over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

As a relative newby myself, let me tell you that anybody who doesn't toe the Tea Party/NRA line on this board will be subjected to insults and curses, especially if your posts are reasonable, sane and contain links to verify your sources. If they can't refute what's posted, they'll attack the sources.

As a social liberal and a fiscal conservative with no love for unions, but who also believes in government funded, single payer health care, I'm considered a communist by this crowd.

DragonLady, no matter what they tell you, just know youll always have a friend over here. We have similar opinions and we arent the only ones!

If I may, I think you're going to find there isn't much Tea Party talk here, per se. It gets mentioned but isn't an overall issue. Now the NRA well you may be onto something there.

Ive been experiencing a lot of tea party talk.. maybe just the discussions I happen to stumble across. Those NRA arguments though..phewww
Please show me Obama's own words on record where he says he was born in Kenya.

Please. I dare you.

I am going to bet you are thinking of a carefully edited, out of context, birther video clip you have seen.

So, please. Show us.


Jesus fuck this has been posted 3,000x's on this site and about a dozen times on this thread alone. What world are you living in?!?

Here it is... Now I "dare you" to show an ounce of maturity and acknowledge there is a mountain of tangible evidence that proves either A.) Barack Obama was not born in the United States or B.) He has lied for decades about not being born in the U.S. so he could work the system for free education, etc.

Please. I dare you.

[ame=http://youtu.be/dBJihJBePcs]Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement - YouTube[/ame]
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

A.) The maturity level of liberals is just pathetic. All of them think that if they give them selves a user ID of something conservative and then spout nonsense liberal propaganda, they can convince actual conservatives to "see the light". God almighty can you people just grow up already? It's not working. It has never worked. Because no matter how much lying you do about your allegiance, your ideology is on the wrong side of the facts - and that is glaringly obvious when you post your liberal bullshit.

B.) Like all liberals, you are completely misinformed on the facts. Glenn Beck has said almost from day one that Barack Obama was born in the United States and he gets really aggravated with people who challenge his citizenship.

(See what I mean about your immature, false "conservatism"? It's instantly transparent as soon as you liberals post your misinformed bullshit)
And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there.

This has to be one of the most absurd statements I have ever seen. Can we just break this down logically for a moment?

An OB physician will deliver tens of thousands of baby's over their career. There is simply no fucking way in HELL that a physician is going to remember a random birth from 50+ years ago unless the person he was delivering was the child of someone very famous/special.

Barack Obama came from a family of absolute nobody's. Any physician claiming they recall delivering Barack Obama is lying through their fucking teeth....

And anybody who believes that story, is so fucking stupid, it's incomprehensible.

God people, I read the idiocy of the posts by liberals and I genuinely worry about the future of man kind. I just can't believe human beings can be this fuck'n stupid....
Yes, I have noted that there are lots of reasonable people here from both sides of the spectrum. And thank you for your kind words of support.

I'm very thick skinned, and regardless of what names I'm called, it's like water off a dragon's back. I'm a poker player. I know when someone's trying to put me on tilt. It doesn't work at the poker table either. I can also give as well as take, although I find resorting to insults accomplishes nothing and gives no credence to your arguments.

When getting into discussions with the Fox News/Rush Limbaugh faithful, I do try to provide links for my facts, and where possible, I use conservative news and discussion boards because they don't believe anything from Huffington/KoS or other sources.

I did engage in a wonderful piece of discussion on another board with a poster who said that I didn't need to be so condescending because "I'm not too stupid" (the "I'm" being the man responding to my post). To which I replied "How stupid is 'too stupid'? And if you were 'too stupid', would you be smart enough to know?".
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

Bingo. Limbaugh & Beck want to keep people angry and divided for their own ratings, and the Tea Party, well, not so sure there. They're just full of themselves, and have no idea of the damage they're doing. I guess the question is whether they care.


They don’t care. The only interest they have is making sure their anarchist type thinking is spread through the masses and anyone who has one problem with that is dead to them. I have learned one very important lesson in politics in my short time here on this board; Tea Partiers are crazier than I thought. The first time I engaged one in discussion that was half in agreement half a personal critique of my own opinion, they called me a RINO liberal pussy. These people can’t get the support from those who actually agree with some of their opinions, it is crazy..

Yeah, I've been called a "pussy" by one of them, took me back to the sixth-grade playground!


I'll bet you're going to discover something else: Some of these people -- not all, but definitely some -- aren't even real conservatives, Republicans or Christians. They've just latched on to the conservative side so that they can cherry-pick a few topics, radicalize them, then use them to express their lonely, impotent rage.

They're frauds.

They're hurting your party, but as you point out, they don't care. You'll ultimately need to marginalize them, not let them represent you, and I really don't know how you're going to get from here to there.

An OB physician will deliver tens of thousands of baby's over their career. There is simply no fucking way in HELL that a physician is going to remember a random birth from 50+ years ago unless the person he was delivering was the child of someone very famous/special.

Barack Obama came from a family of absolute nobody's. Any physician claiming they recall delivering Barack Obama is lying through their fucking teeth....

Sorry, it wasn't an affidavit, it was his birth certificate. The doctor's family have identified his signature on the birth certificate as authentic and said that Dr. Sinclair never turned anyone away, regardless of income or station. Most of the babies delivered in the Hawaian Clinic where Obama was born, were delivered by Dr. Sinclair.

