Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

I remember holding my father when he died, from a form of cancer caused by his job, it was totally preventable. The pain from THAT lingers, but I can't bitch and whine about cakes and mostly petty things like that and expect the world to move and expect the supreme court to do anything about it. Grow the hell up, get over it. The pain of not getting a confection must be REALLY traumatic. The pain, the pain!

It wasn't the "not getting a confection" that was the problem.

It was having some bible-thumping asshole scream at your mother after you were invited down to buy a confection.

It was having a bunch of his bible thumping buddies track you down on social media and scream obscenities at you. (Seriously, they need to track every last one of these people down and charge them with a hate crime. Problem solved.)

I have zero sympathy for the perverted freakish heifers. They can go to hell

Because you are such a "Good Christian", Fat Irish Sow.

Where's a Roman Lion when you need one?
The same place the muslim guys who throw gays off roofs are.

Oh wait. There arent Roman lions anymore.
Well, if you want to understand Germany and Austria then you will see this as true. I've stated my case enough for you to find out the truth if you wish. If you wish to hide from the truth and go for your agenda I'm sure nothing I say will convince you of this.

I've lived in Germany and Austria, and I've see this for the case it is.

Discrimination exists. We're not talking discrimination, we're talking far right groups, people willing to vote for far right fascists. There are reasons, as I've stated, why the former West Germany is less likely to vote for them. You don't know why this is the case. You have no idea. I'm telling you, and yet you're rejecting this for no reason other than you can. That's not my problem. You can lead a horse to water......
You cannot punish people out of discrimination. You might make the harsher and more hidden but you can't make it go away. Surely this incident with these perverts having such a hard time for so long would give you a clue. When gays are beaten and killed yet no one cares. If they care, its the perv had it coming.

I cannot make you understand that instead of sympathy for gays, people are more inclined to be understanding of throwing them off buildings.

You have a choice of how you want society to be. The right seem to choose to have society as some kind of anarchy so the rich can get away with what they like. I've chosen to fight for a society which isn't anarchy, where people are educated in how to live in society, where people are punished if they break the rules society has set up.

Now, the right CLAIM that they favor a society which is like this, but they don't. They are willing to take away people's rights in order to have "security" but usually only on their terms. They want people who are breaking the law so they can be tough on them, they want people who have easy sex so they can demonize them. It's easy to sell to the rest of the people, have the pariahs out there, make them scapegoats (haven't they always, like the Jews?)

This is right wing politics. It's about simplifying things, making the environment right for right wing politics. And yet they demonize the left, like me, who stand up and say they a society which has a certain amount of order there (which they claim they want), only the left want it done in an intelligent manner (I don't claim to speak for all the left, or even most of it).
The right doesn't want your regimented society. I know for damn sure I don't.

No one is taking your rights away. You simply have no right to be liked or to good will from anyone. Are you really now switching off to somehow blame the rich for the rejection of degeneracy? The left wants a tightly regimented society that does not tolerate different opinions.

Now you know why I tossed two lezzies out. I didn't have a religious objection and never pretended to have one. I knew I had the right and the power to tell them to fuck off and there was nothing they could do. It was a strike back for perverts being generally obnoxious. Maybe the answer isn't for vulnerable bakers and florists to fight. Maybe it's up to the ones who don't have these businesses to give pervs the bloody nose.

But they do.

When terrorism comes up they demand that people's rights be reduced (except the 2nd Amendment of course), they demand immigrants fit into their way of life, they demand that people don't drink, that people don't smoke, that people cross the road in the right place, that people do so much stuff.

You don't understand the theory of rights, I've got that already. And I've also got that you like to use insulting names for groups you don't like.

It's hardly a debate when you end up resorting to that sort of thing.

You don't have the right to tell someone to fuck off. It's not a right. The right to free speech isn't the right to say whatever you like whenever you like.
Nonsense I tell people to fuck off on a daily basis. I have all my life. It's a right. You are a totalitarian statist so you don't understand rights.

So what? Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you have the right to do something. Again, I think you're failing to understand what rights are.

You have to remember that a right is something that is protected. You don't have the right to breathe. You just do. You don't have the right to watch TV, you just do.

Where rights come in are when people believe that something is important enough.

Free speech, for example. It's in the Constitution for one reason. To protect you free speech to talk about politics. That doesn't mean that other stuff isn't protected. It also doesn't mean you can say anything you like about politics and it be protected. It's protected when it doesn't hurt or harm other people.

