Palestine Today

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You use that generic phrase "illegal activities" like it is some special gun. In the real world of human existence, there will always be wrong. But the Arab Palestinian has raised the bar to a new level of insanity. Incendiary kites for the purpose of starting destruction to property is a new low.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

And the candy asses in Israel whine about a few kites.
You use that generic phrase "illegal activities" like it is some special gun. In the real world of human existence, there will always be wrong. But the Arab Palestinian has raised the bar to a new level of insanity. Incendiary kites for the purpose of starting destruction to property is a new low.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

And the candy asses in Israel whine about a few kites.

It’s not just a few kites. It’s a systematic employment by Islamic terrorists of the most brutal, most malevolent acts of inflicting pain and misery on themselves as well as others.

Why do you whine and moan about the continued beatdowns your heroes take? You’re doing nothing but sitting on the sidelines flailing your Pom Poms. It’s not as though your cut and paste gee-had via YouTube videos is going to impress anyone.
You use that generic phrase "illegal activities" like it is some special gun. In the real world of human existence, there will always be wrong. But the Arab Palestinian has raised the bar to a new level of insanity. Incendiary kites for the purpose of starting destruction to property is a new low.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

And the candy asses in Israel whine about a few kites.

Too bad, so sad. Between July 8 and 20 over 1200 Rockets were fired into Israel. Please tell us what the “ International Community “ did about it? Nothing. On July 20 Israel dropped flyers warning people to leave . Whatever happened, rthey brought it on themselves.
You use that generic phrase "illegal activities" like it is some special gun. In the real world of human existence, there will always be wrong. But the Arab Palestinian has raised the bar to a new level of insanity. Incendiary kites for the purpose of starting destruction to property is a new low.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

And the candy asses in Israel whine about a few kites.

Oh look another badly staged palywood production,
who would expect anything else from a Jihadi lovebird, right?

RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You say that as if it were true.

Just remember, that every attack by the Arab Palestinians against the Israelis, no matter what kind, is punishable under international humanitarian law (GCIV).

Every counter-attack by the Israelis again the attacking Arab Palestinians are recognized as defensive under Article 2 and Article 51 of the UN Charter.

You use that generic phrase "illegal activities" like it is some special gun. In the real world of human existence, there will always be wrong. But the Arab Palestinian has raised the bar to a new level of insanity. Incendiary kites for the purpose of starting destruction to property is a new low.
Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

And the candy asses in Israel whine about a few kites.


Some of those Arson Kite attacks burned for 6 hours or more and involved 10 fir fighting crews to battle it.

See the exhibit, “The Effects of Arson Kites on the South of Israel.

Incendiary weapons, under international humanitarian law (IHL), describes weapons that act mainly through fire and heat. The 1980 Protocol III on Incendiary Weapons of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons restricts the use of incendiary weapons as a means or method of warfare during an armed conflict.

EXCERPT: Protocol III to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. said:
Article 2: Protection of civilians and civilian objects

1. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects the object of attack by incendiary weapons.

2. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons.

Arson is serious business and can have serious consequences. Of course, again the Arab Palestinians hold the position that they are special and above the law.

Most Respectfully,
Every counter-attack by the Israelis again the attacking Arab Palestinians are recognized as defensive under Article 2 and Article 51 of the UN Charter.
How about any attacks by the Palestinians against the attacking Israelis are recognized as defensive under Article 2 and Article 51 of the UN Charter?
Arson is serious business and can have serious consequences. Of course, again the Arab Palestinians hold the position that they are special and above the law.
So then, why doesn't Israel take them to court?

Oh yeah:


John Mearsheimer: Inevitability of the One State Solution

There already is a one-stare solution: Israel.

The Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza’istan and Fatah’istan are just failed, welfare fraud recipients.
Report from Gaza: The View from the Street, During the Siege - Laila El-Haddad

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