"Overwhelming Evidence of Trump Coup,"

I listened to about twenty seconds of this trash and just had to turn it off. The video is chum thrown out to the mindless conspiracy -minded Trumpists who control all three branches of government but can't help acting like whiny little bitches all the friggin time.
And THAT is the problem. You actually think that the three branches of government are what controls policy and the culture of the nation. To a certain extent, but largely? Nah. . . . .

I don't know much about you, but I now folks like Windparadox and Oldlady aren't dumb, but they won't listen to this information with an open mind because they so loath Trump that they can't possibly even imagine that there are folks out there that also so loath Trump so much and more, that they would stoop to extra-legal means to ensure that he would not now occupy the position that he does.


So that is the worry, if they have done it to him, what protections do we have that they won't do this, or haven't been doing this when ever they wish?

For me? It isn't a surprise at all. I have known that they have been doing this since the mid-nineties. The establishment always manipulates the system to make sure it places in power the right folks. This is, in essence, how and why redistricting works, and why there have been several ways to disenfranchise folks from voting.

It is just a shock that it didn't work this time. . .

A real shock. And now they want to use that "insurance policy?" Yet we oddly we have here a guy that is too dumb, or too brave, or doesn't give a damn what everyone thinks, or he is so detached from reality that he won't just go away?

I just don't know what to think anymore.

Naturally, his die hard fans just think he is brave as hell. . . . Who knows. And for Trump? Those are the only folks he cares about.
I DO think it's a given, The establishment always manipulates the system to make sure it places in power the right folks. I just don't believe the retribution after the election part. They started focusing on 2020 the minute he was elected. So I think.

Not retribution, obstruction.

Actually, obstruction is not the right word. #Resist is what the bueracrats in these agencies are doing. They don't want to change the way things have always been done, and it has been admitted in the corporate press, and they are just doing their part. To deny they are using loathsome, extra-legal means, is to just deny reality, regardless of how little you think of the President.

His opponents in the Deep State even admitted what they were doing, it wasn't for revenge, it was for, "#RESISTANCE."

The Deep State agents at the Intel agencies are just part of that program.


Unverified 'alternative' government accounts target Trump on Twitter - CNNPolitics


It's pretty damn stupid to deny that it is happening when it is all around us.

amen to that.IF the OP is correct and that is a major IF,then there just might be some truth to his executive order he signed to purge the deep state and all these evil organizations.I personally think it was written just to get people to think he is different than Bush and Obama myself to give them hope he is their savior but from his actions,he globally at least,he has not done anything he said he would so at this point,I dont for a minute think he will follow through on the executive order.That it was just written down to again,make us all think he is for the people but is not.

I'm of the belief that you are both correct. I don't know if you read everything in post #12 but pay special attention to that article by Consortium News. It seems it will all have to do with who wins the mid-terms and timing. IOW, it is all up to YOU.

Not only are elements of the Shadow government at war with civil society, interest groups within that infrastructure are competing with each other, and with the structure of civil society for sources of funding as the foundations of that funding become increasingly more tenuous.

Ours is like the Roman Republic, or the Soviet Union at its height. Although it seems to be have lot of power, and is relatively well off, those contributing to its success are sabotaging it's future. It is a house of cards because of the corruptions of corporations.

I found this a good resource that brings together several research resources detailing the conflict with in the Deep State, and with the Public State. It gives us a clue why this administration obfuscates on releasing many things it otherwise should if it really were just an enemy of these agencies, when, it isn't. It is allied with them.

Trump's speech to the CIA in 2017 was illuminating. There was some subtext that was missed if you didn't pay special attention. I noted they took it down in many places.

Both Wikileaks and Snowden are limited hangouts, in all probability. But, they feed to different interests of these groups, otherwise, they would have only needed one.

Never be under the illusion that this president, or that president, is the good one, or this one is the bad one. They all have to be allied with some powerful interests to get in there. All of them are crooked in some way. At least at the time they were elected they were.

Deep State

The Deep State
I listened to about twenty seconds of this trash and just had to turn it off. The video is chum thrown out to the mindless conspiracy -minded Trumpists who control all three branches of government but can't help acting like whiny little bitches all the friggin time.

Funny...a leftist daring to call anyone a whiny bitch.

did you her the little bitches at the rally last night "Lock her Up" chant. You are the mob and Trump is literally the mob leader.
Fuck you. We chant, lefty pukes attack.

