Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 1

Watch for it people....When an alleged "scientific climate analysis" starts out with the words... "A RECENT SLOWDOWN IN GLOBAL WARMING" it's the beginning of the end for the extortionists.
The funny thing about science is that expectations have a way of being unexpectedly defeated by observations. As an example, no one expected such a huge and devastating earthquake and tsunami to occur off the coast of Sumatra in 2004 because there was very little past evidence for such an event even though it was widely known to be associated with a large and potentially dangerous megathrust zone. Today, it is being reported that large tsunami deposits were found in a cave near the western Sumatra coast that extends the history of tsunamis in the region back to the year 1000, and probably further. So we now have a very detailed history of such events in the region. Had we known in 2004 what we know today, we could have based a more reasonable disaster plan on that data, and likely saved many lives.

In this case, you apparently expect that CO2 concentrations and global temperature averages NOT to correlate (though why you would believe such a thing is not explained). Sadly for you and your expectations, they do, in fact, correlate. Next.
Boy. Ain't that true about AGW. Expectations were that with all that increased CO2 temps were going to skyrocket.
And, in fact, temperatures did "skyrocket" and continue to soar. Both air and ocean temperatures are rapidly climbing, the polar ice caps are melting, the mountain glaciers are melting, the sea levels are rising, and many other symptoms of warming and rapid climate change continue to manifest.

'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming
Nov 13, 2013
An interdisciplinary team of researchers say they have found 'missing heat' in the climate system, casting doubt on suggestions that global warming has slowed or stopped over the past decade. Observational data on which climate records are based cover only 84 per cent of the planet – with Polar regions and parts of Africa largely excluded. Now Dr Kevin Cowtan, a computational scientist at the University of York, and Robert Way, a cryosphere specialist and PhD student at the University of Ottawa, have reconstructed the 'missing' global temperatures using a combination of observations from satellites and surface data from weather stations and ships on the peripheries of the unsampled regions.

The new research published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society shows that the Arctic is warming at about eight times the pace of the rest of the planet. Previous studies by the UK Met Office based on the HadCRUT4 dataset, which only covers about five-sixths of the globe, suggest that global warming has slowed substantially since 1997. The new research suggests, however, that the addition of the 'missing' data indicates that the rate of warming since 1997 has been two and a half times greater than shown in the Met Office studies. Evidence for the rapid warming of the Arctic includes observations from high latitude weather stations, radiosonde and satellite observations of temperatures in the lower atmosphere and reanalysis of historical data. He says: "There's a perception that global warming has stopped but, in fact, our data suggests otherwise. But the reality is that 16 years is too short a period to draw a reliable conclusion. We find only weak evidence of any change in the rate of global warming." Robert Way adds: "Changes in Arctic sea ice and glaciers over the past decade clearly support the results of our study. By producing a truly global temperature record, we aim to better understand the drivers of recent climate change."

Then, when that didn't happen...

But it did happen. You're just too lost in your denier cult delusions and mythologies to acknowledge that fact.

...the brain trust began falsifying data to support their expectations. Then, when that got found out they had to do a song and dance routine claiming that they didn't say those things all the while having their minions bury them on the internet. So sad for them that we actually are competent, unlike them, so silly little tactics like that don't work and we dredge up all the things they said that they denied ever saying. Funny that....observations haven't been kind to you boys and girls at all!
Just more delusional nonsense from your cultic cesspit of insanity, reality denial, and lies.
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Earth truly amazes me as one moment we think we know it all and the next moment we're proven as fools.

Politics doesn't allow for debate and the growth of science...It is be right or you're just wrong kind of thing. We know that our planet is massing energy within the climate system but people have been told on thing and don't understand the other...The new truth is most of the energy want into the oceans.

People don't realize that the climate system is 80% ocean and the real kicker is ENERGY. Putting more of something into the system is the truth...

Doesn't have to be the atmosphere, just that it is being added.
A shrink would prescribe a rubber room and a hose.

