Pack The Supreme Court? Absolutely

More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

What is extreme about it?

Democrats think Trump being elected is extreme and requires an extreme response.

YOU LOST! Deal with it.

Ginsberg she needs to be what is extreme? The leftists aren't getting their way?

So you need to "justify" your extreme responses by calling a normal situation "extreme"?

Yes, she should be replaced. After the election. If Trump wins, ACB gets confirmed and I'll have no issue with that. If Trump loses, Biden gets to nominate his own judge. McConnell set this standard. I don't give two shits if Trump is an incumbent. There is still a possibility of a new President being selected. The people deserve a say in the matter.

"The people deserve a say in the matter."

You are absolutely right. And they do and did have a say in the matter....They elected Donald J Trump as their President ( Yes he is the President and you should probably get over it already) for 4 years....not 3 years and 9 months....4 years. Their choice for 4 years...not 3 years and 9 months....has made his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice. The people also had their say in the Senate for a term of 6 years, one third of which ends January 2021....Not November 2020. Now, their advise and consent to the next Supreme Court Justice will be made doing the peoples will.

Again, I don't care about advise and consent. You lost that argument when you denied Obama his pick. Unless I've been asleep, he was to serve until January, 2017. So it's irrelevant. McConnell set the standard. You don't get to alter the standard just because it's your guy in the Oval Office.
You obviously don't know what advise and consent means, Dummy. Barry wasn't denied his pick. He made it.

Numerous SC justices have been confirmed during an election year. Just so happens it was when the WH and Sen were controlled by the same party. You need a history lesson, Tardboi..

Exactly. advise and consent doesnt mean accuse a perfectly suitable judge of gang rape. Liberals are fucked in the head.

Kavanaugh was a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. The only people fucked in the head are the people that supported these nominees (and yes, I'll give Biden a minus for that).

Did you hear anyone making the same allegations against Neil Gorsuch?
There was ZERO evidence against Kavanaugh, Tardboi.


There was LOTS, true believer. The guy was a complete scumbag.
Hey, did you ever ask yourself, why didn't Trump nominate ACB then instead of a guy his handlers told him was going to be an issue?
Birds of a feather? Smidge bit of misogyny?
Such as? Lets see the evidence.

The weirdo lady didn't know where it happened, or even what year. And her two supposed "witnesses" contradicted her story. Plus, she was caught in multiple lies.

Only a single digit IQ fuckwit like you would buy her story.

The evidence was in her testimony. Several Republican Senators said her story was believable. And she wasn't the only one. Which should have disqualified the scumbag right there. Sorry, I don't think scumbags should be allowed to serve on the highest court. Same thing should have happened to Thomas after Anita Hill gave her testimony. Again, you didn't hear anything like these allegations coming out against Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch. Trump nominated him because he liked the fact that he saw Kavanaugh as someone who was just like him. He didn't nominate ACB...because she was a woman. The only reason she's up for nomination right now is because RBG died and it's politically expedient.
The evidence was in her testimony.

Bring it. Let's see the evidence.
More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

What is extreme about it?

Democrats think Trump being elected is extreme and requires an extreme response.

YOU LOST! Deal with it.

Ginsberg she needs to be what is extreme? The leftists aren't getting their way?

So you need to "justify" your extreme responses by calling a normal situation "extreme"?

Yes, she should be replaced. After the election. If Trump wins, ACB gets confirmed and I'll have no issue with that. If Trump loses, Biden gets to nominate his own judge. McConnell set this standard. I don't give two shits if Trump is an incumbent. There is still a possibility of a new President being selected. The people deserve a say in the matter.

"The people deserve a say in the matter."

You are absolutely right. And they do and did have a say in the matter....They elected Donald J Trump as their President ( Yes he is the President and you should probably get over it already) for 4 years....not 3 years and 9 months....4 years. Their choice for 4 years...not 3 years and 9 months....has made his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice. The people also had their say in the Senate for a term of 6 years, one third of which ends January 2021....Not November 2020. Now, their advise and consent to the next Supreme Court Justice will be made doing the peoples will.

Again, I don't care about advise and consent. You lost that argument when you denied Obama his pick. Unless I've been asleep, he was to serve until January, 2017. So it's irrelevant. McConnell set the standard. You don't get to alter the standard just because it's your guy in the Oval Office.
You obviously don't know what advise and consent means, Dummy. Barry wasn't denied his pick. He made it.

