Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

The question is perfectly valid, and you refuse to answer it because you are a gutless coward.

You have now joined the ranks of posters I address as "bitch-tits"
I answered your question. You posed an extreme situation wholly unrelated to the topic. That Catholic book store is an arm of the Roman Catholic Church. Melissa's Sweet Cakes is not a church subsidized business. That Satanist was going to use that crucifix to serve his religious purposes. Those two women wanted a wedding cake.

Now, pose a better question and you'll get a better answer.

Meanwhile, stop with the Trumpian sixth grade insults and you'll get the respect one adult should give another.
They wanted a wedding cake. What did they get? They did not get Melisssa to make them the cake. They had to get the cake elsewhere. They won a sum of money that they still don't have. For the last three and a half years and continuing the lesbos have had their lives made a misery. They each lost their job. They had to move and could not find a place. They live hand to mouth on what ever they can scrabble up.

While they certainly deserve everything they are getting, what is it that you believe they won?
Why on earth, in 2016 America can you possibly say they deserve to suffer while standing up for their rights?

What is it with you Conservative haters? Why do you think persecution is the right thing, the good thing, the American thing to do? Do you love America because you clearly hate Americans.
Yet you believe that the Kliens deserved to be punished for standing up for their rights. Should bigots be crushed or not?

The pervs weren't standing up for their rights. They were standing up for teaching those Christians a lesson. Who got taught the lesson?
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
We're fighting faggots who think teachers should tell children how to best service their older daddy figures.

We all have our fights. I fight to protect people from progressive murderers and perverts.

And you fight to protect people from sanity.
You give Christianity a bad name.

Oh no, the faggot who hates the US, who hates Americans, who despises Christians, who approves of the victimization of women and children and seeks to subvert our founding document by which they are protected...

Thinks I'm not a good Christian.

If you don't approve of me, I must be doing God's work.
Lol "doing God's work." One thing you've never been accused of.

Do you know what God's work is?

I really doubt it.
Do you ?
You arent even a good American - you want to oppress minorities, like Hitler did.

I have no interest in oppressing minorities. Which is why I am not a fan of progressive policies.
I answered your question. You posed an extreme situation wholly unrelated to the topic. That Catholic book store is an arm of the Roman Catholic Church. Melissa's Sweet Cakes is not a church subsidized business. That Satanist was going to use that crucifix to serve his religious purposes. Those two women wanted a wedding cake.

Now, pose a better question and you'll get a better answer.

Meanwhile, stop with the Trumpian sixth grade insults and you'll get the respect one adult should give another.
They wanted a wedding cake. What did they get? They did not get Melisssa to make them the cake. They had to get the cake elsewhere. They won a sum of money that they still don't have. For the last three and a half years and continuing the lesbos have had their lives made a misery. They each lost their job. They had to move and could not find a place. They live hand to mouth on what ever they can scrabble up.

While they certainly deserve everything they are getting, what is it that you believe they won?
Why on earth, in 2016 America can you possibly say they deserve to suffer while standing up for their rights?

What is it with you Conservative haters? Why do you think persecution is the right thing, the good thing, the American thing to do? Do you love America because you clearly hate Americans.
Yet you believe that the Kliens deserved to be punished for standing up for their rights. Should bigots be crushed or not?

The pervs weren't standing up for their rights. They were standing up for teaching those Christians a lesson. Who got taught the lesson?
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
They wanted a wedding cake. What did they get? They did not get Melisssa to make them the cake. They had to get the cake elsewhere. They won a sum of money that they still don't have. For the last three and a half years and continuing the lesbos have had their lives made a misery. They each lost their job. They had to move and could not find a place. They live hand to mouth on what ever they can scrabble up.

While they certainly deserve everything they are getting, what is it that you believe they won?
Why on earth, in 2016 America can you possibly say they deserve to suffer while standing up for their rights?

What is it with you Conservative haters? Why do you think persecution is the right thing, the good thing, the American thing to do? Do you love America because you clearly hate Americans.
Yet you believe that the Kliens deserved to be punished for standing up for their rights. Should bigots be crushed or not?

