Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well that is not strickly accurate.

Occupation is an original mode of acquisition by a State of a title to a territory. It implies the establishment of sovereignty over a territory not under the authority of any other State (terra nullius) whether newly discovered or abandoned by the State formerly in control.
You forgot this part.

Adequate exercise of sovereignty must be peaceful, real, and continuous.​

That bit (must be peaceful,) is not a written requirement established in international law for territiry abandon by the state formerly in control or under the authority of another state. You will not find a single treaty. convention, or law.

The peace takeover (without the use of military force) only applied to an aggressor nation. Customarily the notion that it "must" be a peaceful take-over does not apply in the circumstances where the "defender" is in hot pursuit of opposing forces, and takes-up territory overrun in the pursuit.

In fact, there may in point of fact, be no law concerning this. It certainly was not applied to the Chinese in the military takeover of Philippine Islands in the South China Sea. Nor was Customary Law (or tribunal) apply to the forcible acquisition of most of the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation.

View attachment 217012
More often than not, the types of disputes never make it to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In the case of the Arab Palestinian Conflict (depending on how you look at it) the dispute is either 70 years old - or - 50 years old. The Negotiation Affairs Department (NAD) of the State of Palestine keeps using the 1949 Armistice Lines as a reference demarcation. That makes the dispute closer to 70 years old than it does 50.

International Court of Justice (2012) said:

Then, there is the issue of time. The duration of the time and the lapse of time in a serious attempt at peace. How long can the Arab Palestinians drag-out the conflict and be taken seriously if they cannot negotiate a simple ceasefire with (in perspective) only retaliates against Arab Palestinian assaults? (RHETORICAL)

Most Respectfully,
Your daily clunker. Jordan did not abandon any territory. The West Bank was never theirs. It was occupied Palestinian territory. It is still occupied Palestinian territory.

Actually, it was not, and is not, occupied “Pal’istan” territory.

The Ottoman Turks released all rights and title to land area that included the geographic area called Palestine. There was never an independent, sovereign entity of “Palestine”. Contrary to your misrepresentation and ignorance of the facts, there was never a “country of Pal’istan”.

There was a “ territory “ but not a Country
Agreed. That’s a more precise term.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Just because an entity (any entity) doesn't officially recognize an action as "legal" (or illegal) does not change the value of reality (the truth).

From your link:

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community.[4] A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area "annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants

Many countries do not think what the Russian did with the Crimea --- and what the Chinese did in the South China Sea were not legal. But it's like robbing a bank. It's wrong; its illegal, but it doesn't stop the bank roberies. They happen more frequently than you might think. Because an action is not recognized as legal, does not mean it did not happen and that it can be ignored like (as you often say) "it didn't happen."

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Just because an entity (any entity) doesn't officially recognize an action as "legal" (or illegal) does not change the value of reality (the truth).

From your link:

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community.[4] A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area "annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants

Many countries do not think what the Russian did with the Crimea --- and what the Chinese did in the South China Sea were not legal. But it's like robbing a bank. It's wrong; its illegal, but it doesn't stop the bank roberies. They happen more frequently than you might think. Because an action is not recognized as legal, does not mean it did not happen and that it can be ignored like (as you often say) "it didn't happen."

Most Respectfully,
Deflection. It is illegal to annex occupied territory. It is what it is.

BTW, Israel annexed occupied territory.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Just because an entity (any entity) doesn't officially recognize an action as "legal" (or illegal) does not change the value of reality (the truth).

From your link:

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community.[4] A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area "annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants

Many countries do not think what the Russian did with the Crimea --- and what the Chinese did in the South China Sea were not legal. But it's like robbing a bank. It's wrong; its illegal, but it doesn't stop the bank roberies. They happen more frequently than you might think. Because an action is not recognized as legal, does not mean it did not happen and that it can be ignored like (as you often say) "it didn't happen."

Most Respectfully,
Deflection. It is illegal to annex occupied territory. It is what it is.

BTW, Israel annexed occupied territory.

Deflection; The West Bank and E. Jerusalem were officially considered to be part of Jordan.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Just because an entity (any entity) doesn't officially recognize an action as "legal" (or illegal) does not change the value of reality (the truth).

From your link:

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community.[4] A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area "annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants

Many countries do not think what the Russian did with the Crimea --- and what the Chinese did in the South China Sea were not legal. But it's like robbing a bank. It's wrong; its illegal, but it doesn't stop the bank roberies. They happen more frequently than you might think. Because an action is not recognized as legal, does not mean it did not happen and that it can be ignored like (as you often say) "it didn't happen."

Most Respectfully,
Deflection. It is illegal to annex occupied territory. It is what it is.

BTW, Israel annexed occupied territory.

Deflection; The West Bank and E. Jerusalem were officially considered to be part of Jordan.
Not so.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Just because an entity (any entity) doesn't officially recognize an action as "legal" (or illegal) does not change the value of reality (the truth).

From your link:

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community.[4] A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area "annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants

Many countries do not think what the Russian did with the Crimea --- and what the Chinese did in the South China Sea were not legal. But it's like robbing a bank. It's wrong; its illegal, but it doesn't stop the bank roberies. They happen more frequently than you might think. Because an action is not recognized as legal, does not mean it did not happen and that it can be ignored like (as you often say) "it didn't happen."

Most Respectfully,
Deflection. It is illegal to annex occupied territory. It is what it is.

BTW, Israel annexed occupied territory.

Deflection; The West Bank and E. Jerusalem were officially considered to be part of Jordan.
Not so.

The facts don’t lie. The W. Bank was FORMALLY annexed April 24, 1950. As I mentioned in my previous post there wasn’t an outcry about “ occupation “ or “ International Law” Israel was supposed to have access to E. Jerusalen but they were denied . Get it? Of course not.
W. Bank Palestinian dies in Israel army custody: Family
21-year-old dies only hours after being detained from his home, relatives say

A Palestinian youth on Tuesday died within hours of being detained by Israeli army troops in the occupied West Bank, according to members of the young man’s family.

Relatives of Mohamed al-Rimawi, 21, said the Israeli army had informed them of the young man’s death only hours after taking him from his home in the West Bank town of Beit Rima.

According to family members, al-Rimawi was beaten while in custody.

W. Bank Palestinian dies in Israel army custody: Family
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