Over 181 miles of new border wall has been built

TDS is believing what the skidmark says.

Sixty-two percent of new illegals come here legally and overstay their visas, and they don't cross the Mexican border. That's why it's so important to hit them where they work and jail employers hiring illegals.

There is a solution to that, and the wall controversy. Make being here illegal a felony, punishable by the minimum of five years in prison. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the Visa overstays, and we wouldn't need to worry about a wall because nobody would want to come here illegally. When I say minimum, I mean the judge could sentence somebody up to 15 years in prison.

Or remove the J O B S. Make it a felony to knowingly hire an illegal alien. We can do what you wish and what I wish a well. If a Business thinks that they need to stay in business by hiring illegal workers then they shouldn't be in business in the first place. There are programs to get LEGAL workers from Mexico and south of that for those jobs.

Our laws prohibit us from prosecuting most employers. Our law reads that the employer must be knowledgable that their employees were illegal in the first place. Fake ID"s is a new industry now here and south of our border. They are almost foolproof. And if an employer refuses to hire an illegal, they can be sued for discrimination.

But your people are in charge now. Write to them and have the laws changed. Good luck with that one.

My People are in charge NOW? Where, How, When? My People are out of favor right now. We are Republicans and refuse to become "The Party of the Rump". But we are patiently waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces when Rump finally goes away. Let's face it, there is only one Rump and with him, the Party of the Rump dies. It happens either early next year of in 5 years but it's going to happen. Invest in the future now.

Almost foolproof, yes, but not foolproof. I know of employers around here that underpay their Illegals so they can underbid for contracts. I also know the damage it's done to legitimate companies many that didn't make it due to the lack of contracts.

But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs, the solution is to lock up people who are coming here to take that work away from American citizens.

If I start my own lawn care company, and can't get customers because my competition is using illegals and Democrats won't have anything to do with it, what are my choices? I have to hire illegals as well. It's the only way for me to stay in business.

As for the Party of Trump, can you name me the last Republican that has led more conservatively than President Trump? I hated McCain, but I voted for him. I disliked Romney, and hate him more today, but I voted for him. If you are a real Republican, then you live by Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

I voted for those guys because I refused to relinquish my vote to a filthy Democrat.

I voted for Nixon then Reagan, then both Bushes. But the Republican Party started going south after that. I would have voted for McCain except for his age and his nightmare runningmate who very easily could have become PResident by default. I also voted for Romney but very reluctantly. But that was the last Republican that ran. I don't speak ill about republicans but there are just so few in office right now. And Rump ain't one and a lot of sellouts that have abandoned the Republican Ideals. But once Rump and the circus leaves town, we are waiting in the wings to start the rebuild. If it takes 4 years of "Nothing" then so be it. And Biden is pretty close to being nothing. Maybe we need a break, a time out, if you will. But we can't afford to wait until 2025 to start the rebuild. There won't be anything left to rebuild. Yes, I am a donor and a supporter of the Lincoln Project.

Back to the problem at hand. If you are using legal employees and your competitor is using illegals and underbidding you, I don't want you breaking the law. We cart his butt off to prison and shut his illegal business down so you can get the contracts. You shouldn't have to justify hiring illegals to compete. That puts legal workers out on the streets.

You have Democrats with sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. They give drivers licenses to illegals, especially in places that have motor voter. They warn illegals when ICE plans on raids in their area. Why not go after those politicians first since they are helping law breakers too? Since they are harboring law breakers, should they not be in prison before employers since they are doing everything possible to make them comfortable, and even creating policy and laws to protect them from federal authorities?

Again, who presided more conservatively than President Trump? Look at his picks for the Supreme Court. Look at his border stance. Look at his tax cuts for our job creators. Look how he's renegotiating trade deals to benefit Americans instead of other countries. These are all conservative values. I would go as far as to say he's presided more conservatively than President Reagan.

The problem with you TDS people is that it has nothing to do with Republicanism. It has to do with personal hatred. You vote just like a Democrat: how the person speaks, how they dress, how nice-nice they play with the press. You people vote on representatives like you voted for your favorite American Idol contestant. That's the real problem in this country.

Hey, Ray, good news. You won the TDS Over Achiever Award for the day. Others have tried, most have failed.


Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Tell me you don't remember the "2019 caravans" of thousands of illegals heading north from Central America?
The wall is a very necessary and effective deterrent.
Same with illegal drugs. The wall reduces the amounts crossing the southern border.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

The FAIR study is biased and wildly misleading:

As stated in the Cato Institute's critique of this report:

FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants, and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.

