Palestine Today

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If all refugees from WWII were considered by the same rules as the Arab Palestinians there would be 525 million additional and never ending refugees in the world.

Not to mention 8 million Jewish refugees in "need" of services.
And let's consider another thing. If people are considered refugees in all their generations then there are 16 million Jews in the world, all of whom are refugees.

If all refugees from WWII were considered by the same rules as the Arab Palestinians there would be 525 million additional and never ending refugees in the world.

Not to mention 8 million Jewish refugees in "need" of services.

Eyup. UNRWA has become nothing more than an entitlement program exploited by, and for the sole use of islamic terrorists.

If all refugees from WWII were considered by the same rules as the Arab Palestinians there would be 525 million additional and never ending refugees in the world.

Not to mention 8 million Jewish refugees in "need" of services.

Eyup. UNRWA has become nothing more than an entitlement program exploited by, and for the sole use of islamic terrorists.

Yep. UNRWA needs to be put to sleep and all real refugees (according to the standard the rest of the world uses) should be transferred to UNHCR.

But I'll add one other thing. I don't think UNRWA is an entitlement program exploited by Arab Muslims so much as an entitlement program created and exploited by opposition to Jews. Because ... Jews. I think that is the source of their power.
Cheshvan 14
In 1917, the British government gave final approval for the Balfour Declaration, calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in historic Israel. The declaration took the form of a letter from Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild, who had once been a member of the British Parliament. In 1922, the United States Congress formally endorsed the Balfour Declaration. In the ensuing decades, the British would slowly whittle away at their commitment -- first lopping off 80 percent of the land east of the Jordan River to create the Kingdom of Transjordan (now Jordan), and then restricting Jewish immigration and rights to purchase land to the west of the Jordan River. The volatility of the situation ultimately forced the British to withdraw from the region in 1948.

Balfour was a Zionist,Rothchild was a Zionist Mindy...I need say NO MORE...steve
Cheshvan 14
In 1917, the British government gave final approval for the Balfour Declaration, calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in historic Israel. The declaration took the form of a letter from Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild, who had once been a member of the British Parliament. In 1922, the United States Congress formally endorsed the Balfour Declaration. In the ensuing decades, the British would slowly whittle away at their commitment -- first lopping off 80 percent of the land east of the Jordan River to create the Kingdom of Transjordan (now Jordan), and then restricting Jewish immigration and rights to purchase land to the west of the Jordan River. The volatility of the situation ultimately forced the British to withdraw from the region in 1948.

Balfour was a Zionist,Rothchild was a Zionist Mindy...I need say NO MORE...steve

That's a relief.
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