentor and model the standard that you want to see enforced.

If we SKIP that step and don't teach people the laws and set up means for people to follow lawful process, can we wonder why people get thrown in jail with charges BEFORE they ever read what their rights are?

When we run classrooms, the teacher has all the students write out and ESTABLISH the rules of the classroom from DAY ONE.

We don't teach people the process of laws and enforcement processes, and don't require them to go through training, pass tests and sign agreements to follow the laws. We do this for drivers to get licenses. Why not do this for people to have rights and privileges of citizenship? Don't you think teaching people the laws and the responsibilities for compliance in advance might work to reduce problems? And that's why teachers do this in schools, and that's why we test and license drivers before letting them drive on the roads?

Why not do the same with law enforcement?

Teaching undocumented residents the laws will not change their status.
There is an inherent lack of justice in deporting ordinary law-abiding residents especially after living for decades as a law-abiding person and going on to marry and becoming a parent.
The federal government should understand this.
When Donald Trump said he wanted undocumented persons (normally Mexicans and others from Central America) deported, even he specified he meant career criminals (those guilty of murder, armed robbery, rapists, etc.) but over-zealous uniformed Immigration and Naturalization personnel are sweeping quite ordinary people into the net. The people were told by the president that it would be mean hombres who were to be targeted but something else, something inherently in-American, something ugly is happening instead.

You mean illegal aliens?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

The word illegal obviously means nothing to you.

This guy was in our country illegally. Hope they boot his ass right the hell out and he can take his family with him.

Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.

Ever thought ICE might have asked for local PD backup? If you notice the one wearing the police jacket left in a different vehicle not shown in the video. But the real question is why are you ignoring the guy was ordered to leave twice before and stayed anyway? They just didn't give him a third chance to disappear.
Hitler's law of the land permitted murder, mayhem, torture, mass killings, so since it is the law of the land, then, yes, it is God's law. Your reasoning, OK, is monstrously wrong.
This illegal broke additional laws, DUI putting American citizens at risk of death by illegal and it sounds like he lied on his registration. He's a law breaker, a willful law breaker. There's 1,000 quality immigrants we should allow to move here before we let this loser stay.

Don't forget the 10s of thousands of times he went to work without a work permit.
God's mercy and grace for this man has been very great. It is a sign of God's love that he has been stopped from breaking the law and will be forced to do the right thing and apply for citizenship. Hopefully his being arrested in front of his child did make him feel ashamed but he should also feel ashamed for asking his family to lie for him so that he could continue to break the law. These are very serious matters and God's eye is on the big picture for this man. God's desire is to give this man a future and a hope and true blessings if he will acknowledge his sins and take responsibility for his own actions. David didn't know he sinned until Nathan confronted him. It could be that this man believed that everyone does this to come to America (which isn't true) and that the end justifies the means (something Democrats continue to be taught to believe but it isn't true either).

If we look at this from heaven's perspective this is an opportunity for this man to come to terms with what he has done, apologize to his family, the people of the US and Govt laws he broke and get right with God!

It's a win-win if he decides to take responsibility for his own sins. If he refuses to admit his fault in this and rejects God's dealings with him, he'll be reminded of all this on the day he stands before God at the Judgment Seat.

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