The reports then goes on to itemize the statistical errors, incorrect assumptions, critical omissions of tax revenues and increased GDP paid by illegal immigrants. Illegals contribute $11.6 billion in taxes, which, if the CATO Institute report is correct and the costs of illegal immigration are really on $3 billion and change, then they're paying more in taxes than they're using in benefits, and they're contributing to GDP.

This spending by undocumented immigrants on food, shelter, energy, health, and entertainment, like the rest of the population, boosts the local economies and the U.S. economy as a whole. Even if the amount of tax revenue generated by these undocumented workers is uncertain due to some not filing tax returns due to fear of deportation, most are working and productive members of society, and new research suggests that undocumented workers do pay $11.6 billion per year in taxes. Therefore, while an influx of American citizens and legal immigrants into jobs previously held by undocumented immigrants may theoretically represent a boon for the U.S. economy, the resulting overall economic impact may only be slightly positive, at best.

If Donald Trump really want to stop illegal immigration, he wouldn't hire illegals, and he would shut down Tyson Meats, Koch Industries, and the other big Repubican donors who do. When I wanted to get rid of the racoons in our yard, I threaten to evict the third floor tenant who was feeding them. Once she stopped feeding them, they stopped coming. Problem solved.

Trump has yet to charge any company for hiring undocumented workers. Not one. He arrested 700 hundred workers at Tyson Foods and Koch Industries, but didn't charge either company. And this is not the first time either company has been raided.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Tell me you don't remember the "2019 caravans" of thousands of illegals heading north from Central America?
The wall is a very necessary and effective deterrent.
Same with illegal drugs. The wall reduces the amounts crossing the southern border.

How many actually made it to the border? A couple of hundred from the first group, fewer than that from the second.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

Or we could use the money that we give Amtrak, Public Broadcasting or Planned Parenthood or other non-essential government waste program and give every school child a computer

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Tell me you don't remember the "2019 caravans" of thousands of illegals heading north from Central America?
The wall is a very necessary and effective deterrent.
Same with illegal drugs. The wall reduces the amounts crossing the southern border.

And where were they headed? To the entrance points to try and LEGALLY enter and get a court hearing. But they overloaded the Immigration Court system. Even when they bypassed and entered illegally, what was the first thing they did? They turned themselves in to the Nearest Border Patrol, Local Cop or anyone with a Uniform on. And it wasn't the 2019 Caravans. It's was the 2018 Caravans. By 2019, the Caravans were negated to a trickle by the Mexican Government. at their southern border which they should have done all along.

Why were the Caravans created like that? Before 2017, a HUGE Caravan might be a couple or 3 hundred in number and not be that frequent. There wasn't a real problem and both the Mexican and US could handle that. But in late 2017 the rules changed when people wanting santuary to the US were changed and the seekers could no longer come into Mexico (20 mile trip), apply at the nearest Embassy and get a ruling on whether they could be granted santuary or not. The rate was a 15% success rate. Those that succeeded stayed and there were non profits that would help them got to the United States. The rest went home. After that, the only way to apply for sanctuary in the US for them was using the Feet Dry option. Hence the huge "Caravans" in 2018.
TDS is believing what the skidmark says.

Sixty-two percent of new illegals come here legally and overstay their visas, and they don't cross the Mexican border. That's why it's so important to hit them where they work and jail employers hiring illegals.

There is a solution to that, and the wall controversy. Make being here illegal a felony, punishable by the minimum of five years in prison. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the Visa overstays, and we wouldn't need to worry about a wall because nobody would want to come here illegally. When I say minimum, I mean the judge could sentence somebody up to 15 years in prison.

Or remove the J O B S. Make it a felony to knowingly hire an illegal alien. We can do what you wish and what I wish a well. If a Business thinks that they need to stay in business by hiring illegal workers then they shouldn't be in business in the first place. There are programs to get LEGAL workers from Mexico and south of that for those jobs.

Our laws prohibit us from prosecuting most employers. Our law reads that the employer must be knowledgable that their employees were illegal in the first place. Fake ID"s is a new industry now here and south of our border. They are almost foolproof. And if an employer refuses to hire an illegal, they can be sued for discrimination.

But your people are in charge now. Write to them and have the laws changed. Good luck with that one.

My People are in charge NOW? Where, How, When? My People are out of favor right now. We are Republicans and refuse to become "The Party of the Rump". But we are patiently waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces when Rump finally goes away. Let's face it, there is only one Rump and with him, the Party of the Rump dies. It happens either early next year of in 5 years but it's going to happen. Invest in the future now.

