Over 7 Hours Of Missing Trump Phone Records Makes Nixon Tapes Look like Nothing

So one trump humper coming up with a 'theory of landlines and cell phones' totally exonerates trump and makes it a hoax?

If someone had the ability (which somebody does) to check patterns from day to day, and see if this happens on a regular basis, or just on J6. That information would be useful.

Does this log chart ALL calls, or just trumps calls.
If it tracks ALL calls, I find it hard to believe that NOBODY called in or out for 7 hours.

Apparently it was reported by CNN. It says an "official review" so, who knows knows.
It was revealed by Robert Costa that Donald Trump's White House phone records had seemingly disappearedbetween 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. At a time when many leaders said that they were calling the White House, somehow there was no record of it from the White House. It was a tip-off to any investigators that something was being held back or intentionally hidden.

The carriers have them. Merrick Garland will soon.

CNN reporting Trump rarely uses his phone during that time when he’s at the WH And uses his staff to place his calls. One would think you gullible leftist morons would be tired of looking like fools by now and learn not to trust the media. I know better. You’ll pretend you didn’t get screwed again and go right non believing the next pile of horse shit they tell you.
The pee pee tapes our coming out this weekend !
Now you're being stupid. The first rule of security is not to let people know either the location or extent of the security devices being used.

Releasing all the video footage is like giving the insurrectionists a map of the minefield. They could then figure out how to disable the security cameras.

Funniest post of the year. Keep them coming!
Apparently the insurrectionists didn't know the capabilities of that surveillance (the reason we don't release classified satellite footage) , or were too stupid to take that into consideration, or they wouldn't have committed their crimes under security surveillance, without trying to conceal their identity.

Ooooooooorrrrr…. They were just a bunch of nuts running around grabbing souvenirs and taking selfies.
Which is more plausible?
So where are all of the duped libs that once again fell for this Bullshit?...
surada I told you the story would fall apart...when will you TDS tards learn?....
It's like I already pointed out. It's like the teller embezzling cash deposits, which they thought had been stolen from the bank vault. Only to later realize the teller never put them into the bank vault.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
It was revealed by Robert Costa that Donald Trump's White House phone records had seemingly disappearedbetween 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. At a time when many leaders said that they were calling the White House, somehow there was no record of it from the White House. It was a tip-off to any investigators that something was being held back or intentionally hidden.

The carriers have them. Merrick Garland will soon.
This has probably already been posted. If not...

Where are all the douchebag Satanic Liars that told everyone Trump had burner phones?
We want another apology we will never get.
Where are all the douchebag Satanic Liars that told everyone Trump had burner phones?
We want another apology we will never get.
This reminds me of the movie "now you see it", where a pile of money dissapeared from the bank in Paris.

Dylan: You said they didn't steal the money.
Thaddeus: No, I didn't say they didn't steal the money, I said they didn't rob the bank.

Trump's phone records were diverted before they could be entered into the log.
Except the surveillance footage of their presence in restricted areas negates their means of egress to the public spaces.

No different than going on a public white house tour, and trying to enter the west wing, or the official residence. Claiming you were let in.

Complete hogwash.
Have the dems stated what you're claiming?
No they havent,this is all made up in your head to excuse dems for not releasing the videos.

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