over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

100 percent of those living in the White House have made the claim of Kenyan birth.
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

A.) The maturity level of liberals is just pathetic. All of them think that if they give them selves a user ID of something conservative and then spout nonsense liberal propaganda, they can convince actual conservatives to "see the light". God almighty can you people just grow up already? It's not working. It has never worked. Because no matter how much lying you do about your allegiance, your ideology is on the wrong side of the facts - and that is glaringly obvious when you post your liberal bullshit.

B.) Like all liberals, you are completely misinformed on the facts. Glenn Beck has said almost from day one that Barack Obama was born in the United States and he gets really aggravated with people who challenge his citizenship.

(See what I mean about your immature, false "conservatism"? It's instantly transparent as soon as you liberals post your misinformed bullshit)

The maturity level of you sir is pathetic. I gave myself the user ID YoungRepublican because that is what I am. May I suggest you change your ID to "wingnut ruining the GOP" You think that if someone believes that if THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA isnt a citizen there is no way that they can be a Republican. What kind of backward ass thinking is that? MY liberal bull shit? It's not liberal bull shit, its fucking reason. Did I pick the wrong crazy ass pundit who was too conservative for even FOX? Here's what I'm saying if you are too dense to figure out reality.. You aren’t a Republican. Stop pretending to be, you’re an idiot, who, just like the rest of those that hold your same sentiments, have no business talking about politics.

It typical conservative backward-ass thinking.

You’ve got your work cut out for you, kid.

Good luck.
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

A.) The maturity level of liberals is just pathetic. All of them think that if they give them selves a user ID of something conservative and then spout nonsense liberal propaganda, they can convince actual conservatives to "see the light". God almighty can you people just grow up already? It's not working. It has never worked. Because no matter how much lying you do about your allegiance, your ideology is on the wrong side of the facts - and that is glaringly obvious when you post your liberal bullshit.

B.) Like all liberals, you are completely misinformed on the facts. Glenn Beck has said almost from day one that Barack Obama was born in the United States and he gets really aggravated with people who challenge his citizenship.

(See what I mean about your immature, false "conservatism"? It's instantly transparent as soon as you liberals post your misinformed bullshit)

The maturity level of you sir is pathetic. I gave myself the user ID YoungRepublican because that is what I am. May I suggest you change your ID to "wingnut ruining the GOP" You think that if someone believes that if THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA isnt a citizen there is no way that they can be a Republican. What kind of backward ass thinking is that? MY liberal bull shit? It's not liberal bull shit, its fucking reason. Did I pick the wrong crazy ass pundit who was too conservative for even FOX? Here's what I'm saying if you are too dense to figure out reality.. You aren’t a Republican. Stop pretending to be, you’re an idiot, who, just like the rest of those that hold your same sentiments, have no business talking about politics.

First of all, your belief in the birthplace of Barack Obama has nothing to do with anything. Did I mention that any where in my post? This just further illustrates you are, in fact, a hard core liberal (stupidity, seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually written, etc.).

I accurately pegged you as a liberal for two reasons: 1.) you're disdain for actual conservatives, and 2.) your misinformation

Like all liberals, you spouted off at the mouth about Glenn Beck without knowing what the fuck you are talking about. You've never watched or listened to him, still you're all too happy to demonize him. The fact that you got so easily bent out of shape over my accurate observation just solidifies my initial assessment.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Sad little people--these birthers.

Twice now the American voters have overwhelming rejected the republican agenda and conservative dogma.

It’s clearly caused many on the right to become unhinged.

That’s what got the ‘birth certificate’ idiocy started in the first place, where conservatives couldn’t ‘get rid’ of Obama through the electoral process, they sought to get him ‘disqualified.’

It is indeed pathetic.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Sad little people--these birthers.

Twice now the American voters have overwhelming rejected the republican agenda and conservative dogma.

It’s clearly caused many on the right to become unhinged.

