Palestine Today

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I realized I forgot to add the link to the site so it is now added. It is very interesting. Here is how they describe what they are doing.

What is PiP?
Political is Personal / Israel + Palestine is a project of interviews conducted with individual Palestinian and Israeli Jewish women conveying how the conflict has affected their lives. Their stories help to personalize one of the most seemingly intractable conflicts in the world.

  • All the stories feature Palestinian and Israeli Jewish women, who are 18 years old or above;
  • The interviews are conducted either face-to-face, via Skype, email, chat or phone depending on circumstances and on the wishes of the interviewees;
  • The first name of the interviewee is included in the title of her story or is completely anonymous - all depending on the wishes of the interviewee;
  • Interviews are free-flowing, allowing for the subject's safe, non-judgmental, open telling of her thoughts, experience and feelings.
  • Stories are edited only for clarity, flow and structure.
  • Tolerance, Respect and Sensitivity: Once the story of an interviewee is written, it is sent back to her for her approval or modifications. Because of the sensitivity of the political situation, and because the stories will be publicly available, no story is published without the full consent of the interviewee.

Which side initiated this?

What difference does it make? Why is it you are so utterly unwilling to credit Palestinians with anything good yet you rail on about the demonizing of Israel?
I merely asked a simple question, if You don't wanna answer just say, and I'll treat our further exchange accordingly.

But let's be clear on one thing, these infantile deflections from discussing factual data, don't give You ground to point fingers at anyone.
I gave an answer to a what looks like a loaded question. What difference does it make? Neither side originated it.

Instead of accepting it for what is you seek ways of marginalizing such as claiming they are all Israeli citizens.

It's an Israeli project, founded by an Israeli woman, You posted it claiming it certainly reflects "Palestine today".
When You find me anything close to what Corey Gil Project or PIP initiate on the Palestinian side let me know.

Exactly HOW does it not reflect Palestine today? Did you read the stories? Did you notice they included PALESTINIAN voices from Gaza and West Bank? No? Of course not.


Middle East Justice and Development Initiatives (Mejdi) is a local grassroots Palestinian organization which was founded by Aziz Abu Sarah, a young Palestinian activist who seeks to advocate cooperation and reconciliation efforts. Mejdi seeks to promote dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. one part of its peacemaking efforts is to promote local economic development, and strengthening of economic cooperation and Palestinian small businesses.[26] Abu Sarah has been consistently involved in a range of workshops and efforts in which he has promoted greater efforts towards reconciliation and dialogue between individual Israelis and Palestinians.[27]

Roots/Judur/Shorashim: The Palestinian Israeli Initiative for Understanding, Nonviolence, and Reconciliation
At the start of 2014, community activists Ali Abu Awwad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger,[30][31][32][33] along with others, formed "Roots", a group based in the West Bank area of Gush Etzion to promote dialog and eventually trust between Israelis and Palestinian as a path to peace.[34] The group's full name is Roots/Judur/Shorashim: The Palestinian Israeli Initiative for Understanding, Nonviolence, and Reconciliation, and was initially situated on Awwad's family’s land near the village of Beit Ummar in the West Bank.[35]

The Roots project organizes meetings between Israelis and Palestinians who live near each other in the West Bank in order to create dialogue. The project's outreach program includes monthly meetings between Israeli and Palestinian families, a women's group, work with school children, engaging local leaders, a summer camp, language learning, and cultural exchanges. In order to accommodate this wide variety of activities, a centrally-located site in the Gush Etzion area of the West Bank is used as a convenient meeting area.[36]

Ali Abu Awwad is a Palestinian activist and pacifist. He is the founder of Al Tariq (The Way) and a member of the Bereaved Families Forum, and tours the world together with Robi Damelin, a Jewish woman whose son was killed by a Palestinian sniper, to encourage dialogue and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. His life and work has been featured in two award-winning films, Encounter Point and Forbidden Childhood. He lives in Beit Ummar, near Hebron.[37]

Ali Abu Awwad, whose brother died in the conflice, attends many meetings with local Jewish residents.[38] One of the very first such meetings of his occurred in July 2014, between local Israeli and Palestinians within one part of the Etzion bloc in the West Bank.[39]

Source: Arab–Israeli peace projects - Wikipedia

There are actually quite a lengthy list of cooperative programs and groups involving Palestinians and Jews...but apparently despite the participation of Palestinians in these doesn’t “count” unless they initiate the project. :rolleyes-41:
What happened to the millions paid to Hamas in past decades?
What happened to the Billions paid to the Zionist/Israelis in the past decades ??????

Have you heard of loan guarantees?

Didn't think you had. :04:
I have but Israel don't adhere to them,so your next question to me is?

Quite a few people think I am extremely nice to you,which is how it should be but you don't have to be so negative in response all the time,men can be nice and respectful,just because things have not always been so great in life,does not mean you have to pretend to hate me,just be yourself...Captain Mindful...siam
Which side initiated this?

What difference does it make? Why is it you are so utterly unwilling to credit Palestinians with anything good yet you rail on about the demonizing of Israel?
I merely asked a simple question, if You don't wanna answer just say, and I'll treat our further exchange accordingly.

But let's be clear on one thing, these infantile deflections from discussing factual data, don't give You ground to point fingers at anyone.
I gave an answer to a what looks like a loaded question. What difference does it make? Neither side originated it.

Instead of accepting it for what is you seek ways of marginalizing such as claiming they are all Israeli citizens.

