PA and GA Send in Republican Electors

I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.
1-51 (and counting). Tired of winning yet? :) All cases dismissed. There was no voter fraud. Nothing was rigged.
He lost the election. Because he blew the response to the pandemic. He's inept. He's incompetent. He's corrupt.
You're right, a mistake was undone on November 3rd. California just cast its 55 electoral votes for Biden and that as they that.

Trump DIDN'T deal with COVID-19. That's why he's not going to be President past 1/20/2021.

It's 1-59 now
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

oh STFU already
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

oh STFU already
That's what you said to Stacy Abrams after her close election she lost in GA, right?
Oh that's right, you have a double standard and propensity to favor your gang through group affiliation pride.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

He had nothing to do with any vaccine.
Peace deal with Israel? With who? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Syria? ie, any country of note (FYI, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE - whoever, were never at war with Israel in the first place, so how can you have a 'peace' deal without a war first?)

Election process is fine. The EC could be tweaked, but otherwise, there was no fraud or any other Fake News. Now go cry into your Cheerios. Loser.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.
1-51 (and counting). Tired of winning yet? :) All cases dismissed. There was no voter fraud. Nothing was rigged.
He lost the election. Because he blew the response to the pandemic. He's inept. He's incompetent. He's corrupt.
You're right, a mistake was undone on November 3rd. California just cast its 55 electoral votes for Biden and that as they that.

Trump DIDN'T deal with COVID-19. That's why he's not going to be President past 1/20/2021.

It's 1-59 now
You are talking to someone who said "no voter fraud" instead of no widespread voter fraud.
That means the person is spreading fraud while you accept that behavior simply because he's an affiliate.=group affiliation pride behavior.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

He had nothing to do with any vaccine.

That is simply NOT true....Operation warp speed was THIS administrations plan...I understand you don't want to give Trump credit for anything, but this is not even a question...Trump get's credit.

Peace deal with Israel? With who? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Syria? ie, any country of note (FYI, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE

Oh, I see...So, that muslim countries are now opening embassies, and formalizing relations with Israel, must really chap your ass....But, that is historic, and a Trump accomplishment...

Election process is fine.

Fine? At least 4 states have many unanswered questions about their tabulation, and processes....You are only saying this because it was the outcome you wanted...What happens when it's not?

The EC could be tweaked

"tweaked" how?

but otherwise, there was no fraud or any other Fake News. Now go cry into your Cheerios. Loser.

Bullshit. Dems cheated in this election, and that is clear to any rational person...As for the rest, GFY.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.

So what? If that is even the case, it shows that your statement that they took no money, is false...That's a fact.
Tired of winning yet? :) All cases dismissed. There was no voter fraud. Nothing was rigged.

I had four years of winning. More than any other president has ever given! Did you know that while increasing business, bringing back coal, reducing regulations and cost of business, and creating jobs that at the same time Trump did all that while still having the greatest decrease in CO2 output in 2019 than any other country?

We beat them all.

You probably didn't know that as the climate mongers don't want to give credit less admit you can do all that and still cut emissions.

But don't worry, Jack Baby, when Joe gets in, he'll be sure to make living cleaner HURT A LOT. Like a cactus up the ass.

That way you can feel good about it.

We all know you people feel guilty for living and need a lot of suffering to convince yourselves you are being properly punished for existing.

And we all know elections are crooked. This one just took the cake. It was the Left's Hell Mary to save the party because there was no way a dullard like Joe Biden ever has or ever could win a popular election.

Even Jill hates his guts.
He sure did, and better than placing Covid patients in nursing homes like a total dumbass...
More shit. Trump's done.

When I joined here in 2017 all I read was that Trump's done.
When we had the Mueller investigation they all said Trump's done.
When they impeached Trump over nothing, they said that Trump's done.
When China sent Covid around the world killing thousands you blamed Trump for it and said Trump's done.
Now that you've destroyed all election integrity by using Venezuelan-level cheating to steal the office you say Trump's done.

Unless you have clabber for brains, by now you ought to know that TRUMP IS NEVER DONE.