Almost foolproof, yes, but not foolproof. I know of employers around here that underpay their Illegals so they can underbid for contracts. I also know the damage it's done to legitimate companies many that didn't make it due to the lack of contracts.

But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs, the solution is to lock up people who are coming here to take that work away from American citizens.

If I start my own lawn care company, and can't get customers because my competition is using illegals and Democrats won't have anything to do with it, what are my choices? I have to hire illegals as well. It's the only way for me to stay in business.

As for the Party of Trump, can you name me the last Republican that has led more conservatively than President Trump? I hated McCain, but I voted for him. I disliked Romney, and hate him more today, but I voted for him. If you are a real Republican, then you live by Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

I voted for those guys because I refused to relinquish my vote to a filthy Democrat.
But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs

Two points:
1) If those Americans are hiring illegals, how many Americans will they hire?
2) If you hire an illegal alien, aren't you a criminal and deserve to be jailed?

Your TDS is showing.

No, you are not a criminal. Once again, our law is that in order to prosecute an employer, the prosecutor must prove that the employer knew he or she was hiring illegals. And again, in many cases, that's impossible to prove.

Don't give me that song and dance. One of the main reasons to hire illegals is to pay them less than legal workers so you can underbid everyone else. If a person is willing to work "Under the Table" or at a reduced price with a kickback to the company, you KNOW they are an illegal.

This is true, but for the ones that work over the table, they still take jobs for next to nothing, and there is no indicator they are illegal. To the employer, they are simply foreigners willing to do any job for any salary.

I worked in a Shipping and Storage company. We had 5 Lupa Sanchezes and only one spoke english. I knew the one and he was American Born. They were paid like anyone else were paid, maybe a little less. But man, could those fools move furniture. There is no way in hell that the owner didn't know that those 4 were illegals. Same goes for another industry; the carpet industry.

We had a couple illegal immigrants apply and I told them we could not hire illegal immigrants and sent them on their way. I'm not interested in people that are not allowed to work in my country.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Do you even know how much Trump is spending on the wall? About what it costs us for three weeks of food stamps for this country. The difference between Visa overstays and people crossing our border illegally is at least we know who the people are that overstay their Visa's.


Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Do you even know how much Trump is spending on the wall? About what it costs us for three weeks of food stamps for this country. The difference between Visa overstays and people crossing our border illegally is at least we know who the people are that overstay their Visa's.

That's all been covered and recovered in here over and over again. I won't go look it up because you have conveniently forgotten any of it.
TDS is believing what the skidmark says.

Sixty-two percent of new illegals come here legally and overstay their visas, and they don't cross the Mexican border. That's why it's so important to hit them where they work and jail employers hiring illegals.

There is a solution to that, and the wall controversy. Make being here illegal a felony, punishable by the minimum of five years in prison. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the Visa overstays, and we wouldn't need to worry about a wall because nobody would want to come here illegally. When I say minimum, I mean the judge could sentence somebody up to 15 years in prison.

Or remove the J O B S. Make it a felony to knowingly hire an illegal alien. We can do what you wish and what I wish a well. If a Business thinks that they need to stay in business by hiring illegal workers then they shouldn't be in business in the first place. There are programs to get LEGAL workers from Mexico and south of that for those jobs.

Our laws prohibit us from prosecuting most employers. Our law reads that the employer must be knowledgable that their employees were illegal in the first place. Fake ID"s is a new industry now here and south of our border. They are almost foolproof. And if an employer refuses to hire an illegal, they can be sued for discrimination.

But your people are in charge now. Write to them and have the laws changed. Good luck with that one.

My People are in charge NOW? Where, How, When? My People are out of favor right now. We are Republicans and refuse to become "The Party of the Rump". But we are patiently waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces when Rump finally goes away. Let's face it, there is only one Rump and with him, the Party of the Rump dies. It happens either early next year of in 5 years but it's going to happen. Invest in the future now.

Almost foolproof, yes, but not foolproof. I know of employers around here that underpay their Illegals so they can underbid for contracts. I also know the damage it's done to legitimate companies many that didn't make it due to the lack of contracts.

But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs, the solution is to lock up people who are coming here to take that work away from American citizens.

If I start my own lawn care company, and can't get customers because my competition is using illegals and Democrats won't have anything to do with it, what are my choices? I have to hire illegals as well. It's the only way for me to stay in business.

As for the Party of Trump, can you name me the last Republican that has led more conservatively than President Trump? I hated McCain, but I voted for him. I disliked Romney, and hate him more today, but I voted for him. If you are a real Republican, then you live by Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

I voted for those guys because I refused to relinquish my vote to a filthy Democrat.