Numerous SC justices have been confirmed during an election year. Just so happens it was when the WH and Sen were controlled by the same party. You need a history lesson, Tardboi..

Exactly. advise and consent doesnt mean accuse a perfectly suitable judge of gang rape. Liberals are fucked in the head.

Kavanaugh was a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. The only people fucked in the head are the people that supported these nominees (and yes, I'll give Biden a minus for that).

Did you hear anyone making the same allegations against Neil Gorsuch?
There was ZERO evidence against Kavanaugh, Tardboi.


There was LOTS, true believer. The guy was a complete scumbag.
Hey, did you ever ask yourself, why didn't Trump nominate ACB then instead of a guy his handlers told him was going to be an issue?
Birds of a feather? Smidge bit of misogyny?
Such as? Lets see the evidence.

The weirdo lady didn't know where it happened, or even what year. And her two supposed "witnesses" contradicted her story. Plus, she was caught in multiple lies.

Only a single digit IQ fuckwit like you would buy her story.

Yet they dont believe Biden finger raped Tara Reade.

She changed her story so it calls into account her credibility. CBF didn't change her story. She just came forward with it too late.
Big difference.
More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

What is extreme about it?

Democrats think Trump being elected is extreme and requires an extreme response.

YOU LOST! Deal with it.

Ginsberg she needs to be what is extreme? The leftists aren't getting their way?

So you need to "justify" your extreme responses by calling a normal situation "extreme"?

Yes, she should be replaced. After the election. If Trump wins, ACB gets confirmed and I'll have no issue with that. If Trump loses, Biden gets to nominate his own judge. McConnell set this standard. I don't give two shits if Trump is an incumbent. There is still a possibility of a new President being selected. The people deserve a say in the matter.

"The people deserve a say in the matter."

You are absolutely right. And they do and did have a say in the matter....They elected Donald J Trump as their President ( Yes he is the President and you should probably get over it already) for 4 years....not 3 years and 9 months....4 years. Their choice for 4 years...not 3 years and 9 months....has made his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice. The people also had their say in the Senate for a term of 6 years, one third of which ends January 2021....Not November 2020. Now, their advise and consent to the next Supreme Court Justice will be made doing the peoples will.

Again, I don't care about advise and consent. You lost that argument when you denied Obama his pick. Unless I've been asleep, he was to serve until January, 2017. So it's irrelevant. McConnell set the standard. You don't get to alter the standard just because it's your guy in the Oval Office.
You obviously don't know what advise and consent means, Dummy. Barry wasn't denied his pick. He made it.

Numerous SC justices have been confirmed during an election year. Just so happens it was when the WH and Sen were controlled by the same party. You need a history lesson, Tardboi..

Exactly. advise and consent doesnt mean accuse a perfectly suitable judge of gang rape. Liberals are fucked in the head.

Kavanaugh was a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. The only people fucked in the head are the people that supported these nominees (and yes, I'll give Biden a minus for that).

Did you hear anyone making the same allegations against Neil Gorsuch?
There was ZERO evidence against Kavanaugh, Tardboi.


There was LOTS, true believer. The guy was a complete scumbag.
Hey, did you ever ask yourself, why didn't Trump nominate ACB then instead of a guy his handlers told him was going to be an issue?
Birds of a feather? Smidge bit of misogyny?
Such as? Lets see the evidence.

The weirdo lady didn't know where it happened, or even what year. And her two supposed "witnesses" contradicted her story. Plus, she was caught in multiple lies.

Only a single digit IQ fuckwit like you would buy her story.

The evidence was in her testimony. Several Republican Senators said her story was believable. And she wasn't the only one. Which should have disqualified the scumbag right there. Sorry, I don't think scumbags should be allowed to serve on the highest court. Same thing should have happened to Thomas after Anita Hill gave her testimony. Again, you didn't hear anything like these allegations coming out against Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch. Trump nominated him because he liked the fact that he saw Kavanaugh as someone who was just like him. He didn't nominate ACB...because she was a woman. The only reason she's up for nomination right now is because RBG died and it's politically expedient.
The evidence was in her testimony.

Bring it. Let's see the evidence.

Plenty of vid on YouTube and other sources. I mean, it was in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. It's all on record.
Why would anyone care if a few judges are added?

