Over 1,000 Children in Gaza have had one or both legs amputated since Oct 7


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

International aid workers visiting the Gaza Strip are relaying the horrific situation Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians. UNICEF reports over 1,000 children have lost legs. Israel is forcing the 2.3 million residents of Gaza into increasingly small areas that lack the ability to accommodate basic needs for survival.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said, “Around 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both their legs.” He told journalists in Geneva that “every single child is enduring these ten weeks of hell and not one of them can escape.”

Due to the conditions in Gaza, as well as the lack of aid, doctors are often forced to conduct surgeries in unsanitary facilities and without painkillers. “Not only were they amputated without anesthesia, but many of them were amputated in a very quick fashion,” he said.

Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, a London-based surgeon who traveled to Gaza to treat patients, told Middle East Eye that having to perform these operations without anesthetic was “one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in my career.” At a November press conference, he said, “One night, at Al-Ahli Hospital, I performed amputations on six children.”

The UNICEF official said that even if children recover from the amputation, they do not escape the hell of the threat of death. “As a parent of a critically sick child told me, ‘Our situation is pure misery…I don’t know if we will make it through this.’”

Spokesperson Dr. Margaret Harris added that WHO staff in Gaza spoke of not being able to walk in the emergency wards “for fear of stepping on people” lying on the floor “in severe pain” and asking for food and water. She called the situation “unconscionable” and said that it is “beyond belief that the world is allowing this to continue.”

The Israeli military has destroyed most hospitals in Gaza. The medical facilities continuing to operate face frequent attacks and a lack of supplies. A Washington Post investigation recently found that the Israeli Air Force is using 2,000-pound bombs near hospitals.

Elder went on to say that the Israeli military operations make civilians face the constant threat of death. He explained, “Where do children and their families go? They are not safe in hospitals. They are not safe in shelters. And they are certainly not safe in the so-called ‘safe’ zones.” The safe zones are “tiny patches of barren land, or street corners, or half-built buildings, with no water, no facilities, no shelter from the cold and the rain and no sanitation.”

In recent weeks, experts have warned that forcing Palestinians into safe zones with no aid or infrastructure will lead to famine and epidemics. Aid groups have already estimated there are 100,000 cases of diarrhea and 150,000 respiratory infections. In addition, 570,000 Palestinians in Gaza are in a state of starvation. Elder warned the combination of malnutrition and disease will be lethal for the population.

“An immediate and long-lasting humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to end the killing and injuring of children, and child deaths from disease, and enable the urgent delivery of desperately needed life-saving aid,” the UNICEF spokesperson explained.


Palestinians had a practice of sending children out to fight with Jews. Particularly with rock attacks against the IDF. The military would shoot back killing these poor, innocent, murderous, children. To keep the children alive but stop the attacks, the Israelis shoot them in the legs.
It's the bargain Palestinians made.
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

I pray for both sides to realize the truth, that Jesus is the Messiah and Lord and Savior of all of us.

Both sides are anti-Christs until they do.
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

Electing terrorists will always end in disaster. I find no reason to give these cretons any sympathy. Palestinians are simply bad people. :dunno:

Israel is being WAY fucking too nice. Gaza should have been rubble within a week.
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

Frankly, this number sounds low. :(
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

The Pals have refused to make peace with Israel since 1948

They attacked Israel and now they are suffering for it
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

"White House spokesman Kirby acknowledged that Hamas' capacity in Gaza remains significant"
Meanwhile the 400k Israeli army is withdrawing 5 battered corps from Gaza and scraping tons of scrap metal of jacked up Merkava's every day. True, killing hundreds of civilians a day.
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

Over 100 young women are living unimaginable lives as captives in Gaza.

"White House spokesman Kirby acknowledged that Hamas' capacity in Gaza remains significant"
Meanwhile the 400k Israeli army is withdrawing 5 battered corps from Gaza and scraping tons of scrap metal of jacked up Merkava's every day. True, killing hundreds of civilians a day.
Its impossible for me to verify any of the news from either side coming out of Gaza
Anything happens according to the most holy book of Judaism Shulhan Aruch
Just google how the holy scripture # 1 demands to deal with goyim (non Jews)
Imagine what would happen if Russia would do the same in Ukraine, even to the much smallest amount of children.
And here happens nothing

Israel must immediately stop genocide and go away from all occupied parts of Palestine

True Christians (not those of the Scofield's sort) pray for Palestine and its people

Conclusion: You watch a lot of Pallywood.

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