Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

The goal of the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is often shrouded by the language they use.

Keep on posting!!! I LOVE ❤️ the way “ Israel” is in quotes. Yet you say the Palestinians agree to recognize it? “You State the goal is to “ destroy Palestine”
Right of Return” would destroy Israel and that will never happen :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

WHEN the language of the HoAP states: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad." THEN the meaning is clear.

Similarly WHEN the language of the HoAP states: "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase." THEN the meaning is clear.

Even in 2012, the year it was decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the UN, →

Khaled Meshal said:
"Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle."

This, as well, has an unmistakeable meaning when it is connected with: →

Khaled Meshal said:
"1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim"

I can see that there is no other conclusion to draw, but that the Jewish National Home is being threatened and is in danger and remains in danger.

Most Respectfully,

"The goal of the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is often shrouded by the language they use."


Photo-Op (….i shake hands for….nothing)….​
Palestine 101 with Dr. Paul Heideman

He excuses Egyptian retaliation against Hamas, but has a different standard for blaming Israel.
It gets even more bizarre when Israel is blamed for actions of other sovereign states fighting the same threat.

That's all one needs to know about the bigot. :cuckoo:
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RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Yes, the Arab Palestines do engage in a number of different resistance (both anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist pursuits) with a diverse coalition of academic and students, with and human rights activists and some religious leaders. But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border → threatening violence, launching incendiary devices, and attempting to place bombs to destroy the Barrier. In one case, HAMAS successfully destroyed (arson) the Kerem Shalom Crossing. BUT, I agree, the "various other" anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist elements and groups outnumber HAMAS in significant numbers.

The Palestinians engage in a wide variety of resistance. The focus on Hamas, a relatively small and recent group, misrepresents the Palestinian resistance.

There was no intent to misrepresent eight the Arab Palestinian Resistance or the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) — with preaches freedom of speech, and nonviolent political action, but appears to have multiple hidden agenda and the opposite effect. This is not a new development. Below are four (4) articles from 215, 2016, 2017 and 2018 showing a global pattern sample from each of those years:

EXCERPT From Violent Boycotts and the BDS Movement • Los Angeles Review of Books 16 JUN 15 said:

This article is adopted from a lecture given on April 24, 2015, at the New York
Consulate General of France’s
“A Night of Philosophy"

For one thing, it is surprising that supporters of the academic boycott find appalling the attempt to limit their freedom of speech — their movement constitutes a massive assault on the same freedom. We should be clear about BDS’s strategy: it is an attempt to take Israelis’ freedom of speech hostage, and to use this hostage in order to put pressure on the Israeli government. Therefore, anyone who is invested in the value of free speech should be reluctant to join BDS. And, for the same reason, a BDS supporter expressing indignation when her own freedom of speech — her freedom to silence others — comes under attack is likely doing so in bad faith. At the same time, a liberal supporter of universal free speech has a case when acting to circumscribe the free speech of BDS supporters. This shouldn’t sound paradoxical: there is room, in a far-off corner of liberal logical space, to support the silencing of those who undertake the massive silencing of others.
SOURCE & LINK: by Omri Boehm

SPME BDS Monitor: Violence Occurs on College Campuses • The algermeiner 3 NOV 16 said:
The growing trend to regard Palestinians as “people of color” continues to superimpose BDS on racial and other protest movements, even as violence by BDS supporters, and their “intersectional” allies, undermines their broader appeal.
SOURCE & LINK: by Alexander Joffe

Anti-Israel pro-BDS profs organizing Antifa campus network • The Legal Insurrection 17 AUG 17 said:

The teaming of BDS and Antifa
is the single most dangerous development
I have witnessed in many years
The anti-Israel Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is notorious for campus violence and disruption directed at Israelis and pro-Israeli students and faculty.

