PA and GA Send in Republican Electors

I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.

So, explain to us what the proceedures are that spell out faking a water main break, clearing the counting room, then removing cases full of ballots from under the table that the person that cleared the room wheeled in there, and ran them through the tabulator absent any oversight of observers? Because I can't think of any....

Biden was behind
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?
If a ten y.o. would do it then why were vaccines always years away in the Obama/ Biden era?
The gene sequence was provided by China in January. That had nothing to do with Trump

The speed of development had more to do with the pharmaceutical industry than it did Trump.

Of COURSE a working vaccine was going to be snapped up.

The President cut through about 5 YEARS of red tape.
Just say
Thank you
And then STFU
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archiapproaches.YE unfurl="true"][/URL]

Who said it was going to be 'anonymArchiapproaches.YES
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archives:

Who said it was going to be 'anonymous'?
Who goes digging for that stuff?
Can you tell us who voted for Kamala?

When you're in a thread about PA and GA sending republican electors.....who wouldn't fact check that shit claim?

I certainly would. I looked into all the electors named in the available certificates of ascertainment for Georgia, PA, Nevada and Arizona.

And none of them were republican electors.
If a ten y.o. would do it then why were vaccines always years away in the Obama/ Biden era?
The gene sequence was provided by China in January. That had nothing to do with Trump

The speed of development had more to do with the pharmaceutical industry than it did Trump.

Of COURSE a working vaccine was going to be snapped up.

The President cut through about 5 YEARS of red tape.
Just say
Thank you
And then STFU

I'll certainly say thank you to U-haul as they haul his shit off the white house lawn.

Good enough?
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

You can't reason with them
You can't shame them
They are The Bubblecult
Its a phenomenon.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archiapproaches.YE unfurl="true"][/URL]

Who said it was going to be 'anonymArchiapproaches.YES
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archives:

Who said it was going to be 'anonymous'?
Who goes digging for that stuff?
Can you tell us who voted for Kamala?

When you're in a thread about PA and GA sending republican electors.....who wouldn't fact check that shit claim?

I certainly would. I looked into all the electors named in the available certificates of ascertainment for Georgia, PA, Nevada and Arizona.

And none of them were republican electors.

Such ignorance.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

There were no boxes under table. This has already been explained. Just stop. It's over.
Trump lost. Biden won. Move on. Deal with it.

81 million people spoke. And they voted for Joe Biden.
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

Why do you hate America so much?

Might ask you the same question. You have spent the last four years along with the democrat party doing your best to undermine the will of the American people. I only have one word to leave you with. KARMA.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archiapproaches.YE unfurl="true"][/URL]

Who said it was going to be 'anonymArchiapproaches.YES
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archives:

Who said it was going to be 'anonymous'?
Who goes digging for that stuff?
Can you tell us who voted for Kamala?

When you're in a thread about PA and GA sending republican electors.....who wouldn't fact check that shit claim?

I certainly would. I looked into all the electors named in the available certificates of ascertainment for Georgia, PA, Nevada and Arizona.

And none of them were republican electors.

Such ignorance.
Uh-huh. Educate yourself:

You won't. But its fun to spoon feed you everything, and still watch you refuse to do the slightest research.
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938

And what influenza vaccine do we have now that's particularly different than what we've had for the last 10 years?
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
H1N1 was detected in April. FDA approved a vaccine in September.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archiapproaches.YE unfurl="true"][/URL]

Who said it was going to be 'anonymArchiapproaches.YES
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archives:

Who said it was going to be 'anonymous'?
Who goes digging for that stuff?
Can you tell us who voted for Kamala?

When you're in a thread about PA and GA sending republican electors.....who wouldn't fact check that shit claim?

I certainly would. I looked into all the electors named in the available certificates of ascertainment for Georgia, PA, Nevada and Arizona.

And none of them were republican electors.

Such ignorance.
Uh-huh. Educate yourself:

You won't. But its fun to spoon feed you everything, and still watch you refuse to do the slightest research.

You're roughly the 3rd stupidest fucking dumbass on the board
Be best.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

There were no boxes under table. This has already been explained. Just stop. It's over.
Trump lost. Biden won. Move on. Deal with it.

81 million people spoke. And they voted for Joe Biden.

He couldn't get more then 4 people to show up at his Pittsburgh rally, you are counting the dead voters you forgot to subtract when you said there was "no fraud", which is innaccurate and dumb to state. I guess you believe in Zombies.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

There were no boxes under table. This has already been explained. Just stop. It's over.
Trump lost. Biden won. Move on. Deal with it.

81 million people spoke. And they voted for Joe Biden.

HaHa, you must work for Dominion, according to the AP news service (yeah, that's one of your MSM outlets) Biden didn't even get 80M let alone 81M. Keep lying, that's a democrat prerequisite for the nomination.
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
H1N1 was detected in April. FDA approved a vaccine in September.
When was the first shot administered, if not Sept then guess who loses the argument.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

There were no boxes under table. This has already been explained. Just stop. It's over.
Trump lost. Biden won. Move on. Deal with it.

81 million people spoke. And they voted for Joe Biden.

He couldn't get more then 4 people to show up at his Pittsburgh rally, you are counting the dead voters you forgot to subtract when you said there was "no fraud", which is innaccurate and dumb to state. I guess you believe in Zombies.
View attachment 429321

I see your problem now. You think lots of people going to a rally means he would win. Not how it works silly.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archiapproaches.YE unfurl="true"][/URL]

Who said it was going to be 'anonymArchiapproaches.YES
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.
Well you noticed the problem, that being before the vote they said it was anonymous, then they read off the names of the Electoral voters knowing that all voted Biden. =not anonymous.
No matter which side of the isle, you want all parties safe from "being outted", it affects them and future brave people who might not vote as expected, like the one in I think PA, who voted Kamala instead of Joe, would be hesitant if they thought their vote was not anonymous.

Their names are part public record in each of the certificates of ascertainment.

Here's Nevada, recorded with the National Archives:

Who said it was going to be 'anonymous'?
Who goes digging for that stuff?
Can you tell us who voted for Kamala?

When you're in a thread about PA and GA sending republican electors.....who wouldn't fact check that shit claim?

I certainly would. I looked into all the electors named in the available certificates of ascertainment for Georgia, PA, Nevada and Arizona.

And none of them were republican electors.

Such ignorance.
Uh-huh. Educate yourself:

You won't. But its fun to spoon feed you everything, and still watch you refuse to do the slightest research.

You're roughly the 3rd stupidest fucking dumbass on the board
Be best.

And shocker, you refuse to do the slightest research, even when its spoon fed to you.

How did I know that was coming?
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
H1N1 was detected in April. FDA approved a vaccine in September.
When was the first shot administered, if not Sept then guess who loses the argument.
How in the world could that lose the argument?

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