More is better
November 4th is coming for you fascists, its not gonna end well for you... :flameth:

Well, you keep hope alive. The numbers don't seem to back that statement up at the moment. But, ya never know.
Conservatives have been trying to ideologically stack the court for decades. And if we're being honest, it's got nothing
to do with adherence to the Constitution. It's about imposing a set of religious beliefs and limiting the power of the majority
in favor of the just minority.
Where is this? I think many people would move there if it was America.
More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

What is extreme about it?

Democrats think Trump being elected is extreme and requires an extreme response.

YOU LOST! Deal with it.

Ginsberg she needs to be what is extreme? The leftists aren't getting their way?

So you need to "justify" your extreme responses by calling a normal situation "extreme"?

Yes, she should be replaced. After the election. If Trump wins, ACB gets confirmed and I'll have no issue with that. If Trump loses, Biden gets to nominate his own judge. McConnell set this standard. I don't give two shits if Trump is an incumbent. There is still a possibility of a new President being selected. The people deserve a say in the matter.

"The people deserve a say in the matter."

You are absolutely right. And they do and did have a say in the matter....They elected Donald J Trump as their President ( Yes he is the President and you should probably get over it already) for 4 years....not 3 years and 9 months....4 years. Their choice for 4 years...not 3 years and 9 months....has made his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice. The people also had their say in the Senate for a term of 6 years, one third of which ends January 2021....Not November 2020. Now, their advise and consent to the next Supreme Court Justice will be made doing the peoples will.

Again, I don't care about advise and consent. You lost that argument when you denied Obama his pick. Unless I've been asleep, he was to serve until January, 2017. So it's irrelevant. McConnell set the standard. You don't get to alter the standard just because it's your guy in the Oval Office.
You obviously don't know what advise and consent means, Dummy. Barry wasn't denied his pick. He made it.

Numerous SC justices have been confirmed during an election year. Just so happens it was when the WH and Sen were controlled by the same party. You need a history lesson, Tardboi..

Exactly. advise and consent doesnt mean accuse a perfectly suitable judge of gang rape. Liberals are fucked in the head.

Kavanaugh was a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. The only people fucked in the head are the people that supported these nominees (and yes, I'll give Biden a minus for that).

Did you hear anyone making the same allegations against Neil Gorsuch?
There was ZERO evidence against Kavanaugh, Tardboi.


There was LOTS, true believer. The guy was a complete scumbag.
Hey, did you ever ask yourself, why didn't Trump nominate ACB then instead of a guy his handlers told him was going to be an issue?
Birds of a feather? Smidge bit of misogyny?
Such as? Lets see the evidence.

The weirdo lady didn't know where it happened, or even what year. And her two supposed "witnesses" contradicted her story. Plus, she was caught in multiple lies.

Only a single digit IQ fuckwit like you would buy her story.

The evidence was in her testimony. Several Republican Senators said her story was believable. And she wasn't the only one. Which should have disqualified the scumbag right there. Sorry, I don't think scumbags should be allowed to serve on the highest court. Same thing should have happened to Thomas after Anita Hill gave her testimony. Again, you didn't hear anything like these allegations coming out against Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch. Trump nominated him because he liked the fact that he saw Kavanaugh as someone who was just like him. He didn't nominate ACB...because she was a woman. The only reason she's up for nomination right now is because RBG died and it's politically expedient.
The evidence was in her testimony.

Bring it. Let's see the evidence.

Plenty of vid on YouTube and other sources. I mean, it was in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. It's all on record.
Her bullshit is all over Youtube. You claimed you had evidence, but you can't bring it.

I accept your admission you are full of shit.
With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the nomination of a polar opposite replacement, only one response that makes any sense: Expand the Supreme Court. The only real question is by how much. There are other responses that can do some good — perhaps even more good. But without court expansion, the existing court can, and almost certainly will, strike them down.

Yes, some call it an extreme step. But there’s a more extreme step: Simply ignore the court’s decisions — as some Republicans argued in the 1850s, in response to the Dred Scott decision. More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses. As Boston College law professor Kent Greenfield tweeted on Sept. 21:

Yes, some call it an extreme step. But there’s a more extreme step: Simply ignore the court’s decisions — as some Republicans argued in the 1850s, in response to the Dred Scott decision. More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

The pipe dream of a Christian theocracy, with unfettered capitalism, is about to run up on a snag.
Did you just cite 1850? Most people are against this. In all parties.
Why would anyone care if a few judges are added?

