over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Show us Obama's mother ever went to Kenya, dipshits.

Since you are all so retarded, I guess it is necessary to explain that for someone to be born in Kenya, that requires the woman who birthed them to have been there to squeeze him out.

So show us his mother ever went to Kenya.

The birth certificate is real. The negro was born here in the US. Get over it.

The literary agent's pamphlet was printed in 1991.

Here is a New York Times 1990 article: First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

As for the Kenyan headline, I said above the Kenyan newspaper added the part about Obama being born in Kenya.

Here are other newspapers which carried the same AP story. They do not have the Kenyan-born invention:

The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Ryan ends Senate bid


What is the birther story for the Hawaiian newspaper birth announcement?


The whole birther issue is just the radical right-wing media distracting the gullible from the real issues, like the destruction of the world economy by Republican fiscal policies, the growing gap between rich and poor, the loss of purchasing power for lower working class Americans, all of which are the result of 30 years of transferring the wealth of the country upward.
Funny how none of the bc nutters can address the two birth announcements that appeared in two different Honolulu newspapers.

How did Obama manage to transport himself to Honolulu, put the announcements in the two newspapers and then transport back to Kenya - just in time to be born?


And, when will Trump and/or Arpaio finally make public the proof/evidence they have said they have?

Q. Why do newspapers print birth (and death) announcements?

A. They are paid to print this information. (They don't get it from the hospital.)

Q. Why would a family want to establish U.S. citizenship for a child not born in the U.S.?

A. Umm, let me think...

Okay, you're saying that even before he was born, Obama (or someone?) arranged to have two birth certificates printed in two newspapers.

For just a moment, let's pretend that's not the dumbest thing ever said. Let's pretend that THAT is the way it happened.

How come all the money that has been thrown at this has never come up with even one shred of REAL PROOF?

Who has tried to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii? Who would benefit if it could be proven?

The entire GObP/pubs/pots
Fox not news
Baby Huey Glenny Beck
lushbo limbaugh
Koch bros
LDS cult
And more.

And, IF it was finally PROVEN, who cares?

His mother was born in the US. Just as it makes McCain a citizen, it also makes Obama a citizen.

But, none of that matters because he was born in Hawaii.

Interesting argument you are having with yourself. Also, thanks for pointing out that his birth CERTIFICATE was printed in two newspapers. You are apparently the only person on Earth who has seen a copy of the original...
Conspiracies such as this one merely power the unintelligent to continue conversations on matters that are easy to discuss, allowing them to avoid difficult ones. We have a fiscal cliff looming, 16 trillion in debt and rising, a healthcare bill that is going through, unemployment at 8 percent and the list goes on, yet we are sitting around actually entertaining the notion that the government of the United States is knowingly covering up the greatest fraud to ever hit these shores. By believing this, all you are doing is giving liberals the power to say, "You have people in your party who don’t even think our President is American, how can you classify yourself with them?" Then I have to go into this long explanation on how i am a fiscal conservative blah blah blah. Do the evil Republican establishment a favor and just stop. For the love of God, please stop.
I'm a liberal (but not a democrat) and have been saying for some time now, the first thing the republican party needs to do, is take back control from the fanatical lunatics that keep setting the partys' agenda. This country really does need the William F. Buckley republican's to find their voice again and speak out against what has corrupted that party in recent times.

The dems got their work to do to. They need to purge the Pelosi's and Leiberman's from their party. Maybe after both party's clean house, we can get back to what we expect the government to be doing in the first place, which is taking care of the health and welfare of the country.

I almost forgot, "Welcome to the Forum!"

See you believe the liberal storyline. The Republican party has nothing to do with Obama saying he was born in Kenya for so long. The whole thing was started by a Democrat. Democrats, liberals, keep bring up the subject as if the RNC is driving this, they are not. There are some that see the evidence and believe that Obama is lying one way or the other because he has to be lying but it is not part of the Republican parties platform. It is just a great piece of DNC propaganda that keeps bring up the subject and assigning it to Republicans.