That’s what got the ‘birth certificate’ idiocy started in the first place, where conservatives couldn’t ‘get rid’ of Obama through the electoral process, they sought to get him ‘disqualified.’

It is indeed pathetic.

your concept of " overwhelmingly" is skewed
A.) The maturity level of liberals is just pathetic. All of them think that if they give them selves a user ID of something conservative and then spout nonsense liberal propaganda, they can convince actual conservatives to "see the light". God almighty can you people just grow up already? It's not working. It has never worked. Because no matter how much lying you do about your allegiance, your ideology is on the wrong side of the facts - and that is glaringly obvious when you post your liberal bullshit.

B.) Like all liberals, you are completely misinformed on the facts. Glenn Beck has said almost from day one that Barack Obama was born in the United States and he gets really aggravated with people who challenge his citizenship.

(See what I mean about your immature, false "conservatism"? It's instantly transparent as soon as you liberals post your misinformed bullshit)

The maturity level of you sir is pathetic. I gave myself the user ID YoungRepublican because that is what I am. May I suggest you change your ID to "wingnut ruining the GOP" You think that if someone believes that if THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA isnt a citizen there is no way that they can be a Republican. What kind of backward ass thinking is that? MY liberal bull shit? It's not liberal bull shit, its fucking reason. Did I pick the wrong crazy ass pundit who was too conservative for even FOX? Here's what I'm saying if you are too dense to figure out reality.. You aren’t a Republican. Stop pretending to be, you’re an idiot, who, just like the rest of those that hold your same sentiments, have no business talking about politics.

First of all, your belief in the birthplace of Barack Obama has nothing to do with anything. Did I mention that any where in my post? This just further illustrates you are, in fact, a hard core liberal (stupidity, seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually written, etc.).

I accurately pegged you as a liberal for two reasons: 1.) you're disdain for actual conservatives, and 2.) your misinformation

Like all liberals, you spouted off at the mouth about Glenn Beck without knowing what the fuck you are talking about. You've never watched or listened to him, still you're all too happy to demonize him. The fact that you got so easily bent out of shape over my accurate observation just solidifies my initial assessment.

It has everything to do with it. Do you not remember what we were talking about or are you just pulling my chain? This honestly feels like a joke. This just proves to me that you are some hard line conservative who thinks that anyone who has opposing views is a liberal, get a clue. I don’t watch Glen Beck because I'm not a fucking moron. I have seen his show and any person, and I mean ANY person who goes back to him after watching one episode is a full blown idiot. You say I am a liberal because I demonize Glen Beck? you realize he is our version of Chris Matthews don’t you? Thats what cracks me up. You are probably the first person to go after Rachel Maddow, which you have every right to do because she is well.. ya know, but you have no problem with the shit that flows out of Becks mouth. I don’t listen to that crap because I form my opinions from sources other than people whose job it is to entertain, not report the news. Hop off of your "You aint a republican cuz you believe OBAMAR is from America? crazy train and join the rest of the country in our reasonable opinions.

Also, your definition of "real conservatives" is distorted at best.
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This honestly feels like a joke...

Holy crap, I almost spit out my freakin' coffee when I saw that. It's something I've said to myself dozens, if not hundreds of times when observing contemporary American political conversation.

There are people on both sides of the political spectrum who appear to have convinced themselves that only "their side" has the answers, that the "other side" is out to "destroy the country", and there are people who seem to treat politics the same as others treat professional wrestling -- kind of a game, a cartoon. Some just like to play the villain, the bad guy, no matter how much damage their behavior does to "their side". They don't care -- it's more about their ego than politics or the country. Don't give an inch or you "lose". A simplistic "us vs. them" mentality that evidently provides the inner warmth of belonging to a group.

I swear, political ideology can make a person crazy. Trying to make sense of it can, too. You and I appear to have the same goal, to find people with whom you can just have an intellectually honest freakin' conversation. Not easy.

Is some of this stuff just a joke, a lark? I'd guess so, yeah.

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Holy crap, I almost spit out my freakin' coffee when I saw that. It's something I've said to myself dozens, if not hundreds of times when observing contemporary American political conversation.