More is better

If Trump wins and Republicans keep the Senate then Trump can add 4 more conservative judges. Work for you?

I would be willing to add the 4 new conservative justices so long as a Constitutional amendment was passed limiting it to that number once they were all confirmed. After Trump wins big, maybe they can make it a reality.
I am going to give those who are supporting court packing a shoe on the other foot test. If the Democrats hand controlled the Senate in 2016 the late Antonin Scalia would have been replaced by a polar opposite judge and if the Republicans started talking about court packing would you support it? Now we all know the answer no you wouldn't and no one right or left should even the late Justice Ginsburg did not support it. One side starts court packing what do you think the other will do when they get the chance? When you go down this type of road where do you stop how many justices is enough 11,13,15,17,21,51?
With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the nomination of a polar opposite replacement, only one response that makes any sense: Expand the Supreme Court. The only real question is by how much. There are other responses that can do some good — perhaps even more good. But without court expansion, the existing court can, and almost certainly will, strike them down.

Yes, some call it an extreme step. But there’s a more extreme step: Simply ignore the court’s decisions — as some Republicans argued in the 1850s, in response to the Dred Scott decision. More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses. As Boston College law professor Kent Greenfield tweeted on Sept. 21:

Yes, some call it an extreme step. But there’s a more extreme step: Simply ignore the court’s decisions — as some Republicans argued in the 1850s, in response to the Dred Scott decision. More to the point, this is an extreme situation that demands extreme responses.

The pipe dream of a Christian theocracy, with unfettered capitalism, is about to run up on a snag.

No. Do not pack the court. Limit it to 9 justices. Harris/Biden should lead the charge to pass a constitutional amendment ending this foolishness. At the same time, put hard and fast time frame for the Senate to consider and vote on POTUS nominations....end this foolishness of changing the rules as we go on.

It won't happen...but it should.

Which is why I'll never belong to either political party...they let politics get in the way of common sense solutions to the way both parties exploit loopholes.
I am going to give those who are supporting court packing a shoe on the other foot test. If the Democrats hand controlled the Senate in 2016 the late Antonin Scalia would have been replaced by a polar opposite judge and if the Republicans started talking about court packing would you support it? Now we all know the answer no you wouldn't and no one right or left should even the late Justice Ginsburg did not support it. One side starts court packing what do you think the other will do when they get the chance? When you go down this type of road where do you stop how many justices is enough 11,13,15,17,21,51?
So, if Democrats followed traditional protocol and filled a vacancy 10 months before Obama’s term was up....

That is the same thing as Republicans leaving Scalias seat open for a year because “they wanted the voters to decide” and then filling a vacancy with a lame duck Congress with weeks to go.

Payback is a bitch
Packing the court is payback for that nonsense
I don’t think Dems need to pack the courts

Taking the WH and Congress will suffice and their “Fuk You” to Republicans should be ending filibuster

The “Fuk you” will entail

Passing tight gun controls
Enhancing Obamacare and permanently funding it
Repeal Trumps tax cuts on the wealthy
Making permanent environmental protections
Immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship

When Republicans whine ....Blame Mitch McConnell
I am going to give those who are supporting court packing a shoe on the other foot test. If the Democrats hand controlled the Senate in 2016 the late Antonin Scalia would have been replaced by a polar opposite judge and if the Republicans started talking about court packing would you support it? Now we all know the answer no you wouldn't and no one right or left should even the late Justice Ginsburg did not support it. One side starts court packing what do you think the other will do when they get the chance? When you go down this type of road where do you stop how many justices is enough 11,13,15,17,21,51?
So, if Democrats followed traditional protocol and filled a vacancy 10 months before Obama’s term was up....

That is the same thing as Republicans leaving Scalias seat open for a year because “they wanted the voters to decide” and then filling a vacancy with a lame duck Congress with weeks to go.

Payback is a bitch
Packing the court is payback for that nonsense
When the Republicans turn around and do the same and you bitch, piss, moan and rant about how wrong it is your hypocrisy will be duly noted. You and your Republican counterparts with your it's only wrony when the other side does it embody everything that is wrong with politics today.
When the Republicans turn around and do the same and you bitch, piss, moan and rant about how wrong it is your hypocrisy will be duly noted.

I‘m willing to risk it
Republicans will need to win the White House, Senate and House of Representatives.

May take a while.

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