Say I lie about you. That's not protected. However if I tell your best friend something then nothing happens. If I print it on the front page of a national newspaper, then maybe I get sued for libel. Maybe I say something and it turns out it's treason and I end up in court and locked up for a long time.

Different things have different levels of not being protected.

Telling someone to "fuck off" won't get you anything, unless of course you're in a court and you could be locked up for doing that.
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

People in courtrooms tell others to fuck off on a daily basis.

Courtesy is not legislated. You think it should be legislated as to degenerates and perverts.

Make them the cake, then scream bible verses at them. Tough shit they got their cake.
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

But that's only because you weren't in the business of painting.

I'm sorry the judge didn't insist you get help before you hurt someone.
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

People in courtrooms tell others to fuck off on a daily basis.

Courtesy is not legislated. You think it should be legislated as to degenerates and perverts.

Make them the cake, then scream bible verses at them. Tough shit they got their cake.

Rights are generally limitations on governments. Hence a right is something you can do that the govt isn't allowed to say you can't do.

Now, if you tell someone to "fuck off" the govt may, or may not, decide that what you have done is illegal. Now, if it's protected by a right, then the govt shouldn't tell you that you can't do this.

But then again it depends, because not all speech is protected. So it it's not protected then the govt can make a law that means you'll be breaking it if you do it.

Back to the bakers. They signed a deal with the government. This deal said what they can't do. One thing they can't do is discriminate against people.

RCW 49.60.030: Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights.

This is Washington state's freedom from discrimination law.

"(1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be limited to:"

"(f) The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory boycotts or blacklists. Discriminatory boycotts or blacklists for purposes of this section shall be defined as the formation or execution of any express or implied agreement, understanding, policy or contractual arrangement for economic benefit between any persons which is not specifically authorized by the laws of the United States and which is required or imposed, either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, by a foreign government or foreign person in order to restrict, condition, prohibit, or interfere with or in order to exclude any person or persons from any business relationship on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or national origin or lawful business relationship: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of boycotts as authorized by law pertaining to labor disputes and unfair labor practices; and"

If you can't cope with this law, don't open a business in Washington state, simple as.
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

But that's only because you weren't in the business of painting.

I'm sorry the judge didn't insist you get help before you hurt someone.

Courtesy isn't legislated. Customer service isn't legislated. Too bad for all the totalitarians. No one can be ordered to make nice.
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

People in courtrooms tell others to fuck off on a daily basis.

Courtesy is not legislated. You think it should be legislated as to degenerates and perverts.

Make them the cake, then scream bible verses at them. Tough shit they got their cake.

Rights are generally limitations on governments. Hence a right is something you can do that the govt isn't allowed to say you can't do.

Now, if you tell someone to "fuck off" the govt may, or may not, decide that what you have done is illegal. Now, if it's protected by a right, then the govt shouldn't tell you that you can't do this.

But then again it depends, because not all speech is protected. So it it's not protected then the govt can make a law that means you'll be breaking it if you do it.

Back to the bakers. They signed a deal with the government. This deal said what they can't do. One thing they can't do is discriminate against people.

RCW 49.60.030: Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights.

This is Washington state's freedom from discrimination law.

"(1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be limited to:"

"(f) The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory boycotts or blacklists. Discriminatory boycotts or blacklists for purposes of this section shall be defined as the formation or execution of any express or implied agreement, understanding, policy or contractual arrangement for economic benefit between any persons which is not specifically authorized by the laws of the United States and which is required or imposed, either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, by a foreign government or foreign person in order to restrict, condition, prohibit, or interfere with or in order to exclude any person or persons from any business relationship on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or national origin or lawful business relationship: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of boycotts as authorized by law pertaining to labor disputes and unfair labor practices; and"

If you can't cope with this law, don't open a business in Washington state, simple as.
Oh so the boycott organized by the perverts was illegal!
The First Amendment is a limitation on the government. It is not a limitation on citizens.

My neighbor is gay, he invites me to his wedding. I tell him to fuck off and eat rat poison. There is nothing he can do about it but get pissed off.

Two lesbians come into my shop demanding an oil painting. I tell them to get the fuck out. Judge says they are tresspassers.

People in courtrooms tell others to fuck off on a daily basis.

Courtesy is not legislated. You think it should be legislated as to degenerates and perverts.

Make them the cake, then scream bible verses at them. Tough shit they got their cake.

Rights are generally limitations on governments. Hence a right is something you can do that the govt isn't allowed to say you can't do.

Now, if you tell someone to "fuck off" the govt may, or may not, decide that what you have done is illegal. Now, if it's protected by a right, then the govt shouldn't tell you that you can't do this.