I voted for Nixon then Reagan, then both Bushes. But the Republican Party started going south after that. I would have voted for McCain except for his age and his nightmare runningmate who very easily could have become PResident by default. I also voted for Romney but very reluctantly. But that was the last Republican that ran. I don't speak ill about republicans but there are just so few in office right now. And Rump ain't one and a lot of sellouts that have abandoned the Republican Ideals. But once Rump and the circus leaves town, we are waiting in the wings to start the rebuild. If it takes 4 years of "Nothing" then so be it. And Biden is pretty close to being nothing. Maybe we need a break, a time out, if you will. But we can't afford to wait until 2025 to start the rebuild. There won't be anything left to rebuild. Yes, I am a donor and a supporter of the Lincoln Project.

Back to the problem at hand. If you are using legal employees and your competitor is using illegals and underbidding you, I don't want you breaking the law. We cart his butt off to prison and shut his illegal business down so you can get the contracts. You shouldn't have to justify hiring illegals to compete. That puts legal workers out on the streets.

You have Democrats with sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. They give drivers licenses to illegals, especially in places that have motor voter. They warn illegals when ICE plans on raids in their area. Why not go after those politicians first since they are helping law breakers too? Since they are harboring law breakers, should they not be in prison before employers since they are doing everything possible to make them comfortable, and even creating policy and laws to protect them from federal authorities?

Again, who presided more conservatively than President Trump? Look at his picks for the Supreme Court. Look at his border stance. Look at his tax cuts for our job creators. Look how he's renegotiating trade deals to benefit Americans instead of other countries. These are all conservative values. I would go as far as to say he's presided more conservatively than President Reagan.

The problem with you TDS people is that it has nothing to do with Republicanism. It has to do with personal hatred. You vote just like a Democrat: how the person speaks, how they dress, how nice-nice they play with the press. You people vote on representatives like you voted for your favorite American Idol contestant. That's the real problem in this country.

Hey, Ray, good news. You won the TDS Over Achiever Award for the day. Others have tried, most have failed.

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I don't know about them, but I hit the nail square on the head.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

The wall pays for itself every day.
Trump's wall didn't cost much compared to the estimated $116b illegal immigration costs us annually.

Since the real culprit is the over staying of Visas and work permits (over 60%) then the wall isn't where the money should be going in such a grand scale. The bulk of the money should be going to prevent or do a better job with the Visa Enforcement and the Immigration Court System that is so woefully underfunded it's not even remotely funny. But that's not sexy and it's not part of the center ring in the Circus.

Do you even know how much Trump is spending on the wall? About what it costs us for three weeks of food stamps for this country. The difference between Visa overstays and people crossing our border illegally is at least we know who the people are that overstay their Visa's.

That's all been covered and recovered in here over and over again. I won't go look it up because you have conveniently forgotten any of it.

You won't even look at it???? Surprise, surprise.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.
Doesn’t matter

We will tear it down next year when Biden is President

Until Trump reminds voters that Biden will do just that, and Biden would lose more votes than I could count in my lifetime. Probably some key House seats too.
People will line up to tear down the Great Wall of Trump
Mexico will pay for it

They won't be Americans. At least those who want to remain American.

Wanna bet?

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.
For what is paid in taxes for public education, and it is enormous, a lot of people demand more from the students.
TDS is believing what the skidmark says.

Sixty-two percent of new illegals come here legally and overstay their visas, and they don't cross the Mexican border. That's why it's so important to hit them where they work and jail employers hiring illegals.

There is a solution to that, and the wall controversy. Make being here illegal a felony, punishable by the minimum of five years in prison. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the Visa overstays, and we wouldn't need to worry about a wall because nobody would want to come here illegally. When I say minimum, I mean the judge could sentence somebody up to 15 years in prison.

Or remove the J O B S. Make it a felony to knowingly hire an illegal alien. We can do what you wish and what I wish a well. If a Business thinks that they need to stay in business by hiring illegal workers then they shouldn't be in business in the first place. There are programs to get LEGAL workers from Mexico and south of that for those jobs.

Our laws prohibit us from prosecuting most employers. Our law reads that the employer must be knowledgable that their employees were illegal in the first place. Fake ID"s is a new industry now here and south of our border. They are almost foolproof. And if an employer refuses to hire an illegal, they can be sued for discrimination.

But your people are in charge now. Write to them and have the laws changed. Good luck with that one.

My People are in charge NOW? Where, How, When? My People are out of favor right now. We are Republicans and refuse to become "The Party of the Rump". But we are patiently waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces when Rump finally goes away. Let's face it, there is only one Rump and with him, the Party of the Rump dies. It happens either early next year of in 5 years but it's going to happen. Invest in the future now.