The pervs weren't standing up for their rights. They were standing up for teaching those Christians a lesson. Who got taught the lesson?
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why on earth, in 2016 America can you possibly say they deserve to suffer while standing up for their rights?

What is it with you Conservative haters? Why do you think persecution is the right thing, the good thing, the American thing to do? Do you love America because you clearly hate Americans.
Yet you believe that the Kliens deserved to be punished for standing up for their rights. Should bigots be crushed or not?

The pervs weren't standing up for their rights. They were standing up for teaching those Christians a lesson. Who got taught the lesson?
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
Yet you believe that the Kliens deserved to be punished for standing up for their rights. Should bigots be crushed or not?

The pervs weren't standing up for their rights. They were standing up for teaching those Christians a lesson. Who got taught the lesson?
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
No. I have a general antipathy for anyone who believes they can throw a tantrum to get their way. That's why I threw the lesbos out in the most derogatory and cruel way I could when they thought they could demand I paint their portrait. Get the fuck out of my shop you lezzy skanks was too good for them.

These two are the same way. Good to see them getting theirs.
The Kliens do not enjoy a protected right to discriminate.

All those two women wanted was a wedding cake. If exposing the Kleins as anti-American bigots was what it took, that's too bad for the Kleins
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
No. I have a general antipathy for anyone who believes they can throw a tantrum to get their way. That's why I threw the lesbos out in the most derogatory and cruel way I could when they thought they could demand I paint their portrait. Get the fuck out of my shop you lezzy skanks was too good for them.

These two are the same way. Good to see them getting theirs.
Standing up for equality is something you hate? How did this country come about without standing up for equality?
The two lesbians got their cake from somewhere else. The Kleins ended up better off than they were.

Are the lesbos better off?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
No. I have a general antipathy for anyone who believes they can throw a tantrum to get their way. That's why I threw the lesbos out in the most derogatory and cruel way I could when they thought they could demand I paint their portrait. Get the fuck out of my shop you lezzy skanks was too good for them.

These two are the same way. Good to see them getting theirs.
Standing up for equality is something you hate? How did this country come about without standing up for equality?
Mental illness is not equality. Demanding that a Christian commit a sin to make you feel good is not equality.

How did we ever get to a place where depravity and degeneracy are equal to normalcy?
Not if they're treated as second class citizens. A Black man could get a drink of water from another Fontaine. Is he better off?
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
No. I have a general antipathy for anyone who believes they can throw a tantrum to get their way. That's why I threw the lesbos out in the most derogatory and cruel way I could when they thought they could demand I paint their portrait. Get the fuck out of my shop you lezzy skanks was too good for them.

These two are the same way. Good to see them getting theirs.
Standing up for equality is something you hate? How did this country come about without standing up for equality?
Mental illness is not equality. Demanding that a Christian commit a sin to make you feel good is not equality.

How did we ever get to a place where depravity and degeneracy are equal to normalcy?
Well, you're wrong about that',entail illness' business. Those who actually know about mental illness have declared homosexuality does not make the grade for consideration as a mental illness. Where's your degree in Psychiatry? Psychology? Mental health counseling? Have you any training at all in these fields? Or are you just making it up as you go along? Dabbling in science is not studying science.

And it is not a sin to bake a wedding cake. If it were, why did those pious, righteous bakers ever go into that trade?
That's the thing about sin and judgments. You don't get to judge! If they believe that it is a sin for them to go to a same sex wedding, who can sit in judgment on their personal view of their own behavior?

Until homosexuality achieved a political decision it was a mental illness for many decades. The change was all politically motivated.
Being black is not a behavior.

You admit that the lesbos are not better off. Good
They deserve everything they get.
Why, oh why are you so adamant about hating your Gay fellow citizens? Are you afraid of them?
No. I have a general antipathy for anyone who believes they can throw a tantrum to get their way. That's why I threw the lesbos out in the most derogatory and cruel way I could when they thought they could demand I paint their portrait. Get the fuck out of my shop you lezzy skanks was too good for them.