But then again it depends, because not all speech is protected. So it it's not protected then the govt can make a law that means you'll be breaking it if you do it.

Back to the bakers. They signed a deal with the government. This deal said what they can't do. One thing they can't do is discriminate against people.

RCW 49.60.030: Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights.

This is Washington state's freedom from discrimination law.

"(1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be limited to:"

"(f) The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory boycotts or blacklists. Discriminatory boycotts or blacklists for purposes of this section shall be defined as the formation or execution of any express or implied agreement, understanding, policy or contractual arrangement for economic benefit between any persons which is not specifically authorized by the laws of the United States and which is required or imposed, either directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, by a foreign government or foreign person in order to restrict, condition, prohibit, or interfere with or in order to exclude any person or persons from any business relationship on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or national origin or lawful business relationship: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of boycotts as authorized by law pertaining to labor disputes and unfair labor practices; and"

If you can't cope with this law, don't open a business in Washington state, simple as.
Oh so the boycott organized by the perverts was illegal!

No. They didn't boycott Christian bakeries. They boycotted one bakery. Also, this is a law that protects CONSUMERS, not business owners. Jeez, you should have spent more time reading it and considering it.
Read section f again.

The bakers should have baked the cake and made those perverts lives absolutely miserable. Destroy the wedding, give them a memory they will never forget.

Do it legally of course. At all times keep in mind that common courtesy and customer service are not legislated.
Read section f again.

The bakers should have baked the cake and made those perverts lives absolutely miserable. Destroy the wedding, give them a memory they will never forget.

Do it legally of course. At all times keep in mind that common courtesy and customer service are not legislated.

I read it.

If the bakers boycott gay people, they're wrong.
Courtesy isn't legislated. Customer service isn't legislated. Too bad for all the totalitarians. No one can be ordered to make nice.

No, but Public Accommodation is legislated and so are business contracts.

Hey, tell you what.. Why don't you post a big "God Hates Fags" sign outside your shop, and see how long you are in business.
Read section f again.

The bakers should have baked the cake and made those perverts lives absolutely miserable. Destroy the wedding, give them a memory they will never forget.

Do it legally of course. At all times keep in mind that common courtesy and customer service are not legislated.

Um, how would they do that, exactly? Make a cake that tastes bad? That would probably get them in trouble with the contract. Probably not as much as they ended up paying, but business is largely reputation.

Melissa's was put out of business by public backlash LONG before the Government got around to them. Check out their YELP page.
The perverts won their case. Now the pervs are experiencing the consequences of their behavior. They don't like it. Too bad. They deserve it.
Read section f again.

The bakers should have baked the cake and made those perverts lives absolutely miserable. Destroy the wedding, give them a memory they will never forget.

Do it legally of course. At all times keep in mind that common courtesy and customer service are not legislated.

Um, how would they do that, exactly? Make a cake that tastes bad? That would probably get them in trouble with the contract. Probably not as much as they ended up paying, but business is largely reputation.

Melissa's was put out of business by public backlash LONG before the Government got around to them. Check out their YELP page.
Never ever adulterate a food product.
Of course Melissa 's was put out of business by militants. Now the pervs are getting a little militancy of their own.

The difference is, Melissa is doing fine the pervs are still getting extra attention.
The perverts won their case. Now the pervs are experiencing the consequences of their behavior. They don't like it. Too bad. They deserve it.

Why does someone deserve it? They went to a shop, the shop broke the law, they took the shop to court and won because the shop had clearly broken the law.

So if someone does harm to you and you win the case, you deserve all the problems from that?

Or is it just because you keep calling them pervs and things like this, that you can't see any logic, you just hate?
The perverts won their case. Now the pervs are experiencing the consequences of their behavior. They don't like it. Too bad. They deserve it.

Why does someone deserve it? They went to a shop, the shop broke the law, they took the shop to court and won because the shop had clearly broken the law.

So if someone does harm to you and you win the case, you deserve all the problems from that?

Or is it just because you keep calling them pervs and things like this, that you can't see any logic, you just hate?
They won their case. This is what they won. I don't hate them. They are perverts. It's just calling them what they are. Are they embarrassed to be perverts. It's a little late for that. What happened to pride?
Never ever adulterate a food product.
Of course Melissa 's was put out of business by militants. Now the pervs are getting a little militancy of their own.

The difference is, Melissa is doing fine the pervs are still getting extra attention.

If you call "Losing the business you spent a lifetime building and getting slapped around by your bigot husband" doing fine, I guess.

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