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OVERWHELMED - Biden Shows The World He Is In Over His Head

Again need people to shift blame...
That is all the Democrats ever do. in the midst of the collapse Biden interrupted his vacation log enough to fly to DC long enough to blame everyone but himself, then disappeared for a while.
Brought out all civilians and securing military equipment BEFORE withdrawing the military. Not afterwards.

Not making sense. We really couldn't take away the Afghan's Army's equipment.

In Hindsight we could have, but why drop our troop level to 2500 if we were not counting on the Army we built over 19 years to cover our exit.
Joe Potatohead: "Hey, let's have the Taliban provide security for us, what could possibly go wrong?"
Better yet, Fat Donnie building his withdrawal plan around the Afghan Army providing a defensive perimeter
What would you have done differently?
haha followed the plan that the trump admin in place. Which would if met not pulling the 2500 out while the taliban was not complying. Moreover communicated with my NATO allies so they were involved and not caught off guard like Xiden failed to do. Lastly, when i was ready to leave, took my civilians and allies out before the military, and then made sure that the terrorist had as little access to our weapons as possible

pretty much the opposite of xiden, yet basic common sense
That was the plan. He even delayed it three years to get the agreements he needed. The removal of all troops would have been delayed if needed. Trump was not a war monger. He was pushed as that and many other things. He also was an outsider who was not happy with some of the people pushed on him. Some were neo con war mongers. Trump told them directly, he would bomb the crap out of them if they did anything. Biden was the one who took the military out without the civilians.
1. Biden pulls the military out before getting all Americans out.

2. Biden ignores his military and Intel advisors

3. Biden's Set of Defense is chasing 'white supremacists' (Conservatives) in the military instead of focusing on Afghanistan & getting Americans out

4. Biden's Chairman of the Jt Chiefs is imposing CRT on the military academies and Active Duty instead of focusing on the Taliban and getting Americans out.

5. One of Biden's top generals, McKenzie, drives a stake through the heart of the evacuation mission by surrendering Bagram, a defendable military base with 2 runways.....in favor of taking refuge in the Kabul airport - easily accessible / indefensible to suicide bombers, rocket attacks, and surface to air missile attacks (and conventional weapons attacks) against planes taking of.
- Within hours or accomplishing turning their situation into 'fish in a barrel', the Taliban encircle the airport and set-up check-points. - At the check-points the Taliban beat Americans, destroy their passports - preventing them from getting into the airport right away and delaying the evacuation.
- The Taliban impede the evacuation by not allowing Americans / friendly allied Afghanis to get to the airport...BIDEN DOES NOTHING TO RESOLVE THIS

- The Taliban immediately begin going door to door, dragging out the people whose names are on the KILL LIST Biden gave them and executing them in the street.

6. Biden STILL hands over the security of the airport, every American their and all friendly Afghans there, every American and friendly Afghanis outside the airport trying to get inside over to the Taliban terrorists....

7. The Taliban allow ISIS to go right up to the airport gates, right in front of the hotel where the Biden administration has set up rooms for Americans - who make it to the airport but whose passports are now gone - to meet and allows them to set up 2 car bombs that kills 13 US military personnel and over 90 other casualties.
- Yeah, how F*ING STUPID was trusting the Taliban wit hthe security of Americans? HAVE WE EVER TRUSTED TERRORISTS WITH AMERICAN LIVES?

Actually....YES! Joe should remember THAT ONE. He was one half of the administration that hired Al Qaeda-associated terrorists to defend Americans from Al Qaeda.....and When Al Qaeda came for them....and killed the US Ambassador and 3 other Americans the terrorists were no where to be found.....and neither was Obama. Barry and Joe Abandoned those Americans, too - 'You are on your own'.
- It is beyond comprehension that Joe Biden was part of THAT [email protected] yet seems to have forgotten the lessons that needed to be learned from it ... but didn't...how he could repeat the same deadly mistake and end up sacrificing American lives again.

Mistake after mistake, disastrous decision after disastrous decision.....scandal after scandal....deadly f*-up after deadly f*-up!

This isn't about partisanship or politics. This is about incompetence. This is about lies. This is about WEAKNESS. This is about piss-poor decisions made. This is about failed policy. This is about the 1st Americans killed in 18 months, Americans who did not have to die. This is about the worst, bloodiest, deadliest day n Afghanistan in TEN (10) years. This is about FAILURE. This is about the ability to protect and defend Americans ...or the inability to do so. It is about leaving Americans behind, sacrificing them to terrorists.