And like I said, of what benefit is it for Obama to lie about where he was born? It makes no difference whatsoever where an American is born, so long as he/she is born to an American parent.

I have a friend who was born, raised and lived all of his life in Canada. When he was 35, he and his wife decided to move to Florida. His wife was a horse breeder and they wanted to live somewhere she could ride and train her horses year round. They had a vacation home in Florida, as did several members of his wife's family, so they began investigating the immigration process. My friend discovered that since his father was an American who had moved to Canada, he was already a natural born American, and since he was an American, so were their three children. His wife was the only person who had to get a green card, which was easy because her husband and children were all Americans, and they already owned property there.

Obama could have been born on another planet and he'd still be a natural born American.
B. Hussein will never be a legitimate POTUS.

He gets an asterisk.

I got news for you a$$hat, he already is the legitimate President of the United States. Moreso than W because he won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote without the questionable antics that went on in Florida in 2000.

This past election, Republican and right-wing funded vigilantes like True the Vote had thousands of mostly Democratic voters names struck off voter lists, and passed voter ID legislation which placed onerous and expensive requirements of the elderly and poor in an effort to suppress votes for Obama and STILL Obama won the popular vote and overwhelmingly won the electoral college vote.

In terms of the past two elections, with respect to the electoral college, both were landslide victories for Obama.

Anyone who tries to contend that Obama is not the legitimate President of the United States is being wilfully ignorant.
B. Hussein will never be a legitimate POTUS.

He gets an asterisk.

I got news for you a$$hat, he already is the legitimate President of the United States. Moreso than W because he won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote without the questionable antics that went on in Florida in 2000.

This past election, Republican and right-wing funded vigilantes like True the Vote had thousands of mostly Democratic voters names struck off voter lists, and passed voter ID legislation which placed onerous and expensive requirements of the elderly and poor in an effort to suppress votes for Obama and STILL Obama won the popular vote and overwhelmingly won the electoral college vote.

In terms of the past two elections, with respect to the electoral college, both were landslide victories for Obama.

Anyone who tries to contend that Obama is not the legitimate President of the United States is being wilfully ignorant.

Sorry, he gets an asterisk.


Until he produces a birth certificate not written in Swahili, he does not count.
B. Hussein will never be a legitimate POTUS.

Too late. He already is. Times two.

Dragon Lady said it very well:

Obama could have been born on another planet and he'd still be a natural born American.

Anyone who does not see that simple FACT is stooooopid. Just like anyone who now says his birth certificate is "written in Swahili" is.

:D :D :D :D :D
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

A.) The maturity level of liberals is just pathetic. All of them think that if they give them selves a user ID of something conservative and then spout nonsense liberal propaganda, they can convince actual conservatives to "see the light". God almighty can you people just grow up already? It's not working. It has never worked. Because no matter how much lying you do about your allegiance, your ideology is on the wrong side of the facts - and that is glaringly obvious when you post your liberal bullshit.

B.) Like all liberals, you are completely misinformed on the facts. Glenn Beck has said almost from day one that Barack Obama was born in the United States and he gets really aggravated with people who challenge his citizenship.

(See what I mean about your immature, false "conservatism"? It's instantly transparent as soon as you liberals post your misinformed bullshit)

The maturity level of you sir is pathetic. I gave myself the user ID YoungRepublican because that is what I am. May I suggest you change your ID to "wingnut ruining the GOP" You think that if someone believes that if THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA isnt a citizen there is no way that they can be a Republican. What kind of backward ass thinking is that? MY liberal bull shit? It's not liberal bull shit, its fucking reason. Did I pick the wrong crazy ass pundit who was too conservative for even FOX? Here's what I'm saying if you are too dense to figure out reality.. You aren’t a Republican. Stop pretending to be, you’re an idiot, who, just like the rest of those that hold your same sentiments, have no business talking about politics.
Sorry bout that,

1. Nothing any good ever came out of Kenya.

As I'm an over 60 white Independent and have read his own words, I believe the Prez when he says he was born in Kenya.

You're not claiming he's a liar are you? :eusa_clap:

He is obviously a big liar and all the liberals have to agree.
B. Hussein will never be a legitimate POTUS.

He gets an asterisk.

I got news for you a$$hat, he already is the legitimate President of the United States. Moreso than W because he won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote without the questionable antics that went on in Florida in 2000.

This past election, Republican and right-wing funded vigilantes like True the Vote had thousands of mostly Democratic voters names struck off voter lists, and passed voter ID legislation which placed onerous and expensive requirements of the elderly and poor in an effort to suppress votes for Obama and STILL Obama won the popular vote and overwhelmingly won the electoral college vote.

In terms of the past two elections, with respect to the electoral college, both were landslide victories for Obama.

Anyone who tries to contend that Obama is not the legitimate President of the United States is being wilfully ignorant.

Stop with the liberal bullshit propaganda. Nobody is trying to "suppress votes". What they are trying to do is stop voter fraud. Which has the left in a complete panic is they know they will never win an election again if they are held legally and honestly.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

How does not believing Obama was born in the United States translate to racism? You really must be quite an idiot.

Saying that any criticism of Obama translates to racism translates to being an idiot.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Sad little people--these birthers.

something you and I can agree on... :)

Yeah that lying Obama and his Kenya birth claims, quite the person.

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