Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I can't believe you said that!

After more than seven (7) decades of war, just who is going to take that chance.

What evidence do you have that any particular refugee would not live in peace?
3 JULY 2018 Official Palestinian Authority TV

Most Respectfully,

War talk. Take away the war...


If you take away "war" from the conflict, what do you have? I think that is called: "Peace!"

Most Respectfully,
Why Palestinians Do Not Have a Parliament

  • In the absence of a parliament, the Palestinians have no address to express their grievances. They cannot write to or phone their elected legislators to complain about anything. All they can do is resort to social media, especially Facebook, to air their views.

  • As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not tolerate criticism particularly well, he doubtless feels more comfortable delivering speeches at international forums such as the United Nations, the European Parliament and his own Fatah and PLO institutions than at the Palestinian parliament. The others are places where no one takes him to task for his tyranny.

  • In the past few years, scores of Palestinians have been harassed, arrested and interrogated by Abbas's security forces for posting critical comments on Facebook.

Why Palestinians Do Not Have a Parliament
Why Palestinians Do Not Have a Parliament

  • In the absence of a parliament, the Palestinians have no address to express their grievances. They cannot write to or phone their elected legislators to complain about anything. All they can do is resort to social media, especially Facebook, to air their views.

  • As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not tolerate criticism particularly well, he doubtless feels more comfortable delivering speeches at international forums such as the United Nations, the European Parliament and his own Fatah and PLO institutions than at the Palestinian parliament. The others are places where no one takes him to task for his tyranny.

  • In the past few years, scores of Palestinians have been harassed, arrested and interrogated by Abbas's security forces for posting critical comments on Facebook.

Why Palestinians Do Not Have a Parliament
Abbas and Israel closed the parliament in June of 2007. Since the PM and all of his ministers must be approved by parliament before they can take office, there is no legal government in the West Bank.
Here is an interesting overview article concerning peace activism.

There are many quotes I could pull out, but it really is worth reading the whole thing. Here is the concluding paragraph, though:

"I don't think there is anything that can be called a joint peace movement. We don't accept them. They are normalisation projects used by Israel and certain foreign countries to normalise the situation.
Normalization assumes that the Israelis and Palestinians just don't get along. That is not the problem. The problem is Israel's policies. Friendships will not change those policies.


..there is no such thing in a world where "WKT" are the government. kite bombs, recruiting children as terrorists, and having gaza all to yourselves since...2005 - has been anything but NORMAL[living] ... remember all that in-fighting?

rocket and gun smuggling tunnels

"Israelis and Palestinians just don't get along"

sorry, having terrorists as a government...."ain't" normal.....

An Israeli court on Thursday renewed the administrative detention of leading member of the PFLP Khalida Jarrar for the fourth consecutive time.

The military court approved the renewal order that would keep Jarrar in detention for three more months.

Israeli forces had detained Jarrar on July 2nd, 2017,a year after her release. Since then, her detention was renewed three times.


Israel renews detention of Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
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