Are you threatening me with violence? Or do you perhaps not know what the guards actually DID with the rubber hoses?

Why would I threaten a sock puppet? Further, yes I do know what they did with them. Unlike you I read books.

Change to science books rather than history. History is all over. Science is about what's coming. And it's coming regardless of your preferences.
Are you threatening me with violence? Or do you perhaps not know what the guards actually DID with the rubber hoses?

Why would I threaten a sock puppet? Further, yes I do know what they did with them. Unlike you I read books.

Change to science books rather than history. History is all over. Science is about what's coming. And it's coming regardless of your preferences.

I have over 1000 books in just my science library, how about you? I'm currently reading Disturbing the Solar System by Rubin with my daughter who is 7, so she can get a better idea of how the universe works. What's the last book you read period?

[ame=]Disturbing the Solar System: Impacts, Close Encounters, and Coming Attractions: Alan E. Rubin: 9780691117430: Books[/ame]
Why would I threaten a sock puppet? Further, yes I do know what they did with them. Unlike you I read books.

Change to science books rather than history. History is all over. Science is about what's coming. And it's coming regardless of your preferences.
I have over 1000 books in just my science library,

Such a shame that you can't seem to comprehend any of them, walleyed. It must suck to be as retarded as you obviously are. And then, to be so very afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect like that, on top of the poor, poor befuddled imbecile.
Why would I threaten a sock puppet? Further, yes I do know what they did with them. Unlike you I read books.

Change to science books rather than history. History is all over. Science is about what's coming. And it's coming regardless of your preferences.

I have over 1000 books in just my science library, how about you? I'm currently reading Disturbing the Solar System by Rubin with my daughter who is 7, so she can get a better idea of how the universe works. What's the last book you read period?

[ame=]Disturbing the Solar System: Impacts, Close Encounters, and Coming Attractions: Alan E. Rubin: 9780691117430: Books[/ame]

To understand the certainty of AGW, all you need is a high school physics text. Got one of those?
Change to science books rather than history. History is all over. Science is about what's coming. And it's coming regardless of your preferences.
I have over 1000 books in just my science library,

Such a shame that you can't seem to comprehend any of them, walleyed. It must suck to be as retarded as you obviously are. And then, to be so very afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect like that, on top of the poor, poor befuddled imbecile.

So says the self proclaimed genius. :rolleyes:
I have over 1000 books in just my science library,

Such a shame that you can't seem to comprehend any of them, walleyed. It must suck to be as retarded as you obviously are. And then, to be so very afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect like that, on top of the poor, poor befuddled imbecile.

So says the self proclaimed genius. :rolleyes:

High school physics doesn't require genius.
A shrink would prescribe a rubber room and a hose.

Are you threatening me with violence? Or do you perhaps not know what the guards actually DID with the rubber hoses?

Why would I threaten a sock puppet? Further, yes I do know what they did with them. Unlike you I read books.

Your comment is a threat of violence. I will demand that the sysops throw you off for that. They will ignore it. But now we all know that you find violence acceptable and that you think it was justified by my polite request to FlaCalTenn that he simply explain his statement. Doesn't that make you a shining paragon of considered reason and polite discourse. Brainless asshole.

You claim to have a thousand books in "just" your science library. Let's see a picture showing at least a few hundred of them, with legible titles and your hand in the picture making a cuckolds horn. Wear something red. Or you could just admit you're an asshole AND a liar.
Is the problem that I pointed out you were clowns? Or that we have to constantly remind you that it works both ways? Cause sure as hell someone will say that temperature led CO2 during the glacials and one of you will surely run out into traffic claiming that cant be.

I, and several other posters here, have NEVER denied that temperature will raise CO2. That is verified every time we discuss one of the many reinforcing mechanisms like marine outgassing or thawing permafrost. What has been generally (or completely) lacking in this conversation is an admission on your side that increased CO2 will raise temperatures. How many times now has it been clearly implied that the greenhouse effect is bogus because of the last decade's temperature trend?

