over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
As with a lot of other things, I wonder what people think is being gained by this shit.
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",

There are only two reasons why Frank would repeatedly make this lie about Obama
  1. Frank is a racist and still pissed off that a black man was elected(twice) as President or
  2. Frank is just a gullible idiot who sucks down whatever bile he is fed from Right Wing Nut Job Media.


So his melanin is the reason for your undying love, and desire to advance the lies he presents.

Pretty sick.
Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
As with a lot of other things, I wonder what people think is being gained by this shit.

Hey....get back on the fence, where you belong.

You know you're not allowed any definitive opinions!
Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

I'm wedded to the truth. Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya. Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Then admit that you lied about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Then admit you lied about Hillary's team starting the Birther conspiracy.
His higher ed transcripts have "country of birth" on them, but Affirmative Action "King of Preferences" Barack doesn't have the courage or the integrity to show us his transcripts...

Laughing......so you who has ignored every document ever provided is now insisting you need to see more documents?

If you have evidence Obama cited Kenya as his place of birth, show us. You can't. You're done, Tin Foil

And when you ask the publisher who printed that pamphlet.....

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

So Obama never claimed he was born in Kenya.

Now what, Birther?
"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote."

And OBAMA never caught it to change it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Goderich was paid how much to say that???
Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
As with a lot of other things, I wonder what people think is being gained by this shit.

Hey....get back on the fence, where you belong.

You know you're not allowed any definitive opinions!
Gosh, I thought I had made the second line of my sig easy enough for you.


Look, I get it: You're Mark Levin with tits. Great!

I don't take him seriously, either.

Last edited:
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",

There are only two reasons why Frank would repeatedly make this lie about Obama
  1. Frank is a racist and still pissed off that a black man was elected(twice) as President or
  2. Frank is just a gullible idiot who sucks down whatever bile he is fed from Right Wing Nut Job Media.

The publisher is clearly lying to cover Obama's ass
The Blamer had to take one of his 2 million dollar vacations to go to Hawaii to produce a birth certificate? A sitting president wasn't asked to produce it before being nominated to run for public office? Hell, I'm just a poor working class slob and I know enough to keep my bc in my personal records if needed for employment, passport, drivers license, etc.
Give me a fuckin break.
The Blamer was, and still is, a fraud.
"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote."

And OBAMA never caught it to change it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Goderich was paid how much to say that???

Laughing....the old conspiracy standby: Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

Thanks for proving my point, Tin Foil.
The publisher never checked with Obama, she just picked a country out of the air -- for an author who never wrote anything.

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya
Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

But according to Frank the only way its possible to get those confused is a vast international conspiracy spanning 50 years.

You can't fix stupid.
The publisher never checked with Obama, she just picked a country out of the air -- for an author who never wrote anything.

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya
Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

But according to Frank the only way its possible to get those confused is a vast international conspiracy spanning 50 years.

You can't fix stupid.

So are you saying that he passed himself off as his Dad just to get a free ride to college?
What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

I'm wedded to the truth. Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya. Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Then admit that you lied about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Then admit you lied about Hillary's team starting the Birther conspiracy.

"Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya."


Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
As with a lot of other things, I wonder what people think is being gained by this shit.

Hey....get back on the fence, where you belong.

You know you're not allowed any definitive opinions!
Gosh, I thought I had made the second line of my sig easy enough for you.


Look, I get it: You're Mark Levin with tits. Great!

I don't take him seriously, either.


Don't give up the day job.
The publisher never checked with Obama, she just picked a country out of the air -- for an author who never wrote anything.

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya
Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

But according to Frank the only way its possible to get those confused is a vast international conspiracy spanning 50 years.

You can't fix stupid.

So are you saying that he passed himself off as his Dad just to get a free ride to college?

Laughing.....I'm not quoting me, Frank. I'm quoting the publisher that printed up the pamphlet:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

You're the one ignoring the publisher and making up your own personal fantasy instead.

As I said, you can't fix stupid.
Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

I'm wedded to the truth. Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya. Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Then admit that you lied about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Then admit you lied about Hillary's team starting the Birther conspiracy.

"Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya."


Nope. She never says Obama is born in Kenya in that video.

Try again, liar. Show us where in that video she claims that Obama was born in Kenya. The time stamp or your concession.
The publisher never checked with Obama, she just picked a country out of the air -- for an author who never wrote anything.

Nonsense. Every other datum in that About the Author bio was accurate. Whence came that information? Obviously, from Obama. As a published author myself, I have never had a publisher publish an About the Author bio that I did not draft and did not approve in its final version. It is nonsense to suggest that the publisher just winged it on his birthplace but got all the other information from Obama. That's not how it works.

Do you understand that the back side of the COLB was accidentally released and that it shows that it was created in 2007? Do you understand that fact? That was when Obama reps went to Hawaii to create his born-in-Hawaii story.

What in the world was the Hawaii DOH director looking at when she did her "verification" of Obama's BC? She said it was about half handwritten! Was she drunk? The BC that Obama released in 2012 is 95% printed, not half handwritten.

And how about the technical indications of fraud in the COLB and the BC?

Much more could be said on this issue.
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The publisher never checked with Obama, she just picked a country out of the air -- for an author who never wrote anything.

Nonsense. Every other datum in that About the Author bio was accurate. Whence came that information? Obviously, from Obama. As a published author myself, I have never had a publisher publish an About the Author bio that I did not draft and did not approve in its final version. It is nonsense to suggest that the publisher just winged it on his birthplace but got all the other information from Obama. That's not how it works.

Mikey......it was a joke.
He wasn't serious......

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