We'll, in your heart of hearts you know Trump's not done. He's going nowhere. Out of office he'll be a bigger thorn in your side than in office. He'll never go away, Trump always hits back 4X harder than hit and whatever Trump has in store planned, if you think you hate Trump now or are free of him, he's going to make you sorry you ever heard of him.

Donald Trump is like a dog turd you can't scrap off your shoe. And once you throw the shoes away, the smell still remains.

As long as the DNC and Left remain the crooks and bastards they are, there will always be a Donald Trump. You grew him in the compost pile out behind your back.

He is the weed of progressive-socialism.

Trump is the reason the nation is in this mess. It's why you don't elect people that know
nothing about government.

By your hapless measure, then George Washington, John Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were all failures, because none of them knew anything about government, there was no government before them! They weren't pros.

And what about Barack Obumma? Was he an expert on government because he sat in the Senate for two years scratching his balls?

Where do you go to find people who "know about government," Jack? Is there a school? You mean every House Rep and Senator all "knew about government" when they took office? And just what do they know about government, Jack, that it is all crooks?

Maybe for a change, we should start not electing government unless they first know something about business!

We need government to operate more like a business Jack, where they can meet deadlines, live within a budget and make a PROFIT.

Government is unable to do any of that. So immediately, your argument FAILS.

What you need Jack are CAREER LIFETIME GOVERNMENT LEADERS. People born to rule over you. Some people call them Kings.

Other people call them Dictators.

Jack, you need to be dictated to because people like you can't run you're own life. That's why you all fell apart with Trump in office-- -- he didn't run your life for you.

But don't worry: Joe will fill that hole for you.
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At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

That's right I was there in one kavanaugh donated to Joe biden.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

Neither PA nor GA sent in any electors for Trump.

You're misinformed.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

Neither PA nor GA sent in any electors for Trump.

You're misinformed.

Was it PA that had 1 elector vote Kamala for president? *L* was that explained? Was it his mental capability, or his corruption or was it a radical leftist statement?
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

Neither PA nor GA sent in any electors for Trump.

You're misinformed.

Was it PA that had 1 elector vote Kamala for president? *L* was that explained? Was it his mental capability, or his corruption or was it a radical leftist statement?

Unless that 1 elector voted for Trump, my point stands.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

The article I read said these alternate slates of electors are meaningless. If they are counting on still pending suits to be ruled in their favor and the electoral votes to be overturned at this point, I think they've lost it. Steve Miller, who I pegged as a Nazi the first time I saw him on a Sunday show, is pulling every string he can think of to stay in power, the nasty piece of garbage.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.

So what? If that is even the case, it shows that your statement that they took no money, is false...That's a fact.

Nobody expected Pfizer to develop and produce the vaccine for free. Of course they took money, after their vaccine was approved and was ready to ship.
I'm watching the GA electoral vote procedure and am seeing many problems that make it all illegal and void.
1) Stacy Abrams is prociding over it, which is a conflict of interest for a few reasons (allegations of fraud and in selection on Biden's cabinet.)
This means by law she was required to recuse herself and reject being the prociding officer over the electoral vote.
2) she did not give viable time to respond to the "does anyone object" question, and this was done on purpose in violation of procedure and rights.
3)they can't vote for a person knowingly involved in treason in using Russia to interefere with the 2016 and 2018 elections and knowingly involved in other treason charges involving China interferences.
This makes GA electoral voters guilty of involvement with a coup and thus committing treason.
4)I DON'T BELIEVE Abrams is allowed to use the electoral vote procedure to further treasonous propaganda, it's a non biased procedure that is supposed to leave political talk and posteuring out of the event. She did not abide by the procedure through her end speech.

The term is "presiding" over it. This is a certification of the Georgia vote, giving the states electoral votes to Joe Biden, the winner of the state's popular vote.
This isn't a political statement, or diving down into alt-right conspiracy theories. It's a matter of procedure. One that has been going on for a very long time.
I NEVER remember seeing the Electoral College vote being carried live on national EVER. It's a formality.

But, in the age of the cancer known as Trump (and his supporters), nothing is a formality anymore.
Videoing the count was apparently a mistake, since none of these noodleheads know the procedures and see cheating everywhere, and televising the electoral college is obviously going to give them something else to squawk over, since they don't understand that, either.

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