Oz in 2024?

If Trump is unable or unwilling to make the run, Oz could make a tremendous candidate to defeat Brandon.

"Oz- The Great and Powerful" is a tremendous slogan that would contrast nicely with the weak, milquetoast candidate that the other side will be offering.

you have to be kidding.....
Republicans have this fantasy that you don’t run someone who is experienced in Government. So anyone is more qualified

Actors- Reagan, Schwartznegger
Pro Wrestling- Jesse Ventura
Surgery- Ben Carson
Reality TV- Trump
Talk Shows- Dr Oz
Sports- Herschel Walker, Tommy Tubberville
Qualified candidates are.
1) ones that have never been divorced.
2). Not crazy wealthy
3). People that served in the military.
4). Willing to let us see their tax returns.
5). Have no personal baggage.
6). Have done hard physical labor for at least 5 years.
7). College educated
If Trump is unable or unwilling to make the run, Oz could make a tremendous candidate to defeat Brandon.

"Oz- The Great and Powerful" is a tremendous slogan that would contrast nicely with the weak, milquetoast candidate that the other side will be offering.

You can't possibly be serious.
Lets see

We're discussing presidential candidates for 2024, not who you hope will run:
Trump, aka 45th President, very qualified and experienced.
Boebert?? No clue who that is, won't make it on the GOP primary stage
Gaetz, young firebrand, he needs to mature, got more lies about his child molesting?
Hawthorne, ?? no clue who that is
Gossar, good Texan.
Oz? Doctor Oz to you.
Walker, Not even in the senate yet.

Focus on the posts where WE type in serious candidates, not your bullshit candidates.
Republicans have this fantasy that you don’t run someone who is experienced in Government. So anyone is more qualified
Actors- Reagan, Schwartznegger
Pro Wrestling- Jesse Ventura
Surgery- Ben Carson
Reality TV- Trump
Talk Shows- Dr Oz
Sports- Herschel Walker, Tommy Tubberville
LOL!! Any of those Republicans would do a better job running the US than Biden or Harris.
Irrelevant to the fact that they're exactly the kind of "republicans" who made Trump and populism possible.
Do you dudes ever learn?
Irrelevant???? ELECTIONS are a choice between candidates, who do the democrats have to vote FOR?
Trump's "America First Populism" is still the Republican Platform.
Yes we "learned", we learned that the democrats' voter fraud machinery needs to be stopped.
Irrelevant???? ELECTIONS are a choice between candidates, who do the democrats have to vote FOR?
Trump's "America First Populism" is still the Republican Platform.
Yes we "learned", we learned that the democrats' voter fraud machinery needs to be stopped.
Yes, whether or not I can come up with someone else better is irrelevant.

It's YOUR party, the onus is on YOU to come up with better candidates than those two lame-assed Cheney clones.

If those are the best you an come up with, your party is no better than the lame-assed warmonger democrat douchebags that you claim to oppose.
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Republicans have this fantasy that you don’t run someone who is experienced in Government. So anyone is more qualified

Actors- Reagan, Schwartznegger
Pro Wrestling- Jesse Ventura
Surgery- Ben Carson
Reality TV- Trump
Talk Shows- Dr Oz
Sports- Herschel Walker, Tommy Tubberville
Or they run the braindead:


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