Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

How is iberalism sustainable when 47% of the population pay no taxes and 50% of babies born are born on Medicaid?

And then to show what a great vision The Left has for America, They want to soak Corporate America with both punitive taxes, open borders, and a $15 an hour minimum wage.

McDonalds will install Kiosks and Farmers will just buy robots, and the Welfare State will expand until it isn't worth anyone's time or effort to have a job.

When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

How many $7 hour workers have babies without the help of Medicade ?

What is Medicade? Is that where you mix medicine with water and sugar like you do with lemons to make lemonade?
Typical conservatives. You have all kinds of opinions but no SOLUTIONS!

Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil
So you want someone else to work 3 jobs and support your children because you "won't," or can't?

I don't want anyone's children to die, but I want you to put forth, as you expect me to put forth, the effort to contribute to supporting your children's needs.

So what to do ? Simple question.
What to do?

We've been doing it.

Health insurance.


Food stamps.

Housing vouchers.

Job training.


The list goes on.

The poor in this country are rich to those from 3rd world counties.

I'm all for helping you feed and house your children.

But you better put forth some effort.

Is that so tedious to you?

How about making them get health insurance ? That's putting forth some effort .

Why? So we can pay for that too?
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.
Be responsible, you idiot. Birth control is everywhere at no charge, USE IT!!!

Good grief do you ever think before you post? If you're on Medicaid don't get PG you're in no financial shape to be raising kids. Trust me it takes a ton of money.

Typical conservatives. You have all kinds of opinions but no SOLUTIONS!

Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

I'm not a conservative, used to be a demorat till that party went batshit crazy anti white, anti american. Anyway, why don't the people that are all for babies being brought into the world by parents who can't afford them, start up their own fund for taking care of these babies? obama and the clintons could easily come up with the first billion or two. Now that's compassion. Will they do it? Hell no.

When Democrats talk about taking care of people, they mean taking care of them with other people's money, not their own.
I have no problem paying taxes to help support my fellow American's health, especially for the kids....I was raised around a fellow that said it was best, his name was Jesus Christ..

If that were true, you would be donating money to your church and stop advocating we all pay more in taxes.
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Why do libs always lie?

It is because the truth makes them appear to be the fools they are!

There is no Planned Parenthood in my area. There is a county health department that performs the same services as PP and we don't get taxed twice for it.
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.
It is grotesque low IQ, unproductive individuals get free medical care to reproduce themselves while intelligent, productive people have to pay tens of thousands of dollars. Seems like it actually might be part of the "left's" intentional policy to genocide Whitey.
Those are called the unfortunate, and a nation is judged on how it treats them. Under the New BS GOP- bad!


You do realize that you are bar none, the worst posting troll on this board, right?

You have 39,904 messages here.
And you only have a 7,795 rating.

If we were to assign you a letter grade you'd have a 19.5% grade average.
That's so far below an F grade that we'd have to dig half way to China to find where you hid your home work.

Who is going to judge such a nation since Lefty doesn't believe in God and believes in Evolution? Better that the weak die to decrease the surplus population and improve the quality of the gene pool.

And lefty also believes in Global Warming and the Earth is over populated, shouldn't people do their patriotic duty and just die to help save the planet? Or is Lefty Suddenly opposed to Abortion too?
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If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.
Living in Obama's Chicago. The hot lead injection method
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Other organizations provide birth control without murdering babies
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.

The Stork brings babies.

The Swallow never brings babies.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid
Well, repugs are opposed to abortion, birth control, planned parenthood, and sex education. You expected a different outcome?

I am opposed to killing babies. I think if you need birth control you should pay for it. Planned Abortion instead of Parenthood should stop doing abortions on my dime. I am not opposed to sex education, and I don't think I am alone. That makes you totally confused, doesn't it? I guess truth hurts.

You do not pay for Planned Parenthood abortions.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid
Well, repugs are opposed to abortion, birth control, planned parenthood, and sex education. You expected a different outcome?

What are you talking about? Planned Parenthood is alive and well, abortion is legal, and sex education is taught in our public schools, and we still have this outcome. Anything else you would like to point out for us?

Are birth rates low in countries where the government does little or nothing for the poor?
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.

Abstaining from sex is 100% effective. But sex is a human need like food and water. Teenagers are gonna have sex. Educating them on how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies is more effective then telling them dont have sex.

Abstinence only education has been shown over and over again it does not prevent teen pregnancies. In fact school districts that do teach abstinence only has higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.