We have featured dozens of incidents of shout-downs and disruptions of events, including physical acts of intimidation. Many of these incidents are discussed in our post, With campus shout downs, first they came for the Jews and Israel.
SOURCE & LINK: by William A. Jacobson

Standford Student Threaten Violence Against Pro-Israeli Students • The National Review 31 JUL 18 said:

Universities must oppose the
immoral and dangerous BDS movement.
It would be wrong to overstate the comparison: This is not the 1930s. Nevertheless, it is necessary, now, to remind ourselves how the seeds of violence are sown, and the tacit indifference that allows them to grow. The threat of violence at Stanford is a symptom of a larger assault, spearheaded by groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, of which Daoud was an active member. This broader movement’s Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel betrays a prejudicial and sinister logic. It is tempting to dismiss BDS and its allied efforts as mere hot air, far-left radicals frolicking in their playpen of demagoguery. But that misses the point.
SOURCE & LINK: by Dov Greenberg

Don't take my word for it. It is not just me and my thoughts, but the thoughts of many that preceive the BDS Movement as having many faces that present themselves as potentially dangerous (if not actually dangerous). And any real victory it has is won at a great cost.

Most Respectfully,
Islamic terrorism 101

"Hamas Leader Calls for Uprising against Israel"'s 2018, going on 2019.....


...there's nobody at the palestinian wheel.....nobody to turn to...nobody to help PT drinkmores' favorite theatre group folk....the refugees....these young guys being brainwashed and indoctrinated into thinking terrorism is the way.......

~mandate! 1907~
does not compute

does not compute

does not compute
But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.
But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Who has a right to go into a crowded Pizzeria and detonate an explosive vest?
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RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Yes, the Arab Palestines do engage in a number of different resistance (both anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist pursuits) with a diverse coalition of academic and students, with and human rights activists and some religious leaders. But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border → threatening violence, launching incendiary devices, and attempting to place bombs to destroy the Barrier. In one case, HAMAS successfully destroyed (arson) the Kerem Shalom Crossing. BUT, I agree, the "various other" anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist elements and groups outnumber HAMAS in significant numbers.

The Palestinians engage in a wide variety of resistance. The focus on Hamas, a relatively small and recent group, misrepresents the Palestinian resistance.

There was no intent to misrepresent eight the Arab Palestinian Resistance or the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) — with preaches freedom of speech, and nonviolent political action, but appears to have multiple hidden agenda and the opposite effect. This is not a new development. Below are four (4) articles from 215, 2016, 2017 and 2018 showing a global pattern sample from each of those years:

EXCERPT From Violent Boycotts and the BDS Movement • Los Angeles Review of Books 16 JUN 15 said:

This article is adopted from a lecture given on April 24, 2015, at the New York
Consulate General of France’s
“A Night of Philosophy"

For one thing, it is surprising that supporters of the academic boycott find appalling the attempt to limit their freedom of speech — their movement constitutes a massive assault on the same freedom. We should be clear about BDS’s strategy: it is an attempt to take Israelis’ freedom of speech hostage, and to use this hostage in order to put pressure on the Israeli government. Therefore, anyone who is invested in the value of free speech should be reluctant to join BDS. And, for the same reason, a BDS supporter expressing indignation when her own freedom of speech — her freedom to silence others — comes under attack is likely doing so in bad faith. At the same time, a liberal supporter of universal free speech has a case when acting to circumscribe the free speech of BDS supporters. This shouldn’t sound paradoxical: there is room, in a far-off corner of liberal logical space, to support the silencing of those who undertake the massive silencing of others.
SOURCE & LINK: by Omri Boehm

SPME BDS Monitor: Violence Occurs on College Campuses • The algermeiner 3 NOV 16 said:
The growing trend to regard Palestinians as “people of color” continues to superimpose BDS on racial and other protest movements, even as violence by BDS supporters, and their “intersectional” allies, undermines their broader appeal.
SOURCE & LINK: by Alexander Joffe

Anti-Israel pro-BDS profs organizing Antifa campus network • The Legal Insurrection 17 AUG 17 said:

The teaming of BDS and Antifa
is the single most dangerous development
I have witnessed in many years
The anti-Israel Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is notorious for campus violence and disruption directed at Israelis and pro-Israeli students and faculty.

