over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

What amuses me is study after study shows the majority of conservatives and republicans believe lies, believe what's fed to them in right wing propaganda and yet these same idiots cite studies that show a portion of voters are too stupid to be voting competently. :badgrin:
What amuses me is study after study shows the majority of conservatives and republicans believe lies, believe what's fed to them in right wing propaganda and yet these same idiots cite studies that show a portion of voters are too stupid to be voting competently. :badgrin:
It is refreshing to see someone so open-minded in such sharp contrast to conservative, slave-owning and lie-believing capitalist pigs.
As I'm an over 60 white Independent and have read his own words, I believe the Prez when he says he was born in Kenya.

You're not claiming he's a liar are you? :eusa_clap:

I never realized that longknife was a lying Birther too!

Who knew!
What amuses me is study after study shows the majority of conservatives and republicans believe lies, believe what's fed to them in right wing propaganda and yet these same idiots cite studies that show a portion of voters are too stupid to be voting competently. :badgrin:
And I suppose your "studies after study" doesn't show that the liberal left democrats don't believe lies? Such as Dan Rather, even when shown to be a fabrication his "news" was still believed. How about Russian Collusion, a whole investigation started because of left wing lies. It is not like there was evidence of wrong doing, such as a dead ambassador and three others.

The left wing invents lies, then repeats them until they even start believing them.
Partisan ideologues buy into all kinds of goofy stuff.

That's one of the primary symptoms of the affliction.
I see, we have to start recycling the same old BS. Isn't there something new to attack? Obama is gone, thankfully long gone. In Trump's America your job has been made easier and I assume you have made a lot more money.

If Obama had not let the lie stand for so long he probably would not have had to ignore the question let alone address it. He didn't mind saying he was born in Kenya to sell books or get financial help in college. Just when it became inconvenient that is when he had problems.
He may as well not have been as unpatriotic as he was.
Either way, the damage is done.
What we know about Hussaine. His "long form birth certificate" our President, The Donald, shamed that douchebag anti-Whitic into producing was a forgery, an obvious Photoshop job. No rational person can deny that.
As I'm an over 60 white Independent and have read his own words, I believe the Prez when he says he was born in Kenya.

You're not claiming he's a liar are you? :eusa_clap:

I never realized that longknife was a lying Birther too!

Who knew!
Why am I lying? He said it himself.

No- President Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Perhaps you are just a gullible fool- and parroting what you were told on RWNJ sites- but he never said he was born in Kenya.

He did say he was born on the planet Krypton though.....he might have been joking at Birthers expense.....
What we know about Hussaine. His "long form birth certificate" our President, The Donald, shamed that douchebag anti-Whitic into producing was a forgery, an obvious Photoshop job. No rational person can deny that.

No rational person is:
a) a Birther
b) Snouter
c) Both.
Partisan ideologues buy into all kinds of goofy stuff.

That's one of the primary symptoms of the affliction.
He didn't mind saying he was born in Kenya to sell books or get financial help in college. Just when it became inconvenient that is when he had problems.

Ah you Birthers. Once again Barack Obama never said he was born in Kenya- just another Birther lie.

  • He didn't say it to sell books- since his books actually said he was born in Hawaii
  • When did he say it to get financial help? Oh yes- just another lie created from thin air by you Birthers. Absolutely no evidence that Barack Obama got any such financial aid- but you Birthers prefer lies to facts.
  • When it became 'inconvenient'? Barack Obama has been nationally known since 1990- and has been interviewed in hundreds of articles starting then- and in every single actual American media article that mentions his place of birth- it correctly states "Hawaii"- I have been addressing Birther lies for years now so I have compiled a list:

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii

You are correct- Obama is not President anymore- but it is fascinating that Birthers still believe the same lies they believed then.
The left wing invents lies, then repeats them until they even start believing them.

Yet this thread is about you Conservatives inventing Birther lies about Barack Obama- and repeating them until you actually believe them.

Of course the most recent example of your side trying to do that is with James O'Keefe caught having one of his employees trying to plant a story with the Wa

Yet this thread is about you Conservatives inventing Birther lies about Barack Obama- and repeating them until you actually believe them.

Of course the most recent example of your side trying to do that is with James O'Keefe caught having one of his employees trying to plant a story with the Washington Pos
shington Post.

Yet this thread is about you Conservatives inventing Birther lies about Barack Obama- and repeating them until you actually believe them.

Of course the most recent example of your side trying to do that is with James O'Keefe caught having one of his employees trying to plant a story with the Washington Pos
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.
Daily Kos? Seriously?
Meathead doesnt understand how any site can pick up information off the news wire.
Meathead understands so little.
Not sure I see the racist element in questioning what Obama said himself. You know like when the left questioned McCain.

Any way, if Obama had not said it himself or his wife, then maybe there would not be a issue. Of course when he let it stand that he was born in kenya that was an obvious lie. Anyway here is a link, see for yourself.

You presented a link to the Gateway Pundit who is 100% anti Obama and 100% pro Trump and think rational people will read it?
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.
Daily Kos? Seriously?
Meathead doesnt understand how any site can pick up information off the news wire.
Meathead understands so little.
I understand I could go to Stormfront and pick up a news wire story and post it. I also understand that doing so would compromise me more than my target if I had one.

It's the same damn thing. I don't go to sites the ilk of Huffpo or Stormfront certainly would not link them if I did. Hell, I've never even linked sites like Infowars or MSNBC.
Over 60 percent of white liberals think Obama never listened to Jeremiah Wright.
Wright was one of the pastors in the church Obama went to. Obama had to have heard him.

So what?

Here is a list of Republican Pastors who want to murder all gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech

If you even go to church, I bet your pastor feels the same. And I'm sure you agree, right?

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