Palestine Today

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One on One - An Arab Moslem and His gee-had.

Be more specific. Do you want a one state solution? Yes or no. International law is what the US says it is.
The conquest of territory by force is illegal.

You bumped your head too hard on the prayer mat, right?

There’s an inherent right to resist Islamic terrorism. Resistance will continue.
Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.:290968001256257790-final:

Name one Mostly Islamic country that is not either a social, economic or political mess.
Name one that does not suffer from foreign intervention.

Did you just answer my question with a question? Rude.


Suffer LOL
Be more specific. Do you want a one state solution? Yes or no. International law is what the US says it is.
The conquest of territory by force is illegal.

You bumped your head too hard on the prayer mat, right?

There’s an inherent right to resist Islamic terrorism. Resistance will continue.
Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.:290968001256257790-final:

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The conquest of territory by force is illegal.

You bumped your head too hard on the prayer mat, right?

There’s an inherent right to resist Islamic terrorism. Resistance will continue.
Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.:290968001256257790-final:

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?
You bumped your head too hard on the prayer mat, right?

There’s an inherent right to resist Islamic terrorism. Resistance will continue.
Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.:290968001256257790-final:

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?
RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
You bumped your head too hard on the prayer mat, right?

There’s an inherent right to resist Islamic terrorism. Resistance will continue.
Has nothing to do with the conquest of territory.:290968001256257790-final:

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

It's an interesting question. The two (more) state solution is trying to solve the problem of self-determination for two distinct peoples competing for the same territory.

If you reject the idea that one of those peoples should have self-determination, then two states won't solve that problem.
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RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

Answer my question old man
There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."
The UN had the authority to divide a country?

RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."
The UN had the authority to divide a country?


You still have not answered the question. WOW!!!

Victors tell history. I have told you this 1000x. You obviously cannot read. You're also a coward.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

There is no legal requirement for two states.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."
The UN had the authority to divide a country?


I am not letting this go, coward. One state or two. What do you want?
RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

Do you want one state or two. Simple question. Answer it.
The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."
The UN had the authority to divide a country?


I am not letting this go, coward. One state or two. What do you want?
It is already one state.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ AzogtheDefiler, P F Tinmore, et al,

By the admission of may Arab Palestinians like our friend "P F Tinmore," the two-state recommendation is either unreliable as a viable solution that will stand on its merits --- or --- unacceptable because the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."

This leads us only to the conclusion that the Arab Palestinians would rather NOT have an economically sound and progressive nation in a peaceful environment if they have to live in peace with Jewish neighbors.

The two state "solution" has been on the table since 1937. Eighty years later we still don't have it. It must not be a good idea.

BTW, what problem is the two state solution trying to resolve?

Are you going to answer me or not?

A) One State

B) Two State

What do you want?!?!?!?!?!?

The idea of an Arab Palestinian Acceptable → "One State Solution" is based on the premise that the merger would ultimately result in an Arab Palestinian majority having control of the IDF and → that could then legally dismantle the Jewish National Home in favor of an Arab State. This would first start with the Arab Palestinian Refugees placing such a financial and social welfare burden on the Israeli economy as to collapse the most successful state in the entire region; leaving an empty husk in place of was once the 18th most human developed nation in the world. (Death by a thousand cuts.)

Most Respectfully,
the "Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them."
The UN had the authority to divide a country?


I am not letting this go, coward. One state or two. What do you want?
It is already one state.

Answer the question. One or two?

Don't dodge.

You want it to be one and erradicate the ONLY majority Jewish country. This is what your cowardice won't allow you to state. Sad, really. At least be a man and say it. Here is your problem. Only way that happens is by force. Good luck with that. EVERY majority Muslim country is a problem for modern/Western countries. We don't need another one. I am man enough to speak my mind. Let's see if you are or if you just keep hiding behind your boring video vignettes.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an interesting quest...

The UN had the authority to divide a country?


It seems that on agreement of the UN General Assembly, under Chapter XII, UN Charter.

The Answer is YES to the question of authority, having been handed down (all rights and title whatsoever) from Artilce16 of the Treaty of Lausanne.

UN Charter - Chapter XII said:
Article 77
1 The trusteeship system shall apply to such territories in the following categories as may be placed thereunder by means of trusteeship agreements:

a. territories now held under mandate;

b. territories which may be detached from enemy states as a result of the Second World War; and

c. territories voluntarily placed under the system by states responsible for their administration.

2 It will be a matter for subsequent agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms.

Article 78
The trusteeship system shall not apply to territories which have become Members of the United Nations, relationship among which shall be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality.

Jordan is an Article 78 former Mandate Territory, independent Kingdom 1946, and UN Member.
Israel became an Article 78 former Mandate Territory, 1948, independent state and UN Member.

I do not believe that the US foresaw the fiasco that the territories that were non-self-governing territories.
The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are Article 77a, former Mandate Territories, 1948. However, these entities are not members of the UN. As of 2005, the Gaza Strip became self-governing (such as that mess of criminals are) when the Israelis unilaterially withdrew.

Most Respectfully,
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