Yes well Trump rallies give you guys away. The are the mob personality, we are protestors against mob rule.

the fact you ignore hard core evidence that the ATF and FBI burned down the compound at waco with the blessings of Reno and Clinton,of course YOU would have that delusion.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::laughing0301::lmao:

Waco did it to themselves.
Lol....the media and far left have been falling all over themselves for 3 years now....to paint the President as a Nazi trying to promote violence!!

Hows that workin' out for ya s0ns?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I listened to about twenty seconds of this trash and just had to turn it off. The video is chum thrown out to the mindless conspiracy -minded Trumpists who control all three branches of government but can't help acting like whiny little bitches all the friggin time.

Funny...a leftist daring to call anyone a whiny bitch.

did you her the little bitches at the rally last night "Lock her Up" chant. You are the mob and Trump is literally the mob leader.

Uh-huh, a “mob” demanding someone be locked up by our justice system, meaning based on evidence.

Unlike the actual mob on the left that posts addresses of GOP families and promote physically attacking anyone that is conservative.
I can't believe the left is in such denial. They have been told by their own leaders this is real. They have been told by their own media this "war" between the Deep State and the civil state is real. The conservative voters won the election, and the bureacracy does not want to follow the will of this people or this administration. Everything in that video has been verified, whether you want to deal with this reality or not? That is up to you.

Rachel Maddow interviews Chuck shumer;

Left leaning commentary and analysis from Consortium News;

Justice Dept Likely to Slow-Walk Declassification
Justice Dept Likely to Slow-Walk Declassification
"On February 18, Nunes threw down a heavy gauntlet during an interview with journalist Sheryl Attkisson:

“FISA abuse … as it relates to the Department of Justice and the FBI, if they need to be put on trial, we will put them on trial. The reason that Congress exists is to oversee these agencies that we created. DOJ and FBI are not above the law. Congress created them, we oversee them, and we fund them. And if they’re committing abuse for a secret court, getting warrants on American citizens, you’re darn right that we’re going to put them on trial.”

Trump Agonistes

Nunes put that on the record back in February. What can possibly explain Trump’s reluctance to order declassification of relevant FISA and other documents (with such redactions that might be truly necessary) until seven months later, and just seven weeks before the mid-term elections? And why did Trump throw down a cautious, paper-thin gauntlet, with no firm deadline — inviting Deep State stonewalling?

The need to play ball with the Deep State is normally made clear to incoming presidents before they are inaugurated, and such was the case with President-elect Trump. Just two weeks before he took office, Trump was paid an official visit by National Intelligence Director James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Michael Rogers. Trump was put on notice by none other than the Minority Leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer. Schumer has been around and knows the ropes; he is a veteran of 18 years in the House, and is in his 20th year in the Senate.

Schumer: Trump is ‘really dumb.’

On Jan. 3, 2017 Schumer said it all, when he told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, that President-elect Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities:

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told Maddow. “So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.” Did Maddow ask Schumer if he was saying the President of the United States should be afraid of the intelligence community? No, she let Schumer’s theorem stand."

More information on the Deep State mechanizations against the public state;

"Seventeen agencies" memo about Russian influence on elections


Attempted putsch of intelligence agencies against Trump:
Peter Strzok use of Steele dossier for establishing surveillance on members of Trump Team and derailing Sanders


FBI Mayberry Machiavellians pushed Sanders under the bus by swiping Hillary "emailgate" dirt under the carpet, then used a dirty trick with dossier created by FBI contactor Fusion GPS to launch Russiagate investigation, put members of Trump team under surveillance, and eventually managed to appoint the Special Prosecutor to paralyze Trump administration and possibly depose Trump

FBI Mayberry Machiavellians: CIA globalists dirty games against Sanders and Trump

FBI Mayberry Machiavellians: CIA globalists dirty games against Sanders and Trump

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

They are literally like Jamestown or Manson zombies.



I listened to about twenty seconds of this trash and just had to turn it off. The video is chum thrown out to the mindless conspiracy -minded Trumpists who control all three branches of government but can't help acting like whiny little bitches all the friggin time.

Funny...a leftist daring to call anyone a whiny bitch.

did you her the little bitches at the rally last night "Lock her Up" chant. You are the mob and Trump is literally the mob leader.
Fuck you. We chant, lefty pukes attack.

