Paid time off for me, no paid time off for you.

Stupid point, stupid article.
Gaetz is a federal employee in a salaried position. There is no paid, unpaid time off. Additionally, as part of his government employment package he is given a specific amount of time where he can be away from work. Apparently he is taking some of that time.

Gaetz Voted Against Florida Paid Sick Leave. He’s Using It in Congress.

As the article notes, he isn't even sick but he is still going to take time off, all paid for by the taxpayers.
He shouldn't have paid leave either.

Paid leave is a part of any package negotiated between employer and employee.
Congress has no business dictating someones employment package.

We live in a society. People who get sick still have to eat and have electricity. Those who get sick will get paid one way or the other, the employer or taxpayer.
I have missed MANY DAYS of work in my lifetime. Neither the government or my customers paid me anyhow.

Responsible people prepare for emergencies.

I've missed 3 in 25 years. You should be more responsible and take better care of yourself.
I choose not to spread the flu to my customers. And they are grateful.
Being an office slave for someone else is a choice.

Any by your own admission sick leave is unnecessary and people should just take better care of themselves.....

Moron defeated his own argument lol

So you stay home while still getting paid. Nice.
Apparently the point that the left is trying to make is that the government should force corporations who hire (mostly) temporary burger flippers and taco makers to award sick time while we cut off the salary of a congress person like Steve Scalise who was shot by a Sanders supporter as well as every (GOP) congressman who tests positive for the virus. So much for left wing logic.
Last fall I missed a little over a week with a terrible flu.
Then later in the same month the typical slow season kicked in.
In total I typically miss 3 to 6 weeks of work EVERY WINTER and somehow I still manage WITHOUT seeking government money.

It's called preparing for bad times. Saving money. Being responsible.

If I had to pay my employees for missed work that cost would be passed on to my customers in the form of higher bids.

You people use circular logic.

Ive been through some terrible natural catastrophes. During Rita we had no electricity for 28 days and no clean water. Black groups were looting and demanding government help. The media said Bush was letting them go without water out of cruelty.

But here is the thing. Hurricanes have been hitting the gulf coast for approximately 300,000,000 years. Everyone knows, or should know, that in June you start setting aside water and supplies. The fricking Indians who lived here for centuries did it! Being a government serf is no advantage when the government is overwhelmed. But it is so easily avoided. I mean really easy. One gallon of water per person per day is easy to set aside. Water is almost free out of the tap and, if nothing else, milk jugs are something every wic and food stamp recipient has access to.

The ones trapped in New Orleans were simply stuck when the government didnt come pick them up. Government dependents who died without their master. The bus drivers, in New Orleans almost 100% black, all fled. Yet Mary Landrieu got dozens of buses into the slums of New Orleans to pick up voters for Bill Clinton a few years before that. They were lined up for blocks.

It is no favor to anybody, no matter who, to make them a government dependent in exchange for votes. But this is a new "crisis" and they will use fear to try and push us a little more towards the communist model. Its what they do...and informs their every move and action. Like snakes waiting in a dark place to strike.
He shouldn't have paid leave either.

Paid leave is a part of any package negotiated between employer and employee.
Congress has no business dictating someones employment package.

We live in a society. People who get sick still have to eat and have electricity. Those who get sick will get paid one way or the other, the employer or taxpayer.
I have missed MANY DAYS of work in my lifetime. Neither the government or my customers paid me anyhow.

Responsible people prepare for emergencies.

I've missed 3 in 25 years. You should be more responsible and take better care of yourself.
I choose not to spread the flu to my customers. And they are grateful.
Being an office slave for someone else is a choice.

Any by your own admission sick leave is unnecessary and people should just take better care of themselves.....

Moron defeated his own argument lol

So you stay home while still getting paid. Nice.
I lose money staying at home dummy. Lol

Everyday off work is 3 to 7 hundred down the drain.

But you don't hear me begging the government to step in and do something about it.

Gaetz Voted Against Florida Paid Sick Leave. He’s Using It in Congress.

As the article notes, he isn't even sick but he is still going to take time off, all paid for by the taxpayers.
Duplicate thread, and it’s been debunked. He isn’t against paid leave. He voted to stop cities from mandating their own paid sick leave demands on companies because we already have state and federal laws that do.

I'll drop this after this, somehow I missed the other thread, I looked. There are no state and federal laws already.
Its a bad idea for government pinheads to micro-manage businesses that they know nothing about
What happens when your car stops running or the electricity is off?

will libs still think a total crashing of the economy is a good idea?
The left always wants the government to mandate benefits, so they don't have to get out there themselves and compete for the jobs with the good benefits.

Just like EVERYTHING else, the left wants it handed to them.

Instead of this being the official logo of the Dimocrat party:

It should be this:

When headlines are written to, by design, get an emotional response...

And you give them one.

It's cute.

Annoying, but cute.

He isn't sick, why isn't he at work?
You don't want the truth, you want a reason to hate.

Nothing I say will change that so carry on.

What you said doesn't exist.
Neither does the truth in this story of yours.

Thought the lies were required with you.
Trumpscum wouldn’t knowntrurh if it not you
The left always wants the government to mandate benefits, so they don't have to get out there themselves and compete for the jobs with the good benefits.

Just like EVERYTHING else, the left wants it handed to them.

Instead of this being the official logo of the Dimocrat party:

It should be this:

It would probably do you some good to learn how to wash your hands Sergei.

oh yeah. You don’t leave the house.

Gaetz Voted Against Florida Paid Sick Leave. He’s Using It in Congress.

As the article notes, he isn't even sick but he is still going to take time off, all paid for by the taxpayers.
Duplicate thread, and it’s been debunked. He isn’t against paid leave. He voted to stop cities from mandating their own paid sick leave demands on companies because we already have state and federal laws that do.

I'll drop this after this, somehow I missed the other thread, I looked. There are no state and federal laws already.
Its a bad idea for government pinheads to micro-manage businesses that they know nothing about

But businesses have no problem with these pinheads giving them billions.
Life is all about making smart decisions. It’s why I can take time off and still get paid. :)
Life is all about making smart decisions. It’s why I can take time off and still get paid. :)

This is an example of the problem. So many like yourself that believes everything is about you.

Gaetz Voted Against Florida Paid Sick Leave. He’s Using It in Congress.

As the article notes, he isn't even sick but he is still going to take time off, all paid for by the taxpayers.
He shouldn't have paid leave either.

Paid leave is a part of any package negotiated between employer and employee.
Congress has no business dictating someones employment package.

You can't reason with these loonbats.

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