Outrage Grows After Undocumented Father Arrested in Front of Daughter Near School

You feign outrage very well. Where is your outrage for the victims of DUI Drivers who happen to be illegal aliens driving on our highways drunk and cannot even read English? Got any of that?

You do strawmen very well. Your stupid comment has JACK SQUAT to do with the thread. I suggest you pray to Jebus for forgiveness of your sin.
Strawmen? Think again. Your poor victim has a DUI on his record. Are you telling me you have never heard of an illegal alien killing someone while driving drunk?

Speaking of which, are you alright? Jesus is spelled JESUS. Not Jebus.

Jebus Christ. It's a 10-YEAR OLD DUI. And you might want to keep up, toots -- there's a reason why he's been granted a temporary stay.
BUT BUT!!! liberals like all criminals , RAPIST like bullyboy, treasonist like oshitass, child rapist like weeenieee and WHOMA? Murderers like all of those at planned parenthood, Thugs like mike brown, AND any extortionist they can find to assault decent people and keep them from exercising their constitutional rights. Why wouldn't they like a person who has stolen from our citizens and deprived some of them of their rightful amount of this country's assets. Given a chance I will exterminate any liberal that even looks like he wants to confront me, crush their heads set them on fire and laugh at their dead body. If I have marshmallows I will toast some. Better still use any money they have to buy something to kill some more. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Forget your meds today?
It seems the quality of mercy CAN be strained, after all. Or, illegals think it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. Well, NOBODY is above the law, EITHER.

Mercy cannot rob justice. If she could, we wouldn't need the atonement
Mercy triumphs over judgment but that is in God's courtroom. Not man's.
Unless Satan uses it as hedge. Men enforce mans laws, and when other men knowingly break those laws, for selfish reasons, they have earned the penalty. And they will not be harmed, all they had to do was follow the laws. So give the biblical nonsense a break, already.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.
My family is in no fear, nor is it being ripped apart.

Is yours? And if it is, please explain why you and your family are in fear.
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Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I can relate to both sides to this.
I once was given the orders to go fire a teacher who had stolen confidential information / property to use
to take clients from a school for a competing tutoring business.
Clearly this was a violation of school property and grounds for dismissal.

but the way I went about it, I confronted and removed the teacher
in front of very upset students. The parents and students and teacher
were crying to each other over the phone afterwards, because no advance
warning was given and it was very traumatizing. We could have called in the parents with the
teacher and let them know what was happening right after telling
the teacher in private, and reduce the shock and upset.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.

Police coming to get parents who have violated parole
or probation often run into these confrontations that
make the kids "hate the police," so it causes severe damage
unless people plan ahead and set up better procedures.

The added benefitsd: by setting up agreed processes to begin with
not only are the community members made knowledgeable of laws and policing,
but the real problem people will get screened out if they have no
intention of complying ad cooperating with authorities. So the police
will already know which people are able to be law abiding
and which ones are truly criminally abusive, so they don't confuse the two.

So there are ways to take action civilly and orderly
where it doesn't have to traumatize the children affected.
His kids knew he was an illegal immigrant

They were willingly aiding and abetting a fugitive

A crime doesn't stop being a crime because
you consider it to be stupid or unfair.

They were all aware of the risk of getting caught
but, why worry bout it, the laws aren't enforced

He didn't worry about being removed from the country
or his family, when he foolishly decided...yeah,
being an illegal and driving drunk is a smart thing to do.

I think it was a good thing, the way it went down
It's important for children to realize...choices have consequences
Not agreeing with our laws doesn't make them above the law!

School of Hard Knocks-101
No tears nor fucks were given on that day. The father put his child into this situation. He has no one to blame but himself.


Explain what makes his comment bullshit. Are you insinuating that he was forced to live in this country illegally for 20 years resulting in him being arrested in front of his daughter? He had no choice in coming here illegally to begin with and then no option to obtain a work visa at any time during that 20 year period?
Mexican illegals are deported all the time. Breaking up families, that's sad. Ever heard of DIVORCE? Happens every DAY. Men/women are frequently split from their families after they imprisoned for robbing banks, murders, all sorts of crimes. So, remind me again, what's the OUTRAGE here?

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Yeah, shame on him for trying to support his family.

If you are supporting your family, that should make you immune to our laws?
Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Yeah, shame on him for trying to support his family.

If you are supporting your family, that should make you immune to our laws?
Exactly how many criminals that have families are immune from prosecution? None ? Nobody Is above the law, not even Mexican illegals. Not EVEN.
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.
You illiterate fuck. Yes you Shyte4brains. Read your own link you dumb mother fucker. It clearly states that Los Angeles "asked" them not to do that. Nothing. Absolutely nothing prohibits them from wearing the attire in question. "Have been told not to do that"... Lol! News flash faggot. LA doesn't "tell" the Feds shit.
This first lessons free. If I have to continue educating you I'll need your social security number so I can claim you on my taxes.
Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

Yeah, shame on him for trying to support his family.