There are people on both sides of the political spectrum who appear to have convinced themselves that only "their side" has the answers, that the "other side" is out to "destroy the country", and there are people who seem to treat politics the same as others treat professional wrestling -- kind of a game, a cartoon. Some just like to play the villain, the bad guy, no matter how much damage their behavior does to "their side". They don't care -- it's more about their ego than politics or the country. Don't give an inch or you "lose". A simplistic "us vs. them" mentality that evidently provides the inner warmth of belonging to a group.

I swear, political ideology can make a person crazy. Trying to make sense of it can, too. You and I appear to have the same goal, to find people with whom you can just have an intellectually honest freakin' conversation. Not easy.

Is some of this stuff just a joke, a lark? I'd guess so, yeah.

You'll find that many people who continue to hold onto these beliefs, even when shown evidence that contradicts their position, do so because these beliefs are "familiar" to them. They're so used to thinking that way, that just the thought of letting a particular belief go, is pretty scary. So they cling to that belief as though it was a good friend they didn't want to lose.

If someone shows me evidence that my position was wrong, I change it and move on. To me, it's just coarse correction. To others, it's tantamount to death.
Holy crap, I almost spit out my freakin' coffee when I saw that. It's something I've said to myself dozens, if not hundreds of times when observing contemporary American political conversation.

There are people on both sides of the political spectrum who appear to have convinced themselves that only "their side" has the answers, that the "other side" is out to "destroy the country", and there are people who seem to treat politics the same as others treat professional wrestling -- kind of a game, a cartoon. Some just like to play the villain, the bad guy, no matter how much damage their behavior does to "their side". They don't care -- it's more about their ego than politics or the country. Don't give an inch or you "lose". A simplistic "us vs. them" mentality that evidently provides the inner warmth of belonging to a group.

I swear, political ideology can make a person crazy. Trying to make sense of it can, too. You and I appear to have the same goal, to find people with whom you can just have an intellectually honest freakin' conversation. Not easy.

Is some of this stuff just a joke, a lark? I'd guess so, yeah.

You'll find that many people who continue to hold onto these beliefs, even when shown evidence that contradicts their position, do so because these beliefs are "familiar" to them. They're so used to thinking that way, that just the thought of letting a particular belief go, is pretty scary. So they cling to that belief as though it was a good friend they didn't want to lose.

If someone shows me evidence that my position was wrong, I change it and move on. To me, it's just coarse correction. To others, it's tantamount to death.

I've recently read a couple of books on the subconscious, and I really think that it applies to partisan, ideological politics. Everything I've read on the subconscious says that when we tell ourselves something over and over, and then those thoughts and opinions are reinforced by others, over time we can make ourselves believe damn near anything.

I think that is what's at play with partisan ideologues. They convince themselves that only their opinions are correct ("The Truth"), they faithfully follow the Limbaughs and Maddows, they faithfully read the partisan websites, they faithfully watch FOX & MSNBC, and they ultimately create a little world for themselves that simply ignores and avoids facts to the contrary.

So what ends up happening is that they really do believe the shit they're saying.

There are people on both sides of the political spectrum who appear to have convinced themselves that only "their side" has the answers, that the "other side" is out to "destroy the country", and there are people who seem to treat politics the same as others treat professional wrestling -- kind of a game, a cartoon. Some just like to play the villain, the bad guy, no matter how much damage their behavior does to "their side". They don't care -- it's more about their ego than politics or the country. Don't give an inch or you "lose". A simplistic "us vs. them" mentality that evidently provides the inner warmth of belonging to a group.

I've seen studies where people on both sides of the political spectrum are given information on a commonly held belief which is based on false information. They were shown the evidence that proved what they believe is wrong, and asked to examine their beliefs on the basis of this evidence. They were asked again about this commonly held belief and the vast majority of people, both liberals and conservatives, continued to believe the false information even after it had been proven false. The numbers were astonishing - over 80%.
This past election, Republican and right-wing funded vigilantes like True the Vote had thousands of mostly Democratic voters names struck off voter lists, and passed voter ID legislation which placed onerous and expensive requirements of the elderly and poor in an effort to suppress votes for Obama and STILL Obama won the popular vote and overwhelmingly won the electoral college vote.