We have featured dozens of incidents of shout-downs and disruptions of events, including physical acts of intimidation. Many of these incidents are discussed in our post, With campus shout downs, first they came for the Jews and Israel.
SOURCE & LINK: by William A. Jacobson

Standford Student Threaten Violence Against Pro-Israeli Students • The National Review 31 JUL 18 said:

Universities must oppose the
immoral and dangerous BDS movement.
It would be wrong to overstate the comparison: This is not the 1930s. Nevertheless, it is necessary, now, to remind ourselves how the seeds of violence are sown, and the tacit indifference that allows them to grow. The threat of violence at Stanford is a symptom of a larger assault, spearheaded by groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, of which Daoud was an active member. This broader movement’s Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel betrays a prejudicial and sinister logic. It is tempting to dismiss BDS and its allied efforts as mere hot air, far-left radicals frolicking in their playpen of demagoguery. But that misses the point.
SOURCE & LINK: by Dov Greenberg

Don't take my word for it. It is not just me and my thoughts, but the thoughts of many that preceive the BDS Movement as having many faces that present themselves as potentially dangerous (if not actually dangerous). And any real victory it has is won at a great cost.

Most Respectfully,
RoccoR said:
We have featured dozens of incidents of shout-downs and disruptions of events, including physical acts of intimidation.
We are working with a double standard here. Israeli supporters are shut down after they start to speak. Palestinian supporters are shut down before they start to speak. That requires two different processes. Why should one be OK and the other not?
But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Who has a right to go into a crowded Pizzeria and detonate an explosive vest?
Who has the right to drop a one ton bomb on an apartment building?
But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Who has a right to go into a crowded Pizzeria and detonate an explosive vest?
Who has the right to drop a one ton bomb on an apartment building?
Every govt that gets attacked by Jihadi military installations placed in that location.
Exactly what happens to ISIS militants who build tunnels underneath or shoot from apartment buildings.
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But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Who has a right to go into a crowded Pizzeria and detonate an explosive vest?
Who has the right to drop a one ton bomb on an apartment building?

Every govt that finds Jihadi military installations in an apartment building.
They cease to be protected civilian sites.
Israel's standard stupid response.
But I mention HAMAS simply because they were (and are) in the news daily and have a certain control of human capital to line up the against the very edge of the border
I know that Hamas is Israel's current boogyman and they will milk that as much as they can.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all means necessary, including armed struggle. The Palestinians use many forms of resistance, It is not my place to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Who has a right to go into a crowded Pizzeria and detonate an explosive vest?
Who has the right to drop a one ton bomb on an apartment building?

Every govt that finds Jihadi military installations in an apartment building.
They cease to be protected civilian sites.
Israel's standard stupid response.
'Stupid' because apologizing for Jihadi suicide attacks
was a smart move on Your behalf?

Or because applying the same standards to Israel as to any other country, is jeopordizing Your bigotry?
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Ken O'Keefe on BBC HardTalk (2010) - Palestine & the Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara


In 2014 posts from a secret British Facebook group, Greta Berlin, the co-founder and spokesperson of the Free Gaza Movement, says that Israeli commandos who boarded the Mavi Marmara flotilla did not open fire on activists until one, Ken O’Keefe, stole a gun from one of them.

“He was responsible for some of the deaths on board the Mavi Marmara. Had he not disarmed an Israeli terrorist soldier, they would not have started to fire. That’s enough. Most of you have no idea what you’re talking about,” Berlin wrote in a debate with other members of the private 'Palestine Live' group for pro-Palestinian activists.

Ken O’Keefe is a radical pro-palestinian activist who served in the American marines and thus had full military training prior to the 2010 raid.

“O’Keefe created all kinds of problems for us on that first trip to Gaza, he lied about having a captain’s license,
he had rather crazy ideas of wanting to have a ‘suicide boat,’” she added.

Activist's online admission backs Israeli version of deadly Gaza flotilla raid
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