These two are the same way. Good to see them getting theirs.
Standing up for equality is something you hate? How did this country come about without standing up for equality?
Mental illness is not equality. Demanding that a Christian commit a sin to make you feel good is not equality.

How did we ever get to a place where depravity and degeneracy are equal to normalcy?
Well, you're wrong about that',entail illness' business. Those who actually know about mental illness have declared homosexuality does not make the grade for consideration as a mental illness. Where's your degree in Psychiatry? Psychology? Mental health counseling? Have you any training at all in these fields? Or are you just making it up as you go along? Dabbling in science is not studying science.

And it is not a sin to bake a wedding cake. If it were, why did those pious, righteous bakers ever go into that trade?
You don't have to be gay if you don't want to be. Hypnotherapy has worked on homosexuals who were ready for change and were easily induced into a deep hypnotic state.

The cake doesn't bake itself, evul twin.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

Personally, I am fine with gays and lesbians being able to get married. My objections are to the forced participation of others in their plans.

Everyone has the Right To Be Left Alone.

They do. But not people who run businesses. They've signed up to something.

They do, however, have the choice to not run a business. Or to run a business in a manner that won't conflict with their religious beliefs.

It's like religious people setting up a shop selling devil worshiping things, but then not selling to devil worshipers. Kind of doesn't make sense.

That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.
How many times does "baking a cake" appear in the Christer bible?
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

Personally, I am fine with gays and lesbians being able to get married. My objections are to the forced participation of others in their plans.

Everyone has the Right To Be Left Alone.

They do. But not people who run businesses. They've signed up to something.

They do, however, have the choice to not run a business. Or to run a business in a manner that won't conflict with their religious beliefs.

It's like religious people setting up a shop selling devil worshiping things, but then not selling to devil worshipers. Kind of doesn't make sense.

That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose
Does the bible admonish people not to sin? Each sinful act doesn't have to be carefully enumerated. If you believe the act to be a sin, don't do it.

Personally, I am fine with gays and lesbians being able to get married. My objections are to the forced participation of others in their plans.

Everyone has the Right To Be Left Alone.

They do. But not people who run businesses. They've signed up to something.

They do, however, have the choice to not run a business. Or to run a business in a manner that won't conflict with their religious beliefs.

It's like religious people setting up a shop selling devil worshiping things, but then not selling to devil worshipers. Kind of doesn't make sense.

That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.
Personally, I am fine with gays and lesbians being able to get married. My objections are to the forced participation of others in their plans.

Everyone has the Right To Be Left Alone.

They do. But not people who run businesses. They've signed up to something.

They do, however, have the choice to not run a business. Or to run a business in a manner that won't conflict with their religious beliefs.

It's like religious people setting up a shop selling devil worshiping things, but then not selling to devil worshipers. Kind of doesn't make sense.

That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.

So you think that if a diner refused to serve black people that there wouldn't be another to open up and serve them? There is no way that market need wouldn't be filled.

You are in some liberal fantasy land if you think people would go without options in today's world.
They do. But not people who run businesses. They've signed up to something.

They do, however, have the choice to not run a business. Or to run a business in a manner that won't conflict with their religious beliefs.

It's like religious people setting up a shop selling devil worshiping things, but then not selling to devil worshipers. Kind of doesn't make sense.

That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.

So you think that if a diner refused to serve black people that there wouldn't be another to open up and serve them? There is no way that market need wouldn't be filled.

You are in some liberal fantasy land if you think people would go without options in today's world.

Did it happen in the South? Did diners appear all over that catered for black people right next to those that catered for whites? What about buses? Did buses appear where whites had to sit at the back?

Didn't happen, but again, many people don't want to live in a divided country. China is moving forwards and destroying the divides in society as much as possible, the US seems to be opening them up, then criticizing those who don't want the divides for being dividers because they annoy the dividers so must want to divide.
That is complete poppycock. Opening up a shop does not void one's Constitutional Rights, as much as Progressives would like that to be the case.