Millions of illegals voted for obaboon. That's why he won.
Millions of illegals voted for obaboon. That's why he won.

How in hell can illegals vote?

All of the voter ID legislation came out of Republican states. True the Vote was striking Democratic voters from the rolls. There is real evidence that this was happening, not some right-wing myth.
There are people on both sides of the political spectrum who appear to have convinced themselves that only "their side" has the answers, that the "other side" is out to "destroy the country", and there are people who seem to treat politics the same as others treat professional wrestling -- kind of a game, a cartoon. Some just like to play the villain, the bad guy, no matter how much damage their behavior does to "their side". They don't care -- it's more about their ego than politics or the country. Don't give an inch or you "lose". A simplistic "us vs. them" mentality that evidently provides the inner warmth of belonging to a group.

I've seen studies where people on both sides of the political spectrum are given information on a commonly held belief which is based on false information. They were shown the evidence that proved what they believe is wrong, and asked to examine their beliefs on the basis of this evidence. They were asked again about this commonly held belief and the vast majority of people, both liberals and conservatives, continued to believe the false information even after it had been proven false. The numbers were astonishing - over 80%.

Yep, I have no doubt. Just as it takes a while for beliefs to develop, I suspect it takes a while for them to be released. And I'm sure it's tougher when the individual actively avoids and/or ignores contrary information, or spins it away, etc. Plus their beliefs are constantly being reinforced by other ideologues and "leaders" (cough).

I've recently read a couple of books on the subconscious, and I really think that it applies to partisan, ideological politics. Everything I've read on the subconscious says that when we tell ourselves something over and over, and then those thoughts and opinions are reinforced by others, over time we can make ourselves believe damn near anything.

I think that is what's at play with partisan ideologues. They convince themselves that only their opinions are correct ("The Truth"), they faithfully follow the Limbaughs and Maddows, they faithfully read the partisan websites, they faithfully watch FOX & MSNBC, and they ultimately create a little world for themselves that simply ignores and avoids facts to the contrary.

So what ends up happening is that they really do believe the shit they're saying.

Because its familiar to them. They grow up and live their lives surrounded by that kind of ideology and anything they hear different, scares them. Even if it is for their own benefit, it's still scary. People fear the unknown.

Why does a woman who grows up being abused by her father, go out and marry an abusive husband? Because that's all she knows!
It looks like the previous posts have sumbmitted the radicals back into their caves! Great use of reason throughout the end of this thread everyone. Minus the person who was saying millions of illegals voted lol
I've recently read a couple of books on the subconscious, and I really think that it applies to partisan, ideological politics. Everything I've read on the subconscious says that when we tell ourselves something over and over, and then those thoughts and opinions are reinforced by others, over time we can make ourselves believe damn near anything.

I think that is what's at play with partisan ideologues. They convince themselves that only their opinions are correct ("The Truth"), they faithfully follow the Limbaughs and Maddows, they faithfully read the partisan websites, they faithfully watch FOX & MSNBC, and they ultimately create a little world for themselves that simply ignores and avoids facts to the contrary.

So what ends up happening is that they really do believe the shit they're saying.

Because its familiar to them. They grow up and live their lives surrounded by that kind of ideology and anything they hear different, scares them. Even if it is for their own benefit, it's still scary. People fear the unknown.

Why does a woman who grows up being abused by her father, go out and marry an abusive husband? Because that's all she knows!

And you know little to nothing...and it shows. :D
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Sad little people--these birthers.

Obama and Michelle are kind of sad.

Don't think so:


They look pretty happy. I think that they are happy because shit-stains like you aren't allowed to talk to them. I know I'd be happier so welcome to the ignore list. <plink>

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