And I may have missed it, but you seem to have dropped this thread. I never did hear an explanation for your statement. You hint about it above, but I would like to hear you say it clearly: Do you, FlaCalTenn, believe increasing atmospheric CO2 will trap infrared radiation and raise global temperatures? Yes or No?
Is the problem that I pointed out you were clowns? Or that we have to constantly remind you that it works both ways? Cause sure as hell someone will say that temperature led CO2 during the glacials and one of you will surely run out into traffic claiming that cant be.

I, and several other posters here, have NEVER denied that temperature will raise CO2. That is verified every time we discuss one of the many reinforcing mechanisms like marine outgassing or thawing permafrost. What has been generally (or completely) lacking in this conversation is an admission on your side that increased CO2 will raise temperatures. How many times now has it been clearly implied that the greenhouse effect is bogus because of the last decade's temperature trend?

And I may have missed it, but you seem to have dropped this thread. I never did hear an explanation for your statement. You hint about it above, but I would like to hear you say it clearly: Do you, FlaCalTenn, believe increasing atmospheric CO2 will trap infrared radiation and raise global temperatures? Yes or No?

I'm not responding to you because we've been discussing this topic for MONTHS now (for me a few years) and you should KNOW where I stand. I made no comment about what I believe about CO2 lead/lag.. I made a comment about what WARMERS seems to often forget.. You getting all twerky here about it -- is just weird and somewhat scary...

You also know -- that I've spent HOURS and PAGES defending Back Radiation against my own SKEPTICAL PALS because you WERE THERE on those threads. So whatever you're doing is just plain ANNOYING and STUPID..

SOMEONE provoked me to make that comment. SOMEONE on this thread.. Not worth my time to nail the little warmer sucker.. Maybe YOU think its important enough to sleuth out..
Have fun with that...
In other words, no he doesn't believe that CO2 can raise global temperatures - he's just too cowardly to come out and say it.
What? We have TWO whiny spoiled children here? CREEPY... WWF forum is down the hall next to Gameshows.......

Realists, who accept the current need for action, are put off by politics devoid of science that's aimed at stopping what is necessary, in order to profit today at the expense of the future.

Fortunately, denialists don't have the political clout to be successful, but you're very annoying with your pseudoscience.
Is the problem that I pointed out you were clowns? Or that we have to constantly remind you that it works both ways? Cause sure as hell someone will say that temperature led CO2 during the glacials and one of you will surely run out into traffic claiming that cant be.

I, and several other posters here, have NEVER denied that temperature will raise CO2. That is verified every time we discuss one of the many reinforcing mechanisms like marine outgassing or thawing permafrost. What has been generally (or completely) lacking in this conversation is an admission on your side that increased CO2 will raise temperatures. How many times now has it been clearly implied that the greenhouse effect is bogus because of the last decade's temperature trend?

And I may have missed it, but you seem to have dropped this thread. I never did hear an explanation for your statement. You hint about it above, but I would like to hear you say it clearly: Do you, FlaCalTenn, believe increasing atmospheric CO2 will trap infrared radiation and raise global temperatures? Yes or No?

I'm not responding to you because we've been discussing this topic for MONTHS now (for me a few years) and you should KNOW where I stand. I made no comment about what I believe about CO2 lead/lag.. I made a comment about what WARMERS seems to often forget.. You getting all twerky here about it -- is just weird and somewhat scary...

You also know -- that I've spent HOURS and PAGES defending Back Radiation against my own SKEPTICAL PALS because you WERE THERE on those threads. So whatever you're doing is just plain ANNOYING and STUPID..

SOMEONE provoked me to make that comment. SOMEONE on this thread.. Not worth my time to nail the little warmer sucker.. Maybe YOU think its important enough to sleuth out..
Have fun with that...

Good. Shame you can't just say it.

Next time we can both try to be more accurate describing each other's positions.
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