over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

195 countries

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
How many countries are there in the world? (2017) - Worldometers

How did the name 'Kenya" just happen to turn up in Obama's blurb?

You claimed that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

Now you admit that you are just speculating.

Which just is an admission that you were lying before.

That is progress from such a liar as yourself.

195 countries

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
How many countries are there in the world? (2017) - Worldometers

How did the name 'Kenya" just happen to turn up in Obama's blurb?
You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Soooo.....why didn't they write Hawaii?

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.
You are simply posting your usual lies.

If you were prevented from lying- you would be prevented from posting on the Internet.

If you don't respond, you'll be proving that I never lie.

Still waiting for you to show where Michelle Obama said that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya.

Still waiting.

And your still lying.

Thanks- another video of Michelle Obama not saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

So you are still lying.

Seems a simple question.....define 'home country.'

Yet you fear it like root canal.

Pssst.....everyone recognizes why.

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Psst.....everyone recognizes that you are just lying.
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",
  1. He really was born in Kenya, just as his Kenyan family affirms, or
  2. He was born in Hawaii and lied about being foreign born to go to school for free.
Remember at the time he met his publisher, he was not yet even. senator and never published anything, not even as "President " of Harvard Law. Surely an honorary title only
Last edited:
If you don't respond, you'll be proving that I never lie.

Still waiting for you to show where Michelle Obama said that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya.

Still waiting.

And your still lying.

Thanks- another video of Michelle Obama not saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

So you are still lying.

Seems a simple question.....define 'home country.'

Yet you fear it like root canal.

Pssst.....everyone recognizes why.

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Psst.....everyone recognizes that you are just lying.

I don't want to get into the middle of y'alls asinine POINTLESS argument but you need to know that not being able to prove something does not make that something false or imaginary. IE, there may be biological life on Mars but I sure as fuck can't prove it.

Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
You're insisting that no document ever proves anything.....for no other reason than you say so. That's irrational nonsense.

What is irrational nonsense is that apparently I've found yet one more Leftie who only reads every other word of what folks say, fills in what he missed with his own thoughts, then blames you for it! LEARN TO READ, ACE!

I read every word you posted. You've provided no compelling reason, no rational justification for ignoring state issued birth certificates. You've simply dismissed them because you've merely deemed them untrustworthy. Without evidence.

That's not rational. And the law doesn't subscribe to your batshit cognitive dissonance fantasy that legal documents prove nothing because you distrust them.

A state issued COLB is an authoritative legal document. That you reject it is meaningless. It can be used to get a passport, a driver's license, establish citizenship, establish work eligibility, and is accepted in any court as prima facie evidence of anything on the document. Name, identity, place of birth. Your 'photocopy' doesn't do any of those things.

You merely imagine they are the same. No rational person would. And the law certainly doesn't.
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",
  1. He really was born in Kenya, just as his Kenyan family affirms, or
  2. He was born in Hawaii and lied about being foreign born to go to school for free.
Remember at the time he met his publisher, he was not yet even. senator and never published anything, not even as "President " of Harvard Law. Surely an honorary title only

And who says Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?

Not his publisher:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

So the person saying that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya is you.....

.....citing yourself. Um, so what?
1) so Hillary started the birther garbage. So you guys hate Hillary so much, why emulate her?
2) It was his publisher who made a mistake.
3) she was referring to obama's father. But Obama wasnt raised by his father.

I had nor have anything to do with the 'birther' story.

I'm merely posting the facts.

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

Lie. Your own sources confirm that Mr. Penn NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy. You're a liar.

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

Lie. The publisher affirmed that Obama never told them he was born in Kenya. You're a liar.

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

And backpedalling. You said that Michelle claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That was a lie. She never said this.

You are a liar.

Why are you so afraid of stating the definition of "home country"?

Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.
Still waiting for you to show where Michelle Obama said that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya.

Still waiting.

And your still lying.

Thanks- another video of Michelle Obama not saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

So you are still lying.

Seems a simple question.....define 'home country.'

Yet you fear it like root canal.

Pssst.....everyone recognizes why.

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Psst.....everyone recognizes that you are just lying.

