Palestine Today

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Stereotyping of Jews
by Bassam Tawil
January 19, 2019 at 5:00 am

Palestinians' Anti-Semitic Stereotyping of Jews

  • Abbas and the Palestinian leadership are clearly trying to drag Israel into a religious conflict with all Muslims, not only Palestinians. The Temple Mount has become their favorite platform for disseminating blood libels....

  • If anyone is defiling the sanctity of the holy site, it is Abbas and his representatives in the West Bank.

  • Were Israel to stop a Palestinian from entering a holy site because of his clothing, the foreign reporters based in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv would have rushed to the scene to interview the man and tell the world that Israel is violating freedom of worship. This is yet another example of how the media gives the Palestinians a pass and allows them to continue their vicious incitement against Israel.
Palestinians are continuing to use the Temple Mount, in Arabic known as the Haram al-Sharif, in Jerusalem, as a platform for incitement against Israel in general and Jews in particular.

This incitement, which began after Jewish tourists were permitted to resume their visits to the holy site in 2014, has since taken various forms. The Jewish visits to the holy site had been suspended for several years during the Second Intifada uprising, which erupted in September 2000.

Since 2014, the Palestinian Authority leadership, including President Mahmoud Abbas, have been waging an unprecedented wave of incitement against Israel and Jews to protest visits to the Temple Mount.

In 2015, Abbas announced that the Palestinians "won't allow Jews with their filthy feet to defile our Al-Aqsa Mosque."

He went on to praise Palestinians who were ready to sacrifice their lives in order to stop Jews from visiting the holy site: "We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Allah and Jerusalem. Every martyr (Shahid) will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah."
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I am seldom surprised when the Arab Palestinians are accused of incitement to violence. The Arab Palestinians know that it is against the Covenant on International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to advocate religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. But not only have they ignored this understanding but have amplified its violation by using the holy ground to disseminated this hatred.

In 2015, Abbas announced that the Palestinians "won't allow Jews with their filthy feet to defile our Al-Aqsa Mosque."

He went on to praise Palestinians who were ready to sacrifice their lives in order to stop Jews from visiting the holy site: "We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Allah and Jerusalem. Every martyr (Shahid) will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah."

Haram esh-Sharif (Temple Mount) is often defiled, not by the Jewish People, but by the Arab Palestinians. And these acts of corruption on the purity or perfection of the Temple Mount is actually encouraged by the Arab Palestinian Leadership.

This is nothing much that can be done in a radicalized Islamic atmosphere condoned by the Arab League membership that permits the blasphemy perpetrated by the Arab Palestinians on the site is → the third holiest in Islam.

Most Respectfully,
The state of Israel is of the view that only territories captured in war from "an established and recognized sovereign" are considered occupied territories.

As those territories had previously been occupied by Jordan, how can they be Palestinian land?
The state of Israel is of the view that only territories captured in war from "an established and recognized sovereign" are considered occupied territories.

As those territories had previously been occupied by Jordan, how can they be Palestinian land?
You have to follow it step by step from the beginning.
The state of Israel is of the view that only territories captured in war from "an established and recognized sovereign" are considered occupied territories.

As those territories had previously been occupied by Jordan, how can they be Palestinian land?
You have to follow it step by step from the beginning.

You're telling me?
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