If you are supporting your family, that should make you immune to our laws?
Exactly how many criminals that have families are immune from prosecution? None ? Nobody Is above the law, not even Mexican illegals. Not EVEN.

People cannot come to our country, do whatever they want to do legal or not, and conduct themselves with impunity.

I have no idea what Styfe is going to do once we pass Kate's Law which is a law that has a minimum sentence of five years in prison if you were a deported felon and then come back. I'm sure we have those felons here also with children and family.
No tears nor fucks were given on that day. The father put his child into this situation. He has no one to blame but himself.


You know what's actual bullshit? You having to use children as props in your political arguments instead of making a cogent case. This man broke the law by coming here illegally.

No mercy. Perhaps now his daughter will learn proper respect for the rule of law. Better she learn this lesson now rather than later in life.

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was dropping off his daughters at school in Los Angeles on Tuesday when he was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His 13-year-old daughter, Fatima, sobbed as she recorded her father being handcuffed in front of her and her mother.

Avelica-Gonzalez, 48, who has been living in the United States for over 20 years, had just finished dropping off his 12-year-old daughter in the Highland Park neighborhood when he was detained. His 19-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, who was at work during the incident, told the LAist that a car had been following her father since the moment he left the house.

“My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light,” Jocelyn said. “My dad was really scared. He didn’t want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him.”

In the video, Fatima can be heard loudly weeping as her father is detained by men wearing jackets and vests marked “POLICE.” (Los Angeles officials have asked ICE agents to stop identifying themselves as such.) Her mother asks one of the officers in Spanish how to proceed before turning to her daughter and telling her: “Don’t cry, honey. Don’t cry. We have to be strong.”

Avelica-Gonzalez, the father of four U.S. citizens, was detained over a DUI conviction nearly 10 years ago and a two decade-old incident involving an incorrect registration sticker, according to a local ABC affiliate.

Harrowing Video Captures Teen Sobbing As ICE Arrests Her Dad On The Way To School | The Huffington Post

Welcome to Trump's America, ripping families apart to create fear.

I especially liked the crying part.....
It's about time!

I would have cheered had I been there

Sociopaths generally cheer over families being torn apart, indeed.

And yet people like you cheer when someone like this gets away with breaking the law. Yanno, that's a common theme with you bleeding heart liberals. No respect for the law. You act as if your emotions trump the law. It's like "the law be damned! Think of the children and the families!"

No tears nor fucks were given on that day. The father put his child into this situation. He has no one to blame but himself.

I speak from experience. I have been arrested in front of my children before. It was 100% my own fault. Not the government's, not the cops, not the left, not the right....MINE & mine alone, because of MY CHOICES

Thank you.
I'm right there with you,the few times I tangled with the law in my youth I had no illusions as to who was at fault.
I knew damn good and well I was breaking the law and the cop was just doing their job.

Hell,I'm now a lifetime member of the 100 Club!
We have laws and a predominate culture. I don't wan't or desire multiculturalism. That isn't even what immigration is about, either. Liberals disgust me. They live in closeted worlds and apply their unsubstantiated ideology to everyone. Try living with illegals, then get back to me. From what I have experienced, liberals don't deal with them well. When they try to molest your kids, libs take off the pretenses and get nasty really quick.
The 'Outrage' should be against the Father who knowingly violated our laws. He put his children in a very bad situation. It's child abuse.
They have to be taken outside the home....less chance of having a firearm handy that way. Also, the Mehican government is telling them not to answer the door so what choice do we have? :dunno:
Sucks the children had to witness it, but it was his own irresponsible doings.

Events like this are designed to create fear. The fact that it was done in front of a school makes it pretty obvious. These clowns were even wearing "Police" shirts and they're not supposed to do that -- and have been told to not continue wearing those shirts.

In the OP, douchebag. Learn how to read.
You illiterate fuck. Yes you Shyte4brains. Read your own link you dumb mother fucker. It clearly states that Los Angeles "asked" them not to do that. Nothing. Absolutely nothing prohibits them from wearing the attire in question. "Have been told not to do that"... Lol! News flash faggot. LA doesn't "tell" the Feds shit.
This first lessons free. If I have to continue educating you I'll need your social security number so I can claim you on my taxes.

And they'll be "asked" again and again until they stop -- you fucking imbecile.

Los Angeles Officials To ICE: Stop Identifying Yourselves As Police
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