A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.

So you think that if a diner refused to serve black people that there wouldn't be another to open up and serve them? There is no way that market need wouldn't be filled.

You are in some liberal fantasy land if you think people would go without options in today's world.

Did it happen in the South? Did diners appear all over that catered for black people right next to those that catered for whites? What about buses? Did buses appear where whites had to sit at the back?

Didn't happen, but again, many people don't want to live in a divided country. China is moving forwards and destroying the divides in society as much as possible, the US seems to be opening them up, then criticizing those who don't want the divides for being dividers because they annoy the dividers so must want to divide.

Well since we aren't living in the 60's anymore..... You have no leg to stand on.... Back in the 60's it was hard to start a business and costly. Now it's very easy aside from the government regulations you liberals force on to us.
A business is not an individual. Therefore a business cannot do certain things. An individual can leave the business.
Also, if you sign up to something, you sign up to it. If you sign up to something that says "we will not discriminate against our customers" and then you discriminate, you can be take to court, and you will lose.

A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.

So you think that if a diner refused to serve black people that there wouldn't be another to open up and serve them? There is no way that market need wouldn't be filled.

You are in some liberal fantasy land if you think people would go without options in today's world.

Did it happen in the South? Did diners appear all over that catered for black people right next to those that catered for whites? What about buses? Did buses appear where whites had to sit at the back?

Didn't happen, but again, many people don't want to live in a divided country. China is moving forwards and destroying the divides in society as much as possible, the US seems to be opening them up, then criticizing those who don't want the divides for being dividers because they annoy the dividers so must want to divide.

Well since we aren't living in the 60's anymore..... You have no leg to stand on.... Back in the 60's it was hard to start a business and costly. Now it's very easy aside from the government regulations you liberals force on to us.

That doesn't mean the market has enough room for a black shop, a white shop, a christian shop etc.
A business should have the right to serve who they wish. There is enough businesses today that we can allow people the freedom to do business whom they choose

Well, maybe you think businesses should have rights.

Maybe you think diners should seat blacks elsewhere, and bus companies should put blacks at the back of the bus too. Well, the US decided, a long time ago, that it didn't want a society like this.

So whatever you think SHOULD happen, doesn't.

There are enough businesses huh? Really? Some people live in places where there aren't. I grew up in a one shop place that was the size of your broom cupboard. That closed down. There's a shop a mile or so away. There's are maybe a dozen a bit further in the opposite direction, one supermarket, one bank, one post office, on flower shop, one of this, one of that. Choice huh?

So, imagine if instead of popping round the corner to get some milk, I have to travel the other side of NY City. Do you think people want to live in a society where they're forced to do that because of discrimination?

If someone opens a business, they should be serving everyone UNLESS that person has done something wrong, like shop lifting etc. A gay person hasn't done anything wrong. Who someone sleeps with is not anyone's business.

Note: Bakers don't prevent divorcees from getting cakes. They don't prevent anyone else from getting cakes, even when the Bible says it's a sin.

So you think that if a diner refused to serve black people that there wouldn't be another to open up and serve them? There is no way that market need wouldn't be filled.

You are in some liberal fantasy land if you think people would go without options in today's world.

Did it happen in the South? Did diners appear all over that catered for black people right next to those that catered for whites? What about buses? Did buses appear where whites had to sit at the back?

Didn't happen, but again, many people don't want to live in a divided country. China is moving forwards and destroying the divides in society as much as possible, the US seems to be opening them up, then criticizing those who don't want the divides for being dividers because they annoy the dividers so must want to divide.

Well since we aren't living in the 60's anymore..... You have no leg to stand on.... Back in the 60's it was hard to start a business and costly. Now it's very easy aside from the government regulations you liberals force on to us.

That doesn't mean the market has enough room for a black shop, a white shop, a christian shop etc.

Your assuming that businesses will only serve a niche group.

That makes zero sense for any business trying to make money. Besides if a business isn't serving certain people and word gets out most people will move on elsewhere.

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