Abstaining from sex is 100% effective. But sex is a human need like food and water. Teenagers are gonna have sex. Educating them on how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies is more effective then telling them dont have sex.

Abstinence only education has been shown over and over again it does not prevent teen pregnancies. In fact school districts that do teach abstinence only has higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.

I have very bad news for you immoral liberals out there. Plenty of teens abstain from sex. So your statement is blatantly false.

If they do not abstain, they usually don't need Big Government to provide them with instruction on how to take a pill or use a condom, although most every public school dies that.
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.

Abstaining from sex is 100% effective. But sex is a human need like food and water. Teenagers are gonna have sex. Educating them on how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies is more effective then telling them dont have sex.

Abstinence only education has been shown over and over again it does not prevent teen pregnancies. In fact school districts that do teach abstinence only has higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.

I have very bad news for you immoral liberals out there. Plenty of teens abstain from sex. So your statement is blatantly false.

If they do not abstain, they usually don't need Big Government to provide them with instruction on how to take a pill or use a condom, although most every public school dies that.

There are plenty of teens who don't have sex, but there are also plenty of teens who do have sex.

Teen pregnancy rates are higher in red states because of abstinence only education.
If you're on Medicaid you don't need to be having babies. Get situated in life then start a family

Good point. Planned parenthood was helping low income women to prevent pregnancy by providing birth control. But now that GOP has taken that away, expect more poor people to have pregnancies. On top of that, you conservatives want abstinence only taught in schools.

You can't have it all. Either support organizations like PP or be prepared to have more social programs helping low income mothers.

Name a form of birth control that is 100% effective.

Abstaining from sex is 100% effective. But sex is a human need like food and water. Teenagers are gonna have sex. Educating them on how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies is more effective then telling them dont have sex.

Abstinence only education has been shown over and over again it does not prevent teen pregnancies. In fact school districts that do teach abstinence only has higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.

I have very bad news for you immoral liberals out there. Plenty of teens abstain from sex. So your statement is blatantly false.

If they do not abstain, they usually don't need Big Government to provide them with instruction on how to take a pill or use a condom, although most every public school dies that.

There are plenty of teens who don't have sex, but there are also plenty of teens who do have sex.

Teen pregnancy rates are higher in red states because of abstinence only education.

I have seen students in my high school that are on their second pregnancy, with a flock of babies and up to three year-olds attending Mommy's high school graduations. I think they know how babies are made and how to prevent them from happening, but they just don't care because they know that more babies means government help and less work they have to do.
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Which you are against I'm sure . Well righties want people to get married and have lots of babies . And righties tell young couples not to get Obamacare plans , even though it covers child birth.

So what's your plan???

Be responsible, you idiot. Birth control is everywhere at no charge, USE IT!!!

Good grief do you ever think before you post? If you're on Medicaid don't get PG you're in no financial shape to be raising kids. Trust me it takes a ton of money.

Typical conservatives. You have all kinds of opinions but no SOLUTIONS!

Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

I'm not a conservative, used to be a demorat till that party went batshit crazy anti white, anti american. Anyway, why don't the people that are all for babies being brought into the world by parents who can't afford them, start up their own fund for taking care of these babies? obama and the clintons could easily come up with the first billion or two. Now that's compassion. Will they do it? Hell no.

When Democrats talk about taking care of people, they mean taking care of them with other people's money, not their own.

I have a proposal that just might solve the problem for you but first I would like for you to be aware of the typical income requirement for Medicaid. A married couple with a child on the way can have a monthly income of $3,574 a month in North Carolina and qualify for Medicaid. It is that high because the state considers a healthy pregnancy an investment and because Republican's passed legislation in which a fetus is considered a child so the married couple becomes a family of three for qualification purposes at the onset of the pregnancy.

But here is my proposal. The funding of these children becomes completely voluntary. If you don't want to fund them you simply check a box on your tax return and your taxes will be reduced accordingly. On the federal level, well that would not be much. Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA subsidies account for twenty five percent of the budget but MediCARE takes up almost sixty percent of that amount. The ACA subsidies account for about twenty percent of the remainder and over half of all Medicaid spending is devoted to long term care coverage of the disabled and elderly. So, crunch the numbers and by electing not to cover pregnancies for those on Medicaid one could reduce their federal tax bill by a little less than two percent.

However, if one makes that election they cannot collect any Social Security benefits funded by those children in the future. And by funded I mean funded by the FICA taxes those children pay in the future. Those that elected not to pay for the coverage have their Social Security checks reduced by the calculated amount and the savings is distributed to those that elected to pay for the coverage. That sound fair to you?

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