I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this
He was born in Kenya. His grandmother said so and she was there when he was born. I believe her. Plus the fact he went to school here as a dule citizen. He was never eligible to be President and still isn't. There is enough out there to tell you all this.

Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.

He was born in Kenya. His grandmother said so and she was there when he was born. I believe her. Plus the fact he went to school here as a dule citizen. He was never eligible to be President and still isn't. There is enough out there to tell you all this.

Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.



You're welcome.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

How does not believing Obama was born in the United States translate to racism? You really must be quite an idiot.
Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.



You're welcome.

Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.



You're welcome.

Yep, same old tired shit...just like linking to Breitbart or Fox...
Got anything valid?
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

How does not believing Obama was born in the United States translate to racism? You really must be quite an idiot.

No it translates into stupidity. Keep believing that your doing the GOP a favor with believing this nonsense and adding to the belief that this type of stupidity is spread throughout our ranks.
Ya'll do realize that this birther bullshit is one of the reasons you lost the election, right?

Just the opposite. If romney had used the birther issue, he'd have gotten 60%. He had a smoking gun - the breitbart story about obozo's literary agent writing their client was born in kenya. Romney is either an idiot or he was intimidated into not using the story,.

Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

How does not believing Obama was born in the United States translate to racism? You really must be quite an idiot.

No it translates into stupidity. Keep believing that your doing the GOP a favor with believing this nonsense and adding to the belief that this type of stupidity is spread throughout our ranks.

Like I said... It isn't racism. Where the hell did you get all of that ^ from my response to the OP?
I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this
I agree. There are more important issues that require our attention.
How does not believing Obama was born in the United States translate to racism? You really must be quite an idiot.

No it translates into stupidity. Keep believing that your doing the GOP a favor with believing this nonsense and adding to the belief that this type of stupidity is spread throughout our ranks.

Like I said... It isn't racism. Where the hell did you get all of that ^ from my response to the OP?

Racism and stupidity sleep in the same bed. I was just saying that if you believe Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. you may or may not be racist, but you are undoubtedly stupid.
No it translates into stupidity. Keep believing that your doing the GOP a favor with believing this nonsense and adding to the belief that this type of stupidity is spread throughout our ranks.

Like I said... It isn't racism. Where the hell did you get all of that ^ from my response to the OP?

Racism and stupidity sleep in the same bed. I was just saying that if you believe Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. you may or may not be racist, but you are undoubtedly stupid.

Again numbskull... I never said that. I merely pointed out that just because people believe Obama wasn't born in the U.S. does not mean they are racists. Quit putting words in my mouth idiot.
I'm a liberal (but not a democrat) and have been saying for some time now, the first thing the republican party needs to do, is take back control from the fanatical lunatics that keep setting the partys' agenda. This country really does need the William F. Buckley republican's to find their voice again and speak out against what has corrupted that party in recent times.

The dems got their work to do to. They need to purge the Pelosi's and Leiberman's from their party. Maybe after both party's clean house, we can get back to what we expect the government to be doing in the first place, which is taking care of the health and welfare of the country.

I almost forgot, "Welcome to the Forum!"

See you believe the liberal storyline. The Republican party has nothing to do with Obama saying he was born in Kenya for so long. The whole thing was started by a Democrat. Democrats, liberals, keep bring up the subject as if the RNC is driving this, they are not. There are some that see the evidence and believe that Obama is lying one way or the other because he has to be lying but it is not part of the Republican parties platform. It is just a great piece of DNC propaganda that keeps bring up the subject and assigning it to Republicans.

I just feel like every time i see this subject brought up its by the Tea partiers, Glen Beck or Rush.. All people who I believe are detremental to our parties success, because they focus on non sense like this

Bingo. Limbaugh & Beck want to keep people angry and divided for their own ratings, and the Tea Party, well, not so sure there. They're just full of themselves, and have no idea of the damage they're doing. I guess the question is whether they care.


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