Over 1,000 Pizza’s Delivered to IDF Soldiers as Sign of Thanks


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Everyone loves pizzas, just like those in our own military and also the IDF.

Over 1,000 Pizza’s Delivered to IDF Soldiers as Sign of Thanks (Photos)

By Raphael Poch July 16, 2014 , 12:24 pm

Gedaliah and Elisheva Blum live with their four children in Eli, a town near Ariel in Samaria, one of the few places in Israel that has not had to deal with the threat of rocket fire from Gaza or Lebanon thus far. But that has not stopped them from getting involved and showing their support for the IDF. As the newest conflagration with Hamas began an idea came to them based upon volunteering they did during the last battle with Hamas in 2012.

During Operation Pillar of Defense the couple had been involved with a small scale enterprise to deliver pizza to soldiers serving in or near Gaza. “The response we received at that time from the soldiers was overwhelming,” as they delivered over 100 pizza’s. “This time,” says an excited Gedaliah, “we will be delivering over 1000 pizza’s.”

The couple, who run a marketing firm that caters to businesses in Judea and Samaria, set up a website last Thursday that allowed people all over the world to donate money in order to buy pizza for soldiers who are yet again serving in or near Gaza. Gedaliah emailed a number of organizations, including Breaking Israel News and Israel365, that would be interested in helping to promote the idea.

Read more at 1,000 Pizza's Delivered to IDF Soldiers - Breaking Israel News
If these pizzas were baked by the Hamas they´d be really unhealthy.

You certainly are right. However, lucky for the IDF they came from a place baked by people who don't wish to kill Jews like Hamas does. Hamas would have put arsenic in the pizzas, and then blamed Mossad for it.

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