It's an Israeli project, founded by an Israeli woman, You posted it claiming it certainly reflects "Palestine today".
When You find me anything close to what Corey Gil Project or PIP initiate on the Palestinian side let me know.

Exactly HOW does it not reflect Palestine today? Did you read the stories? Did you notice they included PALESTINIAN voices from Gaza and West Bank? No? Of course not.

Yes I did, what's wrong with mentioning it's an Israeli initiative?

Looks like great fun.

Out, pesky Muslim-Arabs... out.

Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains should be packing up and emigrating elsewhere in the world.

While they still have time, before they're forced out.

Nature will de-select those lacking the brains to leave.

They will end-up in a tent on the East Bank of the Jordan, pissing and moaning for another 70 years, pointlessly.

It's what happens when an armed, modern civilization confronts the remnants of a hostile State that never existed and that never will exist.
What difference does it make? Why is it you are so utterly unwilling to credit Palestinians with anything good yet you rail on about the demonizing of Israel?
I merely asked a simple question, if You don't wanna answer just say, and I'll treat our further exchange accordingly.

But let's be clear on one thing, these infantile deflections from discussing factual data, don't give You ground to point fingers at anyone.
I gave an answer to a what looks like a loaded question. What difference does it make? Neither side originated it.

Instead of accepting it for what is you seek ways of marginalizing such as claiming they are all Israeli citizens.

It's an Israeli project, founded by an Israeli woman, You posted it claiming it certainly reflects "Palestine today".
When You find me anything close to what Corey Gil Project or PIP initiate on the Palestinian side let me know.

Exactly HOW does it not reflect Palestine today? Did you read the stories? Did you notice they included PALESTINIAN voices from Gaza and West Bank? No? Of course not.

Yes I did, what's wrong with mentioning it's an Israeli initiative?
Did I say anything was wrong with it? No. I asked why does it matter.
Did I say anything was wrong with it? No. I asked why does it matter.

I'll chime in and say that I think it does matter. It matters because "normalization" with Israel (read: Jews) is still very much rejected by much of the Arab Palestinians and certainly by their government.

The residents of Khan al Ahmar are being threatened in order to ensure they don't co-operate with Israel. The residents of Nabi Saleh certainly don't seem to be interested in mutual enjoyment of the local spring. And again, the travesty that if the Temple Mount. As examples.

Yes, I realize I am painting with a broad brush, but I have yet to see many examples, let alone common examples, of Arab Palestinians in the WB and Gaza reaching out to Jews for normalization and mutual support. This has yet to become a presence in the conflict, imo.

The common thread seems to be that the only solution to the conflict is to return ALL "Arab lands" to Arab control.
Did I say anything was wrong with it? No. I asked why does it matter.

I'll chime in and say that I think it does matter. It matters because "normalization" with Israel (read: Jews) is still very much rejected by much of the Arab Palestinians and certainly by their government.

The residents of Khan al Ahmar are being threatened in order to ensure they don't co-operate with Israel. The residents of Nabi Saleh certainly don't seem to be interested in mutual enjoyment of the local spring. And again, the travesty that if the Temple Mount. As examples.

Yes, I realize I am painting with a broad brush, but I have yet to see many examples, let alone common examples, of Arab Palestinians in the WB and Gaza reaching out to Jews for normalization and mutual support. This has yet to become a presence in the conflict, imo.
I gave some examples of Palestinians initiating programs. In each of the endeavors started by an Israeli, Palestinians participate (at far greater risk than Israeli's) and even share leadership roles. Unlike Israeli's, Palestinians risk violence from their own governnent (Hamas) for cooperative endeavers. And when these peograms and initiatives are pointed out, the response is dismissive as if all the credit belongs to the Israeli's. So IS IT different? No. It really isnt. Oneis operating from a stable, secure, pitically strong system. The other is operating from a chaotic, unpredictable and politically unstable position. One side incurs no risk, the other consiidetable risk for cooperating. One side is a well watered garden of programs and endeavers, the other is only beginning to plant the seeds. And and over their efforts are dismissed.
Did I say anything was wrong with it? No. I asked why does it matter.

I'll chime in and say that I think it does matter. It matters because "normalization" with Israel (read: Jews) is still very much rejected by much of the Arab Palestinians and certainly by their government.

The residents of Khan al Ahmar are being threatened in order to ensure they don't co-operate with Israel. The residents of Nabi Saleh certainly don't seem to be interested in mutual enjoyment of the local spring. And again, the travesty that if the Temple Mount. As examples.

Yes, I realize I am painting with a broad brush, but I have yet to see many examples, let alone common examples, of Arab Palestinians in the WB and Gaza reaching out to Jews for normalization and mutual support. This has yet to become a presence in the conflict, imo.
I gave some examples of Palestinians initiating programs. In each of the endeavors started by an Israeli, Palestinians participate (at far greater risk than Israeli's) and even share leadership roles. Unlike Israeli's, Palestinians risk violence from their own governnent (Hamas) for cooperative endeavers. And when these peograms and initiatives are pointed out, the response is dismissive as if all the credit belongs to the Israeli's. So IS IT different? No. It really isnt. Oneis operating from a stable, secure, pitically strong system. The other is operating from a chaotic, unpredictable and politically unstable position. One side incurs no risk, the other consiidetable risk for cooperating. One side is a well watered garden of programs and endeavers, the other is only beginning to plant the seeds. And and over their efforts are dismissed.

Exactly. You just confirmed my point. That is exactly why it matters.
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