If your hyper-partisan TDS/Anti-Republican affliction will not allow you to see that, snowflakes, then you are part of the problem.
haha followed the plan that the trump admin in place. Which would if met not pulling the 2500 out while the taliban was not complying. Moreover communicated with my NATO allies so they were involved and not caught off guard like Xiden failed to do. Lastly, when i was ready to leave, took my civilians and allies out before the military, and then made sure that the terrorist had as little access to our weapons as possible

pretty much the opposite of xiden, yet basic common sense
The Trump plan drew our forces down to 2500. Not enough to defend a withdrawal.
The Trump plan called for the Afghan Army that we had spent hundreds of billions to build over twenty years and lasted two weeks.
What part of the Trump plan didn’t Biden follow?
Mr. President,

There had not been a U.S. service member killed in combat since February of 2020. You set a deadline, you pulled troops out, you sent troops back in, and now 13 serviced members are dead. This is the bloodiest, most costly day in Afghanistan in 10 years.

You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way things have unfolded the last two weeks?


The Trump plan drew our forces down to 2500. Not enough to defend a withdrawal.
The Trump plan called for the Afghan Army that we had spent hundreds of billions to build over twenty years and lasted two weeks.
What part of the Trump plan didn’t Biden follow?
why not? It certainly seemed to do enough for over a year

all of it...as I highlighted.
President Joe Biden – at 78 – is the oldest president and has previously suffered two brain aneurysms and a heart condition which makes the muscle beat too fast, causing dizziness and confusion. He obviously suffers from dementia.

After 8 months of continuous scandals and, especially, this latest, humiliating, deadly disaster and this frightening scene at the press conference yesterday, it is obvious Joe Biden is unfit to execute the duties of the office of President of the United States.
Mr. President,

There had not been a U.S. service member killed in combat since February of 2020. You set a deadline, you pulled troops out, you sent troops back in, and now 13 serviced members are dead. This is the bloodiest, most costly day in Afghanistan in 10 years.

You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way things have unfolded the last two weeks?

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Instead of trying to reason with the "Jordan Clone", mighty 'Joe' the elder should have said "A suicide Terrorist attack is not combat. Thanks for wasting your question. Anybody else want the last question since that was as insincere as it was dumb. Anyone?"
Are you people even American? The way you are gleefully hoping for failure I could swear you are all Russian or something. Disgraceful.
oh good. lord. you did this shit to Trump by the God damn hour.

I DO NOT WANT Biden to fail.

But that isn't stopping him from doing it at Olympic champion level.
Nice Try, snowflake....
You don't need to be happy about history repeating itself, but it is:

In 1983, Reagan had deployed U.S. forces to Beirut amidst factional chaos. They were not allowed to carry loaded weapons, and security was lax.. Terrorists bombed buildings housing American and French service members killing 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers.

Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon.

In Febuary, 1984, Reagan ordered the withdrawal of all U.S. forces.
Reagan was denounced by his political enemies as senile, incompetent, and hyperbolic calls for his resignation or impeachment from his implacable political foes who had opposed him throughout his presidency ensued.
A residue of diehard Trump butt barnacles is in a tizzy, but none appear capable of explaining why their supreme leader didn't follow his oft-repeated strident advice and withdraw during the four years he could have done. Why not? As veterans have recently opined, what is happening was inevitable. Shirking it off to the next dude happened again, and again, and again.
Are you people even American? The way you are gleefully hoping for failure I could swear you are all Russian or something. Disgraceful.

Quit with the stupid phony and fake veneer of "patriotism." You're not fooling anyone, Mr. "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously after your four years of puking up allegations that Trump was a "Russian agent", or conservative posters on here are "Russian Trolls"?

Gimme a fuckin' break, ya fuckin' hillbilly. You've been milking Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Rule #4 for everything you can and between you and me, nobody's buying the crap you're peddling.
Quit with the stupid phony and fake veneer of "patriotism." You're not fooling anyone, Mr. "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously after your four years of puking up allegations that Trump was a "Russian agent", or conservative posters on here are "Russian Trolls"?

Gimme a fuckin' break, ya fuckin' hillbilly. You've been milking Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Rule #4 for everything you can and between you and me, nobody's buying the crap you're peddling.
Do you talk like that in real life? You sound like a kook.
This guy is a real embarrassment to this country.

Allowing the Democrats to get away with stealing the election has consequences. "Hey lets put in a demented loser who never got anything right in his life, what could possible go wrong?"

The American people elected a competent President but the Democrat stole the election from him with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
Fuck off with your stolen election crap.
You pigs don't have a birth right to govern. Read the audit r results dickhead. Especially the one conducted by repub lackeys who found nothing. Ninja dickheads or something.
Then the electoral recount. That's even better.

Give it up son. You're looking foolish by continually promoting it and have no evidence whatsoever to support it.
Get your guns out and have another insurrection and confirm what hate filled racist bigots you all are. Republicans are a cancer on democracy. Vermin that should be eliminated. The result of a lower bowel contraction.
I would have some measure of respect for you if you could tell us what Biden did that was significantly different than the Trump Plan or what you would have done differently

You can’t.
this has already been highlighted to you…at length

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