I don't want to get into the middle of y'alls asinine POINTLESS argument but you need to know that not being able to prove something does not make that something false or imaginary. IE, there may be biological life on Mars but I sure as fuck can't prove it.

Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.

"Ultimately the argument you two are having blah blah blah...."

Don't be silly.
There's no 'argument.'

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????
I had nor have anything to do with the 'birther' story.

I'm merely posting the facts.

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

Lie. Your own sources confirm that Mr. Penn NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy. You're a liar.

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

Lie. The publisher affirmed that Obama never told them he was born in Kenya. You're a liar.

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

And backpedalling. You said that Michelle claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That was a lie. She never said this.

You are a liar.

Why are you so afraid of stating the definition of "home country"?

Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

Thanks- another video of Michelle Obama not saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

So you are still lying.

Seems a simple question.....define 'home country.'

Yet you fear it like root canal.

Pssst.....everyone recognizes why.

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Psst.....everyone recognizes that you are just lying.

I don't want to get into the middle of y'alls asinine POINTLESS argument but you need to know that not being able to prove something does not make that something false or imaginary. IE, there may be biological life on Mars but I sure as fuck can't prove it.

Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.

"Ultimately the argument you two are having blah blah blah...."

Don't be silly.
There's no 'argument.'

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

Lie. Your own source confirmed that Mr. Penn NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

You are a liar.

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

Lie. The publisher affirmed that Obama never told them he was born in Kenya.

You are a liar.

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

You're backpedalling.
You said that Michelle claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. She never said this.

You are a liar.
Lie. Your own sources confirm that Mr. Penn NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy. You're a liar.

The publisher affirmed that Obama never told them he was born in Kenya. You're a liar.

And backpedalling. You said that Michelle claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That was a lie. She never said this.

You are a liar.

Why are you so afraid of stating the definition of "home country"?

Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Thanks- another video of Michelle Obama not saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

So you are still lying.

Seems a simple question.....define 'home country.'

Yet you fear it like root canal.

Pssst.....everyone recognizes why.

You are the one who keeps claiming that Barack Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya.

If you can't provide proof that he did- well then that is proof you are lying.

Psst.....everyone recognizes that you are just lying.

I don't want to get into the middle of y'alls asinine POINTLESS argument but you need to know that not being able to prove something does not make that something false or imaginary. IE, there may be biological life on Mars but I sure as fuck can't prove it.

Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.

"Ultimately the argument you two are having blah blah blah...."

Don't be silly.
There's no 'argument.'

I simply pointed out three facts...

You simply have lied repeatedly.

Because that is what you do.

You claimed that Barack Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya- you lied.
You claimed that Michelle Obama said Barack Obama was born in Kenya- you lied.

That is what you do.

In every thread.
Lie. Your own sources confirm that Mr. Penn NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy. You're a liar.

The publisher affirmed that Obama never told them he was born in Kenya. You're a liar.

And backpedalling. You said that Michelle claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That was a lie. She never said this.

You are a liar.

Why are you so afraid of stating the definition of "home country"?

Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

Where does she say Barack Obama was born in Kenya?
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",

There are only two reasons why Frank would repeatedly make this lie about Obama
  1. Frank is a racist and still pissed off that a black man was elected(twice) as President or
  2. Frank is just a gullible idiot who sucks down whatever bile he is fed from Right Wing Nut Job Media.

Chicago Daily Herald 5/3/90- courtesy of WND

His higher ed transcripts have "country of birth" on them, but Affirmative Action "King of Preferences" Barack doesn't have the courage or the integrity to show us his transcripts...
There are only 2 reasons why Obama would tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya",

There are only two reasons why Frank would repeatedly make this lie about Obama
  1. Frank is a racist and still pissed off that a black man was elected(twice) as President or
  2. Frank is just a gullible idiot who sucks down whatever bile he is fed from Right Wing Nut Job Media.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?
Why are you so afraid of stating the definition of "home country"?

Why are you afraid to show us where in your video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya?

Or admitting you lied about Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Or admitting that Mr. Pen NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy?

Keep running, liar.

What is the definition of 'home country'?

Why did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya was Hussein's home country?

Show us where in the video Michelle says that Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't liar. You made that up.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Her she is stating that Kenya is Obama's home country.

What's the problem?

What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

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