Almost foolproof, yes, but not foolproof. I know of employers around here that underpay their Illegals so they can underbid for contracts. I also know the damage it's done to legitimate companies many that didn't make it due to the lack of contracts.

But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs, the solution is to lock up people who are coming here to take that work away from American citizens.

If I start my own lawn care company, and can't get customers because my competition is using illegals and Democrats won't have anything to do with it, what are my choices? I have to hire illegals as well. It's the only way for me to stay in business.

As for the Party of Trump, can you name me the last Republican that has led more conservatively than President Trump? I hated McCain, but I voted for him. I disliked Romney, and hate him more today, but I voted for him. If you are a real Republican, then you live by Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

I voted for those guys because I refused to relinquish my vote to a filthy Democrat.
But the solution is not to lock up Americans who have taxpaying industries and provide Americans with jobs

Two points:
1) If those Americans are hiring illegals, how many Americans will they hire?
2) If you hire an illegal alien, aren't you a criminal and deserve to be jailed?

Your TDS is showing.

No, you are not a criminal. Once again, our law is that in order to prosecute an employer, the prosecutor must prove that the employer knew he or she was hiring illegals. And again, in many cases, that's impossible to prove.

Don't give me that song and dance. One of the main reasons to hire illegals is to pay them less than legal workers so you can underbid everyone else. If a person is willing to work "Under the Table" or at a reduced price with a kickback to the company, you KNOW they are an illegal.

This is true, but for the ones that work over the table, they still take jobs for next to nothing, and there is no indicator they are illegal. To the employer, they are simply foreigners willing to do any job for any salary.

I worked in a Shipping and Storage company. We had 5 Lupa Sanchezes and only one spoke english. I knew the one and he was American Born. They were paid like anyone else were paid, maybe a little less. But man, could those fools move furniture. There is no way in hell that the owner didn't know that those 4 were illegals. Same goes for another industry; the carpet industry.

Riddle me this Batman: Why is it okay for their kids to go to school here, for them to have bank accounts and even take loans, for them to live in sanctuary cities virtually untouched, for them to have credit cards, for them to rent apartments and houses, for them to have drivers licenses, and of course, even buy a home if they'd like, and nobody should be in trouble except the employers?

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.
TDS is believing what the skidmark says.

Sixty-two percent of new illegals come here legally and overstay their visas, and they don't cross the Mexican border. That's why it's so important to hit them where they work and jail employers hiring illegals.

Can't it be both? Seems that would be more efficient than just one.
Economic speaking, NO. Much less expensive to go after the illegals money source.
Seriously? Gonna pinch pennies protecting the border?:auiqs.jpg:
I'm not buying it, dude, not buying that lame excuse at all.
Because of the skidmark, we have to pinch pennies.
I see, you really don't have an intelligent counter.
There is no intelligent counter with a two prong approach.
Carry on.....
Bloviating is beneath you.
Honesty and you seem to have never crossed paths. Just say that you're an open border person.
Be honest. Show some integrity.
Bloviating ISN'T beneath you?
Might want to stop talking in Tongues....just saying....oh yeah, and quit lying.
Bloviating: talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way.
I know what it means, it was a stupid comment since I post just enough
to make my point. Wasn't inflated and wasn't empty, just spot on.

Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

On December 17, 2019, acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan stated that 93 miles of new wall has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures.

Big lie deplorable in fact 3 miles of new wall actually built, little short of 1000 miles shitolini promised...



Sorry TDS sufferers, the Wall is being built.

Despite all the efforts to block it.

No roads, no bridge, no hospitals, no schools. Just 200 miles of useless money wasting wall. You could buy computers for every school child in America with the money Trump pissed away on his useless wall.

Or we could use the money that we give Amtrak, Public Broadcasting or Planned Parenthood or other non-essential government waste program and give every school child a computer

Right wingers always want to cut the programs which help PEOPLE. Amtrack - moving thousands of people cheaply, reducing congrestion, air pollution from auto emissions, and helping people connect. Public Broadcasting - providing quality commercial free programming and unbiased reporting for the American people; and Planned Parenthood, which provides reproductive health, cancer screening, and birth control to millions of low income women, many with no health insurance or other access to health care.

Planned Parenthood is the ONLY agency to focus women's health in a country which has the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth and infant mortality in the first world. The irony here is that will the right wing, which only values babies while they're in the womb, are trying to cut funding to the only agency in America which is helping save American women and babies. Right wingers certainly aren't doing that.

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