Own a Gun ?...you are a rape denialist !!!

This push by the NRA and other gun fondlers is sheer assholery on many levels. For one thing, it’s actually a subtle form of rape denialism. After all, their entire sales pitch relies on implying that “campus rape” is a matter of strangers jumping out of bushes. In reality, most rapes are committed by people you know who exploit social situations such as parties and dates in order to get the victim’s guard down—situations where the victim is not going to be armed, because being armed around alcohol breaks gun safety rule #1. So this whole “stop rape by arming women” plan only makes sense if you assume that it’s not really rape if you know your rapist. So, it’s just rape denialism.

When you legalize guns on campus rapists will have more guns to rape with.

Yes when you look at the stats almost no rapes are defendable with a gun. Like 80% somebody you know. 50% involve drugs and or alcohol. 60% of victims are minors who can't have a gun. Then there are those caught sleeping.... They are really trying to sell guns, not stop rape.

All it does is open colleges up to the 17000 accidental shootings that happen each year.
That is the stupidest bs I've ever heard in my life.

But just for yucks and giggles..why don't you source that particular piece of nonsense? Show me the stats that show that "almost no rapes are defendable with a gun". That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert

And yet, when Florida had a outbreak of rapes back in the late 1960's and early '70's the police armed thousands of women and taught them how to shoot. And made it public knowledge that they had done so and the rape frequency dropped.

I wonder why that is?:eusa_think::eusa_think:
Yes when you look at the stats almost no rapes are defendable with a gun. Like 80% somebody you know. 50% involve drugs and or alcohol. 60% of victims are minors who can't have a gun. Then there are those caught sleeping.... They are really trying to sell guns, not stop rape.

All it does is open colleges up to the 17000 accidental shootings that happen each year.
That is the stupidest bs I've ever heard in my life.

But just for yucks and giggles..why don't you source that particular piece of nonsense? Show me the stats that show that "almost no rapes are defendable with a gun". That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert

And yet, when Florida had a outbreak of rapes back in the late 1960's and early '70's the police armed thousands of women and taught them how to shoot. And made it public knowledge that they had done so and the rape frequency dropped.

I wonder why that is?:eusa_think::eusa_think:

Do you have some link? That was a long time ago.
Yes when you look at the stats almost no rapes are defendable with a gun. Like 80% somebody you know. 50% involve drugs and or alcohol. 60% of victims are minors who can't have a gun. Then there are those caught sleeping.... They are really trying to sell guns, not stop rape.

All it does is open colleges up to the 17000 accidental shootings that happen each year.
That is the stupidest bs I've ever heard in my life.

But just for yucks and giggles..why don't you source that particular piece of nonsense? Show me the stats that show that "almost no rapes are defendable with a gun". That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert
so the premise that guns on campus would cause more is rape is completely invalid

I'm not aware of any reason why it would.
One event is a good reason to open up colleges to 600 accidental deaths and 17000 shootings? Can you guarantee that the bad guy wouldn't just have shot her if she was armed?

One, of many. Unlike your hyperbolic posts which have no bearing in reality. The vast majority of accidental deaths are hunting related (funny how you ignore that) and the overwhelming majority of shootings are GANG RELATED...which, yet again, you ignore.

There is lying, and then there is lying by omission. You and your cohorts are masters at lying by omission.

So far you have one. If there are many let's hear. Was the bra holster woman a hunter? How about the woman at Walmart shot by her 2 year old? The child who shot instructor with Uzi? Maybe the guy who shot the person living in the apartment above him while cleaning his gun? How about the guy accidently shot by his ccw instructor during class?

I have serious doubts about a two year old shooting a revolver. I would need to see some of the evidence on that before i am willing to make an observation. The girl who shot the instructor is a tragedy of the first order. The instructor was incompetent and paid the price for it. The child, I hope, gets all of the therapy she needs to receive, because she needs to know that it was an accident, and that it wasn't her fault.

Yes, the rest are all tragic accidents. Why don't you throw in all the cops who shoot each other too? Obviously the best thing to do is disarm them too. Clearly, based on the fact that 33% of all police officers killed are killed by their own weapons, we need to disarm them too.

