Over A Dozen Arrested After Sending Threats To ‘Lynch’ Election Workers

Democracy has several weaknesses.

One of them is honesty in counting ballots.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

We saw how the election was stolen in 2020 when the Democrats used the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballot, counted by Democrats. We also saw the same thing in several states in the 2022 midterms.

We have to decide if we are going to let the bastards get away with it or not.

Threatening to kill them may be satisfying knowing how despicable stealing our Republic is but it is not the right thing to do. We need to legally stop the thievery.

In 2020 we let the assholes in Congress certify a blatantly stolen election. What we should have done is insisted on a rigorous audit of the contested districts. An audit was done in 1876 and we needed one in 2020. However, the Democrats didn't want their thievery to be exposed and the Republicans were too chickenshit to challenge them. Traitors to our Republic all.

Now we have a Banana Republic.

By the way, where were those jackbooted Federal thugs when the despicable Moon Bats were threatening to kill the Supreme Court Justices after RvW was over turned? Where were they after the six month Negro Insurrection of 2020? The Insurrection that resulted in significant damage in over 200 American cities, damage to government facilities and dozens of murders?
A credible website disagrees with you, faggot gunotard, or is that guno faggotard? :eusa_think:

"Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders. "

It's just not penetrating your thick skull they are a right wing Christian terrorist organization, is it.

And the GOP was a liberal party at its founding, dumbass.



🎵All for Christ, the Klanman's King🎵
It's just not penetrating your thick skull they are a right wing Christian terrorist organization, is it.

And the GOP was a liberal party at its founding, dumbass.



🎵All for Christ, the Klanman's King🎵
Where is Wisconsin, you fucking retard? How many black people are even in Wisconsin, motherfucker?

You're full of shit right there. I'm not even sure Wisconsin was a state at that time.

The Klan started in Tennessee, and tbh idk if Wisconsin was even a state at that time.

Wisconsin had nothing to do with the Klan bullshit we all had to deal with when it really was something.

30.WisconsinMay 29, 1848

Wisconsin is in yankee territory, numbnuts. That's way north of the Mason-Dixon line.
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Where is Wisconsin, you fucking retard? How many black people are even in Wisconsin, motherfucker?

You're full of shit right there. I'm not even sure Wisconsin was a state at that time.
Wisconsin was made a state in 1848, idiot.

And since you are that ignorant, that was BEFORE the civil war.
Wisconsin was made a state in 1848, idiot.

And since you are that ignorant, that was BEFORE the civil war.
And-? Which army did people from Wisconsin fight for, hmm?


How many black people are on "That 70s Show"?

Tim Reid, I think his name is, and that's it.
It simply cannot be disputed the KKK is, was, and always will be a right wing Christian terrorist organization.

It simply cannot be disputed the KKK is, was, and always will be a right wing Christian terrorist organization.

"Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders."

You're a fuckin' liar, brah. It's not like you're ignorant. You know better and are fucking deliberately lying, piece of shit.

Who the fuck was the Klan attacking in Wisconsin? The Cheeseheads? You stupid motherfucker?

It damn sure wasn't blacks, retard. Wisconsin didn't have many blacks at all.
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Look at these inbred tards right here:



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