Yes well Trump rallies give you guys away. The are the mob personality, we are protestors against mob rule.

the fact you ignore hard core evidence that the ATF and FBI burned down the compound at waco with the blessings of Reno and Clinton,of course YOU would have that delusion.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::laughing0301::lmao:
That's conspiracy theory nonsense.
Funny...a leftist daring to call anyone a whiny bitch.

did you her the little bitches at the rally last night "Lock her Up" chant. You are the mob and Trump is literally the mob leader.
Fuck you. We chant, lefty pukes attack.

Yes well Trump rallies give you guys away. The are the mob personality, we are protestors against mob rule.

the fact you ignore hard core evidence that the ATF and FBI burned down the compound at waco with the blessings of Reno and Clinton,of course YOU would have that delusion.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::laughing0301::lmao:
That's conspiracy theory nonsense.
and you are a prime example of the typical liberal moron..even when it kicks you in your ass..

I have the feeling that after the midterm, all hell is going to break loose. A new AG is needed to do the job correctly!

I don't realize any Evidence of a Trump Coup but I do recall that Trump himself is pretty big on conspiracy theories; that birth certificate thing was a really good one. I'm confident that Trump's base are also pretty big on conspiracy theories so, no surprise with the whole 'Trump coup' thing. It seems like delusion run amuck IMO.

I have the feeling that after the midterm, all hell is going to break loose. A new AG is needed to do the job correctly!

I don't realize any Evidence of a Trump Coup but I do recall that Trump himself is pretty big on conspiracy theories; that birth certificate thing was a really good one. I'm confident that Trump's base are also pretty big on conspiracy theories so, no surprise with the whole 'Trump coup' thing. It seems like delusion run amuck IMO.

Your IMO means shit, subversive! We handle facts, not your conspiracy theories,!
I listened to about twenty seconds of this trash and just had to turn it off. The video is chum thrown out to the mindless conspiracy -minded Trumpists who control all three branches of government but can't help acting like whiny little bitches all the friggin time.

Funny...a leftist daring to call anyone a whiny bitch.

did you her the little bitches at the rally last night "Lock her Up" chant. You are the mob and Trump is literally the mob leader.

Uh-huh, a “mob” demanding someone be locked up by our justice system, meaning based on evidence.

Unlike the actual mob on the left that posts addresses of GOP families and promote physically attacking anyone that is conservative.

Where is the evidence? The GOP got nothing.
I have the feeling that after the midterm, all hell is going to break loose. A new AG is needed to do the job correctly!

I don't realize any Evidence of a Trump Coup but I do recall that Trump himself is pretty big on conspiracy theories; that birth certificate thing was a really good one. I'm confident that Trump's base are also pretty big on conspiracy theories so, no surprise with the whole 'Trump coup' thing. It seems like delusion run amuck IMO.

Your IMO means shit, subversive! We handle facts, not your conspiracy theories,!

I think you have it all backwards: Trump & his base are the ones that seem to always bring up the conspiracy theories. For example the whole Obama was born in outer space & doesn't have a birth certificate thingy that Trump himself propagated that one for years. This whole Trump coup thing is just another conspiracy theory that Trump & the right seem to pull outta that ole magic hat, whenever they need some talking points.
I have the feeling that after the midterm, all hell is going to break loose. A new AG is needed to do the job correctly!

I don't realize any Evidence of a Trump Coup but I do recall that Trump himself is pretty big on conspiracy theories; that birth certificate thing was a really good one. I'm confident that Trump's base are also pretty big on conspiracy theories so, no surprise with the whole 'Trump coup' thing. It seems like delusion run amuck IMO.

Your IMO means shit, subversive! We handle facts, not your conspiracy theories,!

I think you have it all backwards: Trump & his base are the ones that seem to always bring up the conspiracy theories. For example the whole Obama was born in outer space & doesn't have a birth certificate thingy that Trump himself propagated that one for years. This whole Trump coup thing is just another conspiracy theory that Trump & the right seem to pull outta that ole magic hat, whenever they need some talking points.

Bet you believe the Kenyan was born here.. .lololol!

At least we have the obomanations grandma saying he was born ther...AND we have all sorts of FBI and DOJ emails, and memos backing us up....besides Rosenstein now REFUSING to go under oath and testify....but you believe what you want!...ROTFLMFAO!

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