You seriously didn't hear about the mother shot dead by her 2 year old?
2-Year-Old Shoots Kills His Mother at Walmart

Go to google news and search accidental shooting. You'll see enough results to make your head spin. And it will be hard to find any that are hunting related. So I think colleges have the right to not have firearms on campus. Big government doesn't need to go forcing them to allow firearms. It will just bring in the 600+ accidental deaths and 17,000 accidental shootings.

No, I heard about it. I just have a hard time believing it could happen as they reported it. A revolver trigger is a very difficult thing for a child to pull. Hell, old people have a hard time doing at and they have physical coordination. As I said, I would need to review the evidence before I would ever make a observation about that particular case.

In the parlance of someone who is very, very knowledgeable about firearms.....something don't smell right...

Oh I see. I've never heard it described as a revolver. You have a link? I assume it was a semi-auto with one in the chamber.
Yes when you look at the stats almost no rapes are defendable with a gun. Like 80% somebody you know. 50% involve drugs and or alcohol. 60% of victims are minors who can't have a gun. Then there are those caught sleeping.... They are really trying to sell guns, not stop rape.

All it does is open colleges up to the 17000 accidental shootings that happen each year.
That is the stupidest bs I've ever heard in my life.

But just for yucks and giggles..why don't you source that particular piece of nonsense? Show me the stats that show that "almost no rapes are defendable with a gun". That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert

And yet, when Florida had a outbreak of rapes back in the late 1960's and early '70's the police armed thousands of women and taught them how to shoot. And made it public knowledge that they had done so and the rape frequency dropped.

I wonder why that is?:eusa_think::eusa_think:

The number or rapes in Florida seems to continually go up through the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Florida Crime Rates 1960- 2013

I don't see any rise in rapes and drop in rapes as you claim.
That is the stupidest bs I've ever heard in my life.

But just for yucks and giggles..why don't you source that particular piece of nonsense? Show me the stats that show that "almost no rapes are defendable with a gun". That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert
so the premise that guns on campus would cause more is rape is completely invalid

I'm not aware of any reason why it would.
that was the claim of the anti-gun feminist on campus
So obviously you know nothing about the subject.
Rape Statistics
74% assailant is well known to victim. -Gun won't help with those.
61% victim under 18. -Can't have a gun.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol Sexual Assault Counseling Center Pepperdine Community
55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. - gun isn't much good if you are drunk or high.

So only a small percent are defendable by a gun. After that subtract instances where there is no chance to use a gun like the victim is surprised in her sleep. And then after than take into account that not very many women will choose to carry a gun. Only 11 million people choose to carry in the whole country. End result is guns are not the answer to rape. It will sell more guns is about it. Republican aren't concerned about stopping rape, just selling guns. And by forcing colleges to allow guns on campus they will be opening the doors to the 600+ accidental deaths each year and 17,000 accidental shootings. I think colleges have the right to not allow firearms if they choose.
since when cant you shoot someone you know ?

Here is a good answer for you:
Think about it for a moment. Does a man who intends to rape a woman stand 50 feet away, and walk (or even run) toward a woman and say "I'm going to come over there and rape you?" Of course not. If that actually were the case, a potential survivor might well have time to reach in a purse for a gun and threaten the perpetrator with it. However, rape happens after a perpetrator skillfully invades a survivor's personal space, often weakens her defenses with alcohol, and may even initiate consensual behavior before ignoring the desires of the survivor to move forward. In the fog of alcohol-fueled consensual kissing or just relaxing on a couch, reasonable individuals don't hold a drink in one hand and a nine millimeter in the other. They are with someone they often trust. That is one of the horrible things about rape. It not only violates the survivor physically in the most horrific way, it also violates her sense of security of choosing to be around an individual she previously had reason to trust.
No More Campus Guns Won t Decrease Rape John Foubert
so the premise that guns on campus would cause more is rape is completely invalid

I'm not aware of any reason why it would.
that was the claim of the anti-gun feminist on campus

I don't agree with that claim. I also don't agree that guns on campus will lower rape as many claim either.

That is a few years old. It certainly has happened, but it is very rare. Sounds like she was very lucky since he got his knife to her throat, but didn't bother checking if she was armed. Again should colleges be forced to allow firearms and let in 600+ accidental